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Rocha LM 《Bio Systems》2001,60(1-3):95-121
Pattee's semantic closure principle is used to study the characteristics and requirements of evolving material symbols systems. By contrasting agents that reproduce via genetic variation with agents that reproduce via self-inspection, we reach the conclusion that symbols are necessary to attain open-ended evolution, but only if the phenotypes of agents are the result of a material, self-organization process. This way, a study of the inter-dependencies of symbol and matter is presented. This study is based first on a theoretical treatment of symbolic representations, and secondly on simulations of simple agents with matter-symbol inter-dependencies. The agent-based simulations use evolutionary algorithms with indirectly encoded phenotypes. The indirect encoding is based on Fuzzy Development programs, which are procedures for combining fuzzy sets in such a way as to model self-organizing development processes.  相似文献   
Memory development is described in terms of a bio-social–cultural theory of human cognition. The development from a private unshareable system of basic memory in infancy and very early childhood is framed within an experiential perspective wherein all memory is derived from experience. It is the nature of changing experience, the result of both biological and social–cultural conditions that eventuates in a changed memory system that enables long-term retention of episodic memories, thus establishing the autobiographical memory system. The sequence of developments that interact to bring this about, many dependent on the acquisition of language, are discussed.  相似文献   
Adult water beetles were collected from 841 localities in the Netherlands. The distribution maps of the three species of the genus Helochares (Coleoptera; Hydrophilidae) in the Netherlands are given. They are based on specimens from museum collections and this investigation. H. lividus occurs all over the Netherlands, except for the north-east. This northern limit of its European distribution area coincides with the 8.5°C isotherm for the mean year temperature. H. obscurus is limited in its distribution to clay and peat-bog, but in the sandy coastal dune area H. obscurus replaces H. punctatus. H. punctatus is limited in its distribution to soils consisting of peat-moor or sand, but it is absent from the coastal dune area.Co-existence of H. lividus with either H. obscurus or H. punctatus occurs regularly. Co-existence of H. obscurus and H. punctatus has been observed only once, these species exclude each other by different ecological requirements. H. lividus and H. obscurus show two optima in abundance during the year which corresponds with a univoltine life-cycle. H. punctatus shows no clear maximum in abundance. However, on the basis of the presence of females carrying egg-cases and the presence of teneral adults a univoltine life-cycle for all three Helochares spp. can be deduced. A small proportion of the beetles hibernates either as larva or as pupa and emerges in spring.The distribution of Helochares spp. has been related to some environmental variables using the Index of Representation. H. lividus has a clear preference for waters with a high pH, high conductivity and high chlorinity with a luxurious vegetation of floating leaved and submerged plants on mineral soils. Occasionally running waters or waters with a low current velocity are preferred. Preferred habitats are regulated lowland streams, clay- and sand-ditches, and clay- and sand-canals. H. obscurus has a clear preference for stagnant waters with a high pH, high conductivity and high chlorinity (but the optimum is lower than for H. lividus) with a luxurious vegetation of floating leaved and submerged plants. Preferred habitats are clay- and sand-ditches. H. punctatus has a very clear preference for waters with a low pH, low conductivity and low chlorinity. With respect to vegetation and type of current the species shows no significant preferences or aversions. Preferred habitats are moorland pools, peat-canals and peat-cuttings.  相似文献   
There is a strong need for rapid and reliable epitope mapping methods that can keep pace with the isolation of increasingly larger numbers of mAbs. We describe here the identification of a conformational epitope using Phage-based Representation OF ImmunoLigand Epitope Repertoire (PROFILER), a recently developed high-throughput method based on deep sequencing of antigen-specific lambda phage-displayed libraries. A novel bactericidal monoclonal antibody (mAb 9F11) raised against Neisseria meningitidis adhesin A (NadA), an important component of the Bexsero® anti-meningococcal vaccine, was used to evaluate the technique in comparison with other epitope mapping methods. The PROFILER technology readily identified NadA fragments that were capable of fully recapitulating the reactivity of the entire antigen against mAb 9F11. Further analysis of these fragments using mutagenesis and hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass-spectrometry allowed us to identify the binding site of mAb 9F11 (A250-D274) and an adjoining sequence (V275-H312) that was also required for the full functional reconstitution of the epitope. These data suggest that, by virtue of its ability to detect a great variety of immunoreactive antigen fragments in phage-displayed libraries, the PROFILER technology can rapidly and reliably identify epitope-containing regions and provide, in addition, useful clues for the functional characterization of conformational mAb epitopes.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is the structural and narrative reconstruction of representations of ‘nature’, ‘wildlife’ and ‘landscape’, held by rural residents of the Dadia Forest Reserve. Data collection involved in-depth interviews. Employing a social representations’ approach, we recovered representational elements that are expected in the case of rural belief systems, such as negative dispositions towards wolves and foxes, as well as elements of an urban adherence, such as nature’s independence. Representational elements refer to visual aspects of the countryside, which seem compatible with the figurative nucleus of the rural idyll. Concerning ‘wildlife’, residents focused on vultures, which comprise the main tourist attraction of the reserve. Scientific knowledge adds to the complexity of the narrative schema, which corresponds to the representation of ‘wildlife’. Interviewees perceived the rural landscape as an interface between the natural and the human-conditioned environment. Our study shows that interviewees make no reference to environmental conservation or quality of life issues, as it could be expected according to relatively wide definitions of the term ‘environmentalism’. Environmental messages reinforced by ecotourism development seem to be recalled primarily in terms of their compatibility with the perceived economic benefit of local people. Despite ecotourism development, representational elements that diverge from a tourist version of ‘nature’, ‘wildlife’ and ‘landscape’ were not pronounced within rural belief-systems. Further interventions within the study area are needed, in order to address a variety of topics under the environmental conservation discourse and raise the environmental awareness of rural residents.  相似文献   
