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培养抗性植物的细胞/组织培养途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗性育种在作物品种改良中已日益显得重要。近10多年来,随着细胞/组织培养、遗传操作等生物技术的迅速发展,以及由于植物具有全能性,在人工培养条件下,从单细胞原生质体可以再生成一个完整的个体成功以来,人们试图利用细胞/组织培养等生物技术将野生种的抗性基因引入到作物中来,或是人工诱发抗性变异,从而筛选出抗性愈  相似文献   
对111份云南改良稻种和77份元阳地方稻种采用程氏指数法进行籼粳分类,比色法测定抗性淀粉、γ-氨基丁酸和总黄酮含量,并用SPSS软件对数据进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)总体抗性淀粉含量籼型偏籼偏粳粳型,γ-氨基丁酸含量则相反,黄酮含量与籼粳分化的关系不明显;(2)抗性淀粉、总黄酮含量有色米无色米,γ-氨基丁酸含量无色米有色米。总体功能性成分含量有色米无色米,籼稻粳稻,糙米精米,地方种改良种,有色、籼型糙米功能性成分最高,揭示了籼粳分化和米色与抗性淀粉、γ-氨基丁酸与总黄酮含量的关系。  相似文献   
The metabolism of D- and L-p-fluorophenylalanine (PFP) in DL-PFP resistant and sensitive tobacco cell cultures (Nicotiana tabacum), cell lines TX4 and TX1, respectively, has been compared. The amino acid analogue was taken up at a lower rate by the resistant cell line TX4. Incorporation of PFP into protein was also considerably reduced in TX4 cells, compared to TX1 cells. This, however, resulted mainly from a diminished availability of PFP due to a more rapid conversion of PFP by TX4 cells. TX1 cells and TX4 cells converted PFP qualitatively in the same way. The only detectable metabolite of D-PFP was N-malonyl-D-PFP, while all metabolites of L-PFP were identified as sequent products of the initial deamination of L-PFP by the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL). As TX4 cells were endowed with higher PAL-activity than TX1 cells, the resistant cells were able to metabolize L-PFP more rapidly to give, e.g., p-fluorocinnamoyl glucose ester and p-fluorocinnamoyl putrescine. In the presence of the specific PAL-inhibitor -aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid TX4 cells were slightly more sensitive to PFP. This suggests that the better detoxification contributes to the acquired resistance. The use of PFP as specific indicator for cell lines with increased PAL-activity, and hence increased levels of phenolic compounds, is discussed.Abbreviations AOPP -aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid - MCW methanol:chloroform:water - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase - PFP p-fluorophenylalanine - Phe phenylalanine  相似文献   
As part of our efforts to identify potent HIV-1 protease inhibitors that are active against resistant viral strains, structural modification of the azacyclic urea (I) was undertaken by incorporating acyl groups as P1′ ligands. The extensive SAR study has yielded a series of N-acyl azacyclic ureas (II), which are highly potent against both wild-type and multiple PI-resistant viral strains.  相似文献   
The model presented here modifies a susceptible-infected (SI) host–pathogen model to determine the influence of mating system on the outcome of a host–pathogen interaction. Both deterministic and stochastic (individual-based) versions of the model were used. This model considers the potential consequences of varying mating systems on the rate of spread of both the pathogen and resistance alleles within the population. We assumed that a single allele for disease resistance was sufficient to confer complete resistance in an individual, and that both homozygote and heterozygote resistant individuals had the same mean birth and death rates. When disease invaded a population with only an initial small fraction of resistant genes, inbreeding (selfing) tended to increase the probability that the disease would soon be eliminated from a small population rather than become endemic, while outcrossing greatly increased the probability that the population would become extinct due to the disease.  相似文献   
A total of 161 different Streptomyces isolates were recovered from 5 soil samples representing the driest habitats of Jordan. These were then characterized and assessed for their antagonistic activity against four clinical multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa test pathogens. Results indicated that only 3 strains out of 139 and 6 out of 22 isolated at 27°C and 45°C, respectively, were active against at least three strains of pathogenic Pseudomonas. However, three Streptomyces strains (J2b, J4, and J12) that were isolated at 45°C inhibited all of the tested pathogens with an inhibition zone ranging between 5 and 16 mm in diameter. Data obtained from comparing the inhibition activity of these unique Streptomyces strains toward multi-resistant Pseudomonas pathogens with standard used antibiotics revealed that these isolates produce possible different inhibitory bioactive compounds other than the standard antibiotics.  相似文献   
