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Clarifying the relationship between distribution patterns of organisms and geological events is critical to understanding the impact of environmental changes on organismal evolution. Quercus sect. Heterobalanus is now distributed across the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains (HHM) and warm lowland in East China, yet how the distribution patterns of this group changed in response to the HHM uplift remains largely unknown. This study examines the effect of tectonic events in the HHM region on the oaks, providing a biological perspective on the geological history of this region. Fifty‐six populations of Quercus sect. Heterobalanus were genotyped using four chloroplast DNA regions and nine nuclear simple sequence repeat loci to assess population structure and diversity, supplemented by molecular dating and ancestral area reconstructions. The underlying demographic dynamics were compared using ecological niche models of the species distributions during the last glacial maximum and the present. These analyses illustrate that Quercus sect. Heterobalanus diversified as the HHM uplifted and climatic cooling during the mid‐Miocene, colonizing the cold habitats from warm broadleaf mixed forests. Lineages in cold highlands and warm lowlands have diverged as a consequence of local adaptation to diverging climates since the late Miocene. Our results suggest that continuous uplift of the HHM in the late Miocene to early Pliocene accompanied by simultaneous cooling triggered the differentiation of oaks. The biogeography of Quercus sect. Heterobalanus illuminates the geological events responsible for the modern‐day HHM.  相似文献   
高山红景天(RhodiolasachalinensisA.Bor.)培养细胞中,甙元酪醇在细胞生长静止期大量积累,而此时糖基化反应的效率很低,因而红景天甙(salidroside)产量较低。考虑到培养细胞中酪醇葡萄糖基转移酶的活性在指数生长期达到最高,考察了在指数生长期添加外源酪醇生物转化生产红景天甙的可能性,并探讨了酪醇添加浓度、添加方法及细胞密度对酪醇转化率及红景天甙产量的影响。结果表明,细胞在酪醇浓度为1mmol/L的培养基中培养24h后可使酪醇转化率达到95%;过高的酪醇浓度(>3mmol/L)对细胞生长及酪醇转化率都有明显抑制作用;通过较低浓度酪醇的3次重复添加,可使细胞密度为6gDW/L、12gDW/L及18gDW/L的培养物中的红景天甙产量分别达到1320mg/L、1740mg/L和1980mg/L。  相似文献   
西藏高原高寒植物长鞭红景天生殖特征成功及影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索高寒植物长鞭红景天(Rhodiola fastigiata)濒危的生殖生态学机理,寻找保护和恢复该物种的有效途径,对其繁育系统、开花物候特征、生殖过程(开花、结实、种子产量和发育)及其影响生殖成功的主要因子进行调查分析。结果表明:长鞭红景天包括两性植株和雌性植株两种类型,其中两性植株仅执行雄性功能,种群繁殖为异交,属风媒传粉方式。种群花期出现在1a中降雨和气温较高的季节,6月下旬开始开花,7月下旬结束,时间30d左右。单株开花动态呈现单峰和双峰曲线两种模式,两性植株花期(9.29d)大于雌性植株花期(7.06d),并先于雌性植株开放,但雌性植株开花的高峰期比两性花早。从花蕾到开花,雌性单株有16%—25%的花蕾损失;开花到结实,单株36%—57%的花败育;至种子成熟,共有84%—94%的胚珠损失,仅6%—16%的胚珠发育成种子。雌性单株平均种子产量估计值约为285粒,说明长鞭红景天生殖潜力较大。人工条件下种子发芽率为93.6%,可见种子质量不是导致其濒危的原因,花粉限制和种子产量可能是影响生殖成功的主要因素。  相似文献   
Clematis sect. Clematis is revised in this paper. Seventy-three species and 45 varieties are recognized. They are keyed, described, and illustrated in some cases, and are classified into five subsections. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are given, and the relationships of its subsections and with its close allies of the C. vitalba evolutionary stock of the subgenus Clematis are discussed. Main taxonomic changes are made as follows: (1) C. lancifolia Bur. & Franch., C. songarica Bunge, C. ispahanica Boiss., C. delavayi Franch. and C. phlebantha Williams, which have been previously regarded to be close to C. fruticosa Turcz. and its allies, and placed in sect. Fruticella Tamura by Tamura and some other authors, are here transferred to subsect. Angustifoliae Tamura according to the floral structure. (2) The existence of intermediate forms between the C. vitalba group and the C. flammula group indicates that these two groups are closely related to each other and should not be treated as two sections or even two subgenera. They are treated as two subsections within sect. Clematis . Two series, six species, and one variety are described as new, and five new ranks are made.   相似文献   
为探讨野外条件下光强及光质对高山红景天 (Rhodiola sachalinensis)生物量和红景天甙含量的影响 ,于 2 0 0 1年 5月 8日至 9月 16日在大兴安岭加格达奇的高山红景天种植圃地 ,利用纱布及红色、蓝色和绿色的滤光膜遮光处理 ,对生长 3a和 4 a的高山红景天进行了光强、光质控制实验。与温室实验类似 ,遮荫显著抑制高山红景天根的生长 ,并使红景天甙的含量略有提高。红膜处理使光强大约降低一半 ,但仅从光质的角度而言 ,红膜处理对根的生长影响不大 ,却显著增加了根中的红景天甙含量和产量 ,不过效果不如温室实验明显。绿膜处理未表现出对红景天甙积累的促进作用 ,这与温室实验结果不同。红膜处理不同天数的结果表明 ,处理时间对红景天甙含量提高的程度影响很小。这意味着在野外种植的情况下 ,可以在临近收获的最后一段时间用红膜对高山红景天进行处理 ,这样既可避免红膜处理对高山红景天根生长的抑制 (由于减弱了光照 ) ,又可显著提高根的红景天甙含量 ,从而达到大幅度提高红景天甙产量的目的。  相似文献   
