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The effect of HCO 3 - on ion absorption by young corn roots was studied in conditions allowing the independent control of both the pH of uptake solution and the CO2 partial pressure in air bubbled through the solution. The surface pH shift in the vicinity of the outer surface of the plasmalemma induced by active H+ excretion was estimated using the initial uptake rate of acetic acid as a pH probe (Sentenac and Grignon (1987) Plant Physiol. 84, 1367). Acetic acid and orthophosphate uptake rates and NO 3 - accumulation were slowed down, while 86Rb+ uptake and K+ accumulation rates were increased by HCO 3 - . These effects were similar to those induced by 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane sulfonic acid/2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (Hepes-Tris). They were more pronounced when the H+ excretion was strong, were rapidly reversible and were not additive to those of Hepes-Tris. The hypothesis is advanced that the buffering system CO2/H2CO3/HCO 3 - accelerated the diffusion of equivalent H+ inside the cell wall towards the medium. This attenuated the surface pH shift in the vicinity the plasma membrane and affected the coupling between the proton pump and cotransport systems.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - Jaa acetic acid influx - JK + K+ influx - JPi orthophosphate influx - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - pCO2 CO2 partial pressure - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   
Summary According to Nagl and Fusenig (1979) the structure and ultrastructure of plant nuclei is species-specific and is determined by the DNA (2C) value and the amount of the repetitive DNA. Light and electron microscopic observations ofZea mays L.,Pisum sativum L., andPhaseolus vulgaris L. nuclei led us to define their organization as chromonematic, chronomeric and chromocentric, respectively. Nuclear proteins, soluble in 0.4N H2SO4 and 0.74M HC1O4, were extracted from isolated nuclei and resolved according to their solubility and mobility in SDS and acetic acid-urea PAGE and 2D-Triton X 100 PAGE. Differences in the variants (and modifications) of the H 1 histone class and the nucleosomal H 2 A, H 2 B, and H 3 isoforms probably reflect that species-specific nuclear ultrastructure is based, not only on the heterogeneity and the quantity of DNA, but also on the diversity of the protein component of chromatin.Abbreviations MES Morpholinoethane sulfonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride - DMSO dimethylsulfoxid - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - TEMED N, N, N N-tetramethylethylen-diamin - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
The expression of a lectin gene in pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots has been investigated using the copy DNA of a pea seed lectin as a probe. An mRNA which has the same size as the seed mRNA but which is about 4000 times less abundant has been detected in 21-d-old roots. The probe detected lectin expression as early as 4 d after sowing, with the highest level being reached at 10 d, i.e. just before nodulation. In later stages (16-d- and 21-d-old roots), expression was substantially decreased. The correlation between infection by Rhizobium leguminosarum and lectin expression in pea roots has been investigated by comparing root lectin mRNA levels in inoculated plants and in plants grown under conditions preventing nodulation. Neither growth in a nitrate concentration which inhibited nodulation nor growth in the absence of Rhizobium appreciably affected lectin expression in roots.Abbreviation cDNA copy DNA - poly(A)+RNA polyadenylated RNA  相似文献   
Summary Estimates of belowground net primary production (BNP) obtained by using traditional soil core harvest data are subject to a variety of potentially serious errors. In a controlled growth chamber experiment, we examined the aboveground-belowground, labile to structural tissue, and plant to soil dynamics of carbon to formulate a14C dilution technique for potential successful application in the field and to quantify sources of error in production estimates.Despite the fact that the majority of net14C movement between above- and belowground plant parts occurred between the initial labeling and day 5, significant quantities of14C were incorporated into cell-wall tissue throughout the growing period. The rate of this increase at late sampling dates was greater for roots than for shoots. Total loss of assimilated14C was 47% in wheat and 28% in blue grama. Exudation and sloughing in wheat and blue grama, respectively, was 15 and 6% of total uptake and 22 and 8% of total plant production.When root production estimates by14C dilution were corrected for the quantities of labile14C incorporated into structural carbon between two sampling dates, good agreement with actual production was found. The error associated with these estimates was ±2% compared with a range of –119 to –57% for the uncorrected