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A comparative study was made to determine race and sex differences in the temporal bone, to investigate growth relationships, and to establish a basis for phylogenetic studies of the temporal bone and the temporal lobe of the brain. Data on Eskimo, Indian, and white crania were collected from radiographs and directly from the skulls. Of the 25 variables studied, only the minimum diameter of porus failed to demonstrate some difference among the races. Variation between sexes was found for all measurements except the cranial base angle (of deflection) and three angles related to the petrous pyramids. Correlation coefficients indicated that none of the angles are related in any consistent manner to the other variables studied. This is interpreted as further evidence of cranial base stability. The Indians have the lowest, longest squamae, differing most from the whites. The position of squama is more anterior in the Eskimos. Females of each race possess more anteriorly positioned squamae than males. When the squama is more anteriorly located, the porus is in a more posterior position within the squama itself. Strong race variation exists in the shape of porus. In order to establish a basis for phylogenetic studies of the temporal lobe of the brain better reference points for reflecting its size and shape must be found.  相似文献   
C反应蛋白(C-reaction protein,CRP)是反映机体炎症的有效标志物,早期检测是判断炎症相关疾病的关键,因此,研制CRP新型检测制剂具有重要意义。利用噬菌体表面展示技术对CRP特异性亲和配体进行了筛选,采用固相肽合成技术对目标配体进行了合成,并经生物标记、高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)分析及质谱(mass spectrometry,MS)鉴定,成功制得检测CRP的荧光探针。经3轮筛选、ELISA检测、重组噬菌体测序及序列比对后得到1个目标配体肽:S-P-H-N-R-S-N-L-V-Q-E-L;经肽合成及生物标记获得1种CRP荧光探针:FITC-(Acp)-S-P-H-N-R-SN-L-V-Q-E-L。研究结果为CRP的有效检测提供了一种新型制剂。  相似文献   
万里洋  吴和成 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6557-6566
通过梳理国内外文献,挖掘脆弱性本质,提出普遍适用于生态系统脆弱性的PIR理论框架,并从人-环境耦合角度构建演化模型探究石化基地生态环境系统脆弱性演化机理。研究发现:生态系统脆弱性来源于压力扰动,体现在暴露性与敏感性的联合效应,而最终取决于弹性应对影响的状态。石化基地是一个多层次闭环系统,在压力影响下,暴露性、敏感性及弹性彼此间的双重导向作用决定着脆弱性的演化进程;内外部人文与环境因素变化是脆弱性的潜在驱动力,而压力源增多、暴露比例扩大、敏感性上升、弹性退化以及缺乏环境治理能力是加剧脆弱性的具体表征。以欠发达地区连云港石化基地为例,模拟其系统脆弱性演化过程,并从压力、暴露性、敏感性、自我恢复能力和人工修复能力方面构建评价指标体系。结论与建议不仅对石化基地所在欠发达地区的可持续发展具有启示意义,还为其生态环境系统脆弱性的进一步评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   
长株潭城市群生态屏障研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夏本安  王福生  侯方舟 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6231-6241
构筑城市(群)生态屏障是我国生态建设的重点之一。高速城市化进程中,城市范围、征用土地、人口数量、建设规模不断扩大,生态安全形势日益严峻,生态环境保护压力不断加大。长株潭城市群是国家"两型"社会建设试验区,生态屏障建设备受关注。在广泛开展社会调研、专项调查、专题研究、学术讨论的基础上,根据景观生态学和保护生物学的相关原理,通过对区域生态压力、需求、承载力的分析,借助RS、GIS、GPS等现代高新技术,科学区划长株潭城市群生态屏障的空间层级、结构、布局、功能区,明确了各功能区的建设方向、目标,提出了分区管理和分级保护等具体空间管治措施,规划2020年前保护建设工程项目。研究结果表明,城市群必须根据生态环境承载能力,按生态隔离组团方式科学布局城市空间,预留足够的生态基地,优先构筑稳固的生态屏障;按照主体功能区划和目标定位,严格管治和合理布局生态用地,加强部门规划统筹协调,依法严格保护森林和湿地;加强公共财政转移支付和社会融资力度,抓紧实施生态屏障工程建设,努力改善环境质量,维护区域生态平衡,努力实现资源节约、环境友好、提高城市品位和综合竞争能力的社会发展目标。研究结果可为城市生态屏障建设提供科学方法和依据,同时也可为全国其它城市(群)生态屏障建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
分别以群丛类型和生长基质类型(包括树生、石生、土生)作为资源轴,对小秦岭56个样方中苔藓植物的生态位特征进行分析和对比。结果表明:(1)两种资源轴上苔藓物种的生态位特征存在一定差异,不同资源轴上,苔藓物种生态位宽度排序发生一定改变。两种资源轴上,青藓属(Brachythecium)均具有较大的生态位宽度,而酸土藓属(Oxystegus)和叶苔属(Jungermania)在不同资源轴上生态位宽度差异较大。(2)对比两种资源轴上的生态位重叠值,生长基质类型明显高于群丛类型;在不同资源轴上,个别物种生态位重叠值排序还会发生明显改变。树平藓属(Homaliodendron)与金灰藓属(Pylaisiella)在两种资源轴上表现出完全相反结果。(3)与维管植物相似,生态位宽度较大的苔藓物种生态位重叠值高,生态位宽度小的苔藓物种也会有较大生态位重叠。  相似文献   
植物残茬对土壤酸度的影响及其作用机理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
土壤强酸性是作物生长的最主要限制因子之一,某些植物残茬可以有效地提高土壤pH,降低活性铝含量,提高作物产量。植物残茬改良土壤酸度的效能因种而异,最高土壤pH升幅可达4.53个单位,多种豆科植物材料可使土壤pH提高2个单位以上,当pH>5时,土壤溶液活性铝降至极低水平,从而消除铝害。植物残茬改良土壤酸度的效能受植物残茬自身特性与土壤特性的影响,而且pH的上升通常在几个月后消失,但这种效能对当季作物有效。植物体内有机酸根的去羧化作用被认为是pH上升的主要机理之一,去羧化机理存在的主要证据是,随着土壤pH升高,植物材料内的可溶性有机成分下降,CO2排放与pH上升高度相关,以及杀菌条件下土壤pH上升速度显著减慢。超量碱机理是植物残茬导致pH上升的又一可能的重要机理,亦即有机盐的作用,有机盐分解转化为碳酸盐,其作用与石灰完全相似,有机盐水解也可导致土壤溶液的碱性反应。铵化作用与硝化作用是高氮植物材料影响土壤酸度的重要机理,有机氮的铵化直接消耗质子,铵的硝化则产生质子,pH的变化与这些氮过程高度相关。含硫植物材料及有机物质分解过程产生的氧化还原条件的变化,也可对土壤pH产生影响,但它们的作用较小。综合来看,去羧化作用机理基于间接证据,没有得到严格验证,超量碱机理可能是土壤pH上升的主要原因,超量碱只能转移,不能制造,含超量碱高的外源性有机材料施入耕地,将是改良土壤酸度,提高作物产量的一种有效途径。  相似文献   
Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP or abasic) sites are among the most abundant DNA lesions. Numerous proteins within different organisms ranging from bacteria to human have been demonstrated to react with AP sites to form covalent Schiff base DNA–protein cross-links (DPCs). These DPCs are unstable due to their spontaneous hydrolysis, but the half-lives of these cross-links can be as long as several hours. Such long-lived DPCs are extremely toxic due to their large sizes, which physically block DNA replication. Therefore, these adducts must be promptly eradicated to maintain genome integrity. Herein, we used in vitro reconstitution experiments with chemically synthesized, stable, and site-specific Schiff base AP-peptide/protein cross-link analogs to demonstrate for the first time that this type of DPC can be repaired by Escherichia coli (E. coli) long-patch base excision repair. We demonstrated that the repair process requires a minimum of three enzymes and five consecutive steps, including: (1) 5′-DNA strand incision of the DPC by endonuclease IV; (2 to 4) strand-displacement DNA synthesis, removal of the 5′-deoxyribose phosphate-peptide/protein adduct-containing flap, and gap-filling DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase I; and (5) strand ligation by a ligase. We further demonstrated that endonuclease IV plays a major role in incising an AP-peptide cross-link within E. coli cell extracts. We also report that eradicating model AP-protein (11.2–36.1 kDa) DPCs is less efficient than that of an AP-peptide10mer cross-link, supporting the emerging model that proteolysis is likely required for efficient DPC repair.  相似文献   
Programmed death‐ligand 1 (PD‐L1) is involved in immunosuppression in variety of tumours. Regulatory B cells (Bregs) are critical immune regulatory cells, and it has been demonstrated that the number of regulatory B cells in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is much higher than that in healthy donors (HDs), which is linked to a poor prognosis. This study aimed to determine whether increased expression of PD‐L1, including in Bregs, is associated with a worse prognosis in individuals with AML. The proportion of Bregs, PD‐L1 expression in Bregs and PD‐1 expression in T cells were determined using flow cytometry using patient samples from 21 newly diagnosed AML patients at different stages of treatment and 25 HDs. We confirmed PD‐L1 expression in Bregs, and PD‐1 expression in CD3+CD4+T cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from AML patients was higher than that in samples from HDs. The complete remission (CR) and progression‐free survival (PFS) of Bregs with high PD‐L1 expression were significantly decreased following induction chemotherapy. PD‐L1 expression is indeed increased in Bregs from individuals with AML, and high PD‐L1 expression is related to a poor prognosis.  相似文献   
Fu, G., Perona-Wright, G., and Barker, D. C. 1998.Leishmania braziliensis: Characterisation of a complex specific subtelomeric repeat sequence and its use in the detection of parasites.Experimental Parasitology90, 236–243. A 1.6-kb tandem repeat sequence had previously been identified in the subtelomeric region of mini- and megabase chromosomes fromLeishmania braziliensis.Southern hybridisation was used to demonstrate that the repeat is complex specific. The sequence was characterised in strains representing four species of theL. braziliensiscomplex. This data allowed an assessment of the evolutionary relationship of the four species. PCR primers targeted to the repeat amplify only DNA from species of theL. braziliensiscomplex. Titration assays indicate that a minimum of 50 fg of parasite DNA can be detected by PCR alone. Southern hybridisation increases the limit of detection to 5 fg. Interspecies variation in the repeat sequence enabled restriction enzyme digestion of PCR products to distinguish individual species within theL. braziliensiscomplex.  相似文献   
Electrochemical detection of nucleic base mismatches was attempted successfully with ferrocenyl naphthalene diimide (FND) in a model system with 20-meric double-stranded oligonucleotides with or without a mismatch(es). Thus, dA(20) or a 20-meric sequence of the lac Z gene was immobilized on a gold electrode and complementary oligonucleotides with different numbers of mismatches were allowed to hybridize in the presence of FND to give rise to an electrochemical signal. The signal intensity varied depending on the number of unpaired bases on the DNA duplex. From experiments with a quartz crystal microbalance, eight molecules of FND were found to bind to the 20-meric double-stranded oligos and this number decreased as the number of mismatches increased. These findings were further supported by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy. This novel method will be useful for the analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms present on human genes.  相似文献   
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