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B. Dell  S. A. Wilson 《Plant and Soil》1989,113(2):287-290
The competitive ability of eight strains ofBradyrhizobium on Vigna was examined. It was found that strains S24, M10, and M11 occupied a greater percent of nodules when introduced as mixed inoculum of two strains. Growth rate of strains did not affect competitive ability of the strains. Two hydrogen-uptake positive (Hup+) strains, S24 and M10, were found to be good competitors while another Hup+ strain GR4 was not so. Influence of the host in competition was observed in the case of strain GR4.  相似文献   
InRhizobium meliloti, the promoter P1 of thenif HDK operon, and also the promoter P2, have earlier been shown to be active in the bacteria present in alfalfa root nodules, but not in the bacteria grown aerobically in culture. Here we have looked at the expression from P1 and P2 in two non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria,Azotobacter vinelandii andAzospirillum brasilense, using constructions in which the promoters are fused upstream of theβ-galactosidase gene. The promoter P1, but not P2, is active inA. vinelandii, while neither P1 nor P2 is active inAzospirillum brasilense.  相似文献   
The effects of inoculum level and lime-pelleting were studied in an acid soil with respect to the nodulation and growth of lucerne (Medicago sativa cv Resis) and the population dynamics of Rhizobium meliloti. In small root-boxes (rhizotrons), the in-situ survival of inoculated rhizobia was studied in the micro-environment around the seed for a period of 12 days after sowing. During the initial 24 hours, a strong increase in rhizobial numbers was measured, concomitantly with the development of roots. As a result of lime-pelleting, rhizobial numbers were higher only at 3 days after sowing (P<0.05). Later, this difference diminished steadily. Addition of lime did not increase the adhesion of the rhizobia to the seedling tap root. Plant responses to inoculation were studied in pots. To obtain optimal nodulation, the soil had to be neutralized around the seed with lime and at least 105 cells of R. meliloti were required. With more than 105 rhizobia per seed, lime-pelleting increased the number of crown-nodulated seedlings from 24% to 77%. Higher numbers of rhizobia could not compensate the effect of lime. A strong correlation was found between crown nodulation, nitrogen content and dry weight of the shoots.  相似文献   
Summary The content of endogenous gibberellin (GA)-like substances of roots and root nodules of SOya, and GA production byRhizobium japonicum cultures, were investigated by a combined thin layer chromatographic (TLC)-dwarf pea epicotyl bioassay technique. GAs were more concentrated in root nodules than in the roots, totalling 1.34 and 0.16 nM GA3 equivalents g−1 dry wt. respectively. GA production byR. japonicum cultures was demonstrated (1.00 nM GA3 equivalentsl −1) and comparison of the GA components of plant and bacterial culture medium extracts, suggested that rhizobial GA production may contribute to the nodule GA content. Cis-trans abscisic acid (ABA) was identified in root and nodule extracts by TLC-gas liquid chromatography (GLC), and amounted to 0.18 and 2.21 nM g−1 dry wt. respectively, whereas 0.30 and 4.63 nM ABA equivalents g−1 dry wt. were detected by a TLC-wheat embryo bioassay technique. ABA was not detected in extracts of bacterial cultures.  相似文献   
黄土高原根瘤菌数值分类及DNA-DNA杂交   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄土高原位于我国内陆,气候比较干旱,生长的植被较少,水土流失严重,而有些豆科植物如锦鸡儿(Caragana sinica)、苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides)、甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、苦马豆(Swainsoniasalsula)、洋槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)等却能很好生长.这些豆科植物的生长,在防风固沙、保持水土、绿化环境、作为饲用牧草等方面起着很重要的作用.但人们对于黄土高原野生豆科植物根瘤菌的研究尚很少.为此,作者在地处黄土高原的陕西、宁夏及甘肃的部分地区进行了广泛的根瘤菌资源调查.在此基础上,对分离的部分菌株进行了数值分类和DNA同源性分析.  相似文献   
