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Along the unique freshwater tidal zone of the river Schelde (Belgium), plants of Scirpus species occur primarily in small and fragmented populations. The majority of these are native Scirpus lacustris, S. pungens, S. triqueter, S. tabernaemontani and intermediate morphological forms. The distribution area of S. triqueter is even restricted to this tidal habitat. However, several cultivated S. tabernaemontani strains have recently been introduced. The latter species is often used to stabilize riverbanks. To determine the existing genetic diversity among these species, stems from plants from 44 different locations were subjected to random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, using 22 decanucleotide primers. Data analysis of the amplified DNA fragments enabled us to unambiguously differentiate among these Scirpus taxa. Hybridization between S. triqueter and S. tabernaemontani was documented, and the studied hybrids were always genetically more similar to S. triqueter than to S. tabernaemontani . Among the introduced clones, at least two different origins could be distinguished. Several of the introduced S. tabernaemontani clones were clearly different from individuals of the same species that were native to this region. As there were different hybrid genotypes owing to different hybrid events or to introgression, this complex should be safeguarded from genetic pollution. New S. tabernaemontani genotypes with markers not previously observed in that hybrid complex of the unique tidal freshwater habitat should be avoided in replantation projects.  相似文献   
本文研究了上海市南汇县东海农场海堤外侧滩涂上海三棱藨草种群的密度动态,高度生长动态、生物量动态以及它们之间及其与环境之间的相互关系。研究结果表明:在环境条件相对稳定的地带A和B内,海三棱藨草种群的高度、高度生长和生物量在生长期内符合Logisfic增长。种群生物量动态与密度动态可分为3个阶段,其中阶段Ⅱ符合Yoda等提出的-3/2自疏定律。地带B为海三棱藨草种群生长的最适地带。地带C内生境条件极不稳定,种群的数量动态变化亦相当剧烈。在不同环境条件下,密度制约因素和非密度制约因素对种群数量动态的相对作用是不同的。在环境条件较稳定的生境中(地带A和B),密度制约因素是决定种群数量动态的主要因素;在环境条件变化剧烈的生境中(地带C),非密度制约因素是决定种群数量动态的主要因素。  相似文献   
海三棱蔍草种群的物候与分布格局研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海三棱藨草群落是生长在海岸带滩涂原生裸地上的原生植被,在上海地区分布面积达20多万亩。本项工作研究了上海市南汇县东海农场海堤外侧滩涂上海三棱藨草种群的物候和分布格局。根据滩涂高程以及海三棱藨草种群生长状况,可以划分成三个地带,即地带A,海三棱藨草与芦苇群落交错区;地带B,海三棱藨草种群生长最适的中潮位地带;地带C,海三棱藨草种群定居地带。由于三个地带内,生境条件不同,海三棱藨草种群的物候有明显差异。从地带A至C,海三棱藨草种群的分布格局依次为随机分布、均匀分布和随机分布或群聚分布。其空间分布格局在随时间变化的同时也在空间上改变其位置。  相似文献   
With theoretical and method ecological approach of numerical taxonomy,by selecting 8 relatively stable numerical characters in asexual propagation of Scirpus planiculmis in Songliao ecological area we have carried out the maximum synchronous branch classification for the investigation of the regularity in asexual propagation. A dendrogram of asexual propagation potency was established with maximum synchronous branch coefficients as numerical parameters and a developing level graph of asexual propagation characters in the matural propagation generations was drawn up on the basis of the total value of evolutionary steps. Thus the relativity between the ontogenesis of natural reproduction and the community competitive potency was unveiled. Based on the numerical parameters of leaped values in the asexual propagation of S. planiculmis,the key period of weed eradication was determined.  相似文献   
