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The biology of Hypoaspis miles Berlese (Acarina: Hypoaspidae) fed on mushroom sciarid larvae (Lycoriella solani Winnertz) (Diptera: Lycoriidae) and mould mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank) (Acari: Acaridae), was investigated by laboratory experiments at 20 °C, 75% r.h. and LD16:D8 hours. H. miles had a significantly shorter development time and a significantly lower juvenile mortality when fed on sciarid larvae than on mould mites, the development time being 14.5 days and the mortality 3.5% on the former prey. The preoviposition and postoviposition periods of H. miles were not uninfluenced by the prey species and were 5–9 and 32–37 days, respectively. Oviposition periods of 53.2 and 68.5 days and female longevities of 82 and 109.6 days were observed on diets of sciarid larvae and mould mites, respectively. Male longevity (168–219 days) was uninfluenced by the prey species. The egg production of H. miles on sciarid larvae was estimated to be 44.4 ± 4.33 eggs per female, as compared to 22.43 ± 1.79 eggs per female on mould mites. The sex-ratio of the offspring was significantly influenced by the prey species, the ratios (/(+)) being 0.66 on sciarid larvae and 0.54 on mould mites. The net reproductive rate (R0) for H. miles fed on sciarid larvae was approximately 27 which was three times higher than for mites feeding on mould mites. The innate capacity of increase (rm) was highest (0.0747 day–1) when sciarid larvae served as food, giving a doubling time of 9.3 days as compared to 12.8 days on mould mites. The generation times were 44.28 on sciarid larvae and 40.67 days on mould mites. The daily food consumption rate of juvenile and adult H. miles was 0.24 and 0.86 sciarid larvae and 10.8 and 21.7 mould mites, respectively. In terms of weight consumed, however, the consumption of sciarid larvae was 2–3.5 times the weight of mould mites. The ratio of females to males influenced the oviposition period and egg production of H. miles, with virgin females laying fewer eggs over a longer period of time as compared with females with access to males. The egg production in relation to the sex-ratio was described by models predicting a maximum number of eggs per female of 22.3 to be attained at a sex ratio of 0.69 (/(+)) and a maximum daily number of eggs per female of 0.33 to be attained at a sex ratio of 0.37 (/(+)).  相似文献   
A root rot and wilt disease of Anigozanthos manglesii (Kangaroo Paw) grown in greenhouses in Israel, for exporting as cut flowers to Europe, was characterized. Pythium myriotylum (Drechs.) and Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn) were the prevalent pathogens in diseased plants collected from commercial greenhouses. Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium spp. and Myrothecium sp. were also isolated, but P. myriotylum or R. solani were not detected in samples from symptomless plants in tissue cultures (Australian origin) or plants at different stages in the nursery; non‐pathogenic F. oxysporum and Fusarium spp. were detected in several samples. In pathogenicity tests carried out in pots, plant mortality occurred 7 days after inoculation with P. myriotylum. In a field experiment carried out in methyl bromide‐fumigated soil, the incidence of dead plants following inoculation with P. myriotylum alone was 22% 10 days after inoculation, increasing to 78% after an additional 25 days. The incidence of dead plants following inoculation with R. solani alone was only 5% and in plants inoculated simultaneously with both pathogens, disease incidence was 88% 35 days after inoculation. Mortality reached 90–100% in plants inoculated with P. myriotylum, either singly or combined with R. solani 60 days after inoculation, whereas in plants inoculated with R. solani it was 5%. The maximum mortality in plants inoculated with R. solani was 25%, 76 days after inoculation. These results clearly demonstrate that P. myriotylum was the dominant pathogen in the root rot and wilt of A. manglesii.  相似文献   
The development of dry rot caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. eumartii was evaluated in susceptible (Huinkul) and resistant (Spunta) potato cultivars. Fungal proteolytic and polygalacturanase activities were measured at different days postinoculation either with the pathogenic F. solani f. sp. eumartii, isolate 3122 or with the non‐pathogenic F. solani, isolate 1042. After inoculation with the pathogenic fungus, proteolytic and polygalaturonase activities were higher in the susceptible than in the resistant cultivar. In addition, we found a correlation between the levels of proteolytic activity detected in the intercellular washing fluids with the size of the lesion area caused by F. solani f. sp. eumartii in Huinkul tubers. The action of the proteolytic activity over cell wall proteins of both potato cultivars was assayed. An extracellular potato protein with homology to proteinase inhibitors of the Kunitz family was identified as a substrate of the proteolytic activity in the susceptible cultivar. A microscopic study revealed differences between the potato genotypes in the rate of response to infection by F. solani f. sp. eumartii. In addition, the cell wall alteration caused by F. solani f. sp. eumartii in cortical cells of susceptible tubers was evaluated. The data with respect to the correlation between the course of cyto‐ and biochemical events of the two host–pathogen interactions were discussed.  相似文献   
