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诱发电位(EP)是继脑电图和肌电图之后临床神经电生理的第三大进展,在检测神经系统的状态和变化上有重要意义,常常用来协助确定神经系统的可疑病变,检出亚临床病灶,帮助病损定位,监护感觉系统的功能状态。其中,视觉、听觉和部分体感诱发电位已得到广泛应用。本文介绍了外阴诱发电位的相关原理及其应用等。  相似文献   
Social and economical development is closely associated with technological innovation and a well-developed biotechnological industry. In the last few years, Brazil’s scientific production has been steadily increasing; however, the number of patents is lagging behind, with technological and translational research requiring governmental incentive and reinforcement. The Cell and Molecular Therapy Center (NUCEL) was created to develop activities in the translational research field, addressing concrete problems found in biomedical and veterinary areas and actively searching for solutions by employing a genetic engineering approach to generate cell lines over-expressing recombinant proteins to be transferred to local biotech companies, aiming at furthering the development of a national competence for local production of biopharmaceuticals of widespread use and of life-saving importance. To this end, mammalian cell engineering technologies were used to generate cell lines over-expressing several different recombinant proteins of biomedical and biotechnological interest, namely, recombinant human Amylin/IAPP for diabetes treatment, human FVIII and FIX clotting factors for hemophilia, human and bovine FSH for fertility and reproduction, and human bone repair proteins (BMPs). Expression of some of these proteins is also being sought with the baculovirus/insect cell system (BEVS) which, in many cases, is able to deliver high-yield production of recombinant proteins with biological activity comparable to that of mammalian systems, but in a much more cost-effective manner. Transfer of some of these recombinant products to local Biotech companies has been pursued by taking advantage of the São Paulo State Foundation (FAPESP) and Federal Government (FINEP, CNPq) incentives for joint Research Development and Innovation partnership projects.  相似文献   
Recent advances in technologies such as DNA microarrays have provided an abundance of gene expression data on the genomic scale. One of the most important projects in the post-genome-era is the systemic identification of gene expression networks. However, inferring internal gene expression structure from experimentally observed time-series data are an inverse problem. We have therefore developed a system for inferring network candidates based on experimental observations. Moreover, we have proposed an analytical method for extracting common core binomial genetic interactions from various network candidates. Common core binomial genetic interactions are reliable interactions with a higher possibility of existence, and are important for understanding the dynamic behavior of gene expression networks. Here, we discuss an efficient method for inferring genetic interactions that combines a Step-by-step strategy (Y. Maki, Y. Takahashi, Y. Arikawa, S. Watanabe, K. Aoshima, Y. Eguchi, T. Ueda, S. Aburatani, S. Kuhara, M. Okamoto, An integrated comprehensive workbench for inferring genetic networks: Voyagene, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2(3) (2004) 533.) with an analysis method for extracting common core binomial genetic interactions.  相似文献   
Biotechnological production of gluconic acid: future implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gluconic acid (GA) is a multifunctional carbonic acid regarded as a bulk chemical in the food, feed, beverage, textile, pharmaceutical, and construction industries. The favored production process is submerged fermentation by Aspergillus niger utilizing glucose as a major carbohydrate source, which accompanied product yield of 98%. However, use of GA and its derivatives is currently restricted because of high prices: about US$ 1.20–8.50/kg. Advancements in biotechnology such as screening of microorganisms, immobilization techniques, and modifications in fermentation process for continuous fermentation, including genetic engineering programmes, could lead to cost-effective production of GA. Among alternative carbohydrate sources, sugarcane molasses, grape must show highest GA yield of 95.8%, and banana must may assist reducing the overall cost of GA production. These methodologies would open new markets and increase applications of GA. Authors’ contributions OVS and RK are the sole contributors of this original review article. This review is based upon the published research in the area of gluconic acid fermentation.  相似文献   
利用中国气象局国家气象信息中心研发的中国气象局陆面数据同化系统(China Meteorological Administration Land Data Assimilation System,CLDAS)大气近地面强迫资料,驱动美国国家大气研究中心公用陆面模式(Community Land Model,CLM3.5),对中国新疆地区土壤温度时空分布进行逐小时Off-line模拟(模拟时段为2009—2012年);利用国家土壤温度自动站(新疆区域105站点)数据验证CLDAS驱动场强迫下的CLM3.5模式在中国新疆地区3个土壤层(5cm、20cm和80cm)的土壤温度模拟能力。研究发现:在月变化方面,第1层(5cm)土壤温度模拟与实测值差异最大,在每年7月最大差异达5k左右;第2层(20cm)在每年7月达最大差异(3k左右),而第3层(80cm)在每年7月均模拟的很好。造成这种现象的原因可能因为新疆地区7月前后浅层土壤温度变化剧烈,温度白天最高可达300K以上,昼夜温差大,导致模式不能很好抓住浅层土壤温度的变化趋势。研究还发现,在80cm土壤深度,模式在1月、12月的模拟结果均较前两层差。在日变化方面,研究发现:较浅的两层(5cm和20cm)土壤温度模拟值在夏季和秋季均较差。与月变化模拟结果类似的是,80cm土壤层日变化在1、12月模拟较差,然而在其他时段却模拟的很好。在小时变化方面,分析发现:第1层土壤(5cm)模拟结果在每年的1—4月及9—11月的全天(即24 h),模式也会有不同的偏差:其中,在03UTC—21UTC之间主要表现为模式结果比观测结果偏高,而在日内21UTC—00UTC主要表现为模拟结果偏小。在每年的5—8月,全天模拟值都偏小,其中在09UTC达当日最大值。而距离第2层(20cm)处的土壤温度模拟值在大部分月份都偏差较小(-1K至1k之间),并在日内12UTC偏差达到当日最大值。研究发现,在土壤20cm处,模式模拟的最大值较观测值提前,而第3层(80cm)的土壤温度基本不受日内变化影响,表现较为平稳。造成这种影响的原因可能是因为新疆地区5—8月、9—11月为昼夜温差大,深层土壤温度较浅层土壤温度温差变化小,这也造成了模式对于浅层土壤模拟较深层差的主要原因。总体研究表明:CLDAS驱动场强迫下的CLM3.5模式可较为精确的模拟中国新疆地区多年平均土壤温度时空分布,并较为准确的反映中国新疆地区土壤温度的小时、日、月及年际的变化规律。模式浅温度模拟不好的原因可能与模式参数化方案及地表参数有关,后期将继续修正该问题。  相似文献   
