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Developmental Dyslexia (DD) is a heritable, complex genetic disorder characterized by specific impairment in reading and writing ability that is substantially below the expected reading ability given the person's chronological age, measured intelligence and age-appropriate education. More than ten susceptible genes have been identified for DD. A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) of these genes was found to be associated with various phenotypes of DD. To identify the role of SNPs of four candidate genes namely, MRPL19/C2ORF3, ROBO1 and THEM2 in an Indian population, we genotyped eight SNPs of these genes in 157 children with DD and 212 normal readers using a MassARRAY technique with a MALDI-TOF MS analyzer. Power analysis of some of these SNPs showed > 80% of power. Chi-square test, Odds Ratios (ORs), 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and Bonferroni's correction were applied to identify the significance of the genotyped SNPs and haplotypes. Our study failed to show any association of SNPs and haplotypes of these genes with DD in an Indian population.  相似文献   
Raman spectra of bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl) bound to the soluble protein complex from Prosthecochloris aestuarii have been obtained at low temperature, using the resonance effect on their Qx for Soret electronic bands. These spectra show that the acetyl carbonyls of at least four of the seven molecules bound to the monomer subunit of the complex and the ketone carbonyls of at least five of them are oriented close to the mean plane of the conjugated part of the dihydrophorbin macrocycle. Up to three bacteriochlorophyll molecules may have their ketone carbonyls free from hydrogen-bonding and up to two may have their acetyl carbonyls similarly free. Several of the binding sites of the remaining conjugated carbonyls are probably the same as those binding the conjugated carbonyls of bacteriochlorophyll (and of bacteriopheophytin) in reaction centers and in antenna structures of purple bacteria and as those binding chlorophyll in the antenna of higher plants and algae. The present resonance Raman spectra confirm that the magnesium atoms of most of the seven bacteriochlorophylls are pentacoordinated. They also show that polarisation effects from their local environments induce changes in the groundstate structures of the dihydrophorbin skeletons of the complexed molecules with respect to those of isolated, monomeric bacteriochlorophyll. These changes are quasi-identical for the seven molecules. These environmental effects predominate over any structural change brought about by intermolecular bonding of the conjugated carbonyls or of the magnesium atoms. The dihydrophorbin rings of the seven molecules thus appear to be immersed in a nearly homogeneous medium of low permittivity, although specific van der Waals interactions may polarise the free carbonyls to quite different extents. The possible implications of these observations on the interpretation of the electronic spectrum of the set of complexed bacteriochlorophylls are discussed.  相似文献   
The color of visual pigments is experimentally shown to be controlled by excited state effects. These effects which define the primary absorption of light by rhodopsin are considered together with results obtained from emission and picosecond spectroscopy. In addition, the molecular changes induced in rhodopsin when a photon is absorbed are analyzed using resonance Raman spectroscopy. The molecular changes observed are compared in bacterial and photoreceptor rhodopsins. This comparison yields a unique explanation for the biological role of the cis-trans isomerization in visual transduction.Presented at the EMBO-Workshop on Transduction Mechanism of Photoreceptors, Jülich, Germany, October 4–8, 1976  相似文献   
A general model is developed to simulate dipole-dipole resonance energy transfer in spatially restricted systems. At low concentrations of acceptor molecule, the overall quantum yield of a donor population can be defined quantitatively in terms of transfer to multiple defined acceptor regions. Energy transfer at higher acceptor concentrations can be approximated by assuming an exponential dependence of relative quantum yield on the acceptor concentrations. Through geometrical manipulations, this algorithm has been applied using an electronic calculator to systems in which donor-acceptor interaction is limited by unique steric restriction on donor and acceptor distribution within lipid aggregates. The systems that have been analyzed include monomolecular films, bilayer membranes, small cliscoidal lipid-protein complexes and plasma lipoproteins. The observed energy transfer from N-(2-naphthyl)-23.24-dinor-5-cholen-22-amide-3β-ol to N-dansyldimyristoylphosphatidyl-ethanolamine in a dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer agrees with that predicted by this model.  相似文献   
The technique of resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the interaction of the antibiotic rifampicin with Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. Spectra were analyzed by generating the first derivative of each recorded spectrum using the Savitsky-Golay algorithm. The only band that shifted significantly in the resonance Raman spectrum of rifampicin upon the formation of the drug-core polymerase complex was the amide III band. It underwent an 8 cm?1 shift from 1306 cm?1 in aqueous solution to 1314 cm?1. A comparable shift was observed for the rifampicin-holoenzyme complex. Thus, the interaction of the sigma subunit with the core polymerase does not significantly alter the manner in which rifampicin interacts with RNA polymerase. The nature of this shift has been analyzed further by recording the resonance Raman spectrum of rifampicin in a variety of solvents with different hydrogen-bonding ability. In non-hydrogen-bonding solvents (benzene and carbon disulfide) the amide III band was observed at approximately 1220 cm?1; in dimethyl sulfoxide, a weak hydrogen-bond acceptor, 1274 cm?1; in water, a strong hydrogen-bonding solvent, 1306 cm?1; and finally, in triethylamine, a stronger hydrogen-bonding solvent than water, it was observed at 1314 cm?1. Thus, as the hydrogen-bonding ability of the solvent increased, the amide III band shifted to higher frequency. Based on these results, the rifampicin binding site in RNA polymerase provides a stronger hydrogen-bonding environment for the amidic proton of rifampicin than is encountered when rifampicin is free in aqueous solution.  相似文献   
