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Synopsis Spatial separation of fishes in the littoral zone of a turbid prairie lake (Clear Lake, Iowa) was assessed with gill nets and fyke nets. Catch per unit of effort was used to determine differences among habitat types, sampling times within a 24 h period, and sampling months. Four of 10 species examined were significantly more numerous in one of the three habitats — nonvegetated, vegetated, or gravel-rock substrate. Black bullhead (Ictalurus melas) and bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) were most abundant in vegetated areas, yellow bass (Morone mississippiensis) in gravel-rock areas, and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in both non-vegetated and gravel-rock areas. Temporal patterns in habitat use were indicated for these four species, as well as yellow perch (Perca flavescens), white bass (Morone chrysops), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum), black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), white sucker (Catostomus commersoni). Journal Paper No. J-11039 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2345. Financed by the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Water Research and Technology and Iowa State University.  相似文献   
32P phosphorylation of plasma membranes from human blood platelets, under conditions that closely resemble physiological ones (endogeneous phosphate donors and intact platelets in homologous plasma), result in the incorporation of the label mainly in a membrane glycoprotein of apparently high molecular weight (greater than 400 000). Dibutyryl cyclic AMP, an inhibitor of platelet aggregation, specifically increases the degree of phosphorylation of this glycoprotein. Moreover, it has been found that prostaglandin E1 one of the most potent inhibitors of platelet aggregation which also increases phosphorylation of the same glycoprotein, is significantly more effective than cyclic AMP.Cyclic GMP does not have any apparent effect on platelet aggregation. However, incubation of platelet-rich plasma with both cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP results in a partial recovery of the platelet responsiveness towards ADP-induced aggregation. Coincidently, the degree of phosphorylation of the high molecular weight glycoprotein under these conditions, although still higher than in controls (no nucleotides added), is significantly decreased as compared with cyclic AMP-treated cells. Furthermore, cyclic GMP inhibits the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity in isolated platelet plasma membranes.These results suggest a central role for this membrane phosphoglycoprotein in the triggering of platelet aggregation and, furthermore, suggest that modulation of its degree of phosphorylation may be exerted through some cyclic AMP/cyclic GMP relationship, which in the basal state might be critical for platelet responsiveness.  相似文献   
Synopsis Sarotherodon mossambicus, Chanos chanos and 11 species of Mugilidae occur in Lake St. Lucia, Zululand. All are iliophagous and potential competitors. This investigation shows that although their diets overlap, competition is reduced by different feeding mechanisms which apparently result in the available food items being consumed in differing quantities. The diet of C. chanos consists chiefly of microfauna, that of Mugilidae microflora associated with sand grains and that of S. mossambicus, microflora associated with filamentous algae and benthic floc. Potential competition is also reduced because C. chanos reach peak numbers in summer whereas Mugilidae are more abundant in winter.  相似文献   
Structural changes in the purified (Na+ + K+)-ATPase accompanying detergent inactivation were investigated by monitoring changes in light scattering, intrinsic protein fluorescence, and tryptophan to β-parinaric acid fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Two phases of inactivation were observed using the non-ionic detergents, digitonin, Lubrol WX and Triton X-100. The rapid phase involves detergent monomer insertion but little change in protein structure or little displacement of closely associated lipids as judged by intrinsic protein fluorescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Lubrol WX and Triton X-100 also caused membrane fragmentation during the rapid phase. The slower phase of inactivation results in a completely inactive enzyme in a particle of 400 000 daltons with 20 mol/mol of associated phospholipid. Fluorescence changes during the course of the slow phase indicate some dissociation of protein-associated lipids and an accompanying protein conformational change. It is concluded that non-parallel inhibition of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and p-nitrophenylphosphate activity by digitonin (which occurs during the rapid phase of inactivation) is unlikely to require a change in the oligomeric state of the enzyme. It is also concluded that at least 20 mol/mol of tightly associated lipid are necessary for either (Na+ + K+)-ATPase or p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity and that the rate-limiting step in the slow inactivation phase involves dissociation of an essential lipid.  相似文献   
