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The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre (CCC) in the United Kingdom is the world’s first hospital proton beam therapy facility, providing treatment for ocular cancers since 1989. A 62 MeV beam of protons is produced by a Scanditronix cyclotron and transported through a passive delivery system. In addition to the long history of clinical use, the facility supports a wide programme of experimental work and as such, an accurate and reliable simulation model of the treatment beamline is highly valuable. However, as the facility has seen several changes to the accelerator and beamline over the years, a comprehensive study of the CCC beam dynamics is needed to firstly examine the beam optics. An extensive analysis was required to overcome facility related constraints to determine fundamental beamline parameters and define an optical lattice written with the Methodical Accelerator Design (MAD-X) and the particle tracking Beam Delivery Simulation (BDSIM) code. An optimised case is presented and simulated results of the optical functions, beam distribution, losses and the transverse rms beam sizes along the beamline are discussed. Corresponding optical and beam information was used in TOPAS to simulate transverse beam profiles and compared to EBT3 film measurements. We provide an overview of the magnetic components, beam transport, cyclotron, beam and treatment related parameters necessary for the development of a present day optical model of the facility. This work represents the first comprehensive study of the CCC facility to date, as a basis to determine input beam parameters to accurately simulate and completely characterise the beamline.  相似文献   
The angular resolution of ground-based optical telescopes is limited by the degrading effects of the turbulent atmosphere. In the absence of an atmosphere, the angular resolution of a typical telescope is limited only by diffraction, i.e., the wavelength of interest, λ, divided by the size of its primary mirror''s aperture, D. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), with a 2.4-m primary mirror, has an angular resolution at visible wavelengths of ~0.04 arc seconds. The atmosphere is composed of air at slightly different temperatures, and therefore different indices of refraction, constantly mixing. Light waves are bent as they pass through the inhomogeneous atmosphere. When a telescope on the ground focuses these light waves, instantaneous images appear fragmented, changing as a function of time. As a result, long-exposure images acquired using ground-based telescopes - even telescopes with four times the diameter of HST - appear blurry and have an angular resolution of roughly 0.5 to 1.5 arc seconds at best.Astronomical adaptive-optics systems compensate for the effects of atmospheric turbulence. First, the shape of the incoming non-planar wave is determined using measurements of a nearby bright star by a wavefront sensor. Next, an element in the optical system, such as a deformable mirror, is commanded to correct the shape of the incoming light wave. Additional corrections are made at a rate sufficient to keep up with the dynamically changing atmosphere through which the telescope looks, ultimately producing diffraction-limited images.The fidelity of the wavefront sensor measurement is based upon how well the incoming light is spatially and temporally sampled1. Finer sampling requires brighter reference objects. While the brightest stars can serve as reference objects for imaging targets from several to tens of arc seconds away in the best conditions, most interesting astronomical targets do not have sufficiently bright stars nearby. One solution is to focus a high-power laser beam in the direction of the astronomical target to create an artificial reference of known shape, also known as a ''laser guide star''. The Robo-AO laser adaptive optics system2,3 employs a 10-W ultraviolet laser focused at a distance of 10 km to generate a laser guide star. Wavefront sensor measurements of the laser guide star drive the adaptive optics correction resulting in diffraction-limited images that have an angular resolution of ~0.1 arc seconds on a 1.5-m telescope.  相似文献   
Between AD 900 and AD 1200 Vikings, being able to navigate skillfully across the open sea, were the dominant seafarers of the North Atlantic. When the Sun was shining, geographical north could be determined with a special sundial. However, how the Vikings could have navigated in cloudy or foggy situations, when the Sun's disc was unusable, is still not fully known. A hypothesis was formulated in 1967, which suggested that under foggy or cloudy conditions, Vikings might have been able to determine the azimuth direction of the Sun with the help of skylight polarization, just like some insects. This hypothesis has been widely accepted and is regularly cited by researchers, even though an experimental basis, so far, has not been forthcoming. According to this theory, the Vikings could have determined the direction of the skylight polarization with the help of an enigmatic birefringent crystal, functioning as a linearly polarizing filter. Such a crystal is referred to as 'sunstone' in one of the Viking's sagas, but its exact nature is unknown. Although accepted by many, the hypothesis of polarimetric navigation by Vikings also has numerous sceptics. In this paper, we summarize the results of our own celestial polarization measurements and psychophysical laboratory experiments, in which we studied the atmospheric optical prerequisites of possible sky-polarimetric navigation in Tunisia, Finland, Hungary and the high Arctic.  相似文献   
In the water column, planktonic copepods encounter small-scale hydrodynamic disturbances generated by fellow zooplankters. Our question is whether or not the copepods can distinguish between hydrodynamic disturbances created by predators, prey, conspecifics and/or mates. We used a Schlieren optical system with a density gradient in the water volume and filmed at 48 frames per second to record the behaviour of copepods during encounters with an artificial hydrodynamic disturbance. We observed the reactions of Cyclops scutifer and Epischura nordenskioldi towards disturbances of different strengths. We also re-examined an earlier report on tandem swimming in C. scutifer while attempting to mate, using novel mathematical tools to analyse possible correlations between the two mates. We conclude that the information within the hydrodynamic disturbances created by swimming zooplankters has enough content for differentiated reactions. We also suggest that the adaptive value of tandem swimming during mating results in offspring capable of executing escape reactions comparable in strength to the disturbances.  相似文献   
