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该研究基于叶绿体16S rRNA基因序列,构建绿色裸藻类的系统发育树,并对绿色裸藻类植物8个形态性状进行祖先重建分析,以明确绿色裸藻类植物的系统演化关系,为研究该类植物的起源提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)贝叶斯法构建的绿色裸藻类系统发育树显示,双鞭藻属与拟双鞭藻属互为姐妹群,扁裸藻属、鳞孔藻属和盘裸藻属亲缘关系较近,而囊裸藻属和陀螺藻属亲缘关系较近,裸藻属、隐裸藻属、柄裸藻属和旋形藻属亲缘关系较近,表明裸藻属不是一个单系类群。(2)基于形态性状的祖先重建结果显示,绿色裸藻类相对原始的7个性状包括:表质柔软易变形,出现螺旋形线纹,细胞后端渐尖或尖尾刺状,无囊壳,叶绿体为片状、盾状或大盘状,具无鞘蛋白核,副淀粉粒为小颗粒状且数量不定,而鞭毛长度不能推断可能的祖先状态。(3)综合8种性状祖先重建结果发现,裸藻属和眼裸藻属植物具有所有原始性状,可能是最先出现的绿色裸藻类的祖先。  相似文献   
Homogeneous population structure in a migrant Lepidoptera, Agrotis ipsilon. Light trapping of Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) on various passes of the Alps and Pyrénées exhibited wide range movements between overwintering and aestivation areas. Electrophoretic analysis of samples taken in the Cantons of Vaud and Tessin (Switzerland), in the Rhône Delta (Southern France), and on passes of the Alps and Pyrénées, showed a great temporal and spatial homogeneity of allele frequencies (Fst values ranging from 0.002 to 0.013, and genetic distances from 0 to 0.004). These results support the hypothesis of a high level of gene flow. However, the occurrence during some years of high Fis values, might be explained by mixtures of populations that had undergone selection or went through a bottle-neck.  相似文献   
To get insight into the microbial community of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor treating paper mill wastewater, conventional microbiological methods were combined with 16S rRNA gene analyses. Particular attention was paid to microorganisms able to degrade propionate or butyrate in the presence or absence of sulphate. Serial enrichment dilutions allowed estimating the number of microorganisms per ml sludge that could use butyrate with or without sulphate (10(5)), propionate without sulphate (10(6)), or propionate and sulphate (10(8)). Quantitative RNA dot-blot hybridisation indicated that Archaea were two-times more abundant in the microbial community of anaerobic sludge than Bacteria. The microbial community composition was further characterised by 16S rRNA-gene-targeted Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting, and via cloning and sequencing of dominant amplicons from the bacterial and archaeal patterns. Most of the nearly full length (approximately 1.45 kb) bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences showed less than 97% similarity to sequences present in public databases, in contrast to the archaeal clones (approximately. 1.3 kb) that were highly similar to known sequences. While Methanosaeta was found as the most abundant genus, also Crenarchaeote-relatives were identified. The microbial community was relatively stable over a period of 3 years (samples taken in July 1999, May 2001, March 2002 and June 2002) as indicated by the high similarity index calculated from DGGE profiles (81.9+/-2.7% for Bacteria and 75.1+/-3.1% for Archaea). 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated the presence of unknown and yet uncultured microorganisms, but also showed that known sulphate-reducing bacteria and syntrophic fatty acid-oxidising microorganisms dominated the enrichments.  相似文献   
国内外割手密资源农艺性状表型遗传多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用表型性状变异分析和聚类分析,对国内外不同地理来源的456份割手密资源13个性状进行评价,初步了解其遗传多样性特点,为解决种质创新与品种改良遗传基础狭窄问题提供思路。结果表明,456份割手密在株高、叶长、叶宽、锤度等多个性状都表现出了极高的遗传变异,多样性指数介于0.97~7.92之间;对嵌纹病、眼点病的抗病性及对金龟子的抗虫性变异范围广;国内外不同地理来源的割手密群间的遗传变异较大,以云南割手密群体多样性最丰富。聚类分析结果表明,国内外割手密资源聚成三大不同类群,云南独自为一大类,国外割手密被归为第二大类,其他为第三大类。各类群在植株生长特性及锤度方面具有极显著差异。  相似文献   
Microbial community profiling using 16S rRNA gene sequences requires accurate taxonomy assignments. ‘Universal'' primers target conserved sequences and amplify sequences from many taxa, but they provide variable coverage of different environments, and regions of the rRNA gene differ in taxonomic informativeness—especially when high-throughput short-read sequencing technologies (for example, 454 and Illumina) are used. We introduce a new evaluation procedure that provides an improved measure of expected taxonomic precision when classifying environmental sequence reads from a given primer. Applying this measure to thousands of combinations of primers and read lengths, simulating single-ended and paired-end sequencing, reveals that these choices greatly affect taxonomic informativeness. The most informative sequence region may differ by environment, partly due to variable coverage of different environments in reference databases. Using our Rtax method of classifying paired-end reads, we found that paired-end sequencing provides substantial benefit in some environments including human gut, but not in others. Optimal primer choice for short reads totaling 96 nt provides 82–100% of the confident genus classifications available from longer reads.  相似文献   