A part of the big three cereal crops in the world, wheat has become a major constituent of the everyday food chain and is grown at a massive scale to meet global demands. This makes it an important crop from an economic as well as food security perspective. Selection of high-quality cultivars and consistent trait enhancement for such cultivars is crucial, and in light of new challenges from climate change, this has become an absolute necessity of time. In this regard, we conducted a detailed qualitative and quantitative trait analysis for multiple commercially viable varieties of wheat, and corresponding results were subjected to a series of critical statistical analyses. Final results have shown that five cultivars including Uqaab-2000, Faisalabad- 85, Anmol-19, NARC-2009, and Pirsabak-2004 depicts higher levels of various essential qualitative and quantitative traits (including Starch content, grain weight, RS content, Protein content, etc.) and are most viable varieties for further growth and trait enhancements to meet regional and global food challenges.  相似文献   
TiD is a standalone application, which relies on basic assumption that a protein must be essential for pathogens survival and non-homologous with host to qualify as putative target. With an input bacterial proteome, TiD removes paralogous proteins, picks essential ones, and excludes proteins homologous with host organisms. The targets illustrate non-homology with at least 40 out of 84 gut microbes, considered safe for human. TiD classifies proposed targets as known, novel and virulent. Users can perform pathway analysis, choke point analysis, interactome analysis, subcellular localization and functional annotations through web servers cross-referenced with the application. Drug targets identified by TiD for Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus anthracis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa have revealed significant overlaps with previous studies. TiD takes < 2 h to scan putative targets from a bacterial proteome with ~ 5000 proteins; hence, we propose it as a useful tool for rational drug design. TiD is available at http://bmicnip.in/TiD/.  相似文献   
Orobanche cumana is an obligate root parasite causing severe damage to many economically important crops, including sunflowers worldwide. For efficient control measures, it is necessary to understand the resistant mechanism during interaction at molecular level. The present study emphasizes on comparative proteomics to investigate the mechanistic basis of compatible and incompatible interaction of O. cumana with resistant (JY207) and susceptible (TK0409) sunflowers. More than 3500 proteins were identified from two cultivars by iTRAQ analysis. Identified proteins associated with general functions, posttranslational modification, energy production and conversion, carbohydrate transport and metabolism, and signal transduction mechanisms were the most represented category of induced proteins in both cultivars. The resistant interaction was characterized by alteration of defense‐related proteins involved in recognition of parasites, accumulation of pathogenesis‐related proteins, biosynthesis of lignin, and detoxification of toxic metabolites in JY207 after inoculation. The susceptible interaction was characterized by decreased abundance of proteins involved in biosynthesis and signaling of plant growth regulators including auxin, gibberellin, brassinosteroid, and ethylene in TK0409 after inoculation. The present study provides comprehensive details of proteins and differential modulation of pathways regulated under compatible and incompatible interaction, allowing the identification of important molecular components for development of sustainable resistance against this parasite.  相似文献   
目的了解3种氟喹诺酮类(FQS)体外诱导肺炎克雷伯菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae,Kpn)耐药性的差异,研究肺炎克雷伯菌DNA旋转酶A亚单位(GyrA)和拓扑异构酶ⅣC亚基(ParC)的变异与其耐喹诺酮类药物的关系。方法采用环丙沙星(CW)、左氧氟沙星(LEX)和加替沙星(GAT)对从临床分离8株Kpn进行体外分步诱导,采用琼脂平板二倍稀释法测定CIP、LVF及GAT对Kpn诱导前、后的最低抑菌浓度(MIC),并对诱导成功的17株Kpn的GyrA的基因(gyrA)和ParC的基因(parC)进行PCR扩增,选取其中8株KpnDNA测序并进行序列分析比较。结果8株耐FQS菌株都存在GyrA变异,同FQS耐药性相关的变异有Ser83(TCC)→Phe(TTC)、Ile(ATC)和Tyr(TAC),Asp87(GAC)→Ala(GCC)、ma(GCC)和Glu(GAA),5株Kpn同时存在ParC的变异:丝氨酸Ser80(AGC)→Ile(ATC)。结论本研究体外实验证实了Kpn可在长期低剂量的接触抗菌药物后形成耐药菌株。在高度耐FQS的Kpn中同时存在GyrA和ParC变异。  相似文献   
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