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Abstract: Tissue levels of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) have been compared in atrium, spleen, mesenteric artery, vas deferens and renal cortex of sexually mature rats, guinea-pigs, ferrets, rabbits and cats. The results suggest the presence of dopaminergic autonomic axons in the cat renal cortex, as has been previously reported for the dog. Such nerves are probably sparse or absent in the kidneys of the other species examined.  相似文献   
Summary The auditory and tensor nerves of cicadas are mixed nerves containing both afferent and efferent elements. In 17-year cicadas, and in Okanagana rimosa, the auditory nerve contains afferents from body hairs, from the detensor tympani-chordotonal organ, and some 1300–1500 afferents from the hearing organ. Within the fused metathoracic-abdominal ganglionic complex the receptors from both the auditory and tensor nerves form a neuropilar structure that reveals the metameric organization of this complex. A few fibers run anteriorly, projecting into the meso and prothoracic ganglia. Within the ganglionic complex a division of auditory nerve afferents into a dense intermediate and a more diffuse ventral neuropile is observed. In addition, a dorsal motor neuropile is outlined by arborizations of the timbal motor neuron. This neuron is one of several efferent cell types associated with the auditory nerve, and there is an indication that several efferent fibers innervate the timbal muscle. There is anatomical evidence for a possible neuronal coupling between the bilaterally symmetrical large timbal motor neurons. In general, central projections from the auditory and tensor nerves support evidence of a structural layering within the CNS of insects.  相似文献   
Summary A population of nerve fibres in the gastro-intestinal tract of mice showing a high affinity for quinacrine was revealed by fluorescence microscopy. Similar results were obtained in rats and guinea pigs. Whole-mounts of sheets of the smooth muscle layer following incubation in 10-6-10-7 M quinacrine for 15–60 min revealed fine fluorescent varicose nerve fibers in the myenteric plexus of Auerbach both around nerve cell bodies and in the interconnecting strands. Many fibers were also present between the strands of the plexus, especially running parallel to the circular muscle layer. Such fibers were not seen in similarly quinacrine-incubated irides. A proportion of the cell bodies in Auerbach's plexus also showed quinacrine accumulation. These cells were apparently smaller neurons, sometimes with fluorescent processes. Intraperitoneal injections of quinacrine failed to demonstrate nerve fibers, but some cell bodies in Auerbach's plexus were positive. Subsequent paraformaldehyde treatment for monoamine visualization showed persistent adrenergic nerve terminals in the intestine and iris. These nerves seemed to be fewer and had a more yellow fluorescence than normally. The identity of the quinacrine-positive fibers is discussed with respect to recent suggestions that purinergic, substance P, enkephalin, and somatosin-containing nerves, in addition to adrenergic and cholinergic nerves, are present in the gut wall.Supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (04X-03185). Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse and Karolinska Institutets Fonder. For generous gifts of Mepacrine we thank Winthrop, Skärholmen, Stockholm, Sweden. The skilful technical assistance of Miss Gerd Boetius and Miss Maud Eriksson is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   
一株广谱中和抗原性出血热病毒株的发现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一株分离自杭州市褐家鼠的出血热病毒Gou_3株的免疫血清对10株I型病毒的中和滴度除二株为160外均为320,而对4株Ⅱ型病毒的滴度为320—640,说明Gou_3株免疫血清对两型毒株中和效价大多数无差异或只差2倍,是一株中和抗原广谱的毒株。用I型和Ⅱ型毒株免疫血清对Gou_3株进行型别检定结果表明Gou_3株是Ⅱ型病毒。  相似文献   
The current study focused on galectins (-1, -3, -4, -7, and –8) and deliberately performed immunohistochemical fingerprinting to explore their complexity in a context of experimental renal carcinogenesis. The diethylstilbestrol (DES)-induced renal tumors in male Syrian hamster kidney (SHKT) represent a unique animal model for the study of estrogen-dependent renal malignancies. Kidney sections of DES-treated hamsters (3 days to 11 months of DES exposure) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a panel of non-crossreactive antibodies raised against galectins-1, -3, -4, -7, and -8. Levels of expression were quantitatively determined by using computer-assisted microscopy on immunostained tissue sections. Except for galectin-4, all above mentioned galectins were expressed in kidney tumors. Small clusters of galectin-1-positive, most likely preneoplastic cells at the corticomedullary junction were already evident 1 week after DES administration. Galectin-1 and -3 expression was apparently associated with the first steps of the neoplastic transformation, because small tumorous buds were found to be positive after 1 month of treatment. In contrast, galectins-7 and -8 were detected in large tumors and medium-sized tumors, respectively, thereby indicating an involvement in later stages of DES-induced SHKT. Galectins-1, -3, -7, and -8 were also detected by immunofluorescence staining in the HKT-1097 cell line established from SHKT, thus illustrating the stability of galectin expression in tumor cells. Our data document the presence and differential regulation of galectins in the course of renal tumorigenesis in the model of DES-induced SHKT.  相似文献   
