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The activity of peroxidases in the proximal part of the flower peduncle of rose cv. Nubia was promoted by exogenous application of auxin but not by gibberellin or cytokinin. In cv. Mercedes the activity was promoted also by gibberellin and cytokinin. In the distal parts of the peduncles of both cultivars, peroxidase activity was not affected by any of the applied growth regulators. In young flowers of cv. Nubia the protein content of the penduncles was affected only by cytokinin, and in aged flowers only by auxin, while in Mercedes peduncles the content of protein was not affected by any of the applied growth regulators. The specific activity of peroxidases was promoted by auxin in peduncles of Nubia and by both auxin and cytokinin in peduncles of Mercedes flowers.  相似文献   
Stems of cut rose flowers were exposed to air at 20°C and 60% relative humidity and then placed in water. The rate of water uptake in Frisco, Sonia, Madelon, and Cara Mia roses was maximally inhibited after 72, 36, 24, and 3 h of exposure to air. respectively. Anatomical observations showed no tyloses, gums, or deposition of hydrophobic material in the xylem conduits (tracheids and vessels) of any of the investigated cultivars. Frisco, Sonia, Madelon, and Cara Mia roses showed no difference in the number, the length, the wall thickness, or the diameter of the lumina of either the tracheids or the vessels. This indicates that differences in recovery are not related to capillary diameter or length.
During exposure to air the decrease in transpiration rate, fresh weight, and water potential was the same in Sonia, Madelon, and Cara Mia roses. Upon exposure to air Frisco roses lost less water than the other cultivars studied In Frisco roses stomatal conductance was similar to that of other cultivars, but the rate of cuticular transpiration was lower.
It is concluded that conservation of water through low cuticular transpiration is one of the reasons for the relatively slow development of the vascular occlusion in Frisco roses, but the differences between Sonia. Madelon and Cara Mia roses were not related to their rates of transpiration.  相似文献   
多效唑对月季切花衰老的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了用多效唑处理的月季切花在瓶插期间的形态、生理变化,结果表明,多效唑能明显地缓解月季切花水分胁迫,改善体内水份平衡,促进切花开放,增加花朵鲜重和花径,抑制花瓣溶质外渗,延缓切花呼吸速率的下降和蛋白质降解的速率,从而延缓切花衰老。  相似文献   
Uptake and metabolism of sucrose in micropropagatedRosa multiflora using the double layer technique was investigated. In the multiplication as well as the root induction stage, hydrolysis of sucrose in the culture medium was observed. A mathematical model was developed to quantify sucrose hydrolysis and the uptake of sucrose, glucose and fructose, based on the time series for the different sugars in the culture medium. These data were linked to a study of the sugar metabolism in the microshoots. After 48 h of incubation on14C-[U]-glucose containing medium, the incorporated label was mainly detected in the ethanol soluble fraction; within this fraction sucrose was the most important compound. This indicates a significant re-synthesis of sucrose in the plant material after the uptake of hexose. To assess the extent that different enzymes of sucrose metabolism (invertases, sucrose synthase and sucrose-P-synthase) were involved, their activity in different plant parts (of final stage III microshoots) were assayed. A decreasing gradient for sucrose metabolising enzymes from the roots toward the leaves gave a good indication of how the different tissues depend on sucrose absorbed from the medium.  相似文献   
The effects of low temperature storage on the physiology of cut rose flowers ( Rosa hybridaL. cv. Mercedes) were studied. Extension of cold storage or increase in temperature (from 3 to 8°C) was accompanied by shortening of vase life and advancement of petal senescence, as reflected in an advance in the timing of the rise in ethylene production and an increase in membrane permeability (ion leakage). Although storage at a relative humidity (RH) of 65% reduced petal water content by 20% in comparison with flowers stored at 95% RH, it did not shorten vase life. The progression of petal senescence was measured during storage at 3°C and during aging at 22°C. Both ethylene production rates and membrane microviscosity measured by fluorescence depolarization increased with time at 3°C and at 22°C, but more slowly at 3°C. At 3°C membrane permeability measured by ion leakage did not increase. Following cold storage the rate of ethylene production in the petals was increased by up to eight times the rate in unstored flowers. Silver thiosulphate extended the vase life of both stored and fresh flowers equally by 2 days, but did not increase the life of stored flowers to that of treated fresh flowers. It is concluded that the primary effect of cold storage on roses is to slow down senescence and that the continued slow senescence leads to shorter vase life. The possible occurrence of sequential processes during senescence and the effects of temperature on these processes is discussed.  相似文献   
