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胰腺癌症是最难诊断和治疗的恶性肿瘤之一,其特点是发病隐匿、进展迅速、预后差。目前,手术治疗仍然是首选治疗方法。然而由于缺乏早期症状,大约70%的患者在确诊时已经出现局部扩散或远端转移,从而无法进行手术治疗。由此看来,早期检测是提高患者治疗效果和预后的有效途径。临床上使用的成像方法 (CT、MRI、EUS等)通常无法检测早期病变,并且很容易受到操作员的影响。常规临床标志物如CA19-9、CA125、CA242和CEA受到限制,其敏感性或特异性不令人满意。因此,寻找新的具有高敏感性和特异性的标志物是实现胰腺癌早期检测的关键。近年来,对生物标志物的广泛研究主要集中在遗传学、转录组学和蛋白质组学上。特别是由microRNA(miRNA)、long non-coding RNA(lncRNA)和circRNA(circRNA)组成的非蛋白质编码RNA(non-protein coding RNA,ncRNA)为胰腺癌的早期检测提出了许多新思路。然而,其中绝大多数仍处于实验室研究阶段。而一项成熟的生物标志物研究应该整合基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学或代谢组学的数据,并结合患者的个体特征(如体重指数...  相似文献   
由于圆锥角膜疾病导致越来越多的人患有近视,常见的矫正方法有佩戴近视眼镜、隐形眼镜等.随着科技的进步,利用光对近视等眼科疾病进行屈光矫正已经成为当前临床中常用的方法.使用光诱导角膜胶原蛋白发生交联,从而达到治疗圆锥角膜疾病、提高患者视力水平的目的,这是一种新型的光治疗眼睛疾病的方法.同时这种方法由于无侵入性、对操作者能力依赖性小等优势成为新的研究热点.本文阐述光诱导角膜交联的基本原理,并介绍其发展历程,分析现有的各种交联方法和角膜检测技术的原理,并对现有交联方法和检测方法的优缺点进行讨论.最后,本文对光诱导角膜交联和检测技术的最新进展进行系统的论述,并对未来的发展趋势进行展望.  相似文献   
The production of recombinant membrane proteins for structural and functional studies remains technically challenging due to low levels of expression and the inherent instability of many membrane proteins once solubilized in detergents. A protocol is described that combines ligation independent cloning of membrane proteins as GFP fusions with expression in Escherichia coli detected by GFP fluorescence. This enables the construction and expression screening of multiple membrane protein/variants to identify candidates suitable for further investment of time and effort. The GFP reporter is used in a primary screen of expression by visualizing GFP fluorescence following SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Membrane proteins that show both a high expression level with minimum degradation as indicated by the absence of free GFP, are selected for a secondary screen. These constructs are scaled and a total membrane fraction prepared and solubilized in four different detergents. Following ultracentrifugation to remove detergent-insoluble material, lysates are analyzed by fluorescence detection size exclusion chromatography (FSEC). Monitoring the size exclusion profile by GFP fluorescence provides information about the mono-dispersity and integrity of the membrane proteins in different detergents. Protein: detergent combinations that elute with a symmetrical peak with little or no free GFP and minimum aggregation are candidates for subsequent purification. Using the above methodology, the heterologous expression in E. coli of SED (shape, elongation, division, and sporulation) proteins from 47 different species of bacteria was analyzed. These proteins typically have ten transmembrane domains and are essential for cell division. The results show that the production of the SEDs orthologues in E. coli was highly variable with respect to the expression levels and integrity of the GFP fusion proteins. The experiment identified a subset for further investigation.  相似文献   
Pristinamycin I (PI), a streptogramin type B antibiotic produced by Streptomyces pristinaespiralis, contains the aproteinogenic amino acid l-phenylglycine. Recent sequence analysis led to the identification of a set of putative phenylglycine biosynthetic genes. Successive inactivation of the individual genes resulted in a loss of PI production. Production was restored by supplementation with externally added l-phenylglycine, which demonstrates that these genes are involved in phenylglycine biosynthesis and thus probably disclosing the last essential pristinamycin biosynthetic genes. Finally, a putative pathway for phenylglycine synthesis is proposed.  相似文献   
