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Morphological colour variation in Idotea baltica basteri Audouin, 1827 (Isopoda: Crustacea) is reported for the first time on populations from a brackish water lake (Kucukcekmece Lagoon) in Turkey. According to pigmentation characteristics, the isopods were described and sorted to ten different colour morphs which are named as maculata, maculata-lineata, uniformis, uniformis-lineata, immaculatum, immaculatum-lineata, nigrum, nigrum-lineata, albafusca, and albafusca-fasciatum. The similarity of the morphs was compared by defining digit codes to some of the visual pigmentation characteristics and calculating the Bray-Curtis similarity index of the colour morphs. The albafusca and albafusca-fasciatum forms were found to be the most similar to each other (similarity 96%), whereas immaculatum forms were considered the most different from maculata-lineata (similarity 50%). The morphs named maculata and maculata-lineata, having the highest abundance with 70%, belong to the most successful forms which may achieve crypsis by background matching in their living habitat in Kucukcekmece Lagoon which has sandy and rocky bottom surface area.  相似文献   
A mark‐resight analysis under Pollock's robust design was applied to Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus in the Swatch‐of‐No‐Ground (SoNG) submarine canyon, Bangladesh, during the winter seasons of 2005–2009. Information from sightings of photo‐identified individuals (1,144) and unmarked individuals generated abundance estimates of 1,701 (95% confidence interval [CI]= 1,533–1,888), 1,927 (95% CI = 1,851–2,006), 2,150 (95% CI = 1,906–2,425), and 2,239 (95% CI = 1,985–2,524) individuals for seasons 1–4, respectively. This makes the population among the largest assessed of the species. Overall apparent survival was estimated as 0.958 (95% CI = 0.802–0.992). Interseasonal probabilities of transitioning to an unobservable state were estimated as 0.045, 0.363, and 0.300 for years 1–2, 2–3, and 3–4, respectively, and the overall probability of remaining in an unobservable state was 0.688. These probabilities, together with an apparent increase in abundance during the study period, indicate that the identified dolphins are part of a larger superpopulation moving throughout a more extensive geographic area. Of the photo‐identified dolphins, 28.2% exhibited injuries related to entanglements with fishing gear. This implies a strong potential for fatal interactions that could jeopardize the conservation status of the population, which otherwise appears favorable.  相似文献   
For marine fish and invertebrates, larval dispersal plays a critical role in determining connections among source and sink habitats, and the lack of a predictive understanding of larval dispersal is a fundamental obstacle to the development of spatially explicit restoration plans for marine populations. We investigated larval dispersal patterns of eastern oyster in an estuary along the Northern Gulf of Mexico under different simulation scenarios of tidal amplitude and phase, river discharge, wind direction, and larval vertical migration, using a coupled biophysical transport model. We focused on the dispersal of larvae released from the commercially exploited (Cedar Point, CP) and non‐exploited (Bon Secour Bay, BSB) oyster populations. We found that high flushing rates through the dominant inlet prevented larval exchange between the commercially exploited and non‐exploited populations, resulting in negligible connectivity between them. Variations in tidal amplitude, river discharge and wind direction played a more important role in the amount of larvae retained in Mobile Bay when they are released from CP than from BSB. Under most of the scenarios, larvae from BSB were retained around the spawning area, while larvae from CP showed a predominant westward flow. Net sinking behavior of late‐stage larvae increased larval retention in the bay, but physical transport showed a higher impact in the amount of larvae retained. These findings have enhanced our understanding of larval dispersal of eastern oyster in a wide, shallow estuarine system, and been used to establish spatially explicit strategies for oyster restoration in the Mobile Bay system, Alabama.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the bioavailability of As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Hg, Ni and Zn in the coastal waters of the two most important bays in southern Spain (Cádiz and Algeciras). Concentrations of these metals were measured in the bodies of Balanus amphitrite barnacles in 2005 and 2006. Seawater samples were collected from the same sites as the barnacles to assess metal concentrations and to gain additional information on the environmental conditions. