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Greigite (Fe3S4) and pyrite (FeS2) particles in the magnetosomes of a many-celled, magnetotactic prokaryote (MMP), common in brackish-to-marine, sulfidic, aquatic habitats, contained relatively high concentrations of copper which ranged from about 0.1 to 10 atomic per cent relative to iron. In contrast, the greigite particles in the magnetosomes of a curved magnetotactic bacterium collected from the same sampling site did not contain significant levels of copper. The ability of the MMP to biomineralize copper within its magnetosomes appeared to be limited to that organism and dependent upon the site from which it was collected. Although the chemical mechanism and physiological function of copper accumulation in the magnetosomes of the MMP is unclear, the presence of copper is the first evidence that another transition metal ion could be incorporated in the mineral phase of the magnetosomes of a magnetotactic bacterium.Abbreviation MMP many-celled magnetotactic prokaryote  相似文献   
R. S. Singh 《Plant Ecology》1993,106(1):63-71
Burning increased the mean annual canopy and belowground biomass of a dry tropical savanna by 40% and 12%, respectively, while littermass was reduced by 85% in comparison to control savanna. Mean annual aboveground and belowground net primary production were 471 and 631 g m-2 in control, and 584 and 688 g m-2 in burned savanna, respectively. Fire caused an increase in mean aboveground net production of 24% and in belowground net production of 9%.Concentration of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in vegetation of unburned plots ranged between 34.01–38.59%, 0.85–1.53% and 0.04–0.11% and in soil from 0.95–1%, 0.011–0.13% and 0.017–0.02%, respectively. Fire increased the mean concentrations of N and P by 16% and 42% in vegetation and 18.18% and 17.65% in soil, respectively. Thus winter fire can be an important tool for the management of dry tropical savanna with respect to biomass production and nutritive quality.  相似文献   
An acceleration of soil respiration with decreasing CO2 concentration was suggested in the field measurements. The result supporrs that obtained in laboratory experiments in our previous study. The CO2 concentrations in a chamber of the alkali absorption method (the AA-method) were about 150–250 parts/106 lower than that in the atmosphere (about 350 parts/106), while those observed in the open-flow IRGA method (the OF-method) were nearly equal to the soil surface CO2 levels. The AA-method at such low CO2 levels in the chamber appears to overestimate the soil respiration. Our results showed that the rates obtained by the AA-method were about twice as large as those by the OF-method in field and laboratory measurements. This finding has important consequences with respect to the validity of the existing data obtained by the AA-method and the estimation of changes in the terrestrial carbon flow with elevated CO2  相似文献   
The short-term stimulation of the net rate of carbon dioxide exchange of leaves by elevated concentrations of CO2 usually observed in C3 plants sometimes does not persist. Experiments were conducted to test whether the patterns of response to the environment during growth were consistent with the hypotheses that photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration is due to (1) feedback inhibition or (2) nutrient stress. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams] and sugar beet (Best vulgaris L. cv. Mono Hye-4) were grown from seed at 350 and 700 μl? CO2, at 20 and 25°C, at a photon flux density of 0.5 and 1.0 mmol m?2 S?1 and with three nutrient regimes until the third trifoliolate leaf of soybean or the sixth leaf of sugar beet had finished expanding. Net rates of CO2 exchange of the most recently expanded leaves were then measured at both 350 and 700 μl 1?1 CO2. Plants grown at the elevated CO2 concentration had net rates of leaf CO2 exchange which were reduced by 33% in sugar beet and 23% in soybean when measured at 350 μl 1?1 CO2 and when averaged over all treatments. Negative photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration was not greater at 20 than at 25°C, was not greater at a photon flux density of 1.0 than at 0.5 mmol m?2 S?1 and was not greater with limiting nutrients. Furthermore, in soybean, negative photosynthetic adjustment could be induced by a single night at elevated CO2 concentration, with net rates of CO2 exchange the next day equal to those of leaves of plants grown from seed at the elevated concentration of CO2. These patterns do not support either the feedback-inhibition or the nutrient-stress hypothesis of photosynthetic adjustment to elevated concentrations of CO2.  相似文献   
