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Summary To study the three-dimensional structure of tight junction fibrils, the epithelia of the jejunum and epididymis of adult mice were examined by the freezefracture technique in unfixed and in aldehyde-fixed specimens. The fibrils have a stronger affinity for the protoplasmic (P) face of the lipid bilayer in fixed material, and for the external (E) face in unfixed and rapidly frozen material. Therefore we can observe the fibrils both from the outside and inside of the cell. Fibrils appearing on the P-face are smoothly contoured ridges and rows of hemispherical particles, while those appearing on the E-face are exclusively rows of hemispherical particles. Based on these observations, we wish to propose a new fibril model for the tight junction. There are two distinctive types of junctional elements. One type is composed of a smooth and continuous strand in the external view of the cell, but is studded with hemispherical bulgings in its internal view. This type will be referred to as the continuous type. The other type is bead-like, and will be referred to as the particle type. The relative proportion of these two types of elements appearing within a tight junction network differs among tissues.  相似文献   
1. 1. The ventilatory and pulmonary gas exchange responses during moderate exercise can be appropriately modelled with first-order dynamics.
2. 2. A delay term, reflecting tissue-to-lung transit time, is needed for accurate characterization, however.
3. 3. The O2 uptake time constant ( reflects the enzymatically controlled tissue O2 utilization.
4. 4. is appreciably longer than , consequent to the tissue CO2 capacitance.
5. 5. As typically longer than , transient errors in alveolar and arterial blood gas tensions are predicted: small for PCO2 but much larger for PO2.
6. 6. At work rates above the lactate threshold, a slow and delayed component of V̇O2 induces an additional V̇ component (“excess” V̇O2), leading to more rapid fatigue.
7. 7. The ventilatory compensation for the metabolic acidemia at these work rates is slow, with compensation being poor for rapid-incremental exercise.
8. 8. A justifiable control model of the coupling of ventilation to metabolism must cohere with these demonstrable physiological characteristics.
Keywords: Ventilation; pulmonary gas exchange; excess V̇O2; compensatory hyperpnea; model order  相似文献   
Aims: The goal of this investigation was to develop an in vitro, polymicrobial, wound biofilm capable of supporting the growth of bacteria with variable oxygen requirements. Methods and Results: The strict anaerobe Clostridium perfringens was isolated by cultivating wound homogenates using the drip‐flow reactor (DFR), and a three‐species biofilm model was established using methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Cl. perfringens in the colony‐drip‐flow reactor model. Plate counts revealed that MRSA, Ps. aeruginosa and Cl. perfringens grew to 7·39 ± 0·45, 10·22 ± 0·22 and 7·13 ± 0·77 log CFU per membrane, respectively. The three‐species model was employed to evaluate the efficacy of two antimicrobial dressings, Curity? AMD and Acticoat?, compared to sterile gauze controls. Microbial growth on Curity? AMD and gauze was not significantly different, for any species, whereas