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9-cis-Retro-γ;rhodopsin (λmax = 420 nm) was prepared from 9-cis-retro-γ-retinal and cattle opsin. After cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K), the pigment was irradiated with light at 380 nm. The spectrum shifted to the longer wavelengths, owing to formation of a batho product. This fact indicates that the conjugated double bond system from C-5 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal in rhodopsin was not necessary for formation of bathorhodopsin. Reirradiation of the batho product with light at wavelengths longer than 520 nm yielded a mixture composed of presumably 9- or 11-cis forms of retro-γ-rhodopsin. These three isomers are interconvertible by light at liquid nitrogen temperature. Thus the retro-γ-rhodopsin system is similar in photochemical reaction at 77 K to cattle rhodopsin system. Each system has its own batho product. Based on these results, it was infered that the formation of bathorhodopsin is due to photoisomerization of the chromophoric retinal of rhodopsin and is not due to translocation of a proton on the ring or on the side chain from C-6 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal to the Schiff-base nitrogen.  相似文献   
Cyclic GMP concentration was measured in the rod outer segments (ROS) of the isolated frog retinas. Retinas were quickly frozen in 0.5 s after the short light flash producing 90%-saturated late receptor potential (2,000 rhodopsins bleached per rod). ROS were obtained by microdissection, and cGMP levels were determined by radioimmunoassay method. No detectable changes in cGMP concentration was found in this stimulus condition. Dark-adapted ROS contained 46.3 ± 1.5 pmole cGMP per mg dry weight, flash-illuminated ones –45 ± 2 pmole/mg. 3-s bright illumination (ca. 107 rhodopsins bleached per rod per second) led to approximately 30% drop in cGMP content. It is supposed that the main part of cGMP within the ROS is in the bound state and therefore fast light-induced changes in its minor free fraction may escape the detection.  相似文献   
Summary Microtubules and 10 nm-filaments appear to be involved in the functions of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The presence of microtubules in the RPE of light-adapted eyes, but not in dark-adapted eyes, suggests that they may be involved primarily in organelle movement. On the other hand, the random and constant presence of 10 nm-filaments within the basal portion of the PE implies a cytoskeletal role for these filaments.The authors thank their colleagues Pierre Couillard and Michel Anctil for helpful advice and criticism during the course of this study. Financial support was provided by the C.R.S.N.G. du Canada and the Ministère de l'Education du Québec (F.C.A.C.)  相似文献   
Summary This study presents evidence for a retinal projection to neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of the albino rat. In Golgi-Kopsch material dendrites from LHA-neurons are observed to extend through the supraoptic commissures into the optic tract. The presence of dendrites in the optic tract is confirmed by electron microscopy. Numerous axon terminals are observed forming asymmetric synaptic contacts with these dendritic profiles. Following bilateral enucleation, many of the preterminal axons and terminals in synaptic contact with dendrites in the optic tract demonstrate dark degeneration. After intraocular injection of horseradish peroxidase, there is marked labeling of preterminal axons and terminals in the optic tract. These observations indicate that LHA neurons receive a direct retinal projection from terminals making synaptic contact with dendrites of LHA-neurons extending into the optic tract.  相似文献   
The implications that recent work on the electronic structure of polyenes have for the low lying electronic states of retinal are reviewed and a very simple model for the diffuseness of the absorption spectra of visual chromophores is presented.Presented at the EMBO-Workshop on Transduction Mechanism of Photoreceptors, Jülich, Germany, October 4–8, 1976  相似文献   
T.D. Giles  G.E. Sander 《Peptides》1983,4(2):171-175
Leucine-enkephalin (Leu5-ENK) (35 μg/kg) increased heart rate and mean systemic arterial blood pressure following intravenous injection into chronically-instrumented, conscious dogs. Repeated injections at five-minute intervals were not associated with a diminished response. Naloxone (1 mg/kg) pre-treatment inhibited both heart rate and blood pressure increases. Prazosin (1 mg/kg) attenuated the increase in blood pressure but did not influence the heart rate response. Propranolol (1 mg/kg) attenuated the heart rate response but not the pressor response. Clonidine (30 μg/kg) attenuated the positive chronotropic effect of Leu5-ENK. Atropine (1 mg/kg) plus propranolol (1 mg/kg) blocked the heart rate response but the pressor effect was still present. The attenuation of the heart rate response by propranolol and the pressor response by prazosin suggests an adrenergic component to the enkephalin response; the reduction in the heart rate response by clonidine and atropine-propranolol indicates a role for cholinergic mechanisms in the chronotropic response. Hexamethonium (10 mg/kg) blocked the heart rate response and markedly inhibited the pressor response. Vagal interruption attenuated both heart rate and blood pressure responses. It is concluded that intravenous Leu5-ENK stimulates afferent pathways located in fibers which are contained in the vagosympathetic trunk to reflexly increase heart rate and blood pressure.  相似文献   