陶维东  严燕静 《生物磁学》2011,(11):2159-2162
目的:探讨喝含糖饮料后是否影响大学生金钱表征和金钱捐献意向。方法:170名大学生,随机分成三组,喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组。在抄写完一段文字后,填写自编问卷一和PANAS量表。结果:(1)饮用含糖饮料后并非显著性地影响到对金钱表征;(2)喝含糖饮料在一定程度上能够增加金钱捐献意向,但喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组,三组被试金钱捐献意向未达显著性差异水平;(3)喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组三组被试在积极情绪和消极情绪维度上均未达到显著性水平。结论:喝舍糖饮料并未显著地影响其金钱表征或促进其金钱捐献意向。  相似文献   
Perceptual relativity has become a central issue in animal psychophysics. In order to assess how the interplay of training experience and stimulus dimension might affect perceptual relativity, we investigated the role of 'absolute' and 'relative' training on the learning and representation of stimuli from two dimensions that might favor absolute or relative encoding to a different degree. Young chicks learned to discriminate 3D-objects by either color or size. During 'absolute' training always the choice of the same stimulus of a simultaneously presented pair was reinforced, while choice of the larger (smaller) or greener (bluer) stimulus was reinforced during 'relative' training. Overall, discrimination learning was faster with relative training, but size learning profited more from 'relative' training than color learning. Post-training generalization tests revealed a combined effect of training experience and stimulus dimension: a higher amount of absolute encoding occurred with absolute training and color learning, while relative choices prevailed with relative training and size learning.  相似文献   
Bolivia is a megadiverse country. A large part of its biodiversity is due to the fact that in its territory different biogeographical regions meet. As a preliminary means to understand how this biodiversity is being protected, three previous studies undertook an evaluation of how well represented the ecological regions were in the National System of Protected Areas (NSPA). However, the most recent biogeographical findings in Bolivia call for a new analysis of this sort. We try to achieve this, emphasizing the situation in the Andean dry regions, which have been given scarce priority, despite their high biological value. In general, xeric ecoregions are under-represented while humid ones are over-represented. The Prepuna and the central altiplano (which includes the Dry Puna sub-ecoregion) are not represented within the NSPA, nor is the Beni Cerrado sub-ecoregion. The Inter-Andean Dry Valleys cover only ca. 0.5% of the protected area, in spite of their diverse flora and status as one of Bolivia’s most important centers or endemism. Although the diverse Chiquitos Dry Forest is well represented, it is protected mostly as an ‘Integrated Management Natural Area’, and thus lacks full protection. The Semi-Humid Puna and the Flooded Savannas of the Moxos Plains, important subdivisions of two main ecoregions, are markedly under-represented in the NSPA, despite the importance of Moxos plains as a center of endemism for birds. Other ecoregions have a representation in the NSPA which can be considered adequate or even excessive. The over-representation of the humid Yungas mountain forests seems to be justified as this is probably Bolivia’s most important center of diversity and endemism. There is a need for a more proper distribution of some protected areas which consider true limits, size, diversity, endemism and other attributes of the different ecoregions in a more rigorous manner.  相似文献   
The ecological indicator system (EIS) is widely used. It is vital to develop a scientific and rational EIS for practical application. Assessment of an EIS's effectiveness is important to understand the gaps between practical indicators and indicators that are considered theoretically ideal. In this paper we develop a conceptual method to quantitatively assess the effectiveness of a practical EIS by comparing it with the ideal EIS that is considered perfect by using three assessment indices: linkage, coverage and representation degrees. Linkage degree reveals the relevance of individual indicators to the ideal system. Coverage degree shows the integrity of the practical indicator system compared with the ideal system. Representation degree is the ultimate goal of the quantitative assessment and can detect the gap and overlap between the practical indicator system and the ideal one. Case study on the Ecological Province Construction Indicators (EPCI) proved that our conceptual method is useful to assess the effectiveness of a practical EIS. Compared with an ideal EIS, the EPCI has a high linkage and coverage degree but biased representation. Although the practical EIS covers most of the objectives detailed in the Fujian eco-province construction documents, many social development indicators are overlooked, including ecological culture and green consumption. Using the quantitative method will improve the practical application of an EIS by detecting its redundancy and weakness.  相似文献   
This article explores the interface between gender and ethnicity in a microlevel study of a conflict which involved members of a minority ethnic community. Focusing on gender reactions to the unfolding conflict, it explores arguments raised by women in its aftermath. These arguments concern who has the right to define and represent them in public spaces in the future. The specific conflict examined took place in Bradford, UK, in 1995, and involved male Pakistani Muslim youths and the police. In the aftermath, public debate on the issue has centred on community representation in general and the role of male youth in particular. It is argued that the conflict also accelerated a process whereby Pakistani Muslim women are (re)defining intra- and inter-community relationships in the public sphere. This article affirms that the gender analysis being employed by these women to understand the events of 1995 has wider implications for the future management of plural societies, and poses a challenge to the dominance of men in creating, maintaining and managing public spaces.  相似文献   
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