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Suppressor of gene silencing 3 (SGS3) is involved in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6)-dependent small-interfering RNA (siRNA) pathways in Arabidopsis. However, the roles of SGS3 in those pathways are unclear. Here, we show that SGS3 interacts and colocalizes with RDR6 in cytoplasmic granules. Interestingly, the granules containing SGS3 and RDR6 (named SGS3/RDR6-bodies) were distinct from the processing bodies where mRNAs are decayed and/or stored. Microscopic analyses and complementation experiments using SGS3-deletion mutants suggested that proper localization of SGS3 is important for its function. These results provide novel insights into RDR6-dependent siRNA formation in plants.
Structured summary
MINT-7014710: SGS3 (uniprotkb:Q9LDX1) and RDR6 (uniprotkb:Q9SG02) physically interact (MI:0218) by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (MI:0809)MINT-7014697: RDR6 (uniprotkb:Q9SG02) and SGS3 (uniprotkb:Q9LDX1) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416) 相似文献22.
1p36 deletion (monosomy 1p36) is one of the most common terminal deletions observed in humans, characterized by special facial features, mental retardation, heart defects, development delay and epilepsy. Previously, we reported molecular findings in patients with limb, congenital heart disease (CHD) and other malformations with SNP-array. In a syndromic patient of the same cohort, we detected a small deletion of 1p36.33–p36.32 containing SKI (Sloan–Kettering Institute protooncoprotein). Recently, dominant mutations in SKI were identified to be correlated with Shprintzen–Goldberg syndrome. Retrospective examination revealed this patient with limb malformations, CHD, epilepsy and mild development delay. Together with previous reports, our study suggests that the 1p36.33–1p36.32 deletion encompassing SKI may represents a previous undescribed microdeletion disorder. 相似文献
Targeted gene replacement (TGR) in yeast and mammalian cells is initiated by the two free ends of the linear targeting molecule, which invade their respective homologous sequences in the chromosome, leading to replacement of the targeted locus with a selectable gene from the targeting DNA. To study the postinvasion steps in recombination, we examined the effects of DNA structure-specific proteins on TGR frequency and heteroduplex DNA formation. In strains deleted of RAD1, MSH2, or MSH3, we find that the frequency of TGR is reduced and the mechanism of TGR is altered while the reverse is true for deletion of SGS1, suggesting that Rad1 and Msh2:Msh3 facilitate TGR while Sgs1 opposes it. The altered mechanism of TGR in the absence of Msh2:Msh3 and Rad1 reveals a separate role for these proteins in suppressing an alternate gene replacement pathway in which incorporation of both homology regions from a single strand of targeting DNA into heteroduplex with the targeted locus creates a mismatch between the selectable gene on the targeting DNA and the targeted gene in the chromosome. 相似文献
Mayol M Palau C Rosselló JA González-Martínez SC Molins A Riba M 《Annals of botany》2012,109(2):429-441
Background and Aims
Archipelagos are unique systems for studying evolutionary processes promoting diversification and speciation. The islands of the Mediterranean basin are major areas of plant richness, including a high proportion of narrow endemics. Many endemic plants are currently found in rocky habitats, showing varying patterns of habitat occupancy at different spatial scales throughout their range. The aim of the present study was to understand the impact of varying patterns of population distribution on genetic diversity and structure to shed light on demographic and evolutionary processes leading to population diversification in Crepis triasii, an endemic plant from the eastern Balearic Islands.Methods
Using allozyme and chloroplast markers, we related patterns of genetic structure and diversity to those of habitat occupancy at a regional (between islands and among populations within islands) and landscape (population size and connectivity) scale.Key Results
Genetic diversity was highly structured both at the regional and at the landscape level, and was positively correlated with population connectivity in the landscape. Populations located in small isolated mountains and coastal areas, with restricted patterns of regional occupancy, were genetically less diverse and much more differentiated. In addition, more isolated populations had stronger fine-scale genetic structure than well-connected ones. Changes in habitat availability and quality arising from marine transgressions during the Quaternary, as well as progressive fragmentation associated with the aridification of the climate since the last glaciation, are the most plausible factors leading to the observed patterns of genetic diversity and structure.Conclusions
Our results emphasize the importance of gene flow in preventing genetic erosion and maintaining the evolutionary potential of populations. They also agree with recent studies highlighting the importance of restricted gene flow and genetic drift as drivers of plant evolution in Mediterranean continental islands. 相似文献26.
Management and genetic conservation plans require knowledge of spatial genetic structure (SGS) to ensure the long-term maintenance of genetic variability in natural populations. This study uses spatial statistical analyses to assess the SGS in nine locations with diverse landscape characteristics where Eremanthus erythropappus occurs at varying densities. This species, commonly known as candeia, is widely distributed throughout Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and its wood has high economic value due to its natural durability and production of oil containing the active ingredient alpha-bisabolol. The species has undergone intense exploitation without adequate management planning. Our analyses were based on polymorphism at nine inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci. We observed SGS in five of the nine populations. The data indicate different degrees of SGS in the populations, which supports the premise that conservation plans and seed collection strategies should be informed by genetics studies. 相似文献
We studied the genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure (SGS) of adult and juvenile individuals in a population of Hancornia speciosa in Central-West Brazil. For this, we sampled and mapped 113 adults and 100 juveniles in an area of 2.5 ha. Genomic DNA was obtained from leaves and seven microsatellite loci were used to genotype all individuals. The studied population showed high genetic diversity (He) but with significant inbreeding (f) for both life stages most likely due to biparental inbreeding. Spatial genetic structure was weak for both life stages and the values of SP were low and neighborhoods (Nb) was high for both generations showing a potential long-distance gene dispersal. 相似文献
细胞色素P450蛋白CYP78A5/KLUH主要以非细胞自主性的方式调控了拟南芥器官大小的发育。我们对一个新的cyp78a5(sALK_024697)突变体的研究表明,CYP78A5基因还参与控制了拟南芥叶发育的时期转换。cyp78a5突变体中幼年态叶(juvenile leaf)向转换期叶(transition leaf)的发育时期推迟,而且没有成年态叶(adult leaf)形成。遗传分析表明CYP78A5基因可能与SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING3(SGS3)基因作用在同一个遗传调控途径控制叶片发育时期的转换。 相似文献