Acticoat? was found to significantly reduce growth for all three species. Conclusions: Using the colony‐DFR, a three‐species biofilm was successfully grown, and the biofilms displayed a unique structure consisting of distinct layers that appeared to be inhabited exclusively or predominantly by a single species. Significance and Impact of the Study: The primary accomplishment of this study was the isolation and growth of an obligate anaerobe in an in vitro model without establishing an artificially anaerobic environment.  相似文献   
利用中国气象局国家气象信息中心研发的中国气象局陆面数据同化系统(China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System,CLDAS)大气近地面强迫资料,驱动美国国家大气研究中心公用陆面模式(Community Land Model,CLM3.5),对中国新疆地区土壤温度时空分布进行逐小时Off-line模拟(模拟时段为2009—2012年);利用国家土壤温度自动站(新疆区域105站点)数据验证CLDAS驱动场强迫下的CLM3.5模式在中国新疆地区3个土壤层(5cm、20cm和80cm)的土壤温度模拟能力。研究发现:在月变化方面,第1层(5cm)土壤温度模拟与实测值差异最大,在每年7月最大差异达5k左右;第2层(20cm)在每年7月达最大差异(3k左右),而第3层(80cm)在每年7月均模拟的很好。造成这种现象的原因可能因为新疆地区7月前后浅层土壤温度变化剧烈,温度白天最高可达300K以上,昼夜温差大,导致模式不能很好抓住浅层土壤温度的变化趋势。研究还发现,在80cm土壤深度,模式在1月、12月的模拟结果均较前两层差。在日变化方面,研究发现:较浅的两层(5cm和20cm)土壤温度模拟值在夏季和秋季均较差。与月变化模拟结果类似的是,80cm土壤层日变化在1、12月模拟较差,然而在其他时段却模拟的很好。在小时变化方面,分析发现:第1层土壤(5cm)模拟结果在每年的1—4月及9—11月的全天(即24 h),模式也会有不同的偏差:其中,在03UTC—21UTC之间主要表现为模式结果比观测结果偏高,而在日内21UTC—00UTC主要表现为模拟结果偏小。在每年的5—8月,全天模拟值都偏小,其中在09UTC达当日最大值。而距离第2层(20cm)处的土壤温度模拟值在大部分月份都偏差较小(-1K至1k之间),并在日内12UTC偏差达到当日最大值。研究发现,在土壤20cm处,模式模拟的最大值较观测值提前,而第3层(80cm)的土壤温度基本不受日内变化影响,表现较为平稳。造成这种影响的原因可能是因为新疆地区5—8月、9—11月为昼夜温差大,深层土壤温度较浅层土壤温度温差变化小,这也造成了模式对于浅层土壤模拟较深层差的主要原因。总体研究表明:CLDAS驱动场强迫下的CLM3.5模式可较为精确的模拟中国新疆地区多年平均土壤温度时空分布,并较为准确的反映中国新疆地区土壤温度的小时、日、月及年际的变化规律。模式浅温度模拟不好的原因可能与模式参数化方案及地表参数有关,后期将继续修正该问题。  相似文献   
京津冀城市群景观格局变化机制与预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"城市群"是我国新型城镇化的主体形态,对推进国民经济发展具有重大意义,但其聚集连片的快速扩张模式对资源环境的压力持续增加,已经成为制约未来可持续的瓶颈。以我国经济发展最为活跃,但生态环境问题十分突出的京津冀城市群为例,基于CLUE-S模型,模拟分析了1990—2010年京津冀城市群景观格局的变化特征及其驱动机制,并预测了未来景观格局的变化趋势。结果表明,(1)1990—2010年京津冀城市群景观格局变化显著。其中,人工表面持续增加,耕地明显下降,林地和草地格局的变化也存在明显的时序差异;(2)京津冀城市群景观格局的变化主要受自然和社会经济要素的综合影响,且不同景观类型之间的驱动机制存在明显差异。其中,林地更易在地势较高、坡度较大的西部地区分布,而河流、人工表面等更易在平坦低洼的区域分布;此外,不同景观类型变化的驱动机制存在显著的时序差异,例如,人工表面受地形的影响程度逐步降低,呈现更加离散的分布,且其分布特征由较早时期的向市中心集聚分布发展为逐渐远离市中心并向铁路、高速路周边集聚的趋势;(3)经检验,CLUE-S模型能够较好地动态模拟京津冀城市群的土地覆盖格局的变化特征,模型的Kappa指数达0.84。模拟预测结果显示,未来(2020年)景观格局演变的显著特征是人工表面将持续增加,耕地将继续显著减少。北京、天津、唐山和石家庄等核心城市的景观格局变化将最为显著。  相似文献   
于海洋  张飞  曹雷  王娟  杨胜天 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6355-6369
近年来,国内外学者已做了大量区域土地生态安全评价的研究,但大多针对流域或县级以上行政单元,乡镇尺度的土地生态安全评价研究甚少。因此,选择地处我国西北干旱生态脆弱区的博尔塔拉蒙古自治州为研究区,以"3S"技术和数学统计方法为支撑,结合研究区自然地理特征和社会经济状况,构建博尔塔拉蒙古自治州乡镇级压力-状态-响应(Pressure-StateResponses,P-S-R)土地生态安全评价模型,并对其土地生态安全空间格局特征及成因进行诊断性分析。结果表明:(1)2014年博州土地生态安全较2011年有所恶化,Ⅲ级向Ⅳ级转化的面积最大,高达2555.33 km~2,主要在温泉县境内,其次是Ⅴ级区域向Ⅳ级转化1356.53 km~2,主要发生在精河县的茫丁乡和托托乡;(2)博州大部分乡镇的土地生态安全状况处于Ⅲ级水平,区域生态结构不稳定,亟待调整;(3)博州土地生态安全状况具有明显地域性分布的特征,低值区多集中于博州东部荒漠地区,高值区多集中在博州中部绿洲区域和湖区。研究结果可为乡镇级土地生态安全评价提供参考,为区域生态保护协调推进与乡镇可持续发展提供理论指导。  相似文献   
Aims Artemisia gmelinii is a dominant specie naturally established after abandonment of cultivated lands in the Loess Plateau, and Caragana korshinskii is one of the main planted shrub species to control soil erosion. Improved understanding of water use strategies of these two species is of great significance to evaluate the sustainable development of the Loess Plateau under the trend of climate warming and increasing drought events.
