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Summary Dorsal tubercle and skin of Mertensiella caucasica have been investigated with the electron microscope and enzyme histochemical methods. The epidermis of the tubercle consists of 8–9 cell layers, that of normal dorsal skin of 5–6. The tubercle is filled with large mucous glands which are surrounded by an almost complete layer of smooth muscle cells (myoepithelial cells). Their glandular cells undergo cyclical changes and are characterized by specific secretory granules, which differ from those of the relatively small mucous glands of the normal dorsal skin.In the connective tissue of the tubercle a relatively rich supply of nerve fibres has been found, which in part contain synaptic and dense core vesicles or accumulations of mitochondria. In the normal dorsal skin nerve fibres occur less frequently.The following enzymes have been demonstrated in the mucous glands of the tubercle: SDH, acid phosphatase, unspecific esterases, E 600 resistant esterase.The tubercle seems to stimulate the female cloaca chemically and mechanically.  相似文献   
Summary The yeast Cryptococcus neoformans may develop under certain conditions a large polysaccharide capsule 50–100 M in diameter and therefore cannot be phagocytosed by either polymorphonuclear cells (PMN's) or mononuclear phagocytes (MN's). The cellular defense mechanism — in various animals — against the yeast is composed by formation of ringlike structure of PMN's or MN's cells which surround the C. neoformans. Ring structures develop either in vivo or in vitro in tissue culture; destruction of the yeast occurs within 36–72 hours.Several hydrolases, such as acid phosphatase, -glucuronidase and non-specific esterase were found to be released from the phagocytic cells into the enclosed yeast. Considerable reduction of NBT used as a marker for oxidative activity was observed in MN rings at contact regions of the MN cells and the yeast. Electron microscopic studies indicate that the phagocytic cells in the ring structure have many pseudopodes penetrating into the polysaccharide capsule of the yeast. Disintegration of the capsule was observed as well as phagocytosis of its material. A possible analogy between normal phagocytosis of small-sized bodies and the ring structure obtained when large bodies are involved is discussed.  相似文献   
An investigation of ageing in human costal cartilage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Changes in human costal cartilage with increasing age (2–81 years) have been studied in the optical and electron microscope using routine and histochemical techniques.Concurrent with increasing age, chondrocytes undergo degeneration which is characterized initially by the accumulation of lipidic material within cells and, subsequently, by the formation of a halo around degenerating chondrocytes. The halo material is composed of electron dense bodies, amorphous material, and collagen fibrils. Both electron dense bodies and the amorphous material are of cellular origin and they have similar histochemical responses.Using histochemical techniques in the optical and in the electron microscope, it has been shown that chondroitin sulfate decreases with increasing age, while a hyaluronidase resistant material (presumably keratan sulfate) increases, initially in the central zone, and subsequently in the peripheral zones. Hyaluronidase resistant material is minute or absent in the central zone of aged cartilage.The genesis of collagen fibrils progresses from thin unbanded collagen-like fibrils in the pericellular lacunae of chondrocytes in young specimens to thick fibrils (sometimes in excess of 0.5 ) with a period of 640 Å in ageing cartilage. Aggregation of collagen fibrils seems to be related at least initially to the preponderance of matrix granules and beaded filaments which have been shown to originate intracellularly in vacuoles formed in degenerating mitochondria. Both of these structures contain glycosaminoglycans and, with increasing age, glycosaminoglycans decrease while collagen fibrils aggregate. In old age, the amorphous material, and possibly the content of disrupting electron dense bodies, seem to give origin to some collagen fibrils. This and other mechanisms of formation of collagen fibrils have been observed and they are discussed.Calcification of the matrix increases with increasing age and this agrees with previous findings.Supported by grants from the Italian National Research Council. — The authors are indebted to Miss Giuliana Silvestrini and to Mr. Lucio Virgilii for their expert and extensive technical assistance. — To Dr. A. Ascenzi, Director 1° Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica, and to Dr. C. Cavallero, Director, 2° Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica, Università di Roma, the senior author would like to express his appreciation for the use of equipment and facilities pursuant to this investigation, while on sabbatical leave from the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine. — We wish to extend our thanks to the Italian National Research Council for supporting this study.On sabbatical leave from the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine.  相似文献   
