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Although several cell-based reporter assays have been developed for screening of viral protease inhibitors, most of these assays have a significant limitation in that numerous false positives can be generated for the compounds that are interfering with reporter gene detection due to the cellular viability. To improve, we developed a mammalian cell-based assay based on the reverse two-hybrid system to monitor the proteolytic activity of human enterovirus 71 (EV71) 3C protease and to validate the cytotoxicity of compounds at the same time. In this system, the GAL4 DNA binding domain (M3) and transactivation domain (VP16) were fused, in-frame, with 3C or 3C(mut). The 3C(mut) was an inactivated protease with mutations at the predicted catalytic triad. The reporter plasmid contains a secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) gene under the control of GAL4 activating sequences. We demonstrated that M3-3C-VP16 failed to turn on the expression of SEAP due to the separation of M3 and the VP16 domains by self-cleavage of 3C. In contrast, SEAP expression was induced by the M3-3C(mut)-VP16 fusion protein or the M3-3C-VP16 in cells treated with AG7088, a potent inhibitor of human rhinoviruses (HRVs) 3C protease. Potentially, this protease detection system should greatly facilitate anti-EV71 drug discovery through a high-throughput screening.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate whether large conductance Ca2+‐activated K+ (BK) channels were regulated by epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase. BK current and channel tyrosine phosphorylation level were measured in BK‐HEK 293 cells expressing both functional α‐subunits and the auxiliary β1‐subunits using electrophysiology, immunoprecipitation and Western blotting approaches, respectively, and the function of rat cerebral basilar arteries was determined with a wire myography system. We found that BK current in BK‐HEK 293 cells was increased by the broad spectrum protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitor genistein and the selective EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG556, one of the known tyrphostin. The effect of genistein or AG556 was antagonized by the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitor orthovanadate. On the other hand, orthovanadate or EGF decreased BK current, and the effect was counteracted by AG556. The tyrosine phosphorylation level of BK channels (α‐ and β1‐subunits) was increased by EGF and orthovanadate, while decreased by genistein and AG556, and the reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of BK channels by genistein or AG556 was reversed by orthovanadate. Interestingly, AG556 induced a remarkable enhancement of BK current in rat cerebral artery smooth muscle cells and relaxation of pre‐contracted rat cerebral basilar arteries with denuded endothelium, and these effects were antagonized by the BK channel blocker paxilline or orthovanadate. These results demonstrate that tyrosine phosphorylation of BK channels by EGFR kinase decreases the channel activity, and inhibition of EGFR kinase by AG556 enhances the channel activity and dilates rat cerebral basilar arteries.  相似文献   
Modern chemotherapy has significantly improved patient outcomes against drug-sensitive tuberculosis. However, the rapid emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis, together with the bacterium’s ability to persist and remain latent present a major public health challenge. To overcome this problem, research into novel anti-tuberculosis targets and drug candidates is thus of paramount importance. This review article provides an overview of tuberculosis highlighting the recent advances and tools that are employed in the field of anti-tuberculosis drug discovery. The predominant focus is on anti-tuberculosis agents that are currently in the pipeline, i.e. clinical trials.  相似文献   
Secretory proteins encoded by genes expressed in the oesophageal gland cells of plant-parasitic nematodes have key roles in nematode parasitism of plants. Two venom allergen-like protein cDNAs (designated hg-vap-1 and hg-vap-2)were isolated from Heterodera glycines gland cell cDNA libraries. Both cDNAs hybridised to genomic DNA of H. glycines in Southern blots. The hg-vap-1 cDNA contained an open reading frame encoding 215 amino acids with the first 25 amino acids being a putative secretion signal. The hg-vap-2 cDNA contained an open reading frame encoding 212 amino acids with the first 19 amino acids being a putative secretion signal. Genes of hg-vap-1 and hg-vap-2 contained four introns, which ranged in size from 44 to 574 bp, and five exons ranging in size from 43 to 279 bp. In situ hybridisation analyses showed that mRNAs of both vap genes accumulated specifically in the subventral gland cells of H. glycines during parasitism. The gland cell-specific expression and presence of predicted secretion signal peptides in both VAPs suggest that these proteins are secreted from the nematode and may play a role in the infection of host plants by this parasite.  相似文献   