2H2O (99.8%) Ringer's solution greatly reduces the twitch and tetanus of frog sartorius muscle and, as specially shown here, slows the onset features of the mechanical output of the twitch by: (a) increasing the time (LR) from stimulus to start of latency relaxation; (b) slowing the developmet of the latency relaxation, and (c) greatly decreasing the rate of onset of tension development. These changes reflect effects of 2H2O on excitation-contraction coupling and they represent the critical direct effects of 2H2O on muscle since it does not depress either the action potential or the intrinsic myofibrillar contractility. The increase in LR is attributed to slowed inward electrical propagation in the T-tubule. But the critical effect of 2H2O on frog muscle is to greatly depress mobilization of activator Ca2+. The depression of the Ca2+ mobilization and of its effects on the activation of contraction evidently result from (a) a lowered rate of release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, as indicated by the slowed development of the latency relaxation, (b) a decreased amount of Ca2+ released in a twitch, and (c) a reduced speed of diffusion of the Ca2+ to the contractile filaments. The depressed mobilization of Ca2+ is apparently the essential cause of 2H2O's general depression of twitch and tetanus output.  相似文献   
α-Tocopheryl succinate is one of the most effective analogues of vitamin E for inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing cell death in a variety of cancerous cell lines while sparing normal cells or tissues. αTocopheryl succinate inhibits oxidative phosphorylation at the level of mitochondrial complexes I and II, thus enhancing reactive oxygen species generation which, in turn, induces the expression of Nrf2-driven antioxidant/detoxifying genes. The cytoprotective role of Nrf2 downstream genes/proteins prompted us to investigate whether and how α-tocopheryl succinate increases resistance of PC3 prostate cancer cells to pro-oxidant damage. A 4 h α-tocopheryl succinate pre-treatment increases glutathione intracellular content, indicating that the vitamin E derivative is capable of training the cells to react to an oxidative insult. We found that α-tocopheryl succinate pre-treatment does not enhance paraquat-/hydroquinone-induced cytotoxicity whereas it exhibits an additional/synergistic effect on H2O2-/docetaxel-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
研究了瓦氏马尾藻(Sargassum vachellianum)规模化育苗及海区养殖技术。采集海区成熟藻体, 室内催熟放散受精卵, 收集并喷洒于水泥板、棕绳、木板3种附着基, 进行受精卵附着、萌发及苗体生长等实验, 发现棕绳育苗效果最佳。受精卵喷洒10d后, 3种附着基的出苗率分别为 85.5%、80.2%和91.3%, 平均株高约1.3 mm。前20天木板幼苗密度最高, 达8.2株/cm2, 但幼苗均生长缓慢。第30天, 幼苗出现明显分枝, 生长率增大到前20天的1.6倍, 其中棕绳幼苗株高最大, 幼苗存活率分别为83.6%、79.7%和75.6%。第60天棕绳幼苗密度及平均株高均最大。将附有幼苗的水泥板(藻礁)、棕绳放入海区进行养殖, 发现幼苗在浪大流急海区生长较快, 4周后平均株高分别达98.7和103.1 mm, 是对照组的1.5倍, 但棕绳脱苗严重。藻礁较适合海区规模化投放养殖, 是藻场修复和重建的理想材料。  相似文献   
【背景】S蛋白是猪流行性腹泻病毒(Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus,PEDV)的主要结构蛋白和免疫原性蛋白,在前期的研究中,本课题组在S蛋白的胞内区鉴定到2个包含线性B细胞表位的短肽。【目的】鉴定PEDV S蛋白胞内区线性B细胞表位的最小基序。【方法】原核表达2个短肽的每次后移1个氨基酸的系列8肽,以兔抗S蛋白血清为一抗,通过Western Blot筛选阳性反应8肽,鉴定S蛋白胞内区线性B细胞表位的最小基序。【结果】S蛋白胞内区的2个包含线性B细胞表位的短肽共享一个表位,该表位的最小基序为1371QPYE1374。同源性分析显示该B细胞表位基序为保守性表位。【结论】确定了S蛋白胞内区线性B细胞表位的最小基序为1371QPYE1374;S蛋白抗原表位的鉴定有助于提高对其结构和功能的理解。  相似文献   
The properties of the firefly luciferase (LUC) make it a very good nondestructive reporter to quantify and image transgene promoter activity in plants. The short half-life of the LUC mRNA and protein, and the very limited regeneration of the LUC protein after reacting with luciferin, enables monitoring of changes in gene activity with a high time resolution. However, the ease at which luciferase activity is measuredin planta, using a light sensitive camera system (2D-luminometer), contrasts sharply with the complications that arise from interpreting the results. A variegated pattern of luciferase activity, that is often observed inin planta measurements, might either be caused by differences in influx, availability of the substrates (luciferin, oxygen, ATP) or by local differences in reporter gene activity. Here we tested the possible contribution of differences in the availability of each substrate to the variegatedin planta luciferase activity, and we show whenin planta luciferase activity is measured under substrate equilibrium conditions and can be related to the promoter activity of the reporter gene. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effects of protein stability, apparent half-life of luciferase activity, regeneration of luciferase and pH on thein vivo andin vitro luciferase measurements. The combined results give the prerequisites for the correct utilisation of the luciferase reporter system, especially forin vivo gene expression studies in plant research.  相似文献   
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