The Rhizobia comprise one of the most important groups of beneficial bacteria, which form nodules on the roots (rarely on the stems) of leguminous plants. They live within the nodules and reduce atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia, which is further assimilated by plants into required nitrogenous compounds. The Rhizobia in return obtain nutrition from the plant. Rhizobia are free-living soil bacteria and have to compete with other microorganisms for the limited available iron in the rhizosphere. In order to acquire iron Rhizobia have been shown to express siderophore-mediated iron transport systems. Rhizobium leguminosarum IARI 917 was investigated for its ability to produce siderophore. It was found to produce a dihydroxamate type siderophore under iron restricted conditions. The siderophore was purified and chemically characterized. The ESMS, MS/MS and NMR analysis indicate the dihydroxamate siderophore to be ‘schizokinen’, a siderophore reported to be produced by Bacillus megaterium that shares a similar structure to ‘rhizobactin 1021’ produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021. This is the first report of production of schizokinen by a strain of R. leguminosarum, therefore it was carefully investigated to confirm that it is indeed ‘schizokinen’ and not a degradation product of ‘rhizobactin 1021’. Since ferric–siderophore complexes are transported across the outer membrane (OM) into the periplasm via an OM receptor protein, R. leguminosarum IARI 917 was investigated for the presence of an OM receptor for ‘ferric–schizokinen’. SDS PAGE analysis of whole cell pellet and extracted OM fractions indicate the presence of a possible iron-repressible OM receptor protein with the molecular weight (MW) of approximately 74 kDa.  相似文献   
Legumes can acquire nitrogen through a symbiotic interaction with rhizobial bacteria. The initiation of this process is determined by a molecular dialogue between the two partners. Legume roots exude flavonoids that induce the expression of the bacterial nodulation genes, which encode proteins involved in the synthesis and secretion of signals called Nod factors (NFs). NFs signal back to the plant root and trigger several responses, leading to bacterial invasion and nodule formation. Here, we describe the molecular and cellular characterization of a Phaseolus vulgaris non-nodulating mutant (NN-mutant). Root hair cells of the NN-mutant plant respond with swelling and branching when inoculated with Rhizobium etli, albeit without curling induction. Furthermore, neither initiation of cell division in the outer cortex, nor entrapment of bacteria nor infection thread formation was observed. Both the bean wild-type and the NN-mutant responded with elevated intracellular calcium changes in the root hairs. Although the NN-mutant is deficient in early nodulin gene expression when inoculated with R. etli, it can be effectively colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices). Our data indicate that the P. vulgaris NN-mutant is not blocked at the NFs early perception stage, but at later downstream stages between Ca2+ signaling and early nodulin induction. This supports the idea that both microsymbionts are perceived and trigger different downstream pathways in the host plant.  相似文献   
Summary The chromosomal genes chvA and chvB of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which mediate attachment to plant cells, were found to be essential not only for tumour induction but also for the formation of root nodules on plants.  相似文献   
利用放射型根瘤菌WSH2 6 0 1(RhizobiumradiobacterWSH2 6 0 1)重点考察了葡萄糖、蔗糖、玉米浆和蛋白胨、添加物以及流加发酵对细胞生长和产辅酶Q1 0 的影响 ,结果表明 ,葡萄糖和蔗糖适合于生产辅酶Q1 0 的最佳浓度分别为 30g L和 40g L ;辅酶Q1 0 发酵时玉米浆和蛋白胨的最适浓度分别为 11g L和 16g L ;添加蕃茄汁、玉米浆能提高发酵液的生物量 ,玉米浆、异戊醇、L 甲硫氨基酸等能促进辅酶Q1 0 的积累 ;与分批发酵相比 ,在 7L罐上流加蔗糖其细胞生物量 (DCW)和辅酶Q1 0 积累量增加 ,若在流加蔗糖的同时流加适当浓度的玉米浆能显著提高辅酶Q1 0 的产量 ,最大产量达到 5 2 .4mg L ;最大生物量 (DCW)和胞内辅酶Q1 0 含量 (C B值 )分别达到 2 6 .4g L和 2 .38mg g DCW ,比不流加的分批发酵分别提高 5 3 %和 33% ,比只流加蔗糖分别提高 2 4%和 2 6 %。  相似文献   
Sawdust was composted by inoculation with a cellulose-decomposing fungus (Cephalosporium sp.) and an N2-fixing bacterium (Azospirillum brasilense). The product was investigated as a possible carrier for Bradyrhizobium, Rhizobium and Azospirillum. The simple technology and composition of the carrier supported good growth and survival of the investigated strains. Yield increases following crop inoculation with the carrier containing the Bradyrhizobium/Rhizobium/Azospirillum mixture were observed with soybean (34–62%), groundnuts (4–39%), lucerne (24–82%) and a grass mixture of bird's foot trefoil and ryegrass (20–21%).  相似文献   
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