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Summary Soil movement from plot to plot in long-term field experiments caused by tillage, soil fauna, wind, and water leads to experimental errors. The paper attempts to quantify the total movement in current long-term field experiments.A soil movement model was fitted to soil-phosphorus (P) recordings of two 90-year-old field experiments. The model fitted well and indicated why the soil P concentration of the unmanured plots had increased for many years. The removal of P by crops from the unmanured plots had simply been more than compensated for by the soil exchange between the unmanured plots and the adjacent P-fertilized ones.Furthermore, the model was used for simulating soil movement in 21 of the worlds more than 50-year-old field experiments assuming the same rate of soil transport as estimated before. The simulations showed that on average of these experiments only 28% of the plough-layer soil present in their net-plots (the central quarter of each plot) to day should originate from the plough-layer soil that was inside the plots when the experiments started.The work indicates that the movement of soil is a serious general problem in long-term field experiments, a problem with implications for our understanding of long-term processes in agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   
Plant breeders and variety testing agencies routinely test candidate genotypes (crop varieties, lines, test hybrids) in multiple environments. Such multi‐environment trials can be efficiently analysed by mixed models. A single‐stage analysis models the entire observed data at the level of individual plots. This kind of analysis is usually considered as the gold standard. In practice, however, it is more convenient to use a two‐stage approach, in which experiments are first analysed per environment, yielding adjusted means per genotype, which are then summarised across environments in the second stage. Stage‐wise approaches suggested so far are approximate in that they cannot fully reproduce a single‐stage analysis, except in very simple cases, because the variance–covariance matrix of adjusted means from individual environments needs to be approximated by a diagonal matrix. This paper proposes a fully efficient stage‐wise method, which carries forward the full variance–covariance matrix of adjusted means from the individual environments to the analysis across the series of trials. Provided the variance components are known, this method can fully reproduce the results of a single‐stage analysis. Computations are made efficient by a diagonalisation of the residual variance–covariance matrix, which necessitates a corresponding linear transformation of both the first‐stage estimates (e.g. adjusted means and regression slopes for plot covariates) and the corresponding design matrices for fixed and random effects. We also exemplify the extension of the general approach to a three‐stage analysis. The method is illustrated using two datasets, one real and the other simulated. The proposed approach has close connections with meta‐analysis, where environments correspond to centres and genotypes to medical treatments. We therefore compare our theoretical results with recently published results from a meta‐analysis.  相似文献   
Synopsis Existence of home site fidelity and homing ability was established for Pseudotropheus aurora. Territorial males stayed up to 1 1/2 years within the same territories. Females showed long-term fidelity to certain places. Transplantation experiments revealed that P. aurora males home over distances of up to at least 2500 m but would not cross deep water. The territorial males of five other sympartic species returned from 1000 m to their territories. The mechanisms and functions of homing in cichlids are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary One part of a split root system of wheat seedlings received full nutrient solution with15N-nitrate, the other received an identical solution with unlabelled nitrate. Appearance of labelled amino compounds was measured in the xylem sap exuding from roots not supplied directly with15N-nitrate after removal of the15N-nitrate-fed roots. This material indicates cycling of nitrogen from the shoots and through the roots. About 60 per cent of the nitrogen in the xylem appears to be cycling in this way.  相似文献   
Crossing experiments were conducted between the Naples I (NI) strain of Ophryotrocha labronica labronica, three strains of O. l. pacifica from Japan (M3), Hawaii (WH) and Los Angeles (LA), two strains of O. labronica from Australia and one from an unknown origin, discovered in a Moscow aquarium, to determine the relationships between the European and Pacific subspecies, and the newly discovered strains. Previously published data combined with new results revealed several stages in the process of speciation within the sibling group. Interpopulation crosses yielded an increased sex ratio that appears to be positively related to genetic distance and to the sex ratio of the parent strains. Fecundity data demonstrated that the three northern Pacific strains are more closely related to each other than to any other strain, confirming that they are a valid subspecies, and indicate that they are the result of natural distribution. The strain of unknown origin as well as the Australian strains clearly belong to O. l. labronica. Its isolated presence in the South Pacific may be a remnant of an earlier wider distribution or an introduction of the Mediterranean population, as the life histories of Ophryotrocha species have made them prime candidates for anthropogenic dispersals.  相似文献   
We examined the temporal, spatial, and demographic factors that influenced roadway mortality of barn owls (Tyto alba) along a 248-km stretch of Interstate 84 in southern Idaho using systematic road surveys. Counts of dead animals from surveys can be underestimated because of sampling biases; therefore, we also conducted experiments to assess the effects of search and removal bias on the estimates of roadway mortality of owls. We conducted surveys every 2 weeks over a 2-year period and detected 812 dead barn owls (unadjusted mortality rate of 1.64 owls/km/yr). After adjusting this estimate for search and removal bias, we documented mortality rates of up to 5.99 owls/km/year. Owl mortality was not random in relation to sex, age class, or location along the highway. Females and juveniles, which represent individuals more likely to disperse long distances, were killed more frequently than males and adults. During the nonbreeding season, owls were killed more often near agricultural lands than in shrub-steppe, but this pattern was not apparent during the breeding season. Owls were also killed more often on portions of the roadway closer to the Snake River canyon, perhaps because of the availability of nest and roost sites. Mortality rates differed markedly between the 2 years of study, which could have been related to variability in weather and its subsequent effect on owl productivity. Our data suggest that barn owls in this region may not persist under this level of mortality without significant immigration or management. Thus, roadway management to reduce or prevent owl use of roadways, reduce rodent populations near major roads, alert motorists to the presence of owls, or otherwise reduce the chances that vehicles and owls collide would improve barn owl survival and population persistence. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Female lions roar in order to stay in contact with their pridematesand to defend their territory against other prides. In doingso, however, they risk attracting die attention of potentiallyinfanticidal nonresident males. We used playback experimentsto demonstrate that nonresident males are indeed specificallyattracted to female roars, approaching the roars of female,but not male, conspecifics. However, diere was also evidencediat males adjust their behavior according to the probabilitythat they might execute a successful takeover. Alien male lionswere more reluctant to approach playbacks of three females roaringdian of a single female roaring; single males were more reluctantdian pairs to approach female roars; and old males were morereluctant than younger males to approach female roars. Previousobservational studies have shown diat female lions living ingroups are more successful than singletons at defending theircubs in direct interactions widi potentially infanticidal males.Our results suggest that maternal groups may also, by roaringin chorus, minimize the chances that diese encounters occurat all.  相似文献   
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