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为探明北京地区芦苇(Phragmites australis)的资源状态和多样性, 实地考察北京主要河流、湿地和水库, 发现北京地区芦苇总生长面积已超过600 hm2。芦苇染色体倍性以八倍体为主, 四倍体次之。在面积较大的湿地内, 八倍体单一芦苇群落占据优势地位; 而在城市的浅河内有形态和遗传性多样的混合种群。研究表明, 植物性状和倍性水平之间无显著相关性。在小清河发现了6种形态各异的芦苇克隆, 均属于叶绿体DNA片段的P单倍型; 其单倍体基因组大小为(0.499±0.019) pg, 变异系数为3.8%。这表明表型与单倍型之间也不具相关性。此外, 发现1个具有变叶特性的芦苇, 将其命名为金条芦苇。北京地区芦苇形态和遗传多样性为研究芦苇基因型与环境适应性之间的关系提供了珍贵的资源。  相似文献   
A new species of frog, Alsodes australis, is described from the temperate Nothofagus forest of southern Chile and Argentina, based on adults and tadpoles. Up to now, no sympatric occurrence of another congeneric species is known from the type locality. The genus comprises three species groups. From a karyological point of view this species is included in the monticola group, whose species have 26 chromosomes.  相似文献   
张静  闫明  李钧敏 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3136-3143
生物入侵严重影响了生态系统的结构和功能。菟丝子属植物可以有效地抑制入侵植物的生长,恢复本地群落,是一种有效的生物防治剂。本文以本地寄生植物南方菟丝子(Cuscuta australis)和三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa L.)为研究对象,采用不同数量的南方菟丝子茎段(长度15cm)寄生入侵植物三叶鬼针草来形成不同的寄生程度(寄生I、II、III分别由1、2、3段南方菟丝子茎段寄生),分析不同程度的寄生对寄主三叶鬼针草补生长的影响,并探讨寄生植物对寄主补偿生长的诱导。南方菟丝子寄生34d之后,三种程度的寄生均可显著抑制三叶鬼针草生长。寄生III处理组的南方菟丝子生物量显著大于寄生I和寄生Ⅱ处理组。不同寄生强度对三叶鬼针草生长的影响具有一定的差异。寄生II和寄生III的三叶鬼针草叶生物量、茎生物量、地上生物量、地下生物量、总生物量、株高与冠幅均显著低于寄生I,但相互之间不存在显著性差异;寄生II的三叶鬼针草的叶面积、根长和根体积均显著低于寄生I,寄生III的叶面积和根长高于寄生II,但与寄生I及寄生II之间不存显著性差异,寄生III的根体积显著高于寄生II,但与寄生I之间不存在显著性关异。与对照相比,不同程度寄生下三叶鬼针草的NAR和RGR极显著降低。寄生II的三叶鬼针草的RGR显著低于寄生I,寄生III的三叶鬼针草的RGR高于寄生II,但与寄生I及寄生II之间均不存在显著性差异。寄生II与寄生III的三叶鬼针草的NAR显著低于寄生I组,但相互之间不存在显著性差异。除寄生I处理组外,寄生II与寄生III处理导致三叶鬼针草与南方菟丝子的累积生物量均显著低于对照。寄生II处理组的累积生物量要低于寄生I处理组,寄生III处理组的累积生物量要高于寄生II处理组,但显著低于对照组,表明寄生III处理组的三叶鬼针草产生了低补偿生长。由于南方菟丝子寄生显著抑制入侵植物的生物量,因此南方菟丝子仍具有防治入侵植物的潜力。  相似文献   
首次使用LED作为光源,研究不同光照条件及GA3对菟丝子(Cuscuta spp.)弯钩打开、缠绕发生与吸器形成的影响.结果表明,光照信号作为一个必要条件参与了菟丝子对寄主的识别及缠绕发生的调控,而化学信号可能起到一定的促进作用;GA3参与了对菟丝子缠绕发生的调控,但对弯钩打开没有明显的作用.除了典型的光敏色素作用外,还有另一类光反应(HER)参与了上述过程,这类光反应可由879 nm远红光引发,证明菟丝子存在HER,还有Pfr向Pr的暗转化过程,在缠绕发生过程中光敏色素和隐花色素发生相互作用.  相似文献   
互花米草与芦苇光合色素含量对淹水措施的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
古志钦  张利权  袁琳 《应用生态学报》2009,20(10):2365-2369
以上海崇明东滩入侵植物互花米草与本地种芦苇为研究对象,研究持续淹水胁迫对两种植物光合色素含量的影响.结果表明:互花米草与芦苇叶片的光合色素基本组成与含量不同,对持续淹水的响应也不同.在持续淹水胁迫下,互花米草叶绿素a、叶绿素b及类胡萝卜素含量降低,叶绿素a/b、类胡萝卜素/叶绿素值提高;芦苇各色素含量升高,叶绿素a/b、类胡萝卜素/叶绿素值基本保持稳定.解除持续淹水胁迫后,互花米草各色素含量逐渐升高,叶绿素a/b、类胡萝卜素/叶绿素值降低,并逐渐接近对照水平;而芦苇各色素含量显著高于对照.两种植物均表现出一定的补偿效应,但芦苇比互花米草更能适应同等程度的持续淹水胁迫.应用持续淹水措施治理互花米草时,可采用本地种芦苇作为治理后湿地恢复的替代植物.  相似文献   
Molecular estimates of inbreeding may be made using genetic markers such as microsatellites, however the interpretation of resulting heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs) with respect to inbreeding depression is not straightforward. We investigated the relationship between pedigree‐determined inbreeding coefficients (f) and HFCs in a closely monitored, reintroduced population of Stewart Island robins (Petroica australis rakiura) on Ulva Island, New Zealand. Using a full sibling design, we focused on differences in juvenile survival associated specifically with individual sibling variation in standardized multilocus heterozygosity (SH) when expected f was identical. We found that within broods, siblings with higher SH at microsatellite loci experienced a higher probability of juvenile survival. This effect, however, was detected primarily within broods that experienced inbreeding or when inbreeding had occurred in their pedigree histories (i.e., at the parents’ level). Thus we show, for the first time in a wild population, that the strength of an HFC is partially dependent on the presence of inbreeding events in the recent pedigree history. Our results illustrate the importance of realized effects of inbreeding on genetic variation and fitness and the value of full‐sibling designs for the study of HFCs in the context of small, inbred populations.  相似文献   

