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应用盆栽试验,在人工控制土壤水分条件下对黄土高原3个常见树种丁香(Syringa oblata)、杠柳(Perip-loca sepium)和连翘(Forsythia suspensa)幼苗的生长及水分生理代谢进行了研究.结果表明,随干旱胁迫程度加剧,各树种耗水量明显减少;不同树种单株耗水量差异明显,表现为:连翘>杠柳>丁香.3树种新生枝条生长和叶面积扩展速率明显受土壤含水量影响,均表现为适宜水分>中度干旱>严重干旱,且在同一胁迫水平下,连翘>杠柳>丁香.随干旱胁迫程度的加剧和干旱时间的延长,丁香、杠柳和连翘叶片的含水量、游离脯氨酸以及叶绿素含量均有不同程度的变化,连翘和杠柳的叶片含水量在3种水分条件下均明显高于丁香,杠柳叶片游离脯氨酸含量明显高于丁香和连翘,连翘体内脯氨酸含量最低,丁香和连翘的叶绿素a/b值随土壤含水量的减少逐渐降低,杠柳则表现出相反趋势.不同树种对土壤干旱和高温的响应机制不同,但它们都具有较强的抗旱能力,适应黄土高原干旱的自然条件.  相似文献   
The Impacts of Household Consumption and Options for Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This introductory article situates the contributions that comprise this special issue within the field of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) studies. After a brief review of the policy history surrounding SCP, we organize our discussion and the subsequent collection of articles into two groups. The first suite of articles views the environmental impacts associated with household consumption from the perspectives of different consumer groups, income levels, and geographic areas. This work confirms and refines several insights that have been developing over the past several years, namely that food and beverages, mobility, housing, and energy-using products are the most critical consumption domains from the standpoint of environmental sustainability and that higher household income leads to greater (but less than proportional) impacts. The second subset of articles analyzes the potential for mitigating these impacts through behavioral changes and innovation strategies. Although the contributions to this special issue describe several noteworthy examples of information- and team-based initiatives to catalyze behavioral changes, the state of knowledge pertaining to this aspect of the consumption problem is much more inchoate. Research on the formulation and implementation of effective "change management for sustainable consumption" should be treated as an area of priority attention for industrial ecologists.  相似文献   
目的:了解四川省遂宁地区城乡自然人群中吸烟者的分布特征,比较城市及农村的吸烟人群在吸烟状况等方面的差异,为今后在该地区的不同人群中开展戒烟干预活动提供基础数据。方法:采用访谈和问卷调查相结合的形式,对四川省遂宁市下辖的五区城乡常住人口进行随机抽样。被调查者年龄范围为18岁至65岁。调查项目包括:一般情况、吸烟率、吸烟量、戒烟意愿和戒烟原因等。结果:从总体上看,男性吸烟率高于女性,文化程度越高在吸烟者中所占比例越小。城乡之间有统计学显著意义的差异如下:1.农村人群的吸烟率高于城市人群(男性:农村64.7%,城市45.7%;女性:农村4.6%,城市3.1%);2.农村吸烟群体的文化程度明显低于城市;3.农村吸烟者的日平均吸烟量高于城市吸烟者;4.农村吸烟者的烟龄比城市吸烟者烟龄长;5.城乡之间的戒烟原因各自不同。结论:城乡之间的吸烟者有着各自不同的特征和吸烟情况,在开展戒烟或控烟等宣称防治工作时应针对不同群体有不同的工作策略与方法。  相似文献   
Background The treatment of depressive disorders involves the administration of drugs of proven efficacy at the correct doses and for specific periods of time, in conjunction with psychotherapeutic support.Aim To assess the evolution of the consumption of antidepressants in the Health Region of Lleida (Spain).Method A retrospective cohort study of the antidepressant medication prescribed via the Spanish National Health System in the Health Region of Lleida between 2002 and 2007. The variables recorded in the study were age, sex, number of patients in antidepressant treatment in the Health Region of Lleida, length of treatment and type of drug. The prevalence of the population of the health region who were receiving antidepressant drugs and the incidence for each particular year was calculated.Results The mean prevalence of patients in treatment with antidepressant drugs was 8.5% (5% in men and 12.1% in women). The highest prevalence was observed in the higher age groups. By therapeutic groups, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were the most frequently prescribed, five times more than the next group, tricyclics/heterocyclics. The follow-up assessment of the medication prescribed showed that one out of every four patients did not continue treatment after the first month, and 38.4% did not continue after three months. Very few were treated for more than six months.Conclusion This study stresses the high rate of antidepressant treatment in the older women's group. One of every four treatments initiated did not last more than one month. Over the six-year period, 16 506 patients dropped out of treatment.  相似文献   
The competitiveness and sustainability of low input cost dairy production systems are generally supported by efficient use of pasture in the diets. Therefore, pasture intake directly affects overall efficiency of these systems. We aimed to assess feeding and grazing management main factors that affect pasture dry matter intake (DMI) in commercial dairy farms during the different seasons of the year. Fortnightly visits to 28 commercial dairies were carried out between June 2016 and May 2017 to record production and price, supplement offered and price, pasture access time (PAT), herbage mass (HM) and allowance (HA). Only farms with the most contrasting estimated pasture DMI per cow (eDMI) were compared as systems with high (HPI; N = 8) or low (LPI; N = 8) pasture DMI. Despite a lower individual milk production in HPI than LPI (19.0 v. 23.3 ± 0.7 l/cow, P < 0.01), daily margin over feeding cost was not different between groups (3.07 v. 2.93 ± 0.15 U$S/cow for HPI and LPI, respectively). During autumn and winter, HPI cows ingested more pasture than LPI cows (8.3 v. 4.6 and 5.9 v. 2.9 ± 0.55 kg DM/cow per day, respectively, P < 0.01) although PAT, HM and HA were similar between groups. Both groups offered high supplementation levels during these seasons, even though greater in LPI than HPI (14.7 v. 9.7 ± 0.7 kg DM supplement/cow per day, respectively, P < 0.01). On