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Retinoic acid (RA) signaling plays an important role in determining the anterior boundary of Hox gene expression in the neural tube during embryogenesis. In particular, RA signaling is implicated in a rostral expansion of the neural expression domain of 5? Hoxb genes (Hoxb9Hoxb5) in mice. However, underlying mechanisms for this gene regulation have remained elusive due to the lack of RA responsive element (RARE) in the 5? half of the HoxB cluster. To identify cis-regulatory elements required for the rostral expansion, we developed a recombineering technology to serially label multiple genes with different reporters in a single bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector containing the mouse HoxB cluster. This allowed us to simultaneously monitor the expression of multiple genes. In contrast to plasmid-based reporters, transgenic BAC reporters faithfully recapitulated endogenous gene expression patterns of the Hoxb genes including the rostral expansion. Combined inactivation of two RAREs, DE-RARE and ENE-RARE, in the BAC completely abolished the rostral expansion of the 5? Hoxb genes. Knock-out of endogenous DE-RARE lead to significantly reduced expression of multiple Hoxb genes and attenuated Hox gene response to exogenous RA treatment in utero. Regulatory potential of DE-RARE was further demonstrated by its ability to anteriorize 5? Hoxa gene expression in the neural tube when inserted into a HoxA BAC reporter. Our data demonstrate that multiple RAREs cooperate to remotely regulate 5? Hoxb genes during CNS development, providing a new insight into the mechanisms for gene regulation within the Hox clusters.  相似文献   
用光镜和电镜技术研究了HL-60细胞在诱导分化过程中的显微与亚显微结构变化,10~(-6)M的维A酸处理6天,细胞按粒系途径定向分化,其核质比例降低,核浓缩、分叶,核仁减少或消失。经RA处理的细胞在电镜下出现下列明显的变化:细胞核浓缩和分叶,异染色质区域增加,约46%细胞显示出类似成熟粒细胞核的亚显微形态特征,胞质中嗜天青颗粒减少,特异颗粒显著增加,两种颗粒的比率发生明显变化;细胞质中微管、微丝的量增加;多聚和单个分散的游离核糖体减少,有些??细胞胞质空泡化;出现主要以微丝为筑架的大型钝形伪足和不规则的表面突起。上述这些变化似可作为HL-60细胞形态分化的标志。维A酸诱导HL-60细胞形态分化具有明显的时间效应关系。1.4%DMSO对HL-60细胞分化的诱导作用类似于10~(-6)MRA,而等剂量的(10~(-6)M)R Ⅰ、RⅡ其作用弱于RA。  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of 3-hydroxyretinal (R3), a recently discovered retinoid used as the visual pigment chromophore in some insects, was investigated in the class Insecta using HPLC technology. We studied 138 species in 24 orders, sampling from a wide range of taxonomic groups as well as varied habitats. In addition to groups already known to have R3, we find this retinoid in Hemiptera (suborder Heteroptera), Plecoptera, Megaloptera, and Hymenoptera. We also find retinal (R1) in Hemiptera (suborder Homoptera), Mecoptera, and Trichoptera, groups previously thought to have only R3. The pattern of R3 occurrence indicates that this retinoid cannot be considered a phylogenetic marker, having a scattered distribution in the class Insecta as well as within some orders of insects. Several environmental factors that might influence the selection of chromophore have been considered, but none correlates with its distribution. The evolutionary reasons for the pattern of occurrence of R3 therefore remain unknown.  相似文献   
Summary Retinoic acid and the synthetic retinoid, arotinoid, were compared for their efficacy in inducing proximodistal (PD) pattern duplication in regenerating axolotl limbs, after amputation through either the distal zeugopodium (lower arm or leg) or distal stylopodium (upper arm or leg). At each level of amputation, the morphology of the duplications produced was the same for both retinoids, and the mean level of proximalization was dose-dependent. Blastema formation was delayed by both retinoids and the delay was associated with regression of the limb stump. Blastemas which produced PD duplication to the stylopodial or girdle level grew out from the stump in a posterior direction. In several zeugopodial regenerates, a partially duplicated, PD-reversed zeugopodium regenerated between the stump cartilages and a completely duplicated zeugopodium distally. Arotinoid was 50 times more effective than retinoic acid in evoking duplication. The dose of arotinoid required to duplicate a stylopodium in a stylopodial regenerate was several times higher than the dose required to duplicate a zeugopodium in a zeugopodial regenerate, suggesting differences either in the sensitivity of zeugopodial and stylopodial cells to retinoid, or in the numbers of positional value specifying these segments.  相似文献   
