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The use of plant genetic resources contained in a large collection may be enhanced by specifying subsamples, called core samples. Five strategies for selecting a core sample from a collection of 3000 durum wheat accessions were applied and evaluated using four qualitative and eight quantitative spike characters. Each of the following strategies generated about 500 accessions for the core sample: random, random-systematic according to chronology of entry of the accessions into the collection, stratified by countryof-origin, stratified by log frequency by country-of-origin, and stratified by canonical variables. The first three strategies produced samples representative of the whole collection, but the remaining two produced the desired effect of increasing frequencies from less-represented countries-of-origin for several characters. The stratified canonical sample increased phenotypic variances. The quality of core samples is dependent upon good passport and evaluation data to partition the collection. The multivariate approach is extremely useful, but requires considerable data from the whole collection. Ecogeographic origin may be used in the absence of evaluation data on several characters to select useful core samples.  相似文献   
The roles of sulfhydryl and disulfide groups in the specific binding of synthetic cannabinoid CP-55,940 to the cannabinoid receptor in membrane preparations from the rat cerebral cortex have been examined. Various sulfhydryl blocking reagents including p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (p-CMB), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), o-iodosobenzoic acid (o-ISB), and methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS) inhibited the specific binding of [3H]CP-55,940 to the cannabinoid receptor in a dose-dependent manner. About 80–95% inhibition was obtained at a 0.1 mM concentration of these reagents. Scatchard analysis of saturation experiments indicates that most of these sulfhydryl modifying reagents reduce both the binding affinity (Kd) and capacity (Bmax). On the other hand, DL-dithiothreitol (DTT), a disulfide reducing agent, also irreversibly inhibited the specific binding of [3H]CP-55,940 to the receptor and about 50% inhibition was obtained at a 5 mM concentration. Furthermore, 5mM DTT was abelt to dissociate 50% of the bound ligand from the ligand-receptor complex. The marked inhibition of [3H]CP-55,940 binding by sulfhydryl reagents suggests that at least one free sulfhydryl group is essential to the binding of the ligand to the receptor. In addition, the inhibition of the binding by DTT implies that besides free sulfhydryl group(s), the integrity of a disulfide bridge is also important for [3H]CP-55,940 binding to the cannabinoid receptor.  相似文献   
Restriction fragment length polymorphism of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification products differentiated Rickettsia japonica, a causative agent of Oriental spotted fever, from other spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae. Primer pair Rr190. 70p and Rr190. 602n of R. rickettsii 190-kDa antigen gene sequence primed genomic DNAs obtained from R. japonica, type strain YH and strains NT, NK, YKI, and TKN. The products were cleaved by PstI but not by AfaI restriction endonuclease. The PstI digestion pattern of PCR-products amplified from all strains of R. japonica was identical and easily differentiated from that of other SFG rickettsiae. The present study demonstrated a genotypic difference between R. japonica and other pathogenic SFG rickettsiae.  相似文献   
王科  蔡磊 《菌物学报》2023,42(1):50-62
我国菌物分类学研究始于20世纪初,经过百余年的不断探索和发展,取得了丰硕的成果,并逐渐走进世界前列。本研究通过对世界菌物名称信息库Fungal Names进行数据统计,对发现自中国的菌物新物种和中国学者发表菌物新分类单元等数据开展分析,从中揭示中国菌物分类学的历史和发展趋势。过去,一共有2 214位中国学者参与发表了15 626个菌物新分类单元,包括 3个新纲、27个新目及亚目、117个新科及亚科、769个新属及亚属、11 100个新种、322个新种下单元和3 288个新组合。在全球已知的菌物物种中,自中国发现的新物种有10 233种,隶属于 3界13门44纲174目572科2 379属,占全球已知物种多样性的6.84%,居世界第二位。地理分布上,我国西南地区(云南、四川、贵州、西藏)和低纬度的热带、亚热带地区(中国台湾、广东)发现的新物种最多。根据每年发现的新分类单元数量趋势和命名作者的构成,可将中国菌物分类学的发展历史分为五个阶段:外人在华采菌及研究(1750s-1929)、中国菌物分类学起步(1930-1949)、新中国菌物分类学早期发展(1950-1977)、全国性菌物标本采集与研究(1978-2010)、走进世界前列(2011至今)。本研究对每个发展时期的分类学概况和重要历史事件进行了总结和回顾,通过上述综述性研究,有助于系统地了解中国菌物分类学不同阶段的发展趋势和研究概况,为学科当下和未来的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
A suggestion that limited migration, i.e., population viscosity, should favor the evolution of altruism has been challenged by recent kin selection models explicitly incorporating restricted migration. It is demonstrated that these models compound two distinct elements of population structure, spatial-genotypic variation and density regulation. These two characteristics are often determined by distinct biological processes. While they may be linked under certain circumstances, this is not invariably true. A simple modification of the migration system employed in these studies decouples migration and population regulation thus favoring inter-group selection. At least in some cases, restricted migration will facilitate the evolution of altruism.  相似文献   
新设的铜脚异丽金龟组包括中国异丽金龟属已知的大型、绿色种类,绝大多数为常见种,彼此形态十分近似。它们是:铜脚异丽金龟(新纪录)Anomala cupripes Hope new record,红脚异丽金龟(新种)A. rubripes sp. nov., 绿脚异丽金龟(新亚种)A. rubripes virescens ssp. nov., 彤脚异丽金龟(新种)A. ignipes sp. nov., 川直异丽金龟A. truncata Bates,滇直异丽金龟(新等级)A. truncata chlorochelys Arrow, stat, nov., 宽角异丽金龟A. expansa Bates,大绿异丽金龟(新种)A. virens sp. nov., 砂尾异丽金龟(新种)A. granuliformis sp. nov. 和檐角异丽金龟(新种)A. planicorna sp. nov.。其中红脚异丽金龟和绿脚异丽金龟是我国南部和台湾的重要害虫,国内外文献中长期误作铜脚异丽金龟引用至今。  相似文献   