the other hand, differences between groups for both pasture and supplement DMI were more contrasting during spring and summer (13.1 v. 7.3 ± 0.5 and 4.0 v. 11.4 ± 0.4 kg DM/cow per day for HPI and LPI, respectively, P < 0.01), with higher PAT in both seasons (P < 0.05) and higher HA during summer in HPI than LPI (P < 0.01). Unlike LPI, during these seasons HPI adjusted offered supplement according to HA, achieving a higher pasture eDMI and making more efficient use of available pastoral resource than LPI. As there was no grazing limiting condition for pasture harvesting in either group, the main factor affecting pasture DMI was a pasture by supplement substitution effect. These results reinforce the importance of an efficient grazing management, and using supplements to nutritionally complement pasture intake rather than as a direct way to increase milk production.  相似文献   
李广德  富丰珍  席本野  王烨  贾黎明 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2945-2953
定量分析单木及林分的蒸腾耗水特征,是林木水分管理的关键环节。采用热扩散式边材液流检测技术,结合自动气象站,对三倍体毛白杨树干边材液流及环境因子进行了连续2年的动态观测。结果表明:(1)单株尺度上,三倍体毛白杨边材液流速率日变化在晴天表现为"单峰型",关键影响因子为水汽压亏缺(VPD)和太阳辐射(Qs),日平均液流速率在4—10月分别为0.65×10-3、2.12×10-3、2.09×10-3、1.78×10-3、1.84×10-3、1.76×10-3、1.04×10-3cm/s;(2)林分尺度上,三倍体毛白杨在2008、2009年(栽植第4年和第5年)的蒸腾耗水量分别为339.52和410.62 mm,主要影响因素为气孔导度(Gc)、相对湿度(RH),以及VPD;(3)多元线性回归模型可以较好的模拟三倍体毛白杨边材液流速率对环境因子的响应特征(P0.01,2008年),模型预测值较实测值偏大6.39%(2009年),二者极显著线性相关(R2=0.910,Sig.=0.00054,n=1008)。  相似文献   
The effects of adequate and restricted dietary protein and vitamin A on responses to infections by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and N. brasiliensis plus Eimeria nieshulzi were determined in growing Sprague-Dawley rats. Infected rats experienced anorexia followed by a rebound in consumption that compensated for weight losses during anorexia. On certain days, reductions in the urinary/fecal nitrogen ratio, fecal and absorbed nitrogen, and apparent nitrogen and dry matter digestibilities occurred with the combined infections but not with those by nematodes alone. Effects of different levels of vitamin A were expressed only as an increase in nitrogen absorption occurring during the post-anoretic increase in appetite found with infected rats and in rats restricted in protein but receiving the higher level of the vitamin. Protein level was the most significant treatment effect: rats on high protein performed significantly better than those on low, regardless of the level of the other experimental variables.  相似文献   
The suitability of Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt & Lauterer as a prey for Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus) was evaluated by studying the predator’s development and reproduction on this species in comparison to reference diets of nymphs of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. Both larval and adult A. bipunctata fed voraciously on A. pistaciae. The development time of the ladybird was shorter when fed on M. persicae and A. pistaciae and longer on E. kuehniella. The survival rate was 87% on M. persicae and 85% on A. pistaciae, both significantly greater than on E. kuehniella eggs (63%). The ladybirds were heaviest at eclosion and their fecundity was higher on M. persicae than on A. pistaciae or E. kuehniella. Both the aphid and psyllid diets yielded higher R0, rm values and lower T and DT values than E. kuehniella eggs. Based on total development time, immature survival and adult fecundity, the relative suitability for A. bipunctata was M. persicae > A. pistaciae > E. kuehniella. When ladybirds were reared on psyllids, they showed no preference between aphid or psyllid diets, but when raised on M. persicae, they preferred an aphid diet. A field experiment showed that A. bipunctata preferred to oviposit on pistachio trees at a height of 150–200 cm, i.e. towards the top. The results indicate that A. pistaciae constitutes a complete food for A. bipunctata, supporting both completed development and successful reproduction.  相似文献   
Freshwater ecosystem service is essential to human’s survival and development. Many studies have documented the spatial differences in the supply and demand of ecosystem services and proposed the concept of ecosystem services flows. However, few studies characterize freshwater ecosystem service flow quantitatively. Therefore, our paper aims to quantify the effects of freshwater ecosystem service flow on downstream areas. We developed a freshwater ecosystem service flow model and applied it in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region, China, for the year of 2000, 2005, and 2010. We assessed the regional water security with an improved freshwater security index by integrating freshwater service provision, consumption and flow; and found that most areas of the BTH region (69.2%) were affected by upstream freshwater flows. The areas achieving water security in the region also expanded to 66.9%, 66.1%, and 71.3%, which were 6.4%, 6.8% and 5.7% increments compared to no-flow situation, in 2000, 2005 and 2010, respectively. Setting quota for human water consumption is suggested to further improve water security. These results highlight the need to fully understand the connections between distant freshwater ecosystem service provision and local freshwater ecosystem service consumption. This approach may also help managers to choose more sustainable strategies for critical freshwater resource management across different regions.  相似文献   
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