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Summary The enzyme acid phosphatase-1 was partially purified from 10 Drosophila species. Four antisera were produced and the ten enzymes were reacted against each serum. The method used to quantitate the reactions involved the electrophoretic separation of antigen-antibody complexes from uncomplexed enzyme, followed by densitometry of the free enzyme. Immunological distances were used to obtain correlation coefficients for all pairwise combinations of the 10 species. From these correlation coefficients, a dendrogram was constructed which is very similar to one diagramming the presumed phylogenetic relationships of the ten species. In addition, the data indicate acid phosphatase-1 has evolved at different rates in different lineages within the genus. A preliminary estimate of the unit evolutionary period for this enzyme is 3.25 million years. The method of determining immunological distances which was used in this study is compared to the method of microcomplement fixation in theDiscussion.  相似文献   
Sole dermatoglyphics of the aborigines of Northwestern Siberia, Taimir, and Kamchatka are presented in this paper. The distance coefficients based on various combinations of dermatoglyphic traits depending on their heritability were estimated. These were compared with the overall dermatoglyphic distance coefficients as well as with the genetic (dermatoglyphic) distance coefficients based on six blood groups (ABO, MNSs, P, Fy, Jk, Kp). Genetic interpretation of the distances was attempted in connection with analysis of differences or similarities between these populations.  相似文献   
AIMS: To evaluate Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and chemometrics for differentiating intact cells and crude lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extracts from Salmonella serotypes. METHODS AND RESULTS: Intact cells and crude LPS extracts from six different Salmonella enterica serotypes (Typhimurium, Enteritidis, Thomasville, Brandenburg, Hadar and Seftenberg) were used. The crude Salmonella LPS extracts were visualized using deoxycholic acid-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (DOC-PAGE) and appeared heterogeneous on the gel with two exceptions: S. Enteritidis and S. Brandenburg, and S. Thomasville and S. Seftenberg. Canonical variate analysis (CVA) of spectra of crude LPS extracts provided 100% correct classification. CVA of spectra of intact cells was not useful for classifying the Salmonella serotypes, having only 47 and 50% correct classifications in the 1200-900 and 4000-700 cm(-1) regions respectively. These data were confirmed by greater Mahalanobis distances between crude LPS spectra than intact cell spectra. CONCLUSIONS: CVA of FTIR spectra of crude LPS extracts from Salmonella serotypes provided a 100% correct serotype classification. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study suggests that the FTIR analytical procedure provides chemical detail as well as a better separation of Salmonella serotypes using spectra of crude LPS extracts than analysis using DOC-PAGE.  相似文献   
Intraspecific phylogeny and genetic variation were investigated based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in six soricine shrew species, Sorex unguiculatus, S. caecutiens, S. shinto, S. gracillimus, S. minutissimus and S. hosonoi, collected primarily from northeastern Asia. Maximum likelihood trees and a phylogenetic network were generated to estimate intraspecific phylogenies. S. minutissimus showed high congruence between phylogenetic position and geographical origin and S. gracillimus showed low congruence. In contrast, there was no congruence between phylogeny and geography in S. unguiculatus and the S. caecutiens from Sakhalin-Eurasia. Positive correlation between genetic and geographical distances was found in S. minutissimus and S. gracillimus, but not in the other species (or regional populations). The results of the phylogenetic and genetic analyses suggest that S. minutissimus and S. gracillimus have occupied their present ranges for a longer time than the other species if we assume a stepping-stone model of population structure. In addition, there was no contradiction between the present investigations and the hypotheses of multiple immigration by S. gracillimus and a single immigration by S. unguiculatus into Hokkaido Island. It is proposed that these six northeastern Asian species experienced different historical processes of range expansion and dispersal despite the fact that some of them currently show similar patterns of distribution.  相似文献   
Summary J. Hiernaux's career in anthropobiology, expresses the changes which occured in the disciplines since the 50s. The substitution of the populationist approach to the former typological study of variation, the question of human races reconsidered in this new scope through the computation of biological distances and by the use of numerical taxonomy, the endeavour of the IBP and its yields in human adaptability, and finally the recent subdisciplinary trends. All this is interwoven with J. Hiernaux's attraction toward sub-Saharan Africa, where he applied most of his conceptual frame-works and from which he drew some of his leading ideas. To Jean Hiernaux, who unlike King Lear became wise before he becomes old.  相似文献   
An electrophoretic survey of enzymes coded at 15 loci in field mouse populations showed the existence of two biochemical groups whch are reproductively isolated, Apodemus sylvaticus A. flavicollis. The diagnostic loci which identify each species as well as the intra- and interspecific genetic distances show that hybridization does not occur in localities where they are sympatric.  相似文献   
Antigen retrieval (AR) is a technique that re-exposes epitopes in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded sections and makes them detectable by immunohistochemistry. We compared the effects of two AR procedures, enzyme digestion and microwave heating, on immunostaining of vimentin and desmin in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues. Our results showed that AR is necessary for vimentin and desmin immunostaining in tissues fixed in formalin for more than 48 h. With prolonged fixation times, microwave heating showed better results than enzyme digestion for AR. The same results were obtained using 1% zinc sulfate or Citra Plus solution as retrieval solutions for microwave heating. We recommend microwave heating for AR, because it is easier to use and produces better results compared to enzyme treatment.  相似文献   
  • 1 A method for area‐wide risk assessment of pea moth infestation in commercial pea‐growing areas based on spatial and temporal analyses of pea moth abundance and the phenological distribution of pea fields was investigated.