The restriction factor BST2 (tetherin) prevents the release of enveloped viruses from the host cell and is counteracted by HIV-1 Vpu. Vpu and BST2 interact directly via their transmembrane domains. This interaction enables Vpu to induce the surface down-regulation and the degradation of BST2, but neither of these activities fully accounts for the ability of Vpu to enhance virion release. During a study of naturally occurring Vpu proteins, we found that a tryptophan residue near the Vpu C terminus is particularly important for enhancing virion release. Vpu proteins with a W76G polymorphism degraded and down-regulated BST2 from the cell surface, yet they inefficiently stimulated virion release. Here we explore the mechanism of this anomaly. We find that Trp-76 is critical for the ability of Vpu to displace BST2 from sites of viral assembly in the plane of the plasma membrane. This effect does not appear to involve a general reorganization of the membrane microdomains associated with virion assembly, but rather is a specific effect of Vpu on BST2. Using NMR spectroscopy, we find that the cytoplasmic domain of Vpu and Trp-76 specifically interact with lipids. Moreover, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement studies show that Trp-76 inserts into the lipid. These data are consistent with a model whereby Trp-76 anchors the C terminus of the cytoplasmic tail of Vpu to the plasma membrane, enabling the movement of Vpu-bound BST2 away from viral assembly sites.  相似文献   
We have investigated the interaction between PPIX and β-lactoglobulin (β-lg) as a function of the pH of the solution. β-lg is a small globular protein (MW ≈18 kDa) with a very well characterized structure that reveals several possible binding sites for ligands. The interaction with β-lg affects the photophysical properties of PPIX. The shift of PPIX emission maximum, excitation maximum and the increase of the fluorescence intensity is an indicator that binding between the porphyrin and β-lg occurs. The binding constant appears to be modulated by the pH of the solution. Spectroscopic measurements do not reveal any significant energy transfer between the Trp residues of β-lg and PPIX, however, fluorescence anisotropy decay measurements confirm the binding and the modulation introduced by the pH of the solution. Since β-lg has been shown to be stable within the range of pH adopted in our experiments (5.0–9.0), the results suggest that PPIX binds a site affected by the pH of the solution. Because of the crystallographic evidence an obvious site is near the aperture of the interior β-barrel however an alternative (or concurrent) binding site may still be present.  相似文献   
4-Aryl-4H-Chromene derivatives have been previously shown to exhibit anti-proliferative, apoptotic and anti-angiogenic activity in a variety of tumor models in vitro and in vivo generally via activation of caspases through inhibition of tubulin polymerisation. We have previously identified by Virtual Screening (VS) a 4-aryl-4H-chromene scaffold, of which two examples were shown to bind Estrogen Receptor α and β with low nanomolar affinity and <20-fold selectivity for α over β and low micromolar anti-proliferative activity in the MCF-7 cell line. Thus, using the 4-aryl-4H-chromene scaffold as a starting point, a series of compounds with a range of basic arylethers at C-4 and modifications at the C3-ester substituent of the benzopyran ring were synthesised, producing some potent ER antagonists in the MCF-7 cell line which were highly selective for ERα (compound 35; 350-fold selectivity) or ERβ (compound 42; 170-fold selectivity).  相似文献   
Weight gain is a common harmful side effect of atypical antipsychotics used for schizophrenia treatment. Conversely, treatment with the novel phosphodiesterase-10A (PDE10A) inhibitor MK-8189 in clinical trials led to significant weight reduction, especially in patients with obesity. This study aimed to understand and describe the mechanism underlying this observation, which is essential to guide clinical decisions. We hypothesized that PDE10A inhibition causes beiging of white adipose tissue (WAT), leading to weight loss. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods were developed, validated, and applied in a diet-induced obesity mouse model treated with a PDE10A inhibitor THPP-6 or vehicle for measurement of fat content and vascularization of adipose tissue. Treated mice showed significantly lower fat fraction in white and brown adipose tissue, and increased perfusion and vascular density in WAT versus vehicle, confirming the hypothesis, and matching the effect of CL-316,243, a compound known to cause adipose tissue beiging. The in vivo findings were validated by qPCR revealing upregulation of Ucp1 and Pcg1-α genes, known markers of WAT beiging, and angiogenesis marker VegfA in the THPP-6 group. This work provides a detailed understanding of the mechanism of action of PDE10A inhibitor treatment on adipose tissue and body weight and will be valuable to guide both the use of MK-8189 in schizophrenia and the potential application of the target for weight loss indication.  相似文献   
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