Methods Stable oxygen-18 isotope was used to determine seasonal variations in the water sources of native A. gmelinii communities established after abandonment of cultivated lands for 7 and 30 years and planted C. korshinskii after 30 years. The contributions of soil water from different depths to water uptake were estimated by the MixSIR Bayesian mixing model. The geometric mean regression method was used to fit the line of precipitation to get the local meteoric water line (LWML).
Important findings The stable hydrogen isotope rate (δD) and stable oxygen isotope rate (δ18O) of soil water and xylem water plotted to the right side of the LWML, indicating that the isotopic compositions of soil water were enriched due to evaporation. The native A. gmelinii communities established after abandonment of cultivated lands for 7 years and planted C. korshinskii after 30 years showed plasticity in switching water sources from different soil layers, extracting water from shallow soil (0-40 cm) when soil water was available, but deeper soil (40-80 cm) when shallow soil water was dry. In contrast, A. gmelinii growing in site after cultivation abandonment for 30 years mainly relied on water from the surface soil (0-10 cm) throughout the growing season. Our results suggest that the ability of A. gmelinii to compete for soil water reduces with aging of the community while the planted C. korshinskii will have competitive advantage under the condition of increasing frequency of drought events in the future.  相似文献   
基于GIS与多目标区位配置模型的沈阳市公园选址   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合地理信息系统(GIS)与多目标区位配置模型(LA),综合考虑4个相对独立的目标因子(人口密度等级、空气污染等级、城市热岛效应等级、土地利用格局)对沈阳市三环内城市公园进行优化选址,并将优化结果与公园现状空间分布进行比较,以评价城市公园空间布局的合理性.结果表明: 与其他因子相比,空气污染因子对研究区城市绿地的选址具有重要影响.与单目标因子相比,多目标综合加权分析的结果能够合理地为城市绿地提供优化的空间选址.GIS与LA相结合的方法为城市绿地的空间优化提供了新思路.  相似文献   
鸡胚内抗氧化物质的分布与变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物体内存在多种内源性抗氧化物质,在生命过程中发挥着基本的防御功能,是人们十分关注的研究领域。本文综述了近年来鸡胚内抗氧化物质的形成与来源等研究成果,分析了鸡胚孵育过程中维生素(A、C、E)、类胡萝卜素、硒、过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶等主要抗氧化物质的分布与变化,及内源性抗氧化系统的形成,旨在为今后的研究提供有益的科学依据。  相似文献   
Feral cat Felis catus predation on seabirds has been well documented; however, details regarding shifts in feral cat diet in relation to seabird availability, seabird predation rate and impact on seabird population dynamics are scarce. Here, we present data documenting a seasonal shift in feral cat diet at Juan de Nova Island, Mozambique Channel. We also quantify sooty tern Sterna fuscata predation by feral cats and examine the impact on sooty terns over both the short term (by removing individual cats from sub-colonies) and over the longer term by highlighting their influence on population growth rate ( λ ) using a deterministic matrix model. Cat diet shifted dramatically from insects, rats and mice outside the tern breeding season to primarily terns when terns were breeding. The predation rate of sooty terns at Juan de Nova was estimated at 5.94 terns cat−1 day−1, with a proportion of these (22%) being killed without being consumed ('surplus kills'). When only one cat was removed from each sub-colony, tern predation declined tenfold in the short term. From our matrix model, the annual growth rate for sooty terns was 1.01 in the absence of cat predation. It remained above one until a predation impact equivalent to approximately three times the estimated cat density (12.04 per km2) was incorporated. Our results demonstrate that cats preferentially predate and have an impact on breeding sooty terns at Juan de Nova, and that an increase in cat density could lead to negative effects on population growth, despite the large breeding tern population.  相似文献   
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