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The process of recognition or isolation of one or several entities from among many possible entities is termed intellego perception. It is shown that not only are many of our everyday percepts of this type, but perception of microscopic events using the methods of quantum mechanics are also intellego in nature. Information theory seems to be a natural language in which to express perceptual activity of this type. It is argued that the biological organism quantifies its sensations using an information theoretical measure. This, in turn, sets the stage for a mathematical theory of sensory perception.  相似文献   
Information-theoretical entropy as a measure of sequence variability.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We propose the use of the information-theoretical entrophy, S = -sigman pi log2 pi, as a measure of variability at a given position in a set of aligned sequences. pi stands for the fraction of times the i-th type appears at a position. For protein sequences, the sum has up to 20 terms, for nucleotide sequences, up to 4 terms, and for codon sequences, up to 61 terms. We compare S and Vs, a related measure, in detail with Vk, the traditional measure of immunoglobulin sequence variability, both in the abstract and as applied to the immunoglobulins. We conclude that S has desirable mathematical properties that Vk lacks and has intuitive and statistical meanings that accord well with the notion of variability. We find that Vk and the S-based measures are highly correlated for the immunoglobulins. We show by analysis of sequence data and by means of a mathematical model that this correlation is due to a strong tendency for the frequency of occurrence of amino acid types at a given position to be log-linear. It is not known whether the immunoglobulins are typical or atypical of protein families in this regard, nor is the origin of the observed rank-frequency distribution obvious, although we discuss several possible etiologies.  相似文献   
基于中分辨率TM数据的湿地水生植被提取   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
林川  宫兆宁  赵文吉 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6460-6469
利用湿地水生植被生长旺盛、光谱反射较强、光谱信息比较丰富的8月份中分辨率Landsat TM和ETM+多光谱遥感影像,采用面向对象的分类方法,进行野鸭湖湿地水生植被的提取。研究表明:在提取过程中,通过对原始影像进行主成分变换和穗帽变换,将主要信息与噪声分离,不仅减小了数据冗余和波段间的相关性,而且增大了影像上湿地水生植被与其他地物类型光谱和空间信息的差异性,并结合野外水生植被光谱特征分析,选择归一化植被指数NDVI与归一化水体指数NDWI辅助分类,构建特征波段或波段组合,然后,确定适当的隶属度函数和阈值范围,构建分类决策树,完成湿地水生植被的自动分类,提高了影像分割与面向对象分类的精度,取得了较为理想的湿地水生植被提取结果。2002年和2008年两景影像的总体分类精度分别达到86.5%和85.44%,表明中分辨率TM影像可以满足湿地水生植被提取的需要,又因为其具有较高的波谱分辨率、极为丰富的信息量、相对较低的价格、长时间序列,可以作为近20a湿地水生植被提取和动态变化监测的主要数据源。  相似文献   
兴安落叶松种群格局的分形特征信息维数   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
马克明  祖元刚 《生态学报》2000,20(2):187-192
种群格局信息维数能够刻划格局强度的尺度变化程度,揭示出种群个体分布的非均匀性状况。采用信息维数对大兴安岭兴安落叶松种群格局的研究显示,各类兴安落叶松林中兴安落叶松种群格局的信息维数大小依次为越桔-兴安落叶松林(1.480)>杜香-兴安落叶松林(1.373)>杜鹃-兴安落叶松林(1.321)>草类-兴安落叶松林(1.093)。虽为群落建群种,兴安落叶松种群格局的信息维数较低(<1.5,远离2),格局  相似文献   
肖显静  何进 《生态学报》2018,38(1):31-40
在生态学领域中,存在着生态系统整体论与还原论的争论。Tansley A.G.提出,生态系统是"准有机体"。Odum兄弟提出的"生态系统能量说"被广泛接受,但也受到质疑,称其为"还原论者的整体论"。基于对上述质疑的回应以及对生态系统整体论的追求,Patten B.C.等提出"生态网络理论",运用"网络‘环境子’分析"方法,试图从物理层面分析解决生物层面的"涌现性"问题。不过,这一理论也受到批判,认为其在探究符号化的现象对生态系统的动态影响时,陷入了还原论困境。Jrgensen S.E.等更进一步,提出"系统论"的生态系统生态学,试图从系统科学的角度研究生态系统的"物质-能量-信息-网络"系统。这一理论受到生态学界高度重视,但是也存在着在具体研究过程中如何平衡能量视角和生物地球化学视角的问题。由上述争论可见,生态系统生态学研究的趋势是从"物质实体"到"能量流动",再到"网络信息",最后到"开放系统"层层递进。目前面临的关键问题是:如何在更好地定义生态系统整体性的基础上,采取相应的能够体现生态系统整体性的方法,去获得更多、更好的生态系统整体性的认识。  相似文献   
浙江黑麂栖息地评价及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲍毅新  郑祥  葛宝明 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2425-2431
运用地理信息系统技术,在分析黑麂栖息地的地形、植被、水系和人为干扰等地理特征的基础上,系统研究九龙山和古田山自然保护区黑麂栖息地分布、栖息地质量与空间格局。结果表明,在九龙山自然保护区有黑麂潜在栖息地3172.6hm^2,由于人类活动的影响导致栖息地丧失501.5hm^2,目前尚存的黑麂适宜栖息地2671.1hm^2。它们主要分布于上寮坑、九龙山、内北坪、外九龙和大岩前附近区域。古田山自然保护区有黑麂潜在栖息地4635.75hm^2,在人类活动影响下丧失栖息地1118.11hm^2,目前尚存的黑麂适宜栖息地3517.64hm^2。它们主要分布于青尖、古田山、巧观尖、催顶尖附近区域。目前九龙山和古田山自然保护区内的黑麂栖息地基本上处于多斑块破碎化状态。为了使黑麂能得到更好的保护,对这两个研究区域黑麂栖息地的恢复和重建工作亟待加强。  相似文献   
物种多维生态位宽度测度   总被引:56,自引:6,他引:50  
