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目的 :研究PF4及其小肽PF417 70对新鲜脐血CD34+细胞的趋化作用及对粘附分子表达的影响。方法 :采用免疫磁珠法 (MACS)分选CD34+细胞 ,利用Transwell穿孔板测定PF4对CD34+细胞的趋化作用 ;流式细胞仪检测免疫荧光标记的粘附分子及CXCR4的表达。结果 :①PF4对脐血CD34+细胞有趋化作用 ,PF4组的趋化百分比为 15 7.43%± 5 0 .0 6 %(P <0 .0 5 ) ,PF417 70组为 187.0 2 %± 10 .6 9%(P <0 .0 5 )。②PF4作用于CD34+细胞时 ,CD49d和CXCR 4表达增加 ,对其它粘附分子CD31,CD44 ,CD11a ,CD6 2 p ,CD6 2E的表达没有影响。 结论 :PF4对脐血CD34+细胞有趋化作用 ,促进整合素CD49d及CXCR4的表达 ,PF4有助于脐血干细胞的归巢。  相似文献   
In some cases vaccination is unreliable. For example vaccination against pertussis has comparatively high level of primary and secondary failures. To evaluate efficiency of vaccination we introduce the idea of effective vaccination rate and suggest an approach to estimate it. We consider pertussis in New Zealand as a case study. The results indicate that the level of immunity failure for pertussis is considerably higher than was anticipated.  相似文献   
Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an accepted treatment for the reconstitution of bone marrow function following myeloablative treatment predominantly in children and juveniles. Current cryopreservation protocols use methods established for bone marrow and peripheral blood progenitors cells that have largely been developed empirically. Such protocols can result in losses of up to 50% of the nucleated cell population: losses unacceptable for cord blood. The design of optimal cryopreservation regimes requires the development of addition and elution protocols for the chosen cryoprotectant; protocols that minimise damaging osmotic transients. The biophysical parameters necessary to model the addition and elution of dimethyl sulphoxide to and from cord blood CD34(+) cells have been established. An electronic particle counting method was used to establish the volumetric response of CD34(+) cells to changes in osmolality of the suspending medium. The non-osmotic volume of the cell was 0.27 of the cells isotonic volume. The permeation kinetics of CD34(+) cells to water and dimethyl sulphoxide were investigated at two temperatures, +1.5 and +20 degrees C. Values for the hydraulic conductivity were 3.2 x 10(-8) and 2.8 x 10(-7)cm/atm/s, respectively. Values for the permeability of dimethyl sulphoxide at these temperatures were 4.2 x 10(-7) and 7.4 x 10(-6)cm/s, respectively. Clonogenic assays indicated that the ability of CD34(+) cells to grow and differentiate was significantly impaired outside the limits 0.6-4x isotonic. Based on the Boyle van't Hoff plot, the tolerable limits for cell volume excursion were therefore 45-140% of isotonic volume. The addition and elution of cryoprotectant was modelled using a two-parameter model. Current protocols for the addition of cryoprotectant based on exposure at +4 degrees C would require additional time for complete equilibration of the cryoprotectant. During the elution phase current protocols are likely to cause CD34(+) cells to exceed tolerable limits. The addition of a short holding period during elution reduces the likelihood of this occurring.  相似文献   
Skeletal muscle-derived CD34+/45- (Sk-34) cells were identified as a new candidate for stem cells. However, the relationship between Sk-34 cells and side-population (SP) cells is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Sk-34 cells prepared from murine skeletal muscles consist wholly of main-population (MP) cells. The Sk-34 cells included only a few SP cells (1:1000, SP:MP). Colony-forming units of Sk-34 cells of both SP and MP possessed the same potential to differentiate into adipocytes, endothelial, and myogenic cells and showed the same colony-forming activity (1.6%). In addition, the colony-forming units of the CD34-/45- (double negative: DN) population were found to begin CD34 expression and to possess the potential to differentiate into myogenic and endothelial cells. We also found that expression of CD34 antigen precedes MyoD expression during the myogenic process of DN cells. Furthermore, both Sk-34 and DN cell populations were mostly negative for CD73 (93-95%), whereas the CD45+ cell population was >25% positive for CD73, and this trend was also seen in bone marrow-derived CD45+ cells. These results indicate that the MP cell population is about 99.9% responsible for the reported in vitro myogenic-endothelial responses of skeletal muscle-derived cells.  相似文献   
In the view of the facts that algal extracts have been used in agriculture asa source of plant growth stimulating agents and IAA has been shown to bepresent in the extracts, a study was planned to establish whether or notaxenic algae can produce IAA. Evidence is provided for extracellular IAAproduction during culture of two axenic green microalgae. IAAidentification was based on co-chromatography with the standard, analysisof UV and fluorescent spectra, and gas chromatography – selectedion-monitoring mass spectrometry. HPLC analyses showed that underthe experimental conditions the amounts of IAA released to the mediumby Scenedesmus armatus and Chlorella pyrenoidosa weregenerally low. IAA tended to occur in Scenedesmus armatus culturemedium at higher concentrations than in that of Chlorellapyrenoidosa. In fast-growing cultures of Scenedesmus armatus,constantly aerated with CO2/air mixture, the concentration of IAAcalculated per cell was less than in the slow-growing cultures.  相似文献   
Embryonic stem (ES) cells have tremendous potential as a cell source for cell-based therapies. Realization of that potential will depend on our ability to understand and manipulate the factors that influence cell fate decisions and to develop scalable methods of cell production. We compared four standard ES cell differentiation culture systems by measuring aspects of embryoid body (EB) formation efficiency and cell proliferation, and by tracking development of a specific differentiated tissue type-blood-using functional (colony-forming cell) and phenotypic (Flk-1 and CD34 expression) assays. We report that individual murine ES cells form EBs with an efficiency of 42 +/- 9%, but this value is rarely obtained because of EB aggregation-a process whereby two or more individual ES cells or EBs fuse to form a single, larger cell aggregate. Regardless of whether EBs were generated from a single ES cell in methylcellulose or liquid suspension culture, or aggregates of ES cells in hanging drop culture, they grew to