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Delany ME 《Animal genetics》2000,31(2):110-116
The nucleolus organizer region (NOR) encodes the tandemly repeated 18S, 5.8S and 28S ribosomal (r) RNA genes. The NORs of broiler and layer commercial chicken pure lines were studied to establish the type and extent of genetic variation at this important locus. The parameters studied were gene copy number, repeat size, and diversity of NOR-types. The populations were organized into three groups for analysis including brown-egg broiler (13 lines), brown-egg layer (six lines), and white-egg layer (eight lines). The ribosomal gene copy number average of the white-egg layer populations was significantly lower (329 genes) than that of the brown-egg layers (372 genes); the brown-egg broiler ribosomal gene average was intermediate (350 genes). The white-egg layer populations exhibited a ribosomal repeat unit average size of 36 kb, significantly different from the brown-egg layer and brown-egg broiler average repeat unit size of 32.5 and 33.9 kb, respectively. NOR array size was similar among the three groups (6 mb). The brown-egg broiler populations exhibited polymorphic NOR patterns, intra- and interline, whereas the white-egg layer populations were essentially monomorphic for NOR-type; brown-egg layers exhibited an intermediate level of NOR diversity. Some NOR array characteristics may be a function of breed origin as brown-egg commercial populations, both broilers and layers, have similar breed origins and exhibited similarities for predominant repeat unit size as compared with white-egg layer populations. However, the finding that brown-egg broiler lines typically exhibit a greater number of segregating NOR-types than brown-egg layer lines suggests that the selection schemes of broiler vs. layer pure line populations may also have influenced the degree of variation at this gene complex.  相似文献   
Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) and trehalase (Tre) isoenzymes of five species of Simulium blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae), vectors of onchocerciasis in Venezuela, were investigated by means of a portable electrophoresis field kit. Tre differed between S. incrustatum and S. oyapockense s.l. Electrophoretic variation of Tre in other members of the S. amazonicum and S. incrustatum groups merit further investigation. PGM appears to be more useful for separating populations within species complexes. Multiple populations and/or seasonal changes in population structure of S. guianense s.l., S. exiguum s.l. and S. metallicum s.l. were inferred from elecrophoretic variation of PGM.  相似文献   
A modified version of the JHH-TOCSY experiment, `signed COSY', is presented that allows the determination of the sign of residual dipolar 1H-1H coupling constants with respect to the sign of one-bond 1H-X coupling constants in linear three-spin systems X-1H-1H, where X = 13C or 15N. In contrast to the original JHH-TOCSY experiments, the signs of J HH couplings may be determined for CH2-CH2 moieties and for uniformly 13C/15N-labelled samples. In addition, sensitivity is enhanced, diagonal peaks are suppressed and cross peaks are observed only between directly coupled protons, as in a COSY spectrum.  相似文献   
When attached outside the voltage-sensing S4 segment of the Shaker potassium channel, the fluorescent probe tetramethylrhodamine (TMRM) undergoes voltage-dependent fluorescence changes (DeltaF) due to differential interaction with a pH-titratable external protein-lined vestibule (Cha, A., and F. Bezanilla. 1998. J. Gen. Physiol. 112:391-408.). We attached TMRM at the same sites [corresponding to M356C and A359C in the wild-type (wt) channel] in a deletion mutant of Shaker where all but the five amino acids closest to S4 had been removed from the S3-S4 linker. In the deletion mutant, the maximal DeltaF/F seen was diminished 10-fold, and the DeltaF at M356C became pH independent, suggesting that the protein-lined vestibule is made up in large part by the S3-S4 linker. The residual DeltaF showed that the probe still interacted with two putative quenching groups near the S4 segment. One group was detected by M356C-TMRM (located outside of S3 in the deletion mutant) and reported on deactivation gating charge movement when applying hyperpolarizing voltage steps from a holding potential of 0 mV. During activating voltage steps from a holding potential of -90 mV, the fluorescence lagged considerably behind the movement of gating charge over a range of potentials. Another putative quenching group was seen by probes attached closer to the S4 and caused a DeltaF at extreme hyperpolarizations (more negative than -90 mV) only. A signal from the interaction with this group in the wt S3-S4 linker channel (at L361C) correlated with gating charge moving in the hyperpolarized part of the Q-V curve. Probe attached at A359C in the deletion mutant and at L361C in wt channel showed a biphasic DeltaF as the probe oscillated between the two groups, revealing that there is a transient state of the voltage sensor in between, where the probe has maximal fluorescence. We conclude that the voltage sensor undergoes two distinct conformational changes as seen from probes attached outside the S4 segment.  相似文献   
Molecular ecology of hydrothermal vent microbial communities   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Mitochondria of chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum (K1 strain) were isolated from mature trophozoites by differential centrifugation. The mitochondrial marker enzyme cytochrome c reductase was employed to monitor the steps of mitochondria isolation. Partial purification of DNA polymerase from P. falciparum mitochondria was performed using fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). DNA polymerase of P. falciparum mitochondria was characterized as a gamma-like DNA polymerase based on its sensitivity to the inhibitors aphidicolin, N-ethylmaleimide and 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine-5'-triphosphate. In contrast, the enzyme was found to be strongly resistant to 2',3'-dideoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate (IC(50)>400 microM) and differed in this aspect from the human homologue, possibly indicating structural differences between human and P. falciparum DNA polymerase gamma. In addition, the DNA polymerase of parasite mitochondria was shown to be resistant (IC(50)>1 mM) to the nucleotide analogue (S)-1-[3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl]adenine diphosphate (HPMPApp).  相似文献   