目的:研究敲低P型磷酸果糖激酶(phosphofructokinase,PFKP)联合肉碱棕榈酰基转移酶抑制剂etomoxir对肾透明细胞癌Caki-1细胞的影响,并进一步探究其作用机制。方法:利用Western blot验证对照及PFKP shRNA敲低肾透明细胞癌细胞中PFKP的敲低效率,分别检测对照组(shCtrl)、PFKP敲低组、etomoxir组(shCtrl+etomoxir)、PFKP敲低联合etomoxir组的增殖曲线。使用Annexin-V/PI染色并用流式细胞检测对照组、PFKP敲低组、etomoxir组、PFKP敲低联合etomoxir组的细胞死亡,研究PFKP敲低联合etomoxir对细胞存活的影响。分别检测对照组、PFKP敲低组、etomoxir组、PFKP敲低联合etomoxir组的ATP水平与脂肪酸变化。结果:Western blot结果验证了PFKP的敲低效率。流式细胞检测显示,对照组、PFKP敲低组、etomoxir组、PFKP敲低联合etomoxir组的平均细胞死亡率分别为1.1、1.9、13.9、31.3%。PFKP敲低联合etomoxir组Caki-1细胞的死亡率显著高于单纯PFKP敲低与etomoxir组(P0.05)。PFKP敲低联合etomoxir组Caki-1细胞的ATP水平显著低于单纯PFKP敲低与etomoxir组(P0.05)。Etomoxir的加入抑制了PFKP敲低引起的游离脂肪酸下降(P0.05)。结论:PFKP敲低联合etomoxir对Caki-1细胞呈现协同的细胞毒抗肿瘤作用。  相似文献   
Fibrosis is considered as a central factor in the loss of renal function in chronic kidney diseases. The origin of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts that accumulate in the interstitium of the diseased kidney is still a matter of debate. It has been shown that accumulation of myofibroblasts in inflamed and fibrotic kidneys is associated with upregulation of fibroblast-specific protein 1 (FSP1, S100A4), not only in the renal interstitium but also in the injured renal epithelia. The tubular expression of FSP1 has been taken as evidence of myofibroblast formation by epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). The identity of FSP1/S100A4 cells has not been defined in detail. We originally intended to use FSP1/S100A4 as a marker of putative EMT in a model of distal tubular injury. However, since the immunoreactivity of FSP1 did not seem to fit with the distribution and shape of fibroblasts or myofibroblasts, we undertook the characterization of FSP1/S100A4-expressing cells in the interstitium of rodent kidneys. We performed immunolabeling for FSP1/S100A4 on thin cryostat sections of perfusion-fixed rat and mouse kidneys with peritubular inflammation, induced by thiazides and glomerulonephritis, respectively, in combination with ecto-5-nucleotidase (5NT), recognizing local cortical peritubular fibroblasts, with CD45, MHC class II, CD3, CD4 and Thy 1, recognizing mononuclear cells, with alpha smooth muscle actin (SMA), as marker for myofibroblasts, and vimentin for intracellular intermediate filaments in cells of mesenchymal origin. In the healthy interstitium of rodents the rare FSP1/S100A4+ cells consistently co-expressed CD45 or lymphocyte surface molecules. Around the injured distal tubules of rats treated for 3–4 days with thiazides, FSP1+/S100A4+, 5NT+, SMA+, CD45+ and MHC class II+ cells accumulated. FSP1+/S100A4+ cells consistently co-expressed CD45. In the inflamed regions, SMA was co-expressed by 5NT+ cells. In glomerulonephritic mice, FSP1+/S100A4+ cells co-expressed Thy 1, CD4 or CD3. Thus, in the inflamed interstitium around distal tubules of rats and of glomerulonephritic mice, the majority of FSP1+ cells express markers of mononuclear cells. Consequently, the usefulness of FSP1/S100A4 as a tool for detection of (myo)fibroblasts in inflamed kidneys and of EMT in vivo is put into question. In the given rat model the consistent co-expression of SMA and 5NT suggests that myofibroblasts originate from resident peritubular fibroblasts.Ivan Hegyi and Michel Le Hir contributed equally to the study  相似文献   
With the world-wide increase of patients with renal failure, the development of functional renal replacement therapies have gained significant interest and novel technologies are rapidly evolving. Currently used renal replacement therapies insufficiently remove accumulating waste products, resulting in the uremic syndrome. A more preferred treatment option is kidney transplantation, but the shortage of donor organs and the increasing number of patients waiting for a transplant warrant the development of novel technologies. The bioartificial kidney (BAK) is such promising biotechnological approach to replace essential renal functions together with the active secretion of waste products. The development of the BAK requires a multidisciplinary approach and evolves at the intersection of regenerative medicine and renal replacement therapy. Here we provide a concise review embracing a compact historical overview of bioartificial kidney development and highlighting the current state-of-the-art, including implementation of living-membranes and the relevance of extracellular matrices. We focus further on the choice of relevant renal epithelial cell lines versus the use of stem cells and co-cultures that need to be implemented in a suitable device. Moreover, the future of the BAK in regenerative nephrology is discussed.  相似文献   
本文应用空斑减少中和试验(PRNT)和细胞病变中和试验(cPENT)两种方法对出血热沙鼠肾细胞灭活疫苗扩大人体免疫后的血清进行中和抗体水平检测。根据两种方法对总计74人份的免疫后血清检测比较结果,两种方法检测的抗体阳转率和抗体水平(GMT)。CPENT法均高于PRNT法,经统计学处理均有显著性差异。不同免疫组的中和抗体水平比较结果,注射三针的阳转率(n=10,100%)高于两针组(n=10,20—30%);接种加氢氧化铝佐剂疫苗(n=13)较接种不加佐剂的两种疫苗(n=26)的抗体水平高,阳转率为92%—100%GMT为22—69;皮下途径(n=15)和肌肉途径(n=13)注射无明显差别,阳转率分别为87—93%和92—100%,GMT分别为29—46和22—61。以上结果进一步肯定沙鼠肾细胞疫苗的人体免疫性  相似文献   
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