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant geographic differences in the local bioavailability of metals to the barnacles, as reflected in the concentrations of accumulated metals. Balanus amphitrite accumulates large amounts of metals, with high concentration factors for Zn, Cd, Cu and Mn, in relation to the concentrations in marine waters.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to test for, and partially characterize, toxic activity associated with the dinoflagellate Karlodinium micrum. Since 1996, three fish kill events associated with blooms of K. micrum have occurred at HyRock Fish Farm, an estuarine pond aquaculture facility raising hybrid striped bass on the Chesapeake Bay, MD, USA. Using an assay based on the lysis of rainbow trout erythrocytes, cultures of a Chesapeake Bay isolate of K. micrum have been shown to produce toxic substances which are released upon cell disturbance or damage. The LC50 for hemolysis of a sonicated cell suspension was 2.4×104 cells ml−1, well within the range of cell concentrations observed associated with fish kills. The toxic activity from K. micrum cells and culture filtrates was traced to two distinct fractions that co-elute with polar lipids. The LC50 for hemolysis of the larger of these two fractions (Tox A) was 284 ng ml−1 while the LC50 of the second, smaller, fraction (Tox B) was 600 ng ml−1. For comparison, the LC50 for the standard hemolysin saponin was 3203 ng ml−1. At concentrations of 800 and 2000 ng ml−1, respectively, Tox A was further shown to be ichthyotoxic to zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae (80% mortality), and cytotoxic to a mammalian GH(4)C(1) cell line (100% LDH release). At a concentration of 600 ng ml−1 Tox B was shown to be cytotoxic to a mammalian GH(4)C(1) cell line (>30% LDH release), but not ichthyotoxic to zebrafish (D. rerio) larvae up to a concentration of 250 ng ml−1. Although treatment with either algicidal copper or potassium permanganate caused significant lysis of K. micrum cells (>70%), toxic activity was released after treatment with copper and eliminated following treatment with potassium permanganate. This observation in cultures is consistent with observations made at HyRock Fish Farm where significantly higher mortality was observed following treatment of a K. micrum bloom with copper sulfate compared to treatment with potassium permanganate. This study represents the first direct evidence of the toxicity of K. micrum isolated from the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   
Woody debris is abundant in hurricane‐impacted forests. With a major hurricane affecting South Florida mangroves approximately every 20 yr, carbon storage and nutrient retention may be influenced greatly by woody debris dynamics. In addition, woody debris can influence seedling regeneration in mangrove swamps by trapping propagules and enhancing seedling growth potential. Here, we report on line‐intercept woody debris surveys conducted in mangrove wetlands of South Florida 9–10 yr after the passage of Hurricane Andrew. The total volume of woody debris for all sites combined was estimated at 67 m3/ha and varied from 13 to 181 m3/ha depending upon differences in forest height, proximity to the storm, and maximum estimated wind velocities. Large volumes of woody debris were found in the eyewall region of the hurricane, with a volume of 132 m3/ha and a projected woody debris biomass of approximately 36 t/ha. Approximately half of the woody debris biomass averaged across all sites was associated as small twigs and branches (fine woody debris), since coarse woody debris >7.5 cm felled during Hurricane Andrew was fairly well decomposed. Much of the small debris is likely to be associated with post‐hurricane forest dynamics. Hurricanes are responsible for large amounts of damage to mangrove ecosystems, and components of associated downed wood may provide a relative index of disturbance for mangrove forests. Here, we suggest that a fine:coarse woody debris ratio ≤0.5 is suggestive of a recent disturbance in mangrove wetlands, although additional research is needed to corroborate such findings.  相似文献   
Wetlands evapotranspire more water than other ecosystems, including agricultural, forest and grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (Ca) on wetland evapotranspiration (ET) are largely unknown. Here, we present data on 12 years of measurements of ET, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), and ecosystem water use efficiency (EWUE, i.e. NEE/ET) at 13:00–15:00 hours in July and August for a Scirpus olneyi (C3 sedge) community and a Spartina patens (C4 grass) community exposed to ambient and elevated (ambient+340 μmol mol?1) Ca in a Chesapeake Bay wetland. Although a decrease in stomatal conductance at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community was counteracted by an increase in leaf area index (LAI) to some extend, ET was still reduced by 19% on average over 12 years. In the S. patens community, LAI was not affected by elevated