经典的生态位宽度测度式基于物种在单一生态位维上各资源状态的分布比例量,而难以应用于物种在多维生态位空间的宽度测度,本文在N维生态位空间分割为分室的基础上,定义物种生态位宽度为物种在分室上分布与样本在分室的频率分布之间的吻合度,根据最小差别信息统计量,推导出一可基于物种分布比例量也可基于实测值的生态位宽测度式,并以华南鼎湖山自然保护区的厚壳桂群落中物种与土壤因子数据为例加以说明,结果表明优势树种具较  相似文献   
Alignments grow, secondary structure prediction improves.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Using information from sequence alignments significantly improves protein secondary structure prediction. Typically, more divergent profiles yield better predictions. Recently, various groups have shown that accuracy can be improved significantly by using PSI-BLAST profiles to develop new prediction methods. Here, we focused on the influences of various alignment strategies on two 8-year-old PHD methods. The following results stood out. (i) PHD using pairwise alignments predicts about 72% of all residues correctly in one of the three states: helix, strand, and other. Using larger databases and PSI-BLAST raised accuracy to 75%. (ii) More than 60% of the improvement originated from the growth of current sequence databases; about 20% resulted from detailed changes in the alignment procedure (substitution matrix, thresholds, and gap penalties). Another 20% of the improvement resulted from carefully using iterated PSI-BLAST searches. (iii) It is of interest that we failed to improve prediction accuracy further when attempting to refine the alignment by dynamic programming (MaxHom and ClustalW). (iv) Improvement through family growth appears to saturate at some point. However, most families have not reached this saturation. Hence, we anticipate that prediction accuracy will continue to rise with database growth.  相似文献   
家蚕神经肽基因的筛查及成熟肽的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经肽(neuropeptide)是家蚕Bombyx mori体内重要的调控物质。为了充分理解神经肽对家蚕发育的调控, 扩充家蚕神经肽的数量, 本研究利用BLAST的tblastn程序结合OpenOffice软件的查找程序, 基于其他昆虫和无脊椎动物神经肽的同源性和保守的结构特点, 在家蚕基因、理论蛋白质数据库及NCBI中进行全面而系统的基因筛查; 并利用各种在线工具对所筛查到基因和理论蛋白质的结构和成熟肽进行预测分析。结果共获得allatostatin-A (AST-A), allatostatin-B (AST-B), allatostatin-C (AST-C), allatropin (AT), ecdysis-triggering hormone (ETH), crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP)和FMRFamide等31个神经肽基因家族, 包括37个神经肽基因亚家族, 共计44个神经肽基因; 预测出193个成熟的神经肽, 其中73个根据家族同源性预测在C末端发生酰胺化, 而6个被预测在N末端发生了环化, 9个被预测酪氨酸发生了硫酸化。大部分成熟神经肽都具有明显的家族结构特征, 但proctolin, CCAP及CAPA-PK成熟肽结构上与其他昆虫相比有所扩展。结果提示, 家蚕神经和内分泌细胞产生了几乎在所有昆虫中具有的神经肽前体; 进化过程中大部分成熟神经肽的氨基酸序列在种间产生了差异, 但家族特征性基序高度保守。本研究为神经肽功能研究以及神经肽对家蚕发育尤其是蛹期发育调控的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Genetic assimilation emerges from selection on phenotypic plasticity. Yet, commonly used quantitative genetics models of linear reaction norms considering intercept and slope as traits do not mimic the full process of genetic assimilation. We argue that intercept–slope reaction norm models are insufficient representations of genetic effects on linear reaction norms and that considering reaction norm intercept as a trait is unfortunate because the definition of this trait relates to a specific environmental value (zero) and confounds genetic effects on reaction norm elevation with genetic effects on environmental perception. Instead, we suggest a model with three traits representing genetic effects that, respectively, (i) are independent of the environment, (ii) alter the sensitivity of the phenotype to the environment and (iii) determine how the organism perceives the environment. The model predicts that, given sufficient additive genetic variation in environmental perception, the environmental value at which reaction norms tend to cross will respond rapidly to selection after an abrupt environmental change, and eventually becomes equal to the new mean environment. This readjustment of the zone of canalization becomes completed without changes in genetic correlations, genetic drift or imposing any fitness costs of maintaining plasticity. The asymptotic evolutionary outcome of this three‐trait linear reaction norm generally entails a lower degree of phenotypic plasticity than the two‐trait model, and maximum expected fitness does not occur at the mean trait values in the population.  相似文献   
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