Walsh  C.  McLelland  J. 《Cell and tissue research》1974,153(2):269-276
Summary An electron microscopic investigation of the extrapulmonary respiratory tract of embryos and chick of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) has demonstrated for the first time in birds the presence here of a small number of epithelial cells characterised by an aminecontaining type of granule. These granular cells were scattered singly throughout the trachea, syrinx and primary bronchi and seemed more numerous in the caudal part of the airway. In favourable planes of section a small part of the cell was in contact with the luminal surface of the epithelium. The characteristic granular vesicles (approximate diameter 140 nm) appeared to be randomly distributed in the cytoplasm and there was no concentration of vesicles close to the plasma membrane. One of the cells was closely associated with an intraepithelial axon. By fluorescence microscopy, a small number of cells with a similar shape and distribution to the granular cells was observed after administration of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine which may indicate the presence of an amine handlign mechanism in these cells. It is suggested that the granular cells belong to the APUD system of endocrine cells and that they may be modulated by the concentration of gas in the airways.  相似文献   
Summary The number of Golgi cells per unit volume was determined in different regions of the cerebellar cortex of man and of ten other mammals. Despite the general belief in the uniform architecture of the cerebellar cortex, regional differences in the distribution of Golgi cells were found. In the inferior parts of the vermis, the number of Golgi cells per unit volume is twice that in the corresponding hemispheres. In addition, there are differences between the anterior and inferior parts of the vermis. These differences are a feature of the cytoarchitecture of the cerebellum in man and all the investigated mammals. The ratio of Purkinje cells to Golgi cells was also determined and found to differ in different species. In man, this ratio is 11.5, while in the monkey and cat it is almost 11.9 and in the rat 13.3. These differences in the ratio of Purkinje cells to Golgi cells are discussed from the point of view of cerebellar evolution.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Summary The sinus gland of Carcinus maenas consists of the swollen axonal endings of the neurosecretory cells of the major ganglia and acts as a storage release centre for the membrane bound neurosecretory material. These neurosecretory granules fall into five different types based on size and electron density. Their contents are released by exocytosis of the primary granules or smaller units budded from the primary granules.I thank Professor E. Naylor for his constant advice and Professor E. W. Knight-Jones, Department of Zoology, University College, Swansea, for the provision of laboratory facilities. I am grateful to the Science Research Council for the financial support. Finally, I thank the Electron Microscope Unit, Southampton General Hospital, where the work was completed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Nucleus supraopticus der Ratte, die einer Dehydratation ausgesetzt war, wurde ultrastrukturell-morphometrisch analysiert. Dabei zeigte sich, daß die relativen Volumenanteile der einzelnen Zellkompartimente während der fünftägigen Durstperiode eine auffallende Konstanz aufweisen. Hingegen läßt sich eine absolute Zunahme der Einzelzellvolumina und somit auch der an der Synthese und Sekretion der Neurohormone beteiligten Zellkompartimente feststellen. Die vorliegenden Befunde sprechen für einen beschleunigten Abtransport des neurosekretorischen Materials bei gesteigerter Synthese. Auf eine optimale Standardisierung der Perfusionsmethode bei Untersuchungen am neurosekretorischen Zwischenhirnsystem wird hingewiesen.
Morphometric-ultrastructural investigations on the supraoptic nucleus of dehydrated rats
Summary The supraoptic nucleus of the dehydrated rat has been analysed by electron microscopy and morphometry. With that it appears, that the relative volumes of the different cell compartments are striking constant. Otherwise one can see an absolute increase of the cell volume together with the cell compartments which take part at the synthesis and secretion of the neurohormones. These results are expression of an accelerated move of the neurosecretory material during increased synthesis. The importance of an optimal standardization of the perfusion-method in investigations of the neurosecretory system is demonstrated.