The stelar structure ofAsplenium obtusifolium and its related species (A. repandulum, A. riparium, A. triquetrum, A. volubile, A. purpurascens, A. ortegae, A. delitescens, A. hoffmannii, andA. laetum) in the New World tropics was observed and compared to that of Asian species ofAsplenium sect.Hymenasplenium. Both of the groups were found to share peculiar stelar structures: steles with two meristeles, a broader ventral and a narrower dorsal, each providing one of the two leaf traces; leaf gaps arranged in two rows between the dorsal and ventral strands, which are connected by thin meristeles, delimiting the leaf gaps. These structures are distinct from the radial symmetrical ones general inAsplenium. Together with cytological evidence, this strongly indicates that the New and Old World groups are closely related. Thus, these Neotropical species should be included in sect.Hymenasplenium.  相似文献   
 The mode of reproduction, pollen production, chromosome numbers, genetic variation (RAPD, allozymes) and overall similarity were studied in 6 species of Hieracium sect. Alpina in the Tatry Mts. (the Western Carpathians, Slovakia). All species were confirmed to be agamospermous and, except of H. krivanense and H. slovacum, lacking pollen grains. For the first time, a chromosome number is reported for H. krivanense (2n=4x=36). Considerable genetic variation was revealed in H. alpinum and a correlation between geographic and genetic distances was found in this species. Between-population variation in RAPD and allozyme phenotypes was found in H. pinetophilum and H. crassipedipilum. In all other species, allozyme and RAPD variation was low or absent. With few exceptions, the species differ in their allozyme as well as RAPD patterns. The relatedness of one population of endemic H. slovacum and H. halleri was confirmed. It is shown, that Carpathian species of the H. fritzei group are derived from at least two ancestors. Received July 3, 2000; accepted June 24, 2002 Published online: November 20, 2002 Addresses of the authors: H. Štorchová, (e-mail: storchova@ueb.cas.cz) Institute of Experimental Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rozvojová 135, CZ-165 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic. I. V. Bartish, J. Chrtek Jr., J. Kirschner, M. Tetera, J. Štěpánek, Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-252 43 Pruhonice, Czech Republic.  相似文献   
不同来源高山红景天材料中有效成分的HPLC分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文用HPLC测定、比较了5种不同来源的高山红景天材料中有效成分—红景天甙及其甙无酪醇的含量,并建立了高山红景天有效成分分析的样品制备方法,结果表明:固体培养、液体培养及反应器培养的高山红景天组织中均含有上述两种有效成分.其中固体培养的材料中有效成分的含量最高.三种提取方法比较表明,用索氏提取器连续回流提取明显优于冷浸提取和批式回流提取.  相似文献   
Pollen of the two distylous species which make upLinum sect.Macrantholinum differs from that of other distylous species in the genus in being multiporate and in having much more modest differences in exine sculpturing between grains from long- and short-styled plants. Pollen morphology does not help in relating the two species to others in the genus but does support their retention in a separate section.  相似文献   
为探究过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)基因家族成员在西藏大花红景天高原恶劣生境适应性中的作用,利用生物信息学和qRT-PCR技术对其RcCATsRcSODs基因家族成员的序列和表达模式进行了分析,并构建RcCATRcSOD1的pYES2.0表达载体与pGBKT7诱饵载体,分别进行了酵母胁迫分析和拟南芥酵母文库中互作蛋白的筛选。结果显示:(1)大花红景天中共有2条RcCAT基因,3条RcSOD基因和1条Cu/Zn SOD铜伴侣基因RcCCS。生物信息学分析显示上述基因的氨基酸序列与其同源基因具有较高的相似性(66.37%~94.51%),且均没有跨膜结构域,亚细胞位置预测RcCATs位于过氧化物酶体,RcSODsRcCCS位于细胞质或线粒体。(2)qRT-PCR结果显示6个基因在根、茎、叶三个器官中均有表达且主要在叶片中表达,低温胁迫和植物激素ABA对基因表达量的影响显著。(3)酵母胁迫结果显示异源表达RcCATRcSOD1基因的阳性酵母菌株在冷、热、盐、碱、重金属和H2O2胁迫下的细胞活力均比pYES2.0空载菌株高。(4)通过酵母双杂交共筛选到4个与RcCAT互作明显的基因AtbHLH121(AT3G19860)、AtCPCK2(AT2G23070)、AtGRP4(AT5G50750)和AtRAPTOR1B(AT3G08850),3个与RcSOD1互作明显的基因AtEMB(AT5G11890)、AtMBP2(AT1G52030)和AtRH8(AT4G00660)。综上结果表明,大花红景天能够通过RcCATsRcSODs基因广泛参与调控其生长发育、胁迫响应等代谢途径来适应高原恶劣的环境。  相似文献   
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