Increased intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) is required for smooth muscle contraction. In tracheal and other tonic smooth muscles, contraction and elevated [Ca2+]i are maintained as long as an agonist is present. To evaluate the physiological role of steady-state increases in Ca2+ on tension maintenance, [Ca2+]i was elevated using ionomycin, a Ca2+ ionophore or charybdotoxin, a large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (KCa) blocker prior to or during exposure of tracheal smooth muscle strips to Ach (10–9 to 10–4 M). Ionomycin (5 µM) in resting muscles induced increases in [Ca2+]i to 500±230 nM and small increases in force of 2.6±2.3 N/cm2. This tension is only 10% of the maximal tension induced by ACh. Charybdotoxin had no effect on [Ca2+]i or tension in resting muscle. After pretreatment of muscle with ionomycin, the concentration-response relationship for ACh-induced changes in tension shifted to the left (EC50=0.07±0.05 µM ionomycin; 0.17±0.07 µM, control, p<0.05). When applied to the muscles during steady-state responses to submaximal concentrations of ACh, both ionomycin and charybdotoxin induced further increases in tension. The same magnitude increase in tension occurs after ionomycin and charybdotoxin treatment, even though the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by charybdotoxin is much smaller than that induced by ionomycin. We conclude that the resting muscle is much less sensitive to elevation of [Ca2+]i when compared to muscles stimulated with ACh. Steady-state [Ca2+]i limits tension development induced by submaximal concentrations of ACh. The activity of KCa moderates the response of the muscle to ACh at concentrations less than 1 µM.  相似文献   
The high-affinity uptake system of phosphatelimited cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans [Synechococcus leopoliensis (Raciborski) Komarek] is characterized by a threshold value below which uptake cannot occur. Here it is shown that, if phosphate-limited cyanobacteria are challenged with a short pulse of high phosphate concentration that appreciably exceeds this threshold value, the uptake system undergoes an adaptive response, leading to the attainment of new kinetic properties and a new threshold value. These new properties are maintained for several hours after the pulse. A notable characteristic of this new state is a wide linear dependence of the uptake rate on the external phosphate potential that is a function of the driving force of the uptake process. According to theoretical arguments it is shown that this “linear operation mode” can be explained by the simultaneous operation of several uptake systems with different, staggered threshold values and kinetic properties. Moreover, the new linear uptake properties, in turn, reflect the prehistory of phosphate supply experienced by the population. The consequences of this result with regard to environmental fluctuations of the phosphate concentration in lakes are discussed.  相似文献   
The food web centering on Allium ursinum (Liliaceae) in a beech forest (Germany) is described, and temporal variation of active trophic links is related to species' life cycles. The most important insect herbivores are Cheilosia fasciata (a larval leaf miner) and Portevinia maculata (a larva bulb miner) (Diptera: Syrphidae). Energy, carbon and nitrogen flow in the food chain (Allium-Cheilosia-Phygadeuon ursini) are investigated and analysed with respect to differences in resource allocation by the leaf miner and its hymenoptereous parasitoid. In C. fasciata nitrogen is likely to be the limiting resource, while growth in Phygadeuon ursini appears energy-limited. Larval feeding habits of C. fasciata and Portevinia maculata determined the timing of the species' life cycles and, as a consequence, appeared to preclude the existence of a pupal parasitoid in Portevinia maculata. Further details of life history traits are demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   
Two high (NC106, NC111) and two normal (NC103, NC107) seed protein concentration lines, derived from two different recurrent selection populations of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) were subjected to partial defoliation at beginning seed fill (R5) under outdoor pot culture and field conditions. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that capacity to store N in vegetative organs and/or to mobilize that N to reproductive organs is associated with the high seed protein concentration trait. Symbiotic N2 fixation was the sole source of N in the pot experiment and the major source of N (met > 50% of the N requirement) in the low N soil used in the field experiment. Seed protein concentration and seed yield at maturity in both experiments and N accumulation and mobilization between R5 and maturity in the pot experiment were measured. The four genotypes did not differ significantly with respect to the amount of N accumulated before beginning seed fill (R5). Removal of up to two leaflets per trifoliolate leaf at R5 significantly decreased the seed protein concentration of NC107/111 but had no effect on this trait in NC103/106. Defoliation treatments significantly decreased seed yield, whole plant N accumulation (N2-fixation) during reproductive growth and vegetative N mobilization of all genotypes. Differences in harvest indices between the high and low protein lines accounted for approximately 35% of the differences in protein concentration. The two normal protein lines mobilized more vegetative N to the seed (average. 5.26 g plant–1) than the two high protein lines (average. 4.28 g plant–1). The two high seed protein lines (NC106, NC111) exhibited significantly different relative dependencies of reproductive N accumulation on vegetative N mobilization, 45% vs. 29%, in the control treatment. Whereas, NC103 with normal and NC106 with high seed protein concentration exhibited similar relative dependencies of reproductive N accumulation on vegetative N mobilization, (47% vs. 45%). Collectively, these results indicate that N stored in shoot organs before R5 and greater absolute and relative contribution of vegetative N mobilization to the reproductive N requirement are not responsible for the high seed protein concentration trait.Abbreviations DAT days after transplanting - R5 fifth reproductive stage according to Fehr and Caviness, 1977 Mention of trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the United States Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
