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While attempting to delineate the reason for the reported extreme variability of beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity (beta-ir) in human plasma (eg., nondetectable to 1 ng/ml) by standard radioimmunoassay, we noted that a substantial portion of circulating beta-ir was associated with erythrocytes. That erythrocyte associated beta-ir is authentic beta-endorphin (beta-EP) was confirmed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Analysis of blood samples from rabbits, rats and mice revealed the presence of beta-ir in erythrocytes from these species as well. These results suggest that there are two pools of beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity in blood: plasma and erythrocytes.  相似文献   
The guinea pig T lymphocyte, known to interact with other cells via direct cell-to-cell contact, exhibits endogenous surface kinase activity as reflected by the appearance of four major labeled bands in autoradiographs of dried sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaDoSO4)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels when intact cells are briefly exposed to micromolar concentrations of [gamma-32P]ATP followed immediately by solubilization with NaDoSO4 to terminate the reaction. This pattern differs from the labeling of intracellular components which is seen when intact cells are incubated with 32PO4 to generate intracellular [gamma-32P]ATP when only two major labeled bands of protein with different molecular weights are seen. Of a number of modulators of lymphocyte function tested, cyclic GMP and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) caused additional bands to appear in cells exposed to [gamma-32P]ATP. The labeling of added casein was catalyzed by intact cells harvested 4 weeks after injection of animals with Freund's complete adjuvant but not earlier. These findings indicate that plasma membrane kinase activity of guinea pig T lymphocytes is accessible to the extracellular environs (ectokinase activity) and to endogenous surface substrates and that the limitation for such reactions is the availability of ATP in the extracellular component. In view of the number of circumstances under which ATP could appear outside of cells for brief periods of time, these reactions could well take place in vivo.  相似文献   
Polysome immuno-adsorption, with immunoglobulin G directed against two 3-methylcholanthrene-induced mouse liver cytochrome P-450 proteins, was used to enrich mRNA from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated C57BL/6N mouse liver. cDNA transcribed from the P-450-enriched mRNA was then cloned into the Okayama-Berg vector. Two cDNA classes were detected upon differential screening of the clone bank with [32P]cDNA derived from 3-methylcholanthrene-induced immuno-enriched versus control mRNA. Several representatives of these two classes were judged to be near full length by comparison with their corresponding mRNA mobilities on denaturing agarose gels. A continuous reading-frame near the 5' end of one cDNA class (P1-450) corresponds to a protein having 15 of 17 residues the same as the published N-terminal sequence of rat P-450c. A continuous reading frame near the 5' end of the other class (P3-450) corresponds exactly to the first 25 amino acids of the published N-terminal sequence of rat P-450d. The P1-450 cDNA is at least 700 bp longer than the P3-450 cDNA. Heteroduplex analysis and Southern blot hybridization demonstrate that these mRNAs share approx. 1100 bp of sequence homology. Genomic P1-450 and P3-450 clones were isolated from a gene library constructed from C57BL/6N mouse liver DNA. By heteroduplex analysis with the corresponding cDNA, the P1-450 gene spans about 6 kb and the P3-450 gene about 7 kb. The intron-exon patterns are very similar, with the second and seventh exons being much larger than the other five. The 3' terminal exon of P1-450 is about 500 bp longer than that of P3-450. These data suggest that both P1-450 and P3-450 have diverged from a common ancestral gene.  相似文献   