estimates. Our results suggest that this technique has potential field application if sampling is performed the year after labelling.Sources of errors in harvest versus14C dilution estimates of BNP are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary With a stereoscope, as used for the inspection of aerial photographs, sequential photographs of roots obtained by the endoscope method from minirhizotrons can yield much more information than hitherto. A series of photographs shows that most of the roots seen in a minirhizotron in grassland grew on the surface of the lexan tube, while there was a gap between the roots and the soil. Decay of the extensive root hair zones around the roots may make new root growth in the gap between rhizotron wall and soil invisible. Some consequences of these observations for the endoscope method are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In comparative tests in a glasshouse, the cortex of oat and rye roots senesced more slowly than the cortex of wheat and barley roots. Of the cereals tested, wheat showed the most rapid rate of root cortical senescence, and the rate was unaffected by inoculation of leaves withErysiphe graminis. The results are discussed in relation to infection by root pathogens.  相似文献   
Summary A plant root observation chamber (rhizotron) was designed to examine soil-grown roots under a stereomicroscope and to sample roots and soil during the growth period of a pot study. The mini-rhizotrons are inexpensive to construct and are suitable for replicated, multitreatment experiments. Illustrative data on root hair and lateral development are presented for seedlings of four crop species.Vermont Agric. Exp. Stn. Journal Article No 572.  相似文献   
Vegetative reproduction of trees in some European natural forests   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
H. Koop 《Plant Ecology》1987,72(2):103-110
Various means of vegetative reproduction in unexploited forests in western Europe are illustrated with examples. Root suckers are sometimes almost the only method of forest regeneration near the limits of tree growth on the Wadden islands and they can play an important role in forest gaps and riverine forests. Trunk suckers finally replacing their parent trees occur in Alnus, Tilia and Ulmus. Partial uprooting of trees, favoured by special soil conditions, was shown to be an important condition for vegetative reproduction. Temporary survival after uprooting gives opportunity for development of reiterative sprouts, that can replace the vertical axis of a fallen tree. Contact of living branches or even whole stems with soil or mouldering logs favours the growth of adventitious roots. Thus vegetatively reproduced individual trees establish before the uprooted parent tree finally dies. Examples of the clonal spreading of trees are given and a special strategy of layering its branches in pasture woods has been described for beech. Modern forestry rigorously eliminates conditions suitable for the vegetative reproduction of forest trees so their abilities in this respect are often underestimated. Vegetative reproduction seems to be particularly important under circumstances where natural growth is difficult e.g. near the limits of tree growth, on dynamic sites and under heavy shade.  相似文献   
Summary Seventeen embryo-lethal mutants ofArabidopsis thaliana with lethal phases ranging from the globular to mature cotyledon stages of development were analyzed by culturing arrested embryos on nutrient media designed to promote either callus formation or the completion of embryo development and the recovery of homozygous mutant plants. Enriched media supplemented with vitamins, amino acids, and nucleosides were used to identify potential auxotrophic mutants. Wild-type embryos produced extensive callus on basal and enriched media supplemented with 2,4-D and kinetin. Numerous roots developed when wildtype callus was grown in the presence of NAA and kinetin. Mutant embryos arrested prior to the heart stage of development formed only a slight amount of callus on basal and enriched media. Arrested embryos from mutants 122G-E and 112A-2A reached a later stage of development and gave the most interesting responses in culture. 122G-E mutant embryos failed to grow on basal media but produced extensive callus and homozygous mutant plants on enriched media. The specific nutrient required for growth of this mutant remains to be determined. Arrested embryos from mutant 112A-2A developed into abnormal plants without roots when placed in culture. Mutant callus also failed to form roots on a variety of root-inducing media. Expression of this mutant gene therefore disrupts development of the root apical meristem during both embryogenesis in vivo and organogenesis in vitro.  相似文献   
甘蔗伤流液中保绿活性物质的分离与初步鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许鸿源   《广西植物》1986,(3):230-234
通过化学与物理学方法,从甘蔗(Sugar-cane)伤流液中分离出五种活性因素,对离体叶片有不同程度的保绿效应。依其化学性质判断,应属嘌呤化合物,可能是细胞分裂素物质。  相似文献   
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