崇明东滩南部滩面高程、土壤盐度在空间上呈明显的梯度变化规律。高程整体西高东低、北高南低, 盐度东北高、西南低, 两者共同限制着盐沼植物在空间上的分布。该文围绕崇明东滩南部主要植被类群及其空间分布, 探讨了土壤盐度、潮滩高程两大环境因子与植物种群分布的对应关系。基于2013年夏、秋季植被空间网格采样和空间插值, 分析了东滩南部植物的空间分布现状, 发现不同植物类群在高程和土壤盐度上存在极显著的差异(p < 0.01)。高程差异: 莎草科类群主要分布于高程区间2.93-4.07 m的低潮滩, 禾本科主要集中分布在高程3.13-4.31 m的中、高潮滩; 盐度差异: 海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)优势种群植被覆盖区表层30 cm的平均土壤盐度为(3.2 ± 0.6) g·kg-1, 显著高于其他类群植物分布区的平均土壤盐度(2.0 ± 0.3) g·kg-1 (p < 0.01)。崇明东滩湿地生态系统的关键种兼先锋种——海三棱藨草, 分布高程介于2.53-3.97 m, 而互花米草能适应海三棱藨草80%的高程区间, 两者在高程上存在竞争关系。统计数据显示, 研究区域中近90%的海三棱藨草分布在研究区东北部, 土壤盐度范围为1.6-4.5 g·kg-1, 海三棱藨草、互花米草能较好地适应该空间内的盐度胁迫, 两种植物在此交替出现。但是在高程和土壤盐度的综合作用下, 互花米草的生长状况更好, 因此该区的海三棱藨草很可能会被互花米草逐步取代。对各类群植被分布和优势面积的研究发现, 海三棱藨草总分布面积为294 hm2, 优势群落面积120 hm2, 海三棱藨草仅占莎草科植物总优势面积的15.7%, 占研究区总面积的6.9%, 在6种主要植物(芦苇(Phragmites australis)、白茅(Imperata cylindrica)、互花米草、糙叶薹草(Carex scabrifolia)、藨草(Scirpus triqueter)、海三棱藨草)中比重最小, 这给保护区内海三棱藨草种群的恢复和保护带来极大的挑战。  相似文献   
滨海湿地生态修复已成为阻止海岸带生态系统退化、保护生物多样性以及提供生态服务的关键措施。以长江口原生盐沼植物海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)为研究对象,选取崇明东滩新生滩涂湿地为研究区域,通过沿潮滩高程梯度的海三棱藨草植株斑块的移植实验,探究胁迫梯度假说和互惠理论(即种内的正相互作用)对长江口海三棱藨草种群恢复的指导意义。研究结果显示:(1)在一定的胁迫梯度范围内(潮滩高程2.0 m以上),增大种植斑块可以促进海三棱藨草的种内正相互作用,显著提高种植斑块的存活率和植株密度(P0.05);(2)潮滩水文动力沉积条件与潮滩高程梯度密切相关(P0.05),水文动力沉积作用对海三棱藨草定居和生长的胁迫随高程梯度下降而增强。潮滩高程2.0 m以下处强烈的水文动力条件干扰限制了生物-物理因素的正反馈作用。滨海湿地盐沼植被修复工作的成功率可以通过改进种植方式,增强种内的正相互作用得到极大的提高。研究可为开展大规模滨海湿地盐沼植被修复工程和提高生态修复效率提供科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   
盐沼是分布在海陆过渡区域,以大型草本植物为优势种的潮间带生态系统。在潮间带生态系统中,盐沼植物的种子和实生苗在潮流作用下的漂浮起动是盐沼植物自然扩散的重要前提,决定了盐沼植物能否实现有效扩散和长距离传播。然而,目前缺乏有关盐沼植物繁殖体在复杂潮滩环境下漂浮起动扩散过程的定量研究。以长江口典型盐沼先锋物种海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)为研究对象,应用U-GEMS微观侵蚀系统,测定了在不同沉积物底质条件下,海三棱藨草种子及不同萌发阶段实生苗漂浮起动时的临界剪切应力,定量分析不同萌发阶段和沉积物底质对海三棱藨草种子和实生苗漂浮起动的影响。研究结果表明:(1)不同种子萌发阶段和沉积物底质对海三棱藨草种子和实生苗漂浮起动的临界剪切应力均有极显著影响(P<0.01);(2)随着萌发阶段的进展,海三棱藨草实生苗漂浮起动所需的临界剪切应力逐渐减小,因而随潮流漂浮起动进而扩散的机会也相应增大;(3)相比于淤泥质潮滩底质,海三棱藨草种子和实生苗在粉砂质潮滩更易于漂浮起动。研究结果丰富了盐沼植物在潮间带自然扩散过程和机理的研究,也为今后长江口及其他区域开展高效、低成本、以种子为修复...  相似文献   
荆三棱在多等级基质异质性与水淹处理下的克隆表现环境异质性可以影响克隆水生植物的表现。鲜有研究者关注两个层次的环境异质性并将其融入 对克隆植物生态学的研究中。本研究的目的是: (1)检验不同基质异质性与水淹处理是否对植物表现产生相 似效应,(2)探索克隆植物的觅食行为。本研究将荆三棱(Scirpus yagara)置于不同基质异质性与水淹处理之中。基质处理包括1个均质性基质处理(湖泥与沙等体积混合)与3个异质性基质处理(湖泥斑块与沙斑块交错构建的两斑块、四斑块与八斑块基质)。水淹处理包括:0、10和30 cm。本实验测量了克隆分株数、克隆代数、叶数、球茎数、克隆分株高度、茎长、根状茎长、克隆半径、间隔子长、间隔子厚度、总生物量、球茎生物量与单个球茎生物量等性状数据。研究结果表明,水位上升导致克隆分株数、克隆代数、叶数和球茎数显著减少,同时基质异质性造成间隔子长度与间隔子厚度的显著变化。水位与基质异质性两因子对克隆分株数、叶数和间隔子长度产生了显著的交互效应。在两斑块基质与四斑块基质中,荆三棱对湖泥斑块表现出显著的觅食行为,更多的构件被放置于湖泥斑块中。尤其在两斑块基质中,所有的构件被放置于湖泥斑块中。在八斑块基质中,荆三棱表现出双向觅食,这导致构件在不同斑块中的均匀放置。研究结果表明,荆三棱的觅食行为与斑块大小具有相关性。  相似文献   
Field experiments were conducted, using "Fixed Interval technique for sampling seedlings", to determine the rules of asexual reproduction of Scirpus planiculrnis population. Counts were recorded for the number of re-emerged plants on the overwintering stem tubers and of the re-emerged seedlings from the trailing branch system, from June 10 to August 30 at a 10-day interval. In this way, the exponential equation was established for describing the increase of the re-emerged plants of Scirpus planiculmis per 10-day period. The technique of "observation on specific individual plants" was also used to determine the rule of sexual reproduction of the plant, i. e. to investigate the ability of sexual reproduction by counting the number of seed-sets from the re-emerged seedlings on 12 overwintering stem tubers and all their progenies (2640 re-emerged plants). Then, pooled cal ulation was made to obtain the intrinsic growth rate of the Scirpus planiculmis population as r= 7.24. Thus, it is indicated that the ultimate reason for the over-grown of the species population is the high intrinsic growth rate. On the other hand, since the critical period of both the weed and rice was already estimated, it could be used (1) to determine the critical time for weeding and (2) to control the weed effectively, and (3) to provide sound basis for high grain yield of rice.  相似文献   
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