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The search for novel biologically active molecules has extended to the screening of organisms associated with less explored environments. In this sense, Oceans, which cover nearly the 67% of the globe, are interesting ecosystems characterized by a high biodiversity that is worth being explored. As such, marine microorganisms are highly interesting as promising sources of new bioactive compounds of potential value to humans. Some of these microorganisms are able to survive in extreme marine environments and, as a result, they produce complex molecules with unique biological interesting properties for a wide variety of industrial and biotechnological applications. Thus, different marine microorganisms (fungi, myxomycetes, bacteria, and microalgae) producing compounds with antioxidant, antibacterial, apoptotic, antitumoral and antiviral activities have been already isolated. This review compiles and discusses the discovery of bioactive molecules from marine microorganisms reported from 2018 onwards. Moreover, it highlights the huge potential of marine microorganisms for obtaining highly valuable bioactive compounds.  相似文献   
Researches on rhizosphere ecological processes and the underlying mechanisms have become one of the most active and sensitive hotspots in soil science. Root exudates have specialized roles in mediating the nutrient cycling and signal transduction within root-soil-microbe interactions. They are the key driving factors in regulating the functions of rhizosphere micro-ecosystem, and serve as a major premise for the concept and ecological processes in rhizosphere. However, due to the instinctive advantages of crops, such as short life cycles and convenient operation, most previous studies on root exudation mainly focused on agricultural ecosystems and were primarily targeted at providing practical guidelines. In contrast, there have been relatively few investigations on root exudates of trees, which highly limited the comprehensive knowledge of the potential mechanisms of root exudates in mediating soil biogeochemical processes in forest ecosystems. Hence, in this review, based on the main findings in our previous studies and the emerging frontiers in rhizosphere ecology, we specifically reviewed the ecological consequences and key remaining challenges in researches on root exudation in forests. Finally, we identify several topics and research outlooks for guiding future work to facilitate studies on root exudation and its ecological consequences in forest ecosystems. © Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology  相似文献   
非水虻源微生物与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化鸡粪的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】益生微生物在协助亮斑扁角水虻幼虫转化有机废弃物、提高其转化效率方面具有重要的作用,本研究针对非水虻源微生物,开展与水虻联合转化鸡粪的研究,以阐明外源微生物在水虻转化畜禽粪便中的作用,对其转化机制的研究及产业化生产具有重要意义。【方法】采用稀释涂平板的方法进行鸡粪堆肥和猪粪堆肥中细菌的分析,并将筛选到的细菌分别接种到无菌的鸡粪基质中与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化,通过称重法测定转化后武汉亮斑水虻及鸡粪的重量,评价转化效果及对幼虫的影响,然后将促进转化效果明显的菌株按不同比例进行复配,与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化新鲜鸡粪,分析复配菌剂对武汉亮斑水虻幼虫转化鸡粪的影响。【结果】结果显示R-07、R-09、F-03和F-06在促进武汉亮斑水虻幼虫生长和鸡粪转化的效果上最为显著。与对照组相比,水虻幼虫转化率分别提高了27.21%、15.00%、9.93%和16.29%;基质减少率分别提高了17.94%、10.42%、7.84%和9.27%。将这4株细菌配制复配菌剂与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化鸡粪,结果显示复配比例为R-07:R-09:F-03:F-06=4:1:1:1时效果最好,与空白对照相比,武汉亮斑水虻幼虫存活率提高了10.25%,幼虫虫重增加了28.41%,幼虫转化率增加了30.46%,鸡粪减少率增加了7.69%。【结论】添加通过筛选优化的非水虻来源的微生物复合菌剂能够促进水虻高效转化鸡粪,研究结果有助于改善现有的武汉亮斑水虻幼虫转化体系,为开发新型的联合转化工艺、更加有效地处理畜禽粪便奠定基础。  相似文献   
微生物对拟除虫菊酯类农药残留的生物修复   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
拟除虫菊酯类农药是一类高效、广谱农药,且具有低毒性和能被生物降解之特性,但其残留却给人们的健康带来了巨大的威胁,如何有效地去除其残留成为摆在环境工作者面前的一项重大课题。以生物修复为理论基础的农药残留降解菌技术为解决这一难题带来了新思路,该方法操作简便、经济实用,在国内外均成为环境工作者的研究热点。  相似文献   
细菌的"活的非可培养状态"(VBNC, viable but nonculturable)发现于20世纪80年代,处于此状态的细菌不但丧失了在培养基上生长繁殖的能力,而且具有与原菌相似的致病性,成为可以逃避检测的"隐性"传染源,对周围的环境及人类安全构成潜在威胁.作为公认的未可培养微生物,它一直是预防医学、流行病学、微生物生态学以及公共卫生检验检疫方面研究的热点问题之一.现代分子生物学技术和基因组学的深入研究,为开发环境中的未可培养微生物提供了新的研究方法和机遇.其中遗传指纹图谱技术、宏基因组技术显示出一定的优势,同时,随着各种细菌的非可培养状态的实验室模型已日臻成熟,这为开发和利用未可培养微生物资源提供了新的研究思路.  相似文献   