A novel method of producing controlled vortices was used to reduce both concentration polarization and membrane fouling during microfiltration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae broth suspensions. The method involves flow around a curved channel at a sufficient rate so as to produce centrifugal instabilities (called Dean vortices). These vortices depolarize the build-up of suspended particles such as yeast cells at the membrane-solution interface and allow for increased membrane permeation rates. Various operating conditions under which such vortices effectively reduced cake build-up of suspended particles such as yeast cells at the membrane-solution interface and allow for increased membrane permeation rates. Various operating conditions under which such vortices effectively reduced cake build-up during microfiltration of 0 to 0.55 dry wt% yeast broth were investigated. Flux improvements of over 60% for 0.25 dry wt% yeast broth for flow with over that without Dean vortices were observed. This beneficial effect increased with increasing retentate flow rate and increasing transmembrane pressure and decreased with increasing concentration of suspended matter. Similar behavior was observed whether the cells were viable of killed. the improvement in flux in the presence over that in the absence of vortices correlated well with centrifugal force or azimuthal velocity squared. The relative cake resistances increased with reservoir yeast concentration. These values with vortices increased from 62% to 75% of that without vortices with increasing yeast concentration. The ratio of the cake thicknesses in the limiting case (at high feed concentration) was 3.25. These results suggest that self-cleaning spiral vortices could be effective in maintaining good and steady microfiltration performance with cell suspensions other than those tested. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
 The relationship between stand biomass production, and tree age and size is generally a curve with a maximum. To understand why wood production decreases in the final stages of stand development, the influence of increasing tree size on foliage chemical composition and substrate requirement for foliage construction in terms of glucose [CC, g glucose (g dry mass) –  1] was investigated in the evergreen conifer Picea abies (L.) Karst. Because it was already known that irradiance affects both foliage morphology and chemistry in this species, and it was expected that the foliage in large overstory trees would intercept on average more light than that in saplings in understory, irradiance was measured in the sampling locations and included in the statistical models. CC of needles increased with increasing total tree height (TH) and was independent of relative irradiance. A major reason for increasing CC with increasing TH was a greater proportion of carbon-rich lignin in the needles in large trees. However, lignin did not fully account for the observed changes in CC, and it was necessary to assume that certain other carbon-rich secondary metabolites such as terpenes also accumulate in the foliage of large trees. Enhanced requirements for needle mechanical strength as evidenced by greater lignin concentrations in large trees were attributed to increased water limitations with increasing tree height. Because water relations may also control the sink capacities for assimilate usage, apart from the mechanical requirements, they may provide an explanation for the accumulation of other energetically expensive compounds in the needles as well. Biomass partitioning within the shoot was another foliar parameter modified in response to increasing tree size. The proportion of shoot axes, which serve to provide needles with mechanical support and to supply them with water, decreased with increasing TH. This may limit water availability in the needles, and/or manifest a lower water requirement of the needles containing proportionally more supporting and storage substances, and consequently, less physiologically active compounds such as proteins. Probably the same factors which caused CC of the needles to depend on TH, were also responsible for greater CC of the shoot axes in larger trees. These results collectively suggest that increasingly more adverse water relations with increasing tree size may provide a mechanistic explanation for the decline in foliar biomass and its functional activity during stand ageing. Received: 9 April 1996 / Accepted: 14 January 1997  相似文献   
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