a similar maximum cell number of 28,000 +/- 9,000 cells per EB. Among the three methods for EB generation in suspension culture there were no differences in the kinetics or frequency of hematopoietic development. Thus, initiating EBs with a single ES cell and preventing EB aggregation should allow for maximum yield of differentiated cells in the EB system. EB differentiation cultures were also compared to attached differentiation culture using the same outputs. Attached colonies were not similarly limited in cell number; however, hematopoietic development in attached culture was impaired. The percentage of early Flk-1 and CD34 expressing cells was dramatically lower than in EBs cultured in suspension, whereas hematopoietic colony formation was almost completely inhibited. These results provide a foundation for development of efficient, scalable bioprocesses for ES cell differentiation, and inform novel methods for the production of hematopoietic tissues.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF), urogastrone (UG) and transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF) and its derivative on dimaprit- and pentagastrin-induced gastric acid secretion and on acidified ethanol (AE)-evoked ulcer formation in anaesthetized rats. EGF, TGF and UG administered subcutaneously (s.c.) 30 min before dimaprit inhibited gastric acid secretion. Against pentagastrin-stimulated secretion, TGF inhibited, while EGF and UG potentiated, acid secretion dose-dependently. Intraduodenal (i.d.) administration of TGF and UG had no effect, while EGF potentiated, both secretagogue-induced acid secretion in the same dosage schedule. Administration of either EGF, UG or TGF i.v. bolus, in response to continuous infusion of dimaprit resulted in a significant (p < 0.05–p < 0.001) inhibition of acid secretion which was transient and returned to normal within 30–45 min for UG while it slowly returned to normal for EGF and TGF. The truncated form of TGF (amino acids 34–43) did not show any antisecretory effect when administered parenterally. Acidified ethanol produced gastric haemorrhagic lesions in the rat 1 h after oral administration. The gastric mucosal protective effects of TGF, EGF and UG administered either orally or s.c. 30 min before the administration of AE were dose-dependent against this model of ulcer induction. Indomethacin (Indo), administered 15 min before AE to inhibit prostanoids biosynthesis, significantly (p < 0.001) reduced the cytoprotective effects of TGF, EGF and UG and aggravated the ulcer index when administered s.c. The results show that PGs may be involved in mediating the protective effects of the three growth factors. Administration of NG-nitro-L argininemethylester (L-NAME) 15 min prior to TGF, EGF and UG s.c. or orally, significantly (p < 0.001) decreased the degree of ulcer indices and was able to reduce the protective effects of TGF, EGF and UG, thus including the role of NO in mediating the protective effects of these growth factors. In conclusion, these results have demonstrated that EGF, UG and TGF have a short and reversible inhibitory effect on dimaprit-stimulated gastric acid secretion and each is effective parenterally but not orally. UG and EGF potentiated, while, TGF inhibited pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion. In addition, TGF seems to lose its activity when it is truncated from the C terminus. The present study also suggests that EGF, UG and TGF are equally effective against AE-induced gastric ulcer and bring about their cytoprotective action through their reduction of acid secretion and through PG and NO pathways.  相似文献   
Tom20 and Tom34 are mammalian liver proteins previously identified by others to be components of the mitochondrial import translocation apparatus. It has been shown that Tom20 interacts with the leader sequence of nuclear coded matrix space precursor proteins. Here we show with recombinantly expressed Tom proteins that Tom34 binds the mature portion of the precursor and not the leader. Both these Tom proteins inhibited the import of newly translated precursor of aldehyde dehydrogenase in an in vitro assay. Only Tom20 inhibited the import of a fusion protein of the leader of aldehyde dehydrogenase attached to dihydrofolate reductase. Antibodies against Tom20 coprecipitated both the precursor of aldehyde dehydrogenase (pALDH) and of dihydrofolate reductase (pA-DHFR). Antibodies against Tom34 interacted only when the mature portion of aldehyde dehydrogenase was present. Similar import inhibition patterns were found when other precursor and chimeric constructs we investigated. When Tom34-green fluorescence protein was transfected to HeLa cells it was observed that Tom34 was found through out the cell. It is concluded from our observation that Tom34 is a cytosolic protein, whose role appeared to be to interact with mature portion of some preproteins and may keep them in an unfolded, import compatible state.  相似文献   
Pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (PDTC) is a metal chelating compound, which exerts both pro-apoptotic effect and pro-oxidant activity on many cells. Our objective was to investigate whether PDTC was able to interfere with apoptotic process in leukemic and normal bone marrow CD34+ cells. Since hematopoietic growth factors stimulate growth and differentiation and prevent apoptosis, we therefore studied the effect of growth factors pretreatment, such as interleukin-3 and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, in human myeloid CD34+ cells to evaluate whether they protect the cells from the apoptotic action of PDTC.We revealed that PDTC exerted an apoptotic effect in leukemic CD34+ cells. This effect was dependent on the ability of this compound to generate the oxidation of cellular glutathion to its disulphide and consequently to induce an intracellular oxidative stress. Hematopoietic growth factors did not protect cells from apoptosis induced by previous treatment with PDTC. The ability of PDTC to induce apoptosis was restricted to acute myelogenous leukaemia CD34+ cells, since normal CD34+ cells were insensitive to the pro-oxidant effect of PDTC.These findings imply that normal cells are equipped with mechanisms by which they respond differently to PDTC effects with respect to leukemic cells.  相似文献   
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