钉螺神经系统的显微解剖   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
金志良 《动物学报》1993,39(3):229-238
作者于1988至1990年,对采自南京的133号日本血吸虫的中间宿主钉螺的神经系统进行了显微解剖研究。其神经系统由神经中枢和外周神经组成。前者由8对和两个不成对的神经节组成,神经节之间存在着3种联合和7种连索;后者主要由47对和18条不对称的神经组成;嗅检器位于鳃的基部。  相似文献   
中国部分地区种子植物区系亲缘关系的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
以植物属分布区类型的百分比为指标,分别采用系统聚类分析的最短距离法、最长距离法、中间距离法、重心法、离差平方和法、类平均法和可变法等7种方法,对中国46个地区的植物区系进行了分析研究,给出了其种子植物属的分布区类型的树状聚类图,求得各地区植物区系之间的亲缘关系。结果表明:在一定的经度范围内(中国东半部地区),两个地区植物区系之间的亲缘关系与其所处的纬度相关,即纬度相近其亲缘关系也相近,反之即疏远。运用系统聚类分析方法所得到的中国46个地区植物区系之间亲缘关系的结果与经典的理论基本吻合。  相似文献   
Global Positioning System (GPS) is an important new technology for spatio-temporal behaviour studies of animals. Differential correction improves location accuracy. Previously, it mostly removed partially the influence of Selective Availability (SA). SA was deactivated in May 2000. The aim of this study was to quantify the influence of SA cancellation on location accuracy of various GPS receivers. We tested the accuracy of locations obtained from non-differential and differential GPS animal collars before and after SA removal. We found a significant improvement in accuracy for both types of GPS collars. However, differential GPS still provides more accurate locations.  相似文献   
HeLa cell line stably transfected with the tat gene from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 has a decreased antioxidant potential. In this work, we used this model to investigate the effect of a high glucose level (20 mM) on the glucose induced cytotoxicity and on the antioxidant system. In comparison to cell culture under control medium, HeLa-wild cell cultured under 20 mM glucose did not exhibit necrosis or apoptosis, contrary to HeLa-tat cell presenting a significant increase in necrotic or apoptotic state. Moreover after 48 h culture under high glucose level the HeLa-tat proliferation rate was not higher than the one of HeLa-wild cells. In HeLa-wild cell high glucose level resulted in an induction of glutathione reductase activity in opposition to HeLa-tat cells where no change was observed. High glucose level resulted in 20% increase in GSSG/GSH ratio in HeLa-wild cells and 38% increase in HeLa-tat cells. Moreover, high glucose level resulted in a dramatic cytosolic thiol decrease and an important lipid peroxidation in HeLa-tat cells. No significant change of these two parameters was observed in HeLa-wild cells. In both cell lines, high glucose resulted in an increase of total SOD activity, as a consequence of the increase in Cu,Zn-SOD activity. High glucose did not result in an increase of Mn-SOD activity in both cell lines. As a consequence of tat tranfection Mn-SOD activity was 50% lower in HeLa-tat cells in comparison to HeLa-wild cells. This work emphasizes the importance of the antioxidant system in the glucose induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
The 'system management approach' of biological weed control was applied in a small-scale field experiment with celeriac (root celery), intersown with an inbred line of the annual weed Senecio vulgaris L. The naturalized rust fungus Puccinia lagenophorae Cooke (Basidiomycetes: Uredinales), a common and widespread pathogen of S. vulgaris in Europe, was introduced into parts of the plots, and its impact on the competitive balance between the crop and weed in the presence and absence of an additional herbicide treatment was studied. Competition by S. vulgaris (at a realized density of only 50 plants/m2) during the first 10 weeks of growth was substantial, reducing the fresh weight of the celeriac bulbs by 28%. The epidemic spread of the rust fungus was relatively fast, and the time to infection was similar to that in full-area applications. Inoculation with the rust fungus strongly reduced crop losses due to competition with S. vulgaris . The fresh weight of the celeriac bulbs in plots with both S. vulgaris and the fungus was not statistically diVerent from the celeriac yield in plots without S. vulgaris . This eVect was mainly the result of the reduced biomass of S. vulgaris , and not reduced survival. Infected plants may, therefore, still contribute to soil cover and may help to suppress later germinating weed species. Older plant stages were found to be infected earlier than younger stages. No significant interactions were observed between the eVects of the fungal infection and a low-dose application of the herbicide chlorbromuron on weed performance. Basic studies necessary to develop the system management approach further are discussed.  相似文献   
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