The in vivo turnover rates of liver microsomal epoxide hydrolase and both the heme and apoprotein moieties of cytochromes P-450a, P-450b + P-450e, and P-450c have been determined by following the decay in specific radioactivity from 2 to 96 h after simultaneous injections of NaH14CO3 and 3H-labeled delta-aminolevulinic acid to Aroclor 1254-treated rats. Total liver microsomal protein was characterized by an apparent biphasic exponential decay in specific radioactivity, with half-lives of 5-9 and 82 h for the fast- and slow-phase components, respectively. Most (approximately 90%) of the rapidly turning over microsomal protein fraction was immunologically distinct from membrane-associated serum protein, and thus appeared to represent integral membrane proteins. The existence of two distinct populations of cytochrome P-450a was suggested by the apparent biphasic turnover of both the heme and apoprotein moieties of the holoenzyme. The half-lives of the apoprotein were estimated to be 12 and 52 h for the fast- and slow-phase components, respectively, and 7 and 34 h for the heme moiety. The turnover of cytochromes P-450b + P-450e was identical to that of cytochrome P-450c, with half-lives of 37 and 28 h for the apoprotein and heme moieties, respectively. In all cases, the shorter half-lives of the heme component compared to the protein component were statistically significant. In contrast to the cytochrome P-450 isozymes, epoxide hydrolase (t1/2 = 132 h) turned over slower than the "average" microsomal protein (t1/2 = 82 h). The differential rates of degradation of these major integral membrane proteins during both the rapid and slow phases of total microsomal protein turnover argue against the concepts of unit membrane degradation and unidirectional membrane flow of liver endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
Free Na131 I and 131I-Albumin were injected in the cisterna magna of rhesus monkeys. The dynamics of descent into the spinal subarachnoid space and transport out of the cerebrospinal fluid were determined by gamma scintigraphy. 131I-Albumin moved slowly caudally, reaching the sacral CSF in three hours. Free Na131I was rapidly absorbed locally and did not descend. When its transport out of cerebrospinal fluid was inhibited by the addition of unlabeled isotonic Na I, 131I descended slowly at a rate parallel to that of tagged albumin. Injection of Na131I in hypertonic solutions caused immediate descent. Two minute periods of tumbling activity caused rapid movement of Na131I and 131I-Albumin into the lumbar spinal fluid. Na131I dynamics may serve as a model for other molecules actively transported out of cerebrospinal fluid, such as 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid; descent into caudal spinal fluid may depend on the degree of efflux from cerebrospinal fluid and on the animal's activity.  相似文献   
Medical examinations were carried out on 422 Igloolik Eskimos in 1969 and again on 485 two years later. In 130 adult men and women scen on both occasions body weight and skinfold thicknesses were relatively unchanged but there were significant increases of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, the basis of which is not established but an increase in dietary salt is hypothesized. In 280 children the overall incidence of otitis media was approximately 30% but children breastfed for at least 4 months had less than half the incidence of nonbreastfed children. In multiparous women up to age 50 duration of breastfeeding of a child was directly related to the interval until the next conception.  相似文献   
Anti-hapten antibody production was elicited by the immunization of hapten-isologous carrier conjugate (PAB-MGG) in mice. Spleen and lymph node cells taken from these primed mice could demonstrate their helper activity for anti-DNP antibody production when transferred intravenously into 600R X-irradiated recipient mice along with DNP-primed B cells and the double hapten conjugated carrier, DNP-MGG-PAB. Isologous carrier (MGG)-primed cells could not demonstrate this helper activity. Accordingly, helper cells reactive for a haptenic group are considered to develop by the immunization of hapten-isologous carrier conjugate. Hapten-reactive helper activity was also induced by the immunization of other hapten-isologous carrier conjugates, e.g., MAB-MGG, PABS-MGG or PAB-MSA. These hapten-reactive helper cells were T lymphocytes, as the helper activity of PAB-MGG-primed cells was completely abolished by in vivo ATS-treatment. Helper activity of PAB-MGG-primed cells for DNP-primed B cells was also demonstrated through the double hapten conjugated heterologous carrier DNP-HGG-PAB to be the same as with DNP-MGG-PAB, but weakly through DNP-KLH-PAB. As HGG but not KLH resembles MGG in composition, almost all hapten-reactive helper T cells can be considered to recognize not only haptenic groups but also physicochemical properties of the hapten-conjugated carrier site. However, these helper T cells could discriminate structural differences among related haptenic groups, because PAB-MGG-primed cells clearly responded to DNP-MGG-PAB to demonstrate their