Wesentliche Teile der vorliegenden Arbeit werden von H. F. Reinhardt der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Basel als Dissertation vorgelegt.  相似文献   
Summary At the onset of zoospore cleavage the centrioles ofSaprolegnia ferax reorientate, develop into kinetosomes and become associated with microtubular roots and a striate fibre. After cytoplasmic cleavage a flagellum, with a hitherto undescribed transition zone structure, develops from each kinetosome. Flagellum axonemes occur inside recently encysted primary spores. In vegetative hyphae and germinating cysts most recognizable Golgi bodies are characteristically associated with a cisternum of the endoplasmic reticulum and a mitochondrion but during sporogenesis they all lie adjacent to nuclei where they are apparently active in vesicle production. The structural details of these changes are described and their significance discussed. We wish to acknowledge the numerous helpful discussions with Dr. J. L. Gay. The senior author held a S.R.C. studentship during the course of this work, part of which was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Ph. D. at the University of London.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Normale und hypoxische Herzmuskelzellen aus der Wand des linken Ventrikels der Ratte wurden quantitativ-morphologisch anhand von elektronenmikroskopischen Längsschnitten nach Perfusionsfixierung untersucht. In normalen Zellen waren alle Myofibrillen relaxiert, die mittlere Sarcomerlänge betrug 2,2 m. Die Schnittfläche wurde zu 55% von Myofibrillen, zu 27% von Mitochondrien und zu 18% von Grundplasma und Reticulum eingenommen. Die zwischen den Myofibrillen liegenden Mitochondrien waren längsoval und im Mittel 2,3mal so lang wie breit. Es bestand kein Unterschied zwischen subendokardial und subepikardial gelegenen Zellen.10 min nach Erstickung der Tiere waren in den sonst unauffälligen Muskelzellen die Glycogengranula vermindert. Nach 20 min führte die Hypoxie zu einer Zunahme der relativen Schnittfläche der Mitochondrien um etwa 16% und zu einer beginnenden Kontraktur der Myofibrillen (Sarcomerlänge 2,0 m). 20 min Hypoxie in Hypothermie (25–30°C intrathorakal) veränderte die normale Zellstruktur dagegen kaum. Wenn die Herzen während der 20 min dauernden Hypoxie in Normothermie mit einer procainhaltigen sauerstoff- und glucosefreien Blutersatzlösung durchspült wurden, waren die Myofibrillen relaxiert, die Schwellung der Mitochondrien dagegen wurde nicht reduziert. 30 min nach Erstickung wurde die Kontraktur stärker (Sarcomerlänge 1,7 m). Nach 60 min bildeten sich Superkontraktionsknoten, einzelne Myofibrillen waren in Höhe der I-Bänder unterbrochen. Die Cristae der Mitochondrien wichen auseinander, die Schnittfläche der Mitochondrien hatte um 27% zugenommen.Während in Normotherapie eine Asphyxie des Tieres bereits nach 10 min die Herzmuskelzellen funktionell schwer schädigt, ist die Schädigung morphologisch erst nach 20 min eindeutig. Das bedeutet, daß für die elektronenmikroskopische Präparation eine Hypoxie von unter 10 min bedeutungslos ist. Hinsichtlich der morphologischen Manifestationszeit für die Unterbrechung der Sauerstoffversorgung stimmen unsere Befunde an Herzmuskelzellen gut mit vergleichbaren Angaben an Leberzellen überein.
Quantitative-morphological investigations of heart muscle cells of normal and asphyctic rats
Summary In heart muscle cells of the left ventricle of rats the distribution of cell organelles and their reaction to hypoxia were investigated by electron microscopy.In normal hearts fixed by perfusion with aldehydes, the mean sarcomere length was 2.2 m. 27% of the longitudinal sectional area was occupied by mitochondria, 55% by myofibrils and 18% by sarcoplasmic reticulum and ground plasm. The mitochondria situated in rows between the fibrils were oval and measured 2.3 times more in length than in width. There was no difference between cells from subendocardial and subepicardial regions.10 min hypoxia (complete occlusion of the trachea) did not affect the appearance of muscle cells but diminished the number of glycogen granules. After 20 minutes the area occupied by mitochondria was increased by 16%, the mitochondria between the myofibrils were more spherical and only 1.5 times longer than wide. The sarcomeres shortened to 2.0 m. With hypothermia (25–30°C) hypoxia of 20 minutes duration did not affect the cell structure. Perfusion of the heart by a saline solution, which contained procaine but neither oxygen nor glucose, for 20 minutes prevented shortening of the sarcomeres but not swelling of the mitochondria. 30 minutes after occlusion of the trachea the myofibrils shortened to a sarcomere length of 1.7 m. After 60 minutes irregularly and excessively contracted myofibrils appeared and some sarcomeres were interrupted at the level of the I-bands. In some of the swollen mitochondria the cristae were widely separated. The increase of the area occupied by mitochondria was 27%.Asphyxia affects heart muscle cells severely with respect to function within 10 min, but morphologically it takes 20 min before a definite effect can be noticed. As to the time after which lack of oxygen is manifested morphologically, our results are consistent with findings in liver cells.
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