Ca and the reduction of ET was 34%, larger than in the S. olneyi community. For both communities, the relative reduction in ET by elevated Ca was directly proportional to precipitation due to a larger reduction in stomatal conductance in the control plants as precipitation decreased. NEE was stimulated about 36% at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community but was not significantly affected by elevated Ca in S. patens community. A negative correlation between salinity and precipitation observed in the field indicated that precipitation affected ET through altered salinity and interacted with growth Ca. This proposed mechanism was supported by a greenhouse study that showed a greater Ca effect on ET in controlled low salinity conditions compared with high salinity. In spite of the differences between the two communities in their responses to elevated Ca, EWUE was increased about 83% by elevated Ca in both the S. olneyi and S. patens communities. These findings suggest that rising Ca could have significant impacts on the hydrologic cycles of coastal wetlands.  相似文献   
Abstract Broadscale habitat use by Eastern Curlews (Numenius madagascariensis) in their non‐breeding range in eastern Australia was assessed using low tide surveys on feeding grounds, where 60 skilled volunteers made repeated counts of the birds on intertidal flats, across 41% (9500 ha) of the intertidal habitat within Moreton Bay, Australia. We analysed 32 defined sections of intertidal flat, of roughly equal area (mostly 200–400 ha), which varied greatly in their curlew density (2–47 birds per 100 ha) and also in substrate and other environmental features. Sites with the least resistant substrates had densities three times those with the most resistant substrates. Of 10 environmental characteristics measured for each site, substrate resistance was the best predictor of curlew density (r2 = 0.45). Characteristics that were poor predictors included distance to the nearest roost, level of human disturbance and distance to urban settlement. For a finer‐scale assessment, microhabitat use and feeding behaviour were recorded during low tide within 12 intertidal flats, which varied in size (23–97 ha), substrate, topography and other features. Across all flats, curlews strongly preferred to feed relatively close (0–50 m) to the low‐water line. They fed on a variety of substrates (including sand, sandy‐mud, mud and seagrass) in broadly similar proportions to their occurrence in the habitat. There was a statistically significant preference for sand, although its magnitude was not strong. These results indicate that curlews select habitat most strongly at a between‐flat rather than within‐flat scale.  相似文献   
The abundance, generation time and production ofChironomus salinarius larvae in a lagoon fish-pond system in the Bay of Cádiz were studied by taking monthly samples at 3 sites during 1991 and 1992. Numerical abundance and biomass of larvae showed considerable spatial, seasonal and interannual variation (ANCOVAs,P<0.001). The maximum mean annual density was 7048 larvae m–2, and corresponded to a biomass of 3.08 g dry weight (DW) m–2. It was recorded at the site with the lowest rate of water renewal. Seasonal patterns were similar at all sites, with main annual peaks of abundance and biomass in autumn-early winter. Chironomid density was positively related to the biomass of benthic macroalgae (P<0.001). The population studied was multivoltine with a probable average of five generations per year, with overlapping cohorts and a predominance of third- and fourth-instar larvae. Estimates of annual production ranged between 72.2 g DW m–2 yr–1 at the site with the lowest rate of water renewal in 1991 and 0.1 g DW m–2 yr–1 at the site with the highest rate of water renewal in 1992. Mean annual production and the production/biomass ratio for the system was estimated to be 16.8 g DW m–2 yr–1 and 12.7, respectively. Possible factors leading to the observed density fluctuations are discussed, as well as possible sources of error in production estimates.  相似文献   
钦州湾秋季和春季浮游动物分布特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庞碧剑  李天深  蓝文陆  黎明民  骆鑫  陈莹 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6204-6216
为了解钦州湾浮游动物群落的时空分布特征及与主要环境因子的关系,于2014年10月和2015年3月进行了秋季和春季两航次的调查。结果表明:该海湾的浮游动物群落有明显的季节变化。秋季共鉴定出12类87种,其中优势种有太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)、肥胖三角溞(Evadne tergestina)、亨生莹虾(Lucifer hanseni)、百陶箭虫(Sagitta bedoti)和长尾类幼虫(Macrura larvae);春季共鉴定出11类48种,优势种为中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)和太平洋纺锤水蚤;秋季浮游动物的平均丰度、生物量和多样性指数(528.92个/m~3、110.60 mg/m~3和2.22)均高于春季(48.30个/m~3、61.10 mg/m~3和1.70)。空间分布上,钦州湾外湾浮游动物丰度、生物量和多样性指数的平均值皆高于内湾。多维尺度分析表明,秋季内湾群落相似性较高,春季外湾浮游动物群落相似性较高。相关性分析表明盐度与营养盐是影响钦州湾浮游动物分布的主要环境因子。与2011—2012年数据相比,钦州湾浮游动物群落结构已趋于单一化和小型化,以致生物量明显下降。这一现象主要与钦州湾海水富营养化以及大面积高密度牡蛎养殖有密切的关系。  相似文献   
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