In this study, roots, stems and leaves of the worldwide distributed macrophyte Phragmites australis (common reed) were tested as potential removal and biomonitors of trace elements contamination in sediment. In particular, the concentrations (100, 200, and 500?mg/kg) of the following elements were analyzed: Zn, Cu, Pb, and Fe. Results showed that the amount of concentrations in plant tissues is significantly (p?≤?0.01) dependent on the kind of organ and element. Trace element concentrations decreased according to the pattern of Fea (Rootsa > Stemsb > Leavesb) > Znb (Roota > Leavesb > Stemsc) > Cuc (Rootsa > Leavesb > Stemsc) > Pbc (Rootsa > Stemsb > Leavesc), as well as the roots acted as the main centers of bioaccumulation for all elements studied, and stems as the transit organs for translocation from roots to leaves. The major mechanisms employed by the plant were probably phytostabilization on the basis of the calculated Biological Concentration Factor (BCF – metal concentration ratio of plant root to soil); and Translocation Factor (TF – metal concentration ratio of plants roots to above ground part). Finally, due to the low scavenger effect of the radical DPPH, we excluded the hypothesis of the use of antioxidant mechanism in the tolerance of metals.  相似文献   
Abstract A population of Hemideina crassidens (the Wellington tree weta) was monitored over a 4‐year period after the eradication of Rattus exulans (the Polynesian rat kiore) and Gallirallus australis australis (the South Island weka) from Nukuwaiata (Chetwode Islands), Pelorus Sound, New Zealand. A novel survey technique (entrance scores) was used in combination with a conventional technique (random searches for active weta) to measure changes in weta population parameters after the removal of predation pressure and to investigate impacts of exotic predators on tree weta. Tree weta density did not increase markedly over the 4‐year period, but the proportion of active adults did increase. Weta were observed to move into larger and more crowded galleries (refuges), to occupy galleries closer to the ground, and to spend less time sitting in gallery entrances. It was concluded that endemic tree weta are well adapted to withstand some introduced vertebrate predators but are able to live a more “relaxed” lifestyle in the absence of this predation. The most significant change detected was in weta age structure, with adults increasing their proportion of the population.  相似文献   
Polyploidization and hybridization are very common in natural plant species, and mixed-ploidy species provide a unique opportunity to study the effects of evolutionary history, local abundance, and ploidy level on the direction and extent of introgression between intraspecific lineages. First, we delimited two morphologically cryptic lineages of Phragmites australis Trin. ex Steud. in temperate China using 11 nuclear microsatellites and two chloroplast DNA fragments with 225 samples from China as well as 11 samples from Oceania and Europe. Our evidence supported that haplotype O and haplotype P were two relatively independent lineages with low and high ploidy levels, respectively; haplotype M might be ancient and could have undergone a complex evolutionary history. Then we examined the lineage divergence and compared the introgression patterns between two major lineages along geographical and abundance gradients with a large number of samples (n = 1067) collected from China. The sympatric coexistence of two lineages in north and northeast China implies an ongoing or potential introgression between them. Cline analysis showed that the level of genetic admixture were significantly correlated with longitude rather than latitude. Our results also suggested that ploidy level could deeply influence the introgression asymmetry, and the effect of the current local abundance on introgression might be covered by the past coexistence time driven by phylogeographic history. Our study draws a baseline for future research on the ecological and evolutionary consequences of migration and introgression of Chinese P. australis under global change.  相似文献   
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