helper activity for DNP-primed B cells, but responded only weakly to DNP-MGG-PABS or DNP-MGG-MAB. When the specificity restrictions of T and B cells to the same haptenic group were compared by responsiveness measured after the antigenic stimulation (B cell function by anti-hapten antibody production and T cell function by helper activity), differences were noted, as PAB-MGG-primed T cells could respond not only to DNP-MGG-PAB but also fairly well to DNP-MGG-MAB to demonstrate their helper activity, but PAB-MGG-primed B cells responded to only PAB-MGG. Thus, hapten specificity appears to be much more restricted for B cells than T cells. The difference of this responsivity between B cells and helper T cells was thought to derive from the specificity difference of B cell and helper T cell receptors rather than from any sensitivity differences of the experimental procedure. The differences in the specificity restrictions of receptors of B and helper T cells were discussed in the light of hapten-specificity.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted to determine whether normal and/or neo-plastic (MCF-7) human breast epithelial cells contain the microsomal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) which catalyses the conversion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) to carcinogenic intermediates. Low constitutive levels of AHH activity were found in homogenates of both normal human breast epithelial and MCF-7 cells. The addition of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) to the culture medium of either cell type significantly increased AHH activity. Peak induction of hydroxylase activity occurred following the invitro addition of 10 μM DMBA. A time course of DMBA-induced AHH activity in both normal human breast epithelium and MCF-7 cells revealed maximal induction 16 hr after 10 μM DMBA was added to the culture medium. Benzo(a)pyrene (BP), 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA) and benz(a)anthracene (BA) also induced AHH activity in normal and MCF-7 cells. For example, the addition of 10 μM BP to the culture medium of either normal human breast epithelial or MCF-7 cells for 16 hr increased AHH activity 13.8 and 65.3-fold, respectively. For all PAH, the magnitude of AHH induction was substantially greater in MCF-7 than normal breast epithelial cells. Finally, α-naphthoflavone inhibited BA-induced AHH activity in MCF-7 cells. The study demonstrates the presence of a PAH-inducible AHH enzyme(s) in normal human breast epithelial cells grown in primary culture and in the human breast tumor cell line, MCF-7.  相似文献   
Five catechol estrogens and two 2-methoxyestrogens were compared for their relative affinity of binding to hypothalamic, pituitary and uterine cytosol estrogen receptors; and for the kinetics of the catechols' methylation by hepatic catechol-O-methyltransferase. All of the catechol estrogens tested have similar Km 's for O-methylation (9–14 μM). Estrogen receptor affinities, however, differ widely. In hypothalamus, for example, where estradiol-17β has a Kd of 0.039 ± 0.008 nanomolar, 4-hydroxyestradiol also binds tightly (0.12 ± 0.02 nM), 2-hydroxyestradiol and 4-hydroxyestrone with intermediate affinity (0.26 ± 0.06 and 0.28 ± 0.07 nM, respectively), and 2-hydroxyestrone and 2-hydroxyestriol much less well (1.68 ± 0.79 and 1.27 ± 0.26 nM, respectively). The binding of the 2-methoxyestrogens is extremely weak. These receptor affinities roughly parallel the potencies of these compounds in altering gonadotropin secretion.  相似文献   
The role of glucocorticoid in the prolactin-induced accumulation of casein mRNA in mammary explants from midpregnant mice has been studied after an initial 4-day incubation to allow the level of messenger to decline to undetectable levels. Subsequent culture for 3 days: 1) with insulin and glucocorticoid did not result in detectable accumulation of messenger; 2) with insulin and prolactin resulted in a very small accumulation; 3) with insulin, glucocorticoid and prolactin elicited a 20-fold greater accumulation of casein mRNA than the system with only insulin and prolactin. Therefore, although glucocorticoids are not an absolute requirement for casein gene expression in mouse mammary tissue, they are necessary for massive accumulation of casein mRNA induced by prolactin. It appears that this dependence is not a result of either mRNA stabilization or alteration in prolactin receptors. By contrast, stimulation of total epithelial RNA synthesis by prolactin does not have this glucocorticoid dependency.  相似文献   
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