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不同类型拌种剂对花生及其根际微生物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘登望  周山  刘升锐  吴佳宝  李林 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6777-6787
拌种处理对于花生一播全苗和稳定高产非常重要.选用不同类型的4种拌种剂即哈茨木霉菌剂(真菌拮抗剂)、甲基托布津(杀真菌剂)、适乐时(杀真菌剂)、好安威(化学杀虫剂)处理花生种子,通过测定花生农艺性状、品质指标、根际土壤微生物动态等来评价其对花生和环境的综合效应.结果表明:1)各种杀菌剂拌种均能提高花生成苗率,而好安威略差;各拌种剂促进花生株高、叶绿素含量,而单株叶片数适乐时增多,好安威减少,单株分枝数盛花期有所增多(好安威除外),结果期均略减少;单株烂、虫、芽果数均减少,单株秕果数增加,单株饱果数降低(好安威除外),百果重和百仁重提高(哈茨木霉除外),而饱满度降低;最终荚果产量除哈茨木霉略低,其余拌种剂增产效果极显著,甲基托布津、适乐时、好安威比对照分别增产34.58%、25.90%、22.82%.2)哈茨木霉拌种使蛋白质含量、亚油酸含量增幅最大,油份含量增幅较大,油亚比值降幅最大;甲基托布津处理的蛋白质和油份含量降幅最大;适乐时对提高油份含量、油亚比值效果最佳;好安威对品质指标的影响有限.3)从细菌及放线菌与真菌的比值来看,甲基托布津促细菌、抑真菌的效果好且长,对放线菌/真菌比值影响较小;哈茨木霉在前中期促细菌与放线菌、抑真菌的效果明显,但后期效果趋反;适乐时促细菌、抑真菌的效果短促,且一直强烈抑制放线菌;而好安威相比影响较小.4)好安威对根瘤菌具有显著的抑制作用,而哈茨木霉、适乐时、甲基托布津均极显著增加根瘤数量.结论:各拌种剂对花生产量、品质、根瘤、根际微生物产生了较大差异的综合效应,须因地、因时选用;化学杀菌剂甲基托布津的农艺效应、环境微生物效应均最好,唯蛋白质含量、油份含量略有降低,是一种较理想的综合优良拌种剂.  相似文献   
填充料和通气对污泥堆肥过程的影响   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
试验研究了不同配比的以料和通气状况对污泥堆肥起始升温的影响。结果表明,填充料含是量高的配比升温速度明显比填充料含量低的配比快;高填充料配比的堆体(填充料占堆料的1/2~1/3)在超始升温阶段可以不进行氢气的供给;低填充料的配比和加入回流堆肥的配比(填充料占堆料的1/4~1/9),由于堆体的孔隙少,则必须进行通气量的调节。  相似文献   
研制广谱抗病毒制剂是病毒学前瞻性方向,也是国际医药界倍受瞩目的热点之一.近年来,广谱抗病毒制剂相关研究获得长足进展,突破了抗病毒制剂单一宿主的瓶颈与限制,以及广谱类制剂活性相对较弱的原有思维,部分成果已面向临床应用.本文基于病毒侵染以及宿主细胞防御两个层面,全面综述新型广谱抗病毒抑制剂的研究进展与应用潜力,讨论现存的挑战,并展望了未来研究趋势.  相似文献   
Streptomyces sp. strain g10 exhibited strong antagonism towards Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) races 1, 2 and 4 in plate assays by producing extracellular antifungal metabolites. Treating the planting hole and roots of 4-week-old tissue-culture-derived Novaria banana plantlets with strain g10 suspension (108 cfu/ml), significantly (P<0.05) reduced wilt severity when the plantlets were inoculated with 104 spores/ml Foc race 4. The final disease severity index for leaf symptom (LSI) and rhizome discoloration (RDI) was reduced about 47 and 53%, respectively, in strain g10-treated plantlets compared to untreated plantlets. Reduction in disease incidence was not significant (P<0.05) when plantlets were inoculated with a higher concentration (106 spores/ml) of Foc race 4. Rhizosphere population of strain g10 showed significant (P=0.05) increase of more than 2-fold at the end of the 3rd week compared to the 2nd week after soil amendment with the antagonist. Although the level dropped, the rhizosphere population at the end of the 6th week was still nearly 2-fold higher than the level detected after 2 weeks. In contrast, the root-free population declined significantly (P=0.05), nearly 4-fold after 6 weeks when compared to the level detected after 2 weeks. Neither growth-inhibiting nor growth-stimulating effects were observed in plantlets grown in strain g10-amended soil.  相似文献   
葡激酶的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了葡激酶的生化特性、溶栓特性、免疫原性和临床应用方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) was used as the targeting ligand to enhance the specificity of a cancer drug delivery system (DDS) via its specific interaction with the EGF receptor (EGFR) that is overexpressed on the surface of some cancer cells. To investigate the intermolecular interaction and binding affinity between the EGF-conjugated DDS and the EGFR, 50 ns molecular dynamics simulations were performed on the complex of tethered EGFR and EGF linked to single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) through a biopolymer chitosan wrapping the tube outer surface (EGFR·EGF-CS-SWCNT-Drug complex), and compared to the EGFR·EGF complex and free EGFR. The binding pattern of the EGF-CS-SWCNT-Drug complex to the EGFR was broadly comparable to that for EGF, but the binding affinity of the EGF-CS-SWCNT-Drug complex was predicted to be somewhat better than that for EGF alone. Additionally, the chitosan chain could prevent undesired interactions of SWCNT at the binding pocket region. Therefore, EGF connected to SWCNT via a chitosan linker is a seemingly good formulation for developing a smart DDS served as part of an alternative cancer therapy.  相似文献   
化学杂交剂诱导的小麦生理型雄性不育花药的活性氧代谢   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以化学杂交剂SQ-1诱导的生理型小麦雄性不育及其对照植株花药为材料,研究了不同花粉发育时期花药中超氧阴离子(O-·2)生成速率、过氧化氢(H2O2)和丙二醛(MDA)含量以及主要抗氧化酶活性的变化,以探明小麦花药活性氧代谢和生理型雄性不育的关系.结果表明,在幼穗时期,O-·2生成速率、H2O2和MDA含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性均高于相应对照,而过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性则低于或显著低于对照;在单核早期以及花粉败育主要发生期(单核后期和二核初期),O-·2生成速率、H2O2和MDA含量极显著高于对照,而SOD、POD、CAT和APX酶活性却极显著低于对照;在败育后的花药中,O-·2生成速率和H2O2含量与对照之间差异幅度缩小,但MDA含量依然加大,同期的几种抗氧化酶活性依然极显著低于对照.在败育的关键期,品种'西农1376'处理株花药的活性氧升高幅度比'西农2611'处理株较大,抗氧化酶活性降低幅度也较大,且'西农1376'处理株的相对雄性不育率也较高.可见,化学杂交剂SQ-1能诱导小麦花药中O-·2和H2O2大量积累以及SOD、POD、CAT和APX活性的极显著降低,引起花粉关键败育期花药活性氧代谢严重失衡和严重膜脂过氧化,导致大量花粉母细胞发育受到严重抑制,最终造成小麦生理型雄性不育.  相似文献   
Cell wall materials were prepared from apple tissue by seven different procedures, some of which are methods in current use in laboratories. The yield, the composition and the fractionation patterns of the pectin content, following sequential extraction in water, chelating agent (CDTA) and a pectin lyase treatment, was compared for each CWM. Variability of the yields and compositions of the CWM were small and few differences were statistically significant. There were differences in the partitioning pattern of the pectin during fractionation but also a high standard deviation of the yields between repetitions.  相似文献   
污染土壤淋洗修复技术研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
土壤淋洗修复技术是一种行之有效的污染土壤治理技术,适合于快速修复受高浓度重金属和有机物污染土壤与沉积物。本文综述了土壤淋洗修复技术的特点、技术流程、土壤淋洗剂的研究与应用进展,指出异位土壤淋洗修复技术因修复效果稳定,易于实现系统控制和废弃物减量化等优点而具有更广阔的应用前景,天然螯合剂和生物表面活性剂等环境友好型淋洗剂正逐渐取代人工螯合剂和化学表面活性剂成为土壤淋洗剂研究的主流方向,而现代超分子化学的引入和发展有可能对复合污染土壤的高效淋洗修复研究产生新的影响。  相似文献   
Prions are the infectious agents responsible for prion diseases, which appear to be composed exclusively by the misfolded prion protein (PrP(Sc)). Disease is transmitted by the autocatalytic propagation of PrP(Sc) misfolding at the expense of the normal prion protein. The biggest challenge of the prion hypothesis has been to explain the molecular mechanism by which prions can exist as different strains, producing diseases with distinguishable characteristics. Here, we show that PrP(Sc) generated in vitro by protein misfolding cyclic amplification from five different mouse prion strains maintains the strain-specific properties. Inoculation of wild-type mice with in vitro-generated PrP(Sc) caused a disease with indistinguishable incubation times as well as neuropathological and biochemical characteristics as the parental strains. Biochemical features were also maintained upon replication of four human prion strains. These results provide additional support for the prion hypothesis and indicate that strain characteristics can be faithfully propagated in the absence of living cells, suggesting that strain variation is dependent on PrP(Sc) properties.  相似文献   
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