Shifts in species ranges are a global phenomenon, well known to occur in response to a changing climate. New species arriving in an area may become pest species, modify ecosystem structure, or represent challenges or opportunities for fisheries and recreation. Early detection of range shifts and prompt implementation of any appropriate management strategies is therefore crucial. This study investigates whether ‘first sightings’ of marine species outside their normal ranges could provide an early warning of impending climate‐driven range shifts. We examine the relationships between first sightings and marine regions defined by patterns of local climate velocities (calculated on a 50‐year timescale), while also considering the distribution of observational effort (i.e. number of sampling days recorded with biological observations in global databases). The marine trajectory regions include climate ‘source’ regions (areas lacking connections to warmer areas), ‘corridor’ regions (areas where moving isotherms converge), and ‘sink’ regions (areas where isotherms locally disappear). Additionally, we investigate the latitudinal band in which first sightings were recorded, and species’ thermal affiliations. We found that first sightings are more likely to occur in climate sink and ‘divergent’ regions (areas where many rapid and diverging climate trajectories pass through) indicating a role of temperature in driving changes in marine species distributions. The majority of our fish first sightings appear to be tropical and subtropical species moving towards high latitudes, as would be expected in climate warming. Our results indicate that first sightings are likely related to longer‐term climatic processes, and therefore have potential use to indicate likely climate‐driven range shifts. The development of an approach to detect impending range shifts at an early stage will allow resource managers and researchers to better manage opportunities resulting from range‐shifting species before they potentially colonize.  相似文献   
时间分辨荧光免疫分析在兽药残留检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,兽药残留引起食物中毒的报道日益增多,兽药残留检测的意义重大。传统的气相色谱法、液相色谱法存在前处理复杂、仪器成本昂贵等缺陷,酶联免疫吸附分析(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)灵敏度也不高,而时间分辨荧光免疫分析(time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay,TRFIA)操作简便、灵敏度高,已在兽药残留检测领域引起重视。介绍了TRFIA的原理和优势,综述了其在促生长繁殖类、瘦肉增产类和杀菌驱虫类兽药残留检测中的应用,并与传统方法进行了对比,TRFIA有望取代传统的检测方法成为兽药残留检测的常规方法。  相似文献   
An enantioselective HPLC bioassay has been developed relying on extraction of (R)- and (S)-atenolol from alkalinized plasma or serum (pH > 12) into dichloromethane containing 5% (v/v) 1-butanol followed by an achiral derivatization of the drug with phosgene leading to (R)- and (S)-oxazolidine-2-one derivatives. Under these conditions there was quantitative conversion of the acetamido group to the corresponding nitrile. These stable derivatives were separated on a (R,R)-diaminocylohexane-dinitrobenzoyl chiral stationary phase [(R,R)-DACH-DNB] using dichloromethane/methanol 98/2 as mobile phase. Determination limits of 0.5 ng for (R)- and 0.6 ng for (S)-atenolol