Callus was initiated from immature leaf and stem segments of rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Landora) and subcultured every four weeks on a basal medium of half-strength Murashige & Skoog (1962) salts plus 30 g l-1 sucrose (1/2 MS) and supplemented with 2.2 M BA, 5.4 M NAA and 2.2–9.0 M 2,4-D. Embryogenic callus and subsequently somatic embryos were obtained from 8-week-old callus culture on 1/2 MS+2.2 M BA+0.05 M NAA+0.3 M GA3+200–800 mg l-1 L-proline. Long-term cultures were established and maintained for up to 16 months by repeated subculture of embryogenic callus on L-proline deficient medium. About 12% of cotyledonary stage embryos taken from cultures cold-stored at 8±1°C for 4 days germinated on 1/2 MS+2.2 M BA+0.3 M GA3+24.7 M adenine sulphate.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   
Nudix hydrolases are conserved enzymes ubiquitously present in all kingdoms of life. Recent research revealed that several Nudix hydrolases are involved in terpenoid metabolism in plants. In modern roses, RhNUDX1 is responsible for formation of geraniol, a major compound of rose scent. Nevertheless, this compound is produced by monoterpene synthases in many geraniol-producing plants. As a consequence, this raised the question about the origin of RhNUDX1 function and the NUDX1 gene evolution in Rosaceae, in wild roses or/and during the domestication process. Here, we showed that three distinct clades of NUDX1 emerged in the Rosoidae subfamily (Nudx1-1 to Nudx1-3 clades), and two subclades evolved in the Rosa genus (Nudx1-1a and Nudx1-1b subclades). We also showed that the Nudx1-1b subclade was more ancient than the Nudx1-1a subclade, and that the NUDX1-1a gene emerged by a trans-duplication of the more ancient NUDX1-1b gene. After the transposition, NUDX1-1a was cis-duplicated, leading to a gene dosage effect on the production of geraniol in different species. Furthermore, the NUDX1-1a appearance was accompanied by the evolution of its promoter, most likely from a Copia retrotransposon origin, leading to its petal-specific expression. Thus, our data strongly suggest that the unique function of NUDX1-1a in geraniol formation was evolved naturally in the genus Rosa before domestication.  相似文献   
张淑勇  夏江宝  张光灿  周泽福 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2519-2528
在半干旱黄土丘陵区,以3年生天然次生灌木黄刺玫为材料,研究了叶片光合生理参数对土壤水分(RWC)的响应特征及光合生产力分级。结果表明:当RWC在33.8%—81.3%时,叶片净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr)的变化曲线为明显的双峰曲线;上午阶段(11:00时之前)Pn的下降主要是气孔限制引起的,下午以非气孔限制为主;随着RWC的增加,Pn、Tr第1峰值出现的时间延后;在此水分范围内,Pn日均值一直维持在较高水平,Pn最高值((8.5±1.8)mmol·m-2·s-1)出现在RWC为71.7%时。水分利用效率(WUE)对RWC的响应有所差异,当RWC大于47.1%时,WUE呈不明显的双峰曲线,第1峰值出现在13:00时,并且前后时段WUE变化不大。RWC为47.1%时,WUE维持在最高水平,日均值为(2.72±0.59)μmol/mmol。根据Pn、Tr、WUE和RWC的定量分析,以及从黄土丘陵区生态、经济效益同时考虑,适合黄刺玫生长的RWC在33.8%—71.7%之间。以光合生理参数为指标对黄刺玫土壤水分有效性及生产力进行分级与评价,确定RWC90.4%或RWC33.8%时为"中产中效水";RWC在71.7%—81.3%和47.1%—71.7%时分别为"高产中效水"和"高产高效水",!其中RWC在57.4%左右时为"最优产效水";RWC在18.8%—26.5%时为"低产低效水"。  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated whether the oviposition behaviour and performance of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on the rose cultivar Rosa chinensis Jacq. (Rosaceae) were affected when the plants were infected by rose powdery mildew, Podosphaera pannosa (Wallr.: Fr.) de Bary (Erysiphales). The bioassays revealed that the moths significantly avoided ovipositing on mildew‐infected rose leaves when compared to healthy leaves. Pupal weights, emergence rates, and fecundity decreased when the caterpillars were fed mildewed rose leaves. Further laboratory bioassays aimed to elucidate the effects of two volatile headspace extracts (separately collected from healthy and mildewed rose plants) on the oviposition behaviour and performance of the moths. The moths clearly preferred to oviposit on healthy rose leaves that were not sprayed with additional volatiles rather than on healthy leaves sprayed with the volatile extracts from mildewed plants. The mean number of eggs laid on the former leaves was more than six times higher than that laid on the latter leaves. Olfactory bioassays demonstrated that ovipositing moths were significantly more attracted to volatiles emitted by healthy rose leaves than to those emitted by mildew‐infected leaves. Similar results were obtained when comparisons were made between the volatile extracts collected from healthy and mildewed rose plants. Thus, volatiles from mildew‐infected roses have a strong inhibitory effect against the moths. These results indicated that rose volatiles play a role in the oviposition behaviour of the moths, and that the volatiles induced by powdery mildew might be used for insect control.  相似文献   
以‘光叶蔷薇’(Rosa wichuriana‘Basye's thornless’)无菌苗的顶生幼嫩小叶为外植体,探讨了其愈伤组织诱导及植株再生的方法。结果表明,高浓度的生长素NAA能诱导外植体产生愈伤组织;由NAA诱导的愈伤组织在附加TDZ的MS培养基上,先暗培养再进行光照培养可直接分化出不定芽。诱导愈伤组织的最佳NAA浓度是7.0 mg/L、暗培养时间为10 d,而最佳分化培养基是MS+5.0 mg/L TDZ+30 g/L葡萄糖+2.5 g/L GEL,分化率达18.34%。以诱导产生的愈伤组织为侵染受体,初步建立了‘光叶蔷薇’GUS基因转化体系。农杆菌菌液浓度OD600值为0.5、侵染30 min、共培养2 d、乙酰丁香酮的浓度为50μmol/L是‘光叶蔷薇’愈伤组织转基因的最优条件。  相似文献   
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