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Fatty alcohols are important components of a vast array of surfactants, lubricants, detergents, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. We have engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce 1-hexadecanol by expressing a fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) from barn owl (Tyto alba). In order to improve fatty alcohol production, we have manipulated both the structural genes and the regulatory genes in yeast lipid metabolism. The acetyl-CoA carboxylase gene (ACC1) was over-expressed, which improved 1-hexadecanol production by 56% (from 45 mg/L to 71 mg/L). Knocking out the negative regulator of the INO1 gene in phospholipid metabolism, RPD3, further enhanced 1-hexadecanol production by 98% (from 71 mg/L to 140 mg/L). The cytosolic acetyl-CoA supply was next engineered by expressing a heterologous ATP-dependent citrate lyase, which increased the production of 1-hexadecanol by an additional 136% (from 140 mg/L to 330 mg/L). Through fed-batch fermentation using resting cells, over 1.1 g/L 1-hexadecanol can be produced in glucose minimal medium, which represents the highest titer reported in yeast to date.  相似文献   
Regulators of G‐protein Signaling (Rgs) proteins are the members of a multigene family of GTPase‐accelerating proteins (GAP) for the Galpha subunit of heterotrimeric G‐proteins. Rgs proteins play critical roles in the regulation of G protein couple receptor (GPCR) signaling in normal physiology and human diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, and inflammation. Rgs12 is the largest protein of the Rgs protein family. Some in vitro studies have demonstrated that Rgs12 plays a critical role in regulating cell differentiation and migration; however its function and mechanism in vivo is largely unknown. Here, we generated a floxed Rgs12 allele (Rgs12flox/flox) in which the exon 2, containing both PDZ and PTB_PID domains of Rgs12, was flanked with two loxp sites. By using the inducible Mx1‐cre and Poly I:C system to specifically delete Rgs12 at postnatal 10 days in interferon‐responsive cells including monocyte and macrophage cells, we found that Rgs12 mutant mice had growth retardation with the phenotype of increased bone mass. We further found that deletion of Rgs12 reduced osteoclast numbers and had no significant effect on osteoblast formation. Thus, Rgs12flox/flox conditional mice provide a valuable tool for in vivo analysis of Rgs12 function and mechanism through time‐ and cell‐specific deletion of Rgs12. genesis 51:201–209, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
RGS14 contains distinct binding sites for both active (GTP-bound) and inactive (GDP-bound) forms of Gα subunits. The N-terminal regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain binds active Gαi/o-GTP, whereas the C-terminal G protein regulatory (GPR) motif binds inactive Gαi1/3-GDP. The molecular basis for how RGS14 binds different activation states of Gα proteins to integrate G protein signaling is unknown. Here we explored the intramolecular communication between the GPR motif and the RGS domain upon G protein binding and examined whether RGS14 can functionally interact with two distinct forms of Gα subunits simultaneously. Using complementary cellular and biochemical approaches, we demonstrate that RGS14 forms a stable complex with inactive Gαi1-GDP at the plasma membrane and that free cytosolic RGS14 is recruited to the plasma membrane by activated Gαo-AlF4. Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer studies showed that RGS14 adopts different conformations in live cells when bound to Gα in different activation states. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry revealed that RGS14 is a very dynamic protein that undergoes allosteric conformational changes when inactive Gαi1-GDP binds the GPR motif. Pure RGS14 forms a ternary complex with Gαo-AlF4 and an AlF4-insensitive mutant (G42R) of Gαi1-GDP, as observed by size exclusion chromatography and differential hydrogen/deuterium exchange. Finally, a preformed RGS14·Gαi1-GDP complex exhibits full capacity to stimulate the GTPase activity of Gαo-GTP, demonstrating that RGS14 can functionally engage two distinct forms of Gα subunits simultaneously. Based on these findings, we propose a working model for how RGS14 integrates multiple G protein signals in host CA2 hippocampal neurons to modulate synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   
N-Methylpyrrolidone is a solvent molecule which has been shown to compete with acetyl-lysine-containing peptides for binding to bromodomains. From crystallographic studies, it has also been shown to closely mimic the acetamide binding motif in several bromodomains, but has not yet been directly pursued as a