  • 2 In a commercial pea‐growing region in Saxony, Germany, all pea fields were identified, mapped and characterized, recording the pea plant phenology, pea moth flight and larval infestation of each field in the years 2006–2008.
  • 3 The relationship between pea moth flight and pea plant phenology was studied in detail in small‐scale field experiments in Hesse, Germany, using different pea cultivars and sowing dates.
  • 4 In the study area, the abundance of Cydia nigricana Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in organic green peas increased linearly with the pea‐cropping area of the previous year in the surroundings of the current fields according to the continuous abundance index.
  • 5 Considering solely the early flowering period (= early pea sowing dates) of the organic green peas, we calculated that a minimum distance of the current pea field to the nearest pea field of the previous year of 500 m was necessary to significantly reduce pea moth flight and larval infestation.
  • 6 In small‐scale field experiments, a correlation between pea moth flight and larval investation, as well as the importance of the pea flower for the pea moth occurrence, was demonstrated.
  • 7 The spatio‐temporal findings are discussed in relation to the development of a coincidence avoidance strategy in pea‐growing areas.
Molecular phylogenies are often used to test hypotheses about the tempo and mode of speciation and extinction. One commonly used statistic is Pybus and Harvey's γ, which measures the density of ordered internode distances on an ultrametric tree to infer earlier (negative γ) or later (positive γ) bursts of diversification. However, coalescent theory predicts that γ might be biased toward negative values (inferring early bursts of diversification) when using gene trees rather than species trees. Gene divergences predate species divergences, increasingly so at higher effective population sizes (N(e)), and proportionally more so toward the tips of the tree. Thus, gene trees will have a higher density of older nodes in many cases (particularly at higher N(e)), due to the disproportionate lengthening of terminal branches. This will yield an artifactual signature of early bursts of diversification when estimating γ from gene trees. We simulate gene trees within species trees under both Yule (pure-birth) and birth-death processes, and demonstrate support for these predictions. However, for most realistic estimates of θ in natural populations, gene trees provide relatively good estimates of γ, despite the disproportionate overestimation of younger node ages. This is corroborated with an empirical dataset of North American fence lizards (Sceloporus).  相似文献   
Lake Victoria holds a young but species‐rich assemblage of cichlid fishes, which form a monophyletic assemblage with additional species from surrounding water bodies, termed the Lake Victoria superflock. Lake Victoria is surrounded by smaller lakes that are somewhat disconnected from the main lake. Lake Kanyaboli is such a small lake, having markedly reduced species diversity, in part comprised of Lake Victoria species and endemics. Here, we studied the modern haplochromine component of the cichlid fauna, represented by Lipochromis maxillaris, Astatotilapia nubila, Xystichromis phytophagus and Astatotilapia sp. ‘Bigeye’, as well as a number of unidentified modern haplochromine specimens. We used landmark‐based geometric morphometrics to study the degree of morphological divergence among those young entities. Twenty landmarks and 14 interlandmark distances were used for shape analysis. Multivariate analysis revealed significant differences between all four species, but principal component analysis and canonical variate analysis did not clearly discriminate between A. nubila and X. phytophagus, demonstrating great overall morphological similarity despite clear dietary differences. Besides coloration there was sexual dimorphism in body proportions, so that only male individuals were analysed further. In all four species, the observed similarities and differences in body shape conform to the type of ecological specialization of the fish. Most unidentified specimens overlapped the range of A. nubila and X. phytophagus, while the assignment test based on the canonical variate analysis suggested 70% of the three overlapping entities as separate units. To test their reproductive distinctness and to demonstrate potential hybridization, nuclear genetic data are needed.  相似文献   
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