could be achieved using fluorimetric detection. The assay was applied to a human pharmacokinetic study which was performed in a randomized cross-over, double-blind fashion in 12 healthy volunteers, administering single oral doses of 100 mg (R,S)-, 50 mg (R)-, and 50 mg (S)-atenolol AUC0–24 and Cmax values of (R)-atenolol were slightly but significant higher than those of (S)-atenolol. The R/S ratios were 1.09 for AUC(R)/AUC(S) and 1.03 for Cmax (R)/Cmax(S) (P < 0.01) respectively after administration of the racemic drug. However, there were no differences between AUC, Cmax, and t½ values of each enantiomer, whether they were administered as single enantiometers or in the form of its racemic mixture. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
目的 优化检测烟曲霉刺激A549细胞后磷脂酸(phosphotidic acid,PA)含量变化的方法,间接反应细胞内磷脂酶D(Phospholipase D,PLD)活性变化.方法 建立烟曲霉ATCC13073刺激肺上皮细胞模型;采用甲醇氯仿法提取胞内脂质;用改良的磷脂酸含量测定法测定PA标准品和细胞内PA水平变化规律.结果 PA标准品在5~ 250 μmol/L呈线性关系;经膨胀孢子刺激后,肺上皮细胞内PA含量显著升高,休眠孢子在这一过程中对肺上皮细胞内PA含量无明显作用.结论 改良的PA测量法能快速、稳定而有效地测定细胞内的PLD活性.烟曲霉膨胀孢子能显著激活肺上皮细胞内的PLD活性.  相似文献   
Adults of Cacopsylla melanoneura, vector of the apple proliferation (AP) phytoplasma, were collected every 2 weeks from January until May in 2000 and 2001 by the beating tray method in eight apple orchards of the Aosta Valley (northwestern Italy). Total DNA was extracted from batches of five insects and amplified with the universal phytoplasma primers P1/P7 in direct PCR. A nested PCR assay was then performed on P1/P7 amplicons using the primers fO1/rO1, specific for the AP‐ phytoplasma group. The digestion of fO1/rO1 amplicons with Ssp I restriction endonuclease confirmed that C. melanoneura adults harboured the AP phytoplasma. The data obtained with PCR were used to estimate the proportion of AP‐positive insects in over wintered and offspring adults. Percentages of AP‐positive insects of 3.6% and 0.8% were estimated in 2000 among over wintered and offspring psyllids respectively. In 2001 only the over wintered insects were found infected, with an estimated proportion of 2.8%. The seasonal abundance of the vector was measured using yellow sticky traps. C. melanoneura was always present at a low population level, and the highest density was recorded from mid‐February until mid‐March in both years. The results show that the overwintered population is higher and spends a longer period in apple orchards, suggesting the crucial role of the overwintered adults in vectoring AP.  相似文献   
检测伪狂犬病的PCR方法的建立及其在临床诊断中的应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
娄高明 《病毒学报》2002,18(2):171-176
根据文献,通过计算机分析设计并合成了1对用于扩增伪狂犬病病毒(pseudorabies virus,PRV)gB基因281bp片段的引物,上游引物(P1)位于gB基因的1827~1851位,下游引物(P2)位于gB基因的2083~2107位.以PRV闽A株细胞培养毒为模板,筛选最佳反应条件和试剂工作浓度,建立了检测PRV的PCR方法.应用该方法对保存的16株伪狂犬病强弱毒株的细胞培养液进行基因扩增,均获得了281bp的特异性目的DNA片段.可是,对正常细胞与其它6种引起猪病毒性疫病相关病毒进行检测,结果均为阴性,没有出现交叉反应.对扩增产物测序,结果序列与文献报道一致,证明PCR扩增产物和方法的特异性.对PRV闽A株细胞毒提取物DNA进行检测,其最低检出量为15.8pg.用病毒分离、双抗体夹心ELISA和PCR等3种方法检测1994~2000年期间送检的临床样品和保存的PRV毒种,对所获得的结果进行χ2分析,证明PCR检出率明显高于前2种方法.对1999~2001年期间广东、福建、海南等省的76个大中型猪场送检的348份病料进行检测,检出阳性病料68份,病料阳性率为19.54%;检出阳性猪场27个,猪场阳性率为35.53%.对27个阳性猪场分析发现,种猪场阳性率为7.41%(2/27),商品猪场阳性率为92.59%(25/27).PRV在自然发病猪体内分布较广,脑、肾、肺、脾、肝、淋巴结均有PRV的存在,PRV检出率最高的组织为脑,其检出率为5/5,依次为肾12/15、肺9/16、脾10/20、肝7/18、淋巴结4/11等.实验结果表明,所建立的PCR技术可用于伪狂犬病的快速诊断和流行病学调查.  相似文献   
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