Electron absorption and equilibrium of the Schiffs bases prepared between pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) and dodecylamine (DODA) or some other shorter chain amines have been studied in nonionic and cationic micellar solutions with various pH of the bulk solution. In the presence of the nonionic (Triton X-100) micelles the Schiffs bases formed between PLP and DODA were embedded into the micelles because the absorption occured at 335 nm, indicative of the nonpolar milieu. This absorption was constant at pH 5–10. At pH 3–5, the tautomeric form absorbing at 415 nm appeared. This resembles the titration of glycogen phosphorylate or that of Schiffs bases in methanol. Short chain amines absorbed at 415 nm, which is typical of Schiffs bases in aqueous solutions. Tryptophan also absorbed first at 415 nm but the absorption changed to 325 nm with a half-time of ~20 min. This was interpreted as being due to formation of the cyclic structure catalysed by micelles. The pH-dependent equilibrium constant of the reaction between PLP and DODA in Triton X-100 solution had a maximum at pH9, the value being 3500 M?1, about ten times greater than the value of ethylamine at the same pH. Spectral properties of PLP-DODA imines in the cationic micelles (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) resembled those in the nonionic micelles, except that at low pH the absorption peak in the 415 nm region did not appear. The equilibrium constant of PLP-DODA had maximum at pH 9, the value being as high as 118000 M?1. Different properties of nonionic and cationic micelles and the design of micellar model systems of PLP enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   
An ultracentrifugation procedure is described to concentrate protein solutions on the microliter scale. Protein solutions were centrifuged in U-shaped lengths of polyethylene tubing at 160 000 × g for 15 h and thereafter fractionated by cutting the tubing. The method can be performed in a conventional ultracentrifuge and needs no special equipment.  相似文献   
P Trieu-Cuot  P Courvalin 《Gene》1983,23(3):331-341
We have cloned in Escherichia coli and sequenced a 1489-bp DNA fragment conferring resistance to kanamycin and originating from the streptococcal plasmid pJH1. The resistance gene was located by analysis of the initiation and termination codons in an open reading frame (ORF) of 792 bp. The deduced gene product, a 3'5'-aminoglycoside phosphotransferase of type III, has an Mr of 29,200. Comparison of its amino acid sequence with those of type I (Oka et al., 1981) and type II (Beck et al., 1982) 3' phosphotransferase, from transposable elements Tn903 and Tn5, respectively, indicated a statistically significant structural relationship between these enzymes from phylogenetically remote bacterial genera. The degree of homology observed indicate that phosphotransferase type III and type I genes have diverged from a common ancestor and that the phosphotransferase type II gene has emerged more recently from the type I evolutionary pathway.  相似文献   
Cytotoxic actions of various prostaglandins were examined on L1210 mouse leukemia and several human leukemia cell lines, and prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) was found most active. PGD2 exerted a dose dependent inhibition of L1210 cell growth over 3.6 μM. At 14.3 μM growth was completely inhibited, and the number of viable cells remarkably decreased during culture. Microscopically the remaining cells showed degenerative changes with many vacuoles in their cytoplasm. The IC50 value of PGD2 on L1210 cell growth was calculated to be 6.9 μM (2.4 μg/ml), and at this concentration the DNA synthesis in 24 hr cultured cells was also decreased to a half of the level in the control cells. Such growth inhibition by PGD2 was also found at similar concentrations with several human leukemia cell lines such as NALL-1, RPMI-8226, RPMI-8402, and Sk-Ly-16. Among other prostaglandins tested, PGA2 showed a comparable, and PGE2 a less but significant growth inhibitory activity, while PGB2, PGF and PGI2 had no such effects on cell proliferation at 14.3 μM concentration. These results suggest a potential antineoplastic activity of PGD2.  相似文献   
Continuous calorimetry has been applied to monitoring the heat evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown on d-glucose. The heat evolution, together with the energy and carbon balances, was used to evaluate the energetic efficiency of biomass, by-product biosynthesis, fermentative heat evolution as well as the maintenance energy of S. cerevisiae in ‘aerobic fermentation’ and ‘aerobic respiration’. In aerobic fermentation, under catabolite repression, the fraction of substrate energy converted to heat evolution, maintenance requirement, and biomass decreased with the increase of d-glucose concentration. The fraction of substrate energy converted to ethanol is the highest value and it could contribute up to 70% of the total substrate energy. In aerobic respiration, 43% of the total substrate energy was evolved as heat. While 50% of the total substrate energy was converted into biomass, only 7% of the total substrate energy was used for maintenance functions. The maintenance energy coefficient of S. cerevisiae was determined to be 0.427 MJ kg?1 cell h?1 (0.102 kcal g?1 cell h?1). For the first time, heat evolution together with yield-maintenance energy was used to predict biomass concentration during the fed-batch cultivation of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
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