Tatsuo Suzuki  Momoyo Makino 《BBA》1981,636(1):27-31
The composition of retinal isomers in the photosteady-state mixtures formed from squid rhodopsin and metarhodopsin was determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. A large amount of 9-cis-retinal was obtained at liquid N2 temperature when rhodopsin was irradiated with orange light, but only small quantities of 9-cis-retinal were obtained at 15°C. Scarcely any 9-cis-retinal was produced from metarhodopsin by irradiation at liquid N2 temperature. A large quantity of 7-cis-retinal was found in the photoproduct of rhodopsin irradiated at solid carbon dioxide temperature, but not at 15°C and liquid N2 temperature. 7-cis-Retinal was not produced from metarhodopsin at any temperatures. These results indicate that the photoisomerization of retinal is regulated by the structure of the retinal-binding site of this protein. The formation of 9-cis- and 7-cis-retinals is forbidden in the metarhodopsin protein.  相似文献   
Axoplasmic transport along the optic axons was studied after intraocular injections of kainic acid (KA). Transport of labeled material did not initiate from the eye when KA was injected simultaneously with the protein precursor [3H]proline. When KA was injected after axoplasmic transport of labeled proteins had begun, no additional radioactive material moved out of the retinal ganglion cells. However, the labeled material already present in the optic nerve at the time of KA injection continued to move, and accumulated at the nerve endings. Although KA reduces the incorporation of precursor, this effect of KA on axoplasmic transport appears to be more than a consequence of inhibition on precursor uptake or protein synthesis. Recovery from this KA action began 6 h after exposure to KA and was about 50% recovered by 36 h. The extent of the recovery remained at this level for as long as a week, which suggested a partial recovery of the ganglion cells. A second exposure to KA after the inner plexiform layer had virtually disappeared was as effective as the first exposure in preventing the appearance of transported protein in the optic nerve, suggesting a direct action of KA on the ganglion cells. We interpreted the results to indicate that KA interferes with the initiation phase of axoplasmic transport in ganglion cells and this effect is partially reversible.  相似文献   
Summary The retinal projections to the brain were studied in three species of European Salamandridae using anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and autoradiography. The results obtained were basically identical for all species and confirmed earlier findings on the fiber supply to the preoptic nucleus and the basal optic neuropil. In the anterior thalamus projections to three distinct terminal fields are clearly visible: (i) the diffusely stained corpus geniculatum thalamicum, (ii) the neuropil of Bellonci, pars lateralis, and (iii) a dorsomedial terminal field, the neuropil of Bellonci, pars medialis. Caudal to these terminal fields is an almost terminal-free region, the lateral neuropil. In the posterior thalamus a medial terminal field, the uncinate field, and a laterally located terminal field, the posterior thalamic neuropil, are distinguishable. The tectum opticum displays as many as four dense layers of retinofugal fibers and terminals in the rostral part and, in addition, a more densely stained strip of neuropil running from rostral to caudal over the tectum. The extent of ipsilateral fibers is greater than previously reported in other urodele species. They supply the medial and the lateral parts of the neuropil of Bellonci, the uncinate field, and reach the tectum opticum via the medial optic tract. Further, they form terminals in the innermost optic fiber layer throughout the rostral half of the ipsilateral tectum. A small proportion of ipsilateral fibers contributes very sparsely to all other thalamic terminal fields, leaving only the caudal part of the tectum and several layers of the rostral tectum completely free of a direct retinofugal fiber supply.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructural organization of ommatidial components of the retina of the moth, Galleria mellonella are described from electron microscopic observations. Each ommatidium is composed of 12 common retinula cells and one basal eccentric cell. The retinula cells are connected together by a desmosomal strip along their length. The rhabdom occupies the basal thirty percent of the ommatidium and can be divided into nine segments of parallel microvilli. Several cells may contribute to an individual rhabdomere. The rhabdomeres are arranged in a cross with single cell rhabdomeres lying between the arms of the cross. Thin sections of ommatidium absorb polarized light differentially. The total amount of plane polarized light absorbed varies with angle of rotation for an entire ommatidium but there are also differences between the amount of absorption of adjacent rhabdomeric segments. Galleria appears to be the only lepidopteran in which the possibility of the polarized light reception has been reported.  相似文献   
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