Data concerning the status, habitat, and vocalizations of yellow-cheeked crested gibbons (Hylobates gabriellae) were collected during a short field trip to the Nam Bai Cat Tien National Park (southern Vietnam). Nam Bai Cat Tien may be the southernmost locality where crested gibbons (i.e. theHylobates concolor group) still survive. Fewer songs were heard at Nam Bai Cat Tien National Park than at other crested gibbon sites visited by the author. At least two gibbon groups appear to have been greatly reduced in number since previous surveys in the park. There is some evidence that both the gibbon population and the gibbon habitat in Nam Bai Cat Tien are disturbed. The first case of a great call solo song in wild gibbons of theconcolor group is reported. Great calls ofH. gabriellae are described and documented with sonagrams for the first time. They differ from those previously described forH. leucogenys.  相似文献   
The molecular diversity of inhibitor-resistant TEM (IRT) enzymes was explored using a strategy which involved DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and direct nucleotide sequencing. The study of plasmid-borne genes from 27 strains, resistant to amoxicillin and β-lactamase-inhibitor combinations, identified mutations resulting in amino acid change at positions 69, 244, 275, and 276 known to be associated with the IRT phenotype and a mutation at nucleotide position 162 in the promoter region. These mutations were found to lie on two different gene sequences, described here as ``TEM-1B like' and ``TEM-2 like' restriction linkage groups. Further analysis, of nucleotide sequences of promoter and coding regions of the β-lactamases, confirmed that a given mutation causing IRT phenotype could be associated with two different gene sequence frameworks and two different causal mutations could lie on identical gene sequence framework. These data argue in favor of convergent phenotypic evolution of IRT enzymes under the selective pressure imposed by the intensive clinical use of β-lactam–β-lactamase inhibitor combinations. Received: 18 March 1996 / Accepted: 15 July 1996  相似文献   
Synonymous substitution rates in mitochondrial and nuclear genes of Drosophila were compared. To make accurate comparisons, we considered the following: (1) relative synonymous rates, which do not require divergence time estimates, should be used; (2) methods estimating divergence should take into account base composition; (3) only very closely related species should be used to avoid effects of saturation; (4) the heterogeneity of rates should be examined. We modified the methods estimating synonymous substitution numbers to account for base composition bias. By using these methods, we found that mitochondrial genes have 1.7–3.4 times higher synonymous substitution rates than the fastest nuclear genes or 4.5–9.0 times higher rates than the average nuclear genes. The average rate of synonymous transversions was 2.7 (estimated from the melanogaster species subgroup) or 2.9 (estimated from the obscura group) times higher in mitochondrial genes than in nuclear genes. Synonymous transversions in mitochondrial genes occurred at an approximately equivalent rate to those in the fastest nuclear genes. This last result is not consistent with the hypothesis that the difference in turnover rates between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes is the major factor determining higher synonymous substitution rates in mtDNA. We conclude that the difference in synonymous substitution rates is due to a combination of two factors: a higher transitional mutation rate in mtDNA and constraints on nuclear genes due to selection for codon usage. Received: 27 November 1996 / Accepted: 8 May 1997  相似文献   
Systematic studies were undertaken on the Caloglossa continua ( Okamura) King et Puttock complex from Japan, Singapore, and Australia, based on morphology and reproductive compatibility. Specimens from Japan had two to six cell rows derived from a nodal axial cell, at the margin opposite the branch, whereas those from Australia possessed only a single cell row. Specimens from Singapore formed one to four cell rows per nodal axial cell and always contained at least one single cell row on any one thallus. These differences were maintained in cultured materials over a range of temperatures or salinities. Type material of C. continua had the same morphology as the Japanese specimens in this study. Carpospores discharged from the Japanese isolate germinated at 10°C, whereas those from Singapore and Australia died at this temperature. In hybridization experiments, the Japanese entity was completely nonfertile with both the Singaporean and Australian isolates. Many pseudocystocarps were produced in the crossing between the male from Australia and the female from Singapore, although the reciprocal combination did not produce any such structures. On the basis of the discontinuous morphology coupled with the complete reproductive isolation, the entities from Singapore and Australia are described here as C. monosticha sp. nov. The entities with multiple cell rows likely expanded their geographic range from tropical regions, where the majority of Caloglossa species are now distributed, to high-latitude regions, and such an expansion would be associated with acquiring low-temperature tolerance .  相似文献   
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