Summary Two retinoids, all-trans-retinoic acid and a synthetic analog, TTNPB, were locally applied to different positions along the proximo-distal axis of embryonic chick wing buds using controlled release carriers. Truncations or limbs with duplicated structures across the antero-posterior axis develop after retinoid application to distal positions in buds from stage 20–24 embryos. Phocomelic limbs develop when the retinoids are applied more proximally to buds of stage 23–24 embryos. Duplications of the pattern of structures along the proximo-distal axis never occur.Using TTNPB that is relatively stable, the amount of retinoid in the wing tissue when phocomelia is induced was measured. There is twice as much retinoid per cell in the proximal half of the bud as in the distal half of the bud. The concentration of TTNPB in proximal tissue is estimated to be three times higher than in distal tissue in which pattern formation and cartilage morphogenesis are relatively normal.At early stages in the development of phocomelia, the shape of the bud changes and the indentation that marks the elbow does not arise. Neither retinoid-induced cell killing nor effects on the pattern of programmed cell death were detected.The induction of phocomelia by retinoids appears to be based on effects on proximal cells, whereas retinoids produce pattern changes by acting on distal cells. Furthermore, compared with pattern changes, higher concentrations of retinoid in the bud tissue are required to produce phocomelia.  相似文献   
強皮肤促癌物十四烷酰佛波醋酸酯(TPA)局部应用时可触发一系列的生物化学改变,其中最明显的事件之一就是对ODC活性的短暂而急到的诱导,而这种诱导作用与其促癌作用密切相关。利用Northern印迹分析和条带(Slot)印迹分析证明,10nmol/L TPA一次局部处理小鼠背部皮肤可刺激ODC mRNA(2.0kb大小)表达,在4h左右最为明显,随后逐渐降低。10nmol/L TPA多次处理小鼠皮肤(每2天一次,共4次)也有类似的促进作用,但却在6h左右最为明显。在二甲基苯蒽和巴豆油诱发的二阶段小鼠皮肤乳头瘤和癌组织中也观察到了相同大小的ODC mRNA的高水平表达,尤以癌组织最高。新维甲类化合物R8605虽能明显抑制巴豆油诱导的ODC活性,但却未见对TPA诱导的ODC mRNA增加有明显抑制作用。  相似文献   
Human alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH1 and ADH4) actively use retinoids oxidized at the cyclohexenyl ring (4-oxo-, 4-hydroxy-, and 3,4-didehydro-retinoids), which are functional compounds in several cells and tissues (i.e., in human skin). Remarkably, activities with 4-oxo-retinal and 4-hydroxy-retinol (kcat = 2050 min(-1) for ADH4) are the highest among retinoids, similar to those of the best aliphatic alcohols. Thus, ADH1 and ADH4 provide a metabolic pathway for the synthesis of the corresponding retinoic acids. Tween 80, a widely used detergent in the retinoid activity assay, behaves as a competitive inhibitor. The Km values for all-trans-retinol (2-3 microM), estimated in the absence of detergent, are 10-fold lower than those obtained at the usual 0.02% Tween 80. This suggests a contribution of ADH to retinoid metabolism more relevant than previously expected. However, Tween 80 stabilizes retinoids in water solution and provides a reliable and reproducible assay, suitable for comparing different ADHs and different retinoid substrates.  相似文献   
Epithelial differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived adult stem cells   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Adult human stem cells are employed in novel treatments and bio-artificial devices. Recent studies have identified an abundant source of stem cells termed adipose-derived adult stem (ADAS)-cells in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Under appropriate culture conditions ADAS-cells differentiate to various cell types, including chondrocytes, adipocytes, and smooth muscle cells. Aiming at epithelial differentiation this study investigated the effect of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) on human ADAS-cells. ATRA-induced cytokeratin 18 expression in ADAS-cells and nearly abolished vimentin expression as shown by Western blot. In immunofluorescence, the formation of keratin fibers in ATRA-treated ADAS-cells could be observed. The percentage of ADAS-cells being able to undergo epithelial differentiation as quantified by FACS-analysis was above 80%. Inhibition of cell growth by ATRA was shown using DAPI- and MTT-assays. ATRA can differentiate ADAS-cells toward the epithelial lineage. This finding, along with a previously described neural differentiation, shows that ADAS-cells have epithelial potential.  相似文献   
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