Within the past 5?years, tremendous advances have been made to maximize the performance of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for both “clean” bioenergy production and bioremediation. Most research efforts have focused on parameters including (i) optimizing reactor configuration, (ii) electrode construction, (iii) addition of redox-active, electron donating mediators, (iv) biofilm acclimation and feed nutrient adjustment, as well as (v) other parameters that contribute to enhanced MFC performance. To date, tremendous advances have been made, but further improvements are needed for MFCs to be economically practical. In this review, the diversity of electrogenic microorganisms and microbial community changes in mixed cultures are discussed. More importantly, different approaches including chemical/genetic modifications and gene regulation of exoelectrogens, synthetic biology approaches and bacterial community cooperation are reviewed. Advances in recent years in metagenomics and microbiomes have allowed researchers to improve bacterial electrogenicity of robust biofilms in MFCs using novel, unconventional approaches. Taken together, this review provides some important and timely information to researchers who are examining additional means to enhance power production of MFCs.  相似文献   
The salinity stress is one of the most relevant abiotic stresses that affects the agricultural production. The present study was performed to study the improvement of the salt tolerance of tomato plants which is known for their susceptibility to salt stress. The present study aimed to assess to what extent strain Azospirillum brasilense (N040) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae improve the salt tolerance to tomato plants treated with different salt concentration. The inoculant strain A. brasilense (N040) was previously adapted to survive up to 7% NaCl in the basal media. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of this inoculation on growth parameter such as: plant height, root length, fresh and dry weight, fruits fresh weight, chlorophyll content, proline and total soluble sugar in tomato plants under salt stress condition. The results revealed that co-inoculation of Azospirillum brasilense (N040) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae significantly increased the level of proline (8.63 mg/g FW) and total soluble sugar (120 mg/g FW) of leaves under salinity condition comparing to non-inoculated plants (2.3 mg/g FW and 70 mg/g FW, respectively). Plants co-inoculated with adapted strain of A. brasilense and S. cerevisiae showed the highest significant (p < 0.01) increase in fruit yield (1166.6 g/plant), plant high (115 cm) and roots length (52.6) compared whit un-inoculated control plants (42 g/pant, 43.3 cm and 29.6 cm, respectively). In contrast, Na+ ion content was significantly decreased in the leaves of salt stressed plants treated with the A. brasilense (N040) and S. cerevisiae. Finally, the results showed that dual benefits provided by both A. brasilense (N040) and S. cerevisiae can provide a major way to improve tomato yields in saline soils.  相似文献   
目的 分离、筛选降解海水养殖区甲胺磷的降解菌及确定最适的降解条件.方法 从被有机磷污染的海水样中分离,以有机磷为唯一碳源反复驯化,分离筛选出1株高效降解甲胺磷的菌株M-1,并对其降解能力和所需条件进行测试.结果 初步鉴定菌株M-1属于蜡样芽胞杆菌,菌株M-1最适生长温度和pH分别为25和8.0.Zn^2+(200 mg/L),Cd^2+(50 mg/L)与pb^2+(200 mg/L)不影响菌株M-1对甲胺磷的降解作用,但Cu^2+(50mg/L),Cr^2+(50 mg/L)对菌株M-1有毒性作用.结论 海洋微生物在甲胺磷污染的海水养殖区自净中起着重要作用.  相似文献   
The speed and efficiency of quantum cascade laser‐based mid‐infrared microspectroscopy are demonstrated using two different model organisms as examples. For the slowly moving Amoeba proteus, a quantum cascade laser is tuned over the wavelength range of 7.6 µm to 8.6 µm (wavenumbers 1320 cm–1 and 1160 cm–1, respectively). The recording of a hyperspectral image takes 11.3 s whereby an average signal‐to‐noise ratio of 29 is achieved. The limits of time resolution are tested by imaging the fast moving Caenorhabditis elegans at a discrete wavenumber of 1265 cm–1. Mid‐infrared imaging is performed with the 640 × 480 pixel video graphics array (VGA) standard and at a full‐frame time resolution of 0.02 s (i.e. well above the most common frame rate standards). An average signal‐to‐noise ratio of 16 is obtained. To the best of our knowledge, these findings constitute the first mid‐infrared imaging of living organisms at VGA standard and video frame rate.


【背景】小麦/玉米轮作是中国粮食作物主要种植模式之一,目前对小麦/玉米轮作田根际土壤微生物差异变化缺乏全面的了解。【目的】明确小麦/玉米根际土壤微生物差异变化并了解其潜在功能。【方法】以小麦/玉米根际土壤为材料,运用细菌16S rRNA基因和真菌rDNA ITS基因测序,分析小麦/玉米根际土壤微生物多样性。【结果】玉米季微生物丰富度高于小麦季,而多样性无明显差异。放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)为小麦季和玉米季根际土壤的优势细菌门,优势真菌门为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)。小麦季和玉米季共有细菌和真菌分别是631个和261个,小麦季特有细菌和真菌分别是38个和58个,玉米季特有细菌和真菌分别是25个和39个。LEfSe分析(LDA阈值为2)细菌和真菌表明,放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)和微囊菌目(Microascales)在小麦季富集,鞘脂单胞菌目(Sphingomonadales)和银耳纲(Tremellomycetes)在玉米季富集。小麦季、玉...  相似文献   
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