Rhizoctonia damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, is one of the most damaging sugar beet diseases. It causes serious economic damage wherever sugar beets are grown. Biological control is an efficient and environmentally friendly way to prevent damping-off disease. Suppression of damping-off disease caused by R. solani was carried out by four isolates of Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn as well as three isolates of each of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier. The effect of Bacillus and Trichoderma isolates against R. solani was investigated in vitro and tested on sugar beet plants under greenhouse conditions. Isolates of Bacillus and Trichoderma were able to inhibit the growth of R. solani in dual culture. Furthermore, Trichoderma isolates gave high antagonistic effect than isolates of B. subtilis. Under greenhouse conditions, coating seeds by T. harzianum and B. subtilis separately, reduced seedling damping-off significantly. However, applications of T. harzianum increased the percentage of surviving plants more than B. subtilis in comparison to control. The obtained results indicate that T. harzianum and B. subtilis are very effective biocontrol agents that offer potential benefit in sugar beet damping-off and should be harnessed for further biocontrol applications.  相似文献   
Elimination of Criconemoides xenoplax from a prune orchard soil by fumigation with ethylene dibromide at the rate of 42 μliter/liter of soil (equivalent to about 13 gal/acre) improved the growth of Myrobalan plum, Addition of this nematode to Myrobalan seedlings or young ''Marianna 2624'' plants propagated from cuttings resulted in destruction of cortical root tissue, darkening of roots, alteration of water stress, lowering of nutrient levels in leaves, and reduction in plant weight. C. xenoplax increased on all nine Prunus cerasifera varieties and hybrids tested, including those used commonly as rootstocks for prunes and plums. Rhizoctonia solani isolated from Myrobalan seedlings infected with C. xenoplax caused lesions on the hypocotyls of young Myrobalan seedlings in the laboratory, but had no effect on older seedlings in the greenhouse, and did not alter the effect of C. xenoplax.  相似文献   
M. N. Reddy 《Plant and Soil》1980,55(3):445-454
Summary The behaviour ofRhizoctonia solani on the surface of groundnut seedling hypocotyls was studied at different stages of growth. Characteristic variation in the growth and production on infection cushions was observed. No infection cushions were observed as the seedling reaches the age of three weeks. Hypocotyl exudates were collected at various stages of growth and analysed for total phenols, carbohydrates and ninhydrin positive compounds. The exudates were also analysed for individual amino acids, sugars and organic acids. Gradual decline in the total quantities of various compounds was observed with age. Quantitative and qualitative change in the individual compounds was also evident and some of the compounds were not at all detected as age increases. The possible correlation between the exudation and behaviour of the fungus on host surface is discussed.  相似文献   
The biocontrol fungus Gliocladium virens (Gl‐21)was grown on various solid and liquid substrates. Aqueous extracts of wheat bran and peanut hull meal (PHM)as well as spent glucose tartrate broth (GTB), Czapek‐Dox broth (CDB) and potato dextrose broth (PDB) upon which Gl‐21 was grown caused leakage of carbohydrates and electrolytes from hyphae of the soilborne plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. In addition, the mycelial weight of R. solani was reduced. Most of the leakage factor was formed in the substrates within six days of incubation. Acidification of the bran and the PHM media before inoculation stimulated production of the leakage factor by G. virens. Size‐fractionation experiments indicated that a combination of factors produced by G. virens induced leakage from R. solani. Although the < 1 k Da fraction from the water‐extracted bran culture contained significant leakage activity, it was less than in the non‐fractionated bran culture. The > 1 k Da fraction from bran culture did not induce leakage activity. When the < 1 k Da and the > 1 k Da fractions were recombined, leakage activity was restored to a level similar to that of the non‐fractionated preparation. Gliotoxin was detected in culture filtrates from G. virens grown on bran and PHM media. Gliotoxin preparations induced leakage of carbohydrates and electrolytes from R. solani and caused a concomitant reduction in mycelial weight, which suggests that it is a leakage factor.  相似文献   
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