The frequency of clones not permanently resistant to azaguanine (AG) was measured in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) grown in vitro by plating them in 7.5 μg/ml AG and isolating a number of clones in the course of 5 experiments. Such isolated clones were propagated to a point at which their resistance to both AG and the reverse selective medium, HAT, could be determined. Out of a total of 13 clones isolated, 4 of these could not be distinguished from the parent CHO line, either on the basis of their growth in a gradient of AG concentrations or the reverse selective HAT medium or on the basis of their mutation frequency to resistance to 30 μg/ml AG. All four of the apparent phenocopies were isolated from plates in which although lower numbers of cells were seeded, a higher frequency of clones able to grow in AG was yielded. This suggests that the higher “mutation” frequencies obtained at lower cell densities are due to the appearance of phenocopies which occur only under these conditions. It is concluded that under low plating density conditions, the lower levels of AG (7.5 μg/ml) are not satisfactory for mutagenesis and mutation rate studies.  相似文献   
Low concentrations (?20 μg/ml) of 8-azaguanine are 1000 fold more toxic to V79 Chinese hamster cells in medium containing 10% dialyzed fetal calf serum than in medium containing 10% undialyzed serum. Serum enzyme activity that converts AG to nontoxic 8-azaxanthine degrades AG at the same rate, whether or not the serum is dialyzed. However, cytotoxicity results similar to those obtained with US were produced in medium containing DS and 2.5 μg of hypoxanthine (HX)/ml (DSH). Therefore, serum HX is considered to be responsible for the relatively low cytotoxicity of AG in medium containing US. Colonies that arose in medium containing AG were isolated and characterized. Those that remained resistant to AG (40 μg/ml) and sensitive to aminopterin in the presence of HX and thymidine (HAT) were considered mutants; nonmutants were sensitive to AG and resistant to HAT. Colonies isolated from medium containing DSH of US and low concentrations of AG were not mutants, but those from medium containing high concentrations (? μg/l) of AG were mutants. Spontaneous and N-methyl-N′-nitrosoguanidine induced mutants were detectable in medium containing DSH without replating the cells prior to adding AG (?30 μg/ml), but in order to detect MNNG induced mutations in medium containing DS replating was essential. In DS, the mutation frequency increased as an exponential function of the toxicity of MNNG, but remained two orders of magnitude lower than the induced mutation frequencies that occurred in DSH, HX, in DSH or US, produced profound effects, other than interference with AG toxicity, that distort the results of mutagenesis assays. To study mutation using AG resistance as the endpoint, it is essential to use dialyzed serum.  相似文献   
The ability of DNA excision-repair processes in diploid human fibroblasts to eliminate potentially cytotoxic and mutagenic lesions induced by UV radiation (254 nm) was demonstrated in two ways: (1) Cells with normal rates of excision were compared with cells with an intermediate rate of excision (XP2BE) and cells with an excision rate less than or equal to 1% that of normal (XP12BE) for sensitivity to the killing and mutagenic action of UV radiation. The normal cells proved resistant to doses of UV which reduced the survival of the XP cells to 14% and 0.7%, respectively, and increased the frequency of mutations to 8-azaguanine resistance in the XP cells 5- to 10-fold over background. (2) Cells in confluence were irradiated with cytotoxic and mutagenic doses of UV and allowed to carry out excision repair. After various lengths of time they were replated at lower densities to allow for expression of mutations to 6-thioguanine resistance and/or at cloning densities to assay survival. Normal cells and XP cells with reduced rates of excision repair (from complementation groups C and D) exhibited a gradual increase in survival from an initial level of 15--20% to 100% if held approximately 20 h in confluence. In contrast, XP12BE cells showed no increase from an initial survival of 20% even when held for 7 days. Normal cells irradiated in confluence but prevented from replicating for 7 days exhibited background mutation frequencies, whereas the mutation frequency in XP12BE cells did not change with the time in confluence.  相似文献   
Whether resistance to purine analogues 8-azaguanine (AG) and 6-thioguanine (TG) in mammalian cells is due to gene mutation or to epigenetic changes was investigated by an ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) dose-dependent induced “resistance” to these analogues in two near-diploid (2N) and one tetraploid (4N) Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. EMS produced higher cell killing in 2N than in 4N cells. In the 2N cells, EMS-induced mutations to TG (1.7 μg/ml) resistance increased approximately as a linear function of the dose from 0–400 μg/ml. However, EMS was ineffective in inducing such mutation in the 4N cells. These observations are consistent with the notion that the induced TG resistance arose as a result of mutation at the gene or chromosome level. In each cell type, both the “observed” spontaneous and the EMS-induced frequency to purine analogue resistance decreased with increasing concentration of purine analogues. However, among the “resistant” clones a high proportion of those selected at 1.2 and 3.0 μg/ml of AG, a small portion selected at 7.5 μg/ml of AG, and virtually none at 1.7 and 6.0 μg/ml of TG are capable of growth in medium containing aminopterin (10 μM). This suggests that, under less stringent selective conditions, some resistant variants were being selected through mechanisms not yet defined.  相似文献   
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