As data acquisition for retinal imaging with optical coherence tomography (OCT) becomes faster, efficient collection of photons becomes more important to maintain image quality. One approach is to use a larger aperture at the eye's pupil to collect more photons that have been reflected from the retina. A 2.8‐mm beam diameter system with only seven reflecting surfaces was developed for low‐loss retinal imaging. The larger beam size requires defocus and astigmatism correction, which was done in a closed loop adaptive optics method using a Shack‐Hartmann wavefront sensor and a deformable mirror (DM) with 140 actuators and a ±2.75 μm stroke. This DM facilitates defocus correction ranging from approximately ?3 D to +3 D. Comparing the new system with a standard 1.2‐mm system on a model eye, a signal‐to‐noise gain of 4.5 dB and a 2.3 times smaller speckle size were measured. Measurements on the retinas of five subjects showed even better results, with increases in dynamic range up to 13 dB. Note that the new sample arm only occupies 30 cm × 60 cm, which makes it highly suitable for imaging in a clinical environment. Figure: B‐scan images obtained over a width of 8 deg from the right eye of a 31‐year‐old Caucasian male. While the left side was imaged with a standard 1.2‐mm OCT system, the right side was imaged with the 2.8‐mm system. Both images were collected with the same integration time and incident power, after correction of aberrations. Using the dynamic range within the images, which is determined by comparing the highest pixel value to the noise floor, a difference in dynamic range of 10.8 dB was measured between the two systems.   相似文献   
In recent years, two‐photon fluorescence microscopy has gained significant interest in bioimaging. It allows the visualization of deeply buried inhomogeneities in tissues. The near‐infrared (NIR) dyes are also used for deep tissue imaging. Indocyanine green (ICG) is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved exogenous contrast agent in the NIR region for clinical applications. However, despite its potential candidature, it had never been used as a two‐photon contrast agent for biomedical imaging applications. This letter provides an insight into the scope and application of the two‐photon excitation property of ICG to the second excited singlet (S2) state in aqueous solution. Furthermore, in this work, we demonstrate the two‐photon cellular imaging application of ICG using direct fluorescence emission from S2 state for the first time. Our results show that two‐photon excitation to S2 state of ICG could be achieved with approximately 790 nm wavelength of femtosecond laser, which lies in well‐known “tissue‐optical window.” This property would enable light to penetrate much deeper in the turbid medium such as biological tissues. Thus, ICG could be used as the first FDA approved NIR exogenous contrast agent for two‐photon imaging. These findings can make remarkable influence on preclinical and clinical cell imaging.   相似文献   
In this perspective article, we review the optical study of different biophotonic geometries and biological structures using classical light in linear and nonlinear regime, especially highlighting the link between these morphologies and modern biomedical research. Additionally, the importance of nonlinear optical study in biological research, beyond traditional cell imaging is also highlighted and described. Finally, we present a short introduction regarding nonclassical light and describe the new future perspective of quantum optical study in biology, revealing the link between quantum realm and biological research.   相似文献   
Three‐photon microscopy excited at the 1700‐nm window enables deep‐tissue penetration. However, the refractive indices of commonly used immersion oils, and the resultant pulse broadening are not known, preventing imaging optimization. Here, we demonstrate detailed characterization of the refractive index, pulse broadening and distortion for excitation pulses at this window for commonly used immersion oils. On the physical side, we uncover that absorption, rather than material dispersion, is the main cause of pulse broadening and distortion. On the application side, comparative three‐photon imaging results indicate that 1600‐nm excitation yields 5 times higher three‐photon signal than 1690‐nm excitation.   相似文献   
Recently, disordered photonic materials have been suggested as an alternative to periodic crystals for the formation of a complete photonic bandgap (PBG). In this article we will describe the methods for constructing and characterizing macroscopic disordered photonic structures using microwaves. The microwave regime offers the most convenient experimental sample size to build and test PBG media. Easily manipulated dielectric lattice components extend flexibility in building various 2D structures on top of pre-printed plastic templates. Once built, the structures could be quickly modified with point and line defects to make freeform waveguides and filters. Testing is done using a widely available Vector Network Analyzer and pairs of microwave horn antennas. Due to the scale invariance property of electromagnetic fields, the results we obtained in the microwave region can be directly applied to infrared and optical regions. Our approach is simple but delivers exciting new insight into the nature of light and disordered matter interaction.Our representative results include the first experimental demonstration of the existence of a complete and isotropic PBG in a two-dimensional (2D) hyperuniform disordered dielectric structure. Additionally we demonstrate experimentally the ability of this novel photonic structure to guide electromagnetic waves (EM) through freeform waveguides of arbitrary shape.  相似文献   
Engineering non-classical states of the electromagnetic field is a central quest for quantum optics1,2. Beyond their fundamental significance, such states are indeed the resources for implementing various protocols, ranging from enhanced metrology to quantum communication and computing. A variety of devices can be used to generate non-classical states, such as single emitters, light-matter interfaces or non-linear systems3. We focus here on the use of a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator3,4. This system is based on a non-linear χ2 crystal inserted inside an optical cavity and it is now well-known as a very efficient source of non-classical light, such as single-mode or two-mode squeezed vacuum depending on the crystal phase matching. Squeezed vacuum is a Gaussian state as its quadrature distributions follow a Gaussian statistics. However, it has been shown that number of protocols require non-Gaussian states5. Generating directly such states is a difficult task and would require strong χ3 non-linearities. Another procedure, probabilistic but heralded, consists in using a measurement-induced non-linearity via a conditional preparation technique operated on Gaussian states. Here, we detail this generation protocol for two non-Gaussian states, the single-photon state and a superposition of coherent states, using two differently phase-matched parametric oscillators as primary resources. This technique enables achievement of a high fidelity with the targeted state and generation of the state in a well-controlled spatiotemporal mode.  相似文献   
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