With a view toward verifying the original classification of alkaliphilic Bacillus firmus OF4, physiological and biochemical characteristics were more extensively catalogued than in original studies, and this catalog was supplemented with 16S rDNA sequence homology and more extensive DNA–DNA hybridization analyses. Phylogenetic analysis of this alkaliphile based on the comparison of multiple 16S rDNA sequences from Bacillus species indicated that this strain is most closely related to Bacillus pseudofirmus. Consistently, in the DNA–DNA hybridization analysis of the alkaliphile and Bacillus reference strains, the highest level of DNA–DNA relatedness (96%) was found between the alkaliphile and the B. pseudofirmus type strain (DSM 8715T). The findings support the conclusion that this alkaliphile strain is more closely related to B. pseudofirmus than to B. firmus, and we propose the future use of the designation B. pseudofirmus OF4. Received: April 20, 1999 / Accepted: August 31, 1999  相似文献   
A number of novel alkaliphilic organotrophic bacteria have been isolated from several saline and alkaline East African soda lakes. The new isolates grow at pH values between 7.0 and 11.0, with pH optima for growth between 9.0 and 10.0. Growth occurs at total salts concentration between 0% and 20% (w/v) with optimum at 0%–7% (w/v). Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rDNA sequence comparison indicate that these isolates are related (>96% similarity) to members of the Halomonadaceae within the γ-3 subdivision of the Proteobacteria. These analyses indicate that existing species within the Halomonadaceae fell within three main groups, one group comprising the type species of Halomonas, Halomonas elongata, and a number of other known species including one soda lake isolate. A second group constituting most of the remaining known species of Halomonas and related Chromohalobacter spp. includes 3 soda lake isolates with high DNA–DNA homologies. The third group included Halomonas halodenitrificans, Halomonas desiderata, Halomonas cupida, and 13 soda lake isolates. Phenotypic comparisons indicated that the majority of soda lake strains shared similar morphological, phenotypic, and chemotaxonomic properties to known strains of Halomonas but grew under alkaline conditions. The 3 soda lake isolates with high DNA–DNA homologies were, however, significantly different in antibiotic sensitivity pattern and in the utilization of several substrates, were unable to reduce nitrite, and showed low DNA–DNA homologies with known halomonads in the same group. We propose that these isolates comprise a new species of the genus Halomonas that we name Halomonas magadii sp. nov. The type strain is strain 21 MI (NCIMB 13595). Received: July 20, 1999 / Accepted: October 29, 1999  相似文献   
The EF-hand calcium-binding protein S100B has been shown to interact in vitro in a calcium-sensitive manner with many substrates. These potential S100B target proteins have been screened for the preservation of a previously identified consensus sequence across species. The results were compared to known structural and in vitro properties of the proteins to rationalize choices for potential binding partners. Our approach uncovered four oligomeric proteins tubulin (alpha and beta), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), desmin, and vimentin that have conserved regions matching the consensus sequence. In the type III intermediate filament proteins (GFAP, vimentin, and desmin), this region corresponds to a portion of a coiled-coil (helix 2A), the structural element responsible for their assembly. In tubulin, the sequence matches correspond to regions of alpha and beta tubulin found at the alpha beta tubulin interface. In both cases, these consensus sequence matches provide a logical explanation for in vitro observations that S100B is able to inhibit oligomerization of these proteins.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of the gene (pepA) of a zymogen of an aspartic proteinase from Penicillium janthinellum with a 71% identity in the deduced amino acid sequence to penicillopepsin (which we propose to call penicillopepsin-JT1) has been determined. The gene consists of 60 codons for a putative leader sequence of 20 amino acid residues, a sequence of about 150 nucleotides that probably codes for an activation peptide and a sequence with two introns that codes for the active aspartic proteinase. This gene, inserted into the expression vector pGPT-pyrG1, was expressed in an aspartic proteinase-free strain of Aspergillus niger var. awamori in high yield as a glycosylated form of the active enzyme that we call penicillopepsin-JT2. After removal of the carbohydrate component with endoglycosidase H, its relative molecular mass is between 33,700 and 34,000. Its kinetic properties, especially the rate-enhancing effects of the presence of alanine residues in positions P3 and P2' of substrates, are similar to those of penicillopepsin-JT1, endothiapepsin, rhizopuspepsin, and pig pepsin. Earlier findings suggested that this rate-enhancing effect was due to a hydrogen bond between the -NH- of P3 and the hydrogen bond accepting oxygen of the side chain of the fourth amino acid residue C-terminal to Asp215. Thr219 of penicillopepsin-JT2 was mutated to Ser, Val, Gly, and Ala. Thr219Ser showed an increase in k(cat) when a P3 residue was present in the substrate, which was similar to that of the wild-type, whereas the mutants Thr219Val, Thr219Gly, and Thr219Ala showed no significant increase when a P3 residue was added. The results show that the putative hydrogen bond alone is responsible for the increase. We propose that by locking the -NH- of P3 to the enzyme, the scissile peptide bond between P1 and P1' becomes distorted toward a tetrahedral conformation and becomes more susceptible to nucleophilic attack by the catalytic apparatus without the need of a conformational change in the enzyme.  相似文献   
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