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Tropical landscapes are dominated by agroecosystems, but the potential value of agroecosystems for the survival of species is often overlooked. In agroecosystems, species conservation is especially important when functional groups such as predators are affected. In Central Sulawesi, we sampled arthropods on cocoa in a gradient of land-use intensity from extensively used forest gardens to intensively used agroforestry systems. The abundance and diversity of all arthropods did not correlate with land-use intensity, so human impact was not followed by high species losses. However, the number of species and abundance of the phytophagous arthropods increased and that of the entomophagous arthropods decreased with land-use intensity. The reduced predator–prey ratio in intensified systems can be related to their reduced species richness of shade trees and the changed microclimate (increased temperature, decreased humidity and canopy cover). In conclusion, transformation of traditional into intensified agroforestry systems had a great impact on arthropod community structure on cocoa. Since predator–prey ratios decreased with increasing land-use intensity, local farmers should have least pest problems in the traditionally diversified agroforestry systems.  相似文献   
【目的】寄生蜂是草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.卵期和幼虫期的重要天敌,但冀西北地区的发生种类、控害作用尚不明确。【方法】通过1997年以来历年田间调查,结合多年室内饲养。【结果】明确了当地草地螟寄生蜂共14种,其中卵期1种,幼虫期13种,1~5龄幼虫各龄期均有不同种寄生蜂寄生,寄生蜂种类多,种群数量大,寄生率高,控害和压低草地螟种群作用显著。【结论】该调查研究为开展草地螟预测预报,保护利用天敌资源和综合治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The allochthonous detritus that accumulates in the substrate of streams is used by aquatic invertebrate shredders for shelter and food. Shredders are considered rare in tropical systems, and little information is available about the role of density effects and predation risk (associated with the perception of predators by prey) in relationship to the resources used by these organisms. The aim of this study was to examine experimentally the effects of increased predation risk and of the density of Phylloicus sp. (i.e. of two types of biological relationships) on the processing of the leaf litter of Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez. Phylloicus sp. can use leaf litter for case building and as a food resource. The density effect was measured using four treatments that differed only in the number of individuals (one, two, three or four). A second experiment with five treatments was performed to test the risk of non‐lethal predation on detritus consumption (shelter and food) by Phylloicus sp. (T1: Caddisfly; T2: Mayfly; T3: Astyanax sp./fish; T4: Damselflies; T5: Stonefly). A single Phylloicus and one other organism (a potential predator blocked with 0.5 mm fine mesh) were placed in each tank (0.002 m3 volume). We observed a negative effect of density on per capita litter consumption (experiment 1). The low density of Phylloicus may be a natural factor that decreases intraspecific competition. In the presence of fish, Phylloicus showed the lowest amount of litter processing observed in the experiment, indicating top‐down control (experiment 2). In treatments that involved the presence of invertebrates (non‐predatory and predatory), Phylloicus showed the highest amount and an intermediate amount of leaf litter processing, respectively (experiment 2). This observation also suggests that the predation effect is more probable for specific predator–prey pairs. Population density and predation risk in Phylloicus may be important factors controlling leaf litter processing.  相似文献   
目的:探讨支气管哮喘患儿血清25 羟维生素D3[25-(OH)D3]水平对病情严重程度及临床转归的影响。方法:选取144 例 支气管哮喘患儿为研究对象,依据病情严重程度分为轻度间歇组、轻度持续组、中度持续组及重度持续组,选取60 例健康儿童作 为对照组,检测血清25-(OH)D3 水平;在治疗4 周后应用儿童哮喘控制测试评分系统(C-ACT)对患儿哮喘控制情况给予评价,将 所有患儿分为未控制组、部分控制组及完全控制组,比较各组血清25-(OH)D3 水平的差异。结果:对照组、轻度间歇组、轻度持续 组、中度持续组、重度持续组5 组之间血清25-(OH)D3 水平存在显著的统计学差异(P<0.05),从对照组到重度持续组血清25- (OH)D3 水平逐渐降低(P<0.05);完全控制组、部分控制组及未控制组三组血清25-(OH)D3 水平亦存在显著的统计学差异(P< 0.05),从完全控制组到未控制组血清25-(OH)D3 水平亦呈现逐渐降低趋势(P<0.05);血清25-(OH)D3 水平与病情严重程度呈负 相关(rs =-0.489, P<0.05),血清25-(OH)D3 水平与C-ACT 评分亦呈负相关(rs =-0.470, P<0.05);随着血清25-(OH)D3 水平下降 程度的加重,患儿发生重度持续发作、出现C-ACT 评分<19 分的风险值(OR)则逐渐增大。结论:血清25-(OH)D3 水平与哮喘患儿 病情严重程度及病情控制情况密切相关,早期血清维生素D 水平对于哮喘患儿病情及近期预后具有一定意义。  相似文献   
Summary Thirty two bacteria antagonistic to a number of phytopathogenic fungi were isolated from soil samples. One bacterial strain, designated as M 51, appeared to be particularly active towardsF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthii, in vitro andin vivo and it was inhibitoryin vitro to three otherFusarium spp. used. Tests to find if there was protection against fusarium wilt were carried out by three different methods of inoculation of the cuttings: a) dipping of cuttings for ten minutes in bacterial suspension; b) spraying of suspension on perlite where the rooted cuttings were planted; c) spraying the greenhouse bench rooting boxes, where the non-rooted cuttings were planted, with bacterial suspension. Following this all the cuttings were transplanted into soil naturally highly infested withFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthii (3000 units/g). Good protection against fusarium wilt was obtained for cuttings inoculated by method (b). However protection decreased gradually about 60 days after they were transplanted; both control and inoculated cuttings showed a comparable mortality rate. Method of inoculation and the development of the protective effect are discussed.  相似文献   
The mite-pathogenic fungus Neozygites floridana Fisher (Entomophthorales: Neozygitaceae) is considered to have potential for the biological control of the cassava green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar). However, its activity is sporadic and laboratory data suggest a strong dependence on night-time saturation deficits for transmission. We report on an epizootic of this fungus in a mite population in northeastern Brazil. During the epizootic, host populations appeared to be limited by a combination of the pathogen and a predatory mite Neoseiulus idaeus (Acari: Phytoseiidae). When temperatures increased, the epizootic finished and the host population began to grow. Abiotic conditions could not explain the variation in host mortality following pickup of infective propagules in this epizootic. However, night-time saturation did help to explain the variation in transmission from infective cadavers to newly killed hosts. This supports laboratory observations that horizontal transmission between hosts is determined mainly by saturation deficits, while the process of infection is little affected by abiotic conditions. A further field observation was the near-absence of resting spores in dead mites (ca. 0.1% of cadavers), suggesting that the pathogen population was unsuccessful in producing inoculum to infect future M. tanajoa populations. The implications are that this pathogen will only be effective as a biological control agent in periods of high relative humidity, and establishment in new areas may be limited by resting spore formation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Extrinsic control of developmental diapause in nymphs of prostriate ticks of the subgenus Ixodes sensu stricto (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes persulcatus from Eurasia and Ixodes scapularis from North America) appears to be based on a complex two-step photoperiodic reaction of a short-day/long-day type. Diapause control in the subgenus Afrixodes (the South African tick Ixodes rubicundus) appears to be based on a simple long-day reaction. The option between non-diapause development and diapausing arrest in engorged nymphs is determined by both pre- and post-feeding photoperiodic regimes. Consequently diapausing arrest in engorged nymphs of Ixodes sensu stricto can be induced either by a short-day (after their engorgement) or by a long-day regime (in unfed nymphs), while active, non-diapause development is possible only when the short-day pre-feeding regime is followed by a long-day post-feeding regime. The photoperiodic response in I. (Afrixodes) rubicundus nymphs seems to be of the long-day type both before and after feeding. Consequently this non-diapause development is enabled by a long-day regime, while diapause is induced by a short-day regime of exposure. Nevertheless, there are some indications that the control of nymphal diapause in the latter species is also of a complex nature. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
云南河口县桔小实蝇生物学特性及防治   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
桔小实蝇Bactroceradorsalis (Hendel)在河口 1年发生 5代 ,世代重叠 ,5~ 8月为害虫发生盛期 ,以第 2和第 3代幼虫发生期对当地果蔬作物的危害最重。室内 1 8~ 30℃条件下 ,成虫日羽化高峰发生在上午 9:0 0~ 1 0 :0 0 ,卵、幼虫和蛹的历期随着温度的升高而缩短。成虫取食喜选成熟芒果的汁液。提出了防治此害虫的主要措施。  相似文献   
Eddy covariance and sapflow data from three Mediterranean ecosystems were analysed via top‐down approaches in conjunction with a mechanistic ecosystem gas‐exchange model to test current assumptions about drought effects on ecosystem respiration and canopy CO2/H2O exchange. The three sites include two nearly monospecific Quercus ilex L. forests – one on karstic limestone (Puéchabon), the other on fluvial sand with access to ground water (Castelporziano) – and a typical mixed macchia on limestone (Arca di Noè). Estimates of ecosystem respiration were derived from light response curves of net ecosystem CO2 exchange. Subsequently, values of ecosystem gross carbon uptake were computed from eddy covariance CO2 fluxes and estimates of ecosystem respiration as a function of soil temperature and moisture. Bulk canopy conductance was calculated by inversion of the Penman‐Monteith equation. In a top‐down analysis, it was shown that all three sites exhibit similar behaviour in terms of their overall response to drought. In contrast to common assumptions, at all sites ecosystem respiration revealed a decreasing temperature sensitivity ( Q 10) in response to drought. Soil temperature and soil water content explained 70–80% of the seasonal variability of ecosystem respiration. During the drought, light‐saturated ecosystem gross carbon uptake and day‐time averaged canopy conductance declined by up to 90%. These changes were closely related to soil water content. Ecosystem water‐use efficiency of gross carbon uptake decreased during the drought, regardless whether evapotranspiration from eddy covariance or transpiration from sapflow had been used for the calculation. We evidence that this clearly contrasts current models of canopy function which predict increasing ecosystem water‐use efficiency (WUE) during the drought. Four potential explanations to those results were identified (patchy stomatal closure, changes in physiological capacities of photosynthesis, decreases in mesophyll conductance for CO2, and photoinhibition), which will be tested in a forthcoming paper. It is suggested to incorporate the new findings into current biogeochemical models after further testing as this will improve estimates of climate change effects on (semi)arid ecosystems' carbon balances.  相似文献   
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