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The cerebellar external granule layer (EGL) is the site of the largest transit amplification in the developing brain, and an excellent model for studying neuronal proliferation and differentiation. In addition, evolutionary modifications of its proliferative capability have been responsible for the dramatic expansion of cerebellar size in the amniotes, making the cerebellum an excellent model for evo-devo studies of the vertebrate brain. The constituent cells of the EGL, cerebellar granule progenitors, also represent a significant cell of origin for medulloblastoma, the most prevalent paediatric neuronal tumour. Following transit amplification, granule precursors migrate radially into the internal granular layer of the cerebellum where they represent the largest neuronal population in the mature mammalian brain. In chick, the peak of EGL proliferation occurs towards the end of the second week of gestation. In order to target genetic modification to this layer at the peak of proliferation, we have developed a method for genetic manipulation through ex vivo electroporation of cerebellum slices from embryonic Day 14 chick embryos. This method recapitulates several important aspects of in vivo granule neuron development and will be useful in generating a thorough understanding of cerebellar granule cell proliferation and differentiation, and thus of cerebellum development, evolution and disease.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli expression system is a powerful tool for the production of recombinant eukaryotic proteins. We use it to produce Shadoo, a protein belonging to the prion family. A chromatographic method for the purification of (His)6-tagged recombinant Shadoo expressed as inclusion bodies is described. The inclusion bodies are solubilized in 8 M urea and bound to a Ni2+-charged column to perform ion affinity chromatography. Bound proteins are eluted by a gradient of imidazole. Fractions containing Shadoo protein are subjected to size exclusion chromatography to obtain a highly purified protein. In the final step purified Shadoo is desalted to remove salts, urea and imidazole. Recombinant Shadoo protein is an important reagent for biophysical and biochemical studies of protein conformation disorders occurring in prion diseases. Many reports demonstrated that prion neurodegenerative diseases originate from the deposition of stable, ordered amyloid fibrils. Sample protocols describing how to fibrillate Shadoo into amyloid fibrils at acidic and neutral/basic pHs are presented. The methods on how to produce and fibrillate Shadoo can facilitate research in laboratories working on prion diseases, since it allows for production of large amounts of protein in a rapid and low cost manner.  相似文献   
Phagocytosis is a fundamental process through which innate immune cells engulf bacteria, apoptotic cells or other foreign particles in order to kill or neutralize the ingested material, or to present it as antigens and initiate adaptive immune responses. The pH of phagosomes is a critical parameter regulating fission or fusion with endomembranes and activation of proteolytic enzymes, events that allow the phagocytic vacuole to mature into a degradative organelle. In addition, translocation of H+ is required for the production of high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are essential for efficient killing and signaling to other host tissues. Many intracellular pathogens subvert phagocytic killing by limiting phagosomal acidification, highlighting the importance of pH in phagosome biology. Here we describe a ratiometric method for measuring phagosomal pH in neutrophils using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled zymosan as phagocytic targets, and live-cell imaging. The assay is based on the fluorescence properties of FITC, which is quenched by acidic pH when excited at 490 nm but not when excited at 440 nm, allowing quantification of a pH-dependent ratio, rather than absolute fluorescence, of a single dye. A detailed protocol for performing in situ dye calibration and conversion of ratio to real pH values is also provided. Single-dye ratiometric methods are generally considered superior to single wavelength or dual-dye pseudo-ratiometric protocols, as they are less sensitive to perturbations such as bleaching, focus changes, laser variations, and uneven labeling, which distort the measured signal. This method can be easily modified to measure pH in other phagocytic cell types, and zymosan can be replaced by any other amine-containing particle, from inert beads to living microorganisms. Finally, this method can be adapted to make use of other fluorescent probes sensitive to different pH ranges or other phagosomal activities, making it a generalized protocol for the functional imaging of phagosomes.  相似文献   

Pebrine is a microsporidian disease caused by Nosema bombycis in Bombyx mori (silk worm) which results in brown/black spots. The affected larvae either spin cocoons which are flimsy with low silk content or not spin a cocoon. It has been hypothesised that Serine Protease Inhibitor 106 (SPN106) is responsible for evasion of host immune system by inhibiting the melanization process in silkworms. Also, Spore Wall Protein 26 (SWP26) has been observed to bind with Ig- like protein Bombyx mori turtle-like protein (Bm-TLP) facilitating the attachment of the microsporidian to the host and contributing to infectivity. Till date, there is no crystal structure of the proteins SPN106, SWP26 and Bm-TLP available. In this study, we performed homology modeling of the three structures using Modeller v9.18 and the binding pockets were identified. Virtual screening was conducted using AutoDock Vina on a ligand library consisting of 28,870 lead-like molecules. The protein stability, compactness, fluctuations and protein-ligand interactions were investigated through Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations studies using Desmond Maestro 11.3 and a potential lead molecule was identified.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   
The prion protein peptide PrP106‐126 induces cell apoptosis through mechanisms involving production of intracellular reactive oxygen species. The present study investigated the effects of edaravone, a potent free radical scavenger in clinical use, on cell cytotoxicity induced by PrP106‐126. Results showed that PrP106‐126 decreased PC12 cell viability in a dose‐ and time‐dependent manner. Edaravone significantly antagonized the cytotoxic effects of PrP106‐126. Mechanistically, PrP106‐126 decreased PC 12 intracellular glutathione (GSH) concentrations, decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity, increased concentrations of the oxidation end product malondialdehyde (MDA), depolarized the mitochondrial membrane, and increased caspase‐3 activity. Edaravone alone did not affect GSH, SOD, or MDA but did effectively reverse all of the intracellular prooxidant effects induced by PrP106‐126 and inhibit induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. In conclusion, edaravone may be a viable candidate for the treatment of oxidative stress‐induced neurodegenerative disease. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 24:235–241, 2010; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.20330  相似文献   
TMEM106B was identified as a major risk factor in a genome-wide association study for frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) with TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP)-43 pathology. The most significant association of TMEM106B single nucleotide polymorphisms with risk of FTLD-TDP was observed in patients with progranulin (GRN) mutations. Subsequent studies suggested an inverse correlation between TMEM106B expression and GRN levels in patient serum. However, in this study, this was not confirmed as we failed to detect a significant alteration of GRN levels upon knockdown or exogenous expression of TMEM106B in heterologous cells. To provide a basis for understanding TMEM106B function in health and disease, we investigated the membrane orientation and subcellular localization of this completely uncharacterized protein. By differential membrane extraction and sequential mutagenesis of potential N-glycosylation sites, we identified TMEM106B as a type 2 integral membrane protein with a highly glycosylated luminal domain. Glycosylation is partially required for the transport of TMEM106B beyond the endoplasmic reticulum to late cellular compartments. Endogenous as well as overexpressed TMEM106B localizes to late endosomes and lysosomes. Interestingly, the inhibition of vacuolar H(+)-ATPases significantly increased the levels of TMEM106B, a finding that may provide an unexpected biochemical link to GRN, because this protein is also strongly increased under the same conditions. Our findings provide a biochemical and cell biological basis for the understanding of the pathological role of TMEM106B in FTLD, an incurable neurodegenerative disorder.  相似文献   
The thylakoid membrane forms stacked thylakoids interconnected by ‘stromal’ lamellae. Little is known about the mobility of proteins within this system. We studied a stromal lamellae protein, Hcf106, by targeting an Hcf106-GFP fusion protein to the thylakoids and photobleaching. We find that even small regions fail to recover Hcf106-GFP fluorescence over periods of up to 3 min after photobleaching. The protein is thus either immobile within the thylakoid membrane, or its diffusion is tightly restricted within distinct regions. Autofluorescence from the photosystem II light-harvesting complex in the granal stacks likewise fails to recover. Integral membrane proteins within both the stromal and granal membranes are therefore highly constrained, possibly forming ‘microdomains’ that are sharply separated.  相似文献   
The intrinsically disordered amino-proximal domain of hamster prion protein (PrP) contains four copies of a highly conserved octapeptide sequence, PHGGGWGQ, that is flanked by two polycationic residue clusters. This N-terminal domain mediates the binding of sulfated glycans, which can profoundly influence the conversion of PrP to pathological forms and the progression of prion disease. To investigate the structural consequences of sulfated glycan binding, we performed multidimensional heteronuclear (1H, 13C, 15N) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence studies on hamster PrP residues 23-106 (PrP 23-106) and fragments thereof when bound to pentosan polysulfate (PPS). While the majority of PrP 23-106 remain disordered upon PPS binding, the octarepeat region adopts a repeating loop-turn structure that we have determined by NMR. The β-like turns within the repeats are corroborated by CD data demonstrating that these turns are also present, although less pronounced, without PPS. Binding to PPS exposes a hydrophobic surface composed of aligned tryptophan side chains, the spacing and orientation of which are consistent with a self-association or ligand binding site. The unique tryptophan motif was probed by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, which displayed enhanced fluorescence of PrP 23-106 when bound to PPS, consistent with the alignment of tryptophan side chains. Chemical-shift mapping identified binding sites on PrP 23-106 for PPS, which include the octarepeat histidine and an N-terminal basic cluster previously linked to sulfated glycan binding. These data may in part explain how sulfated glycans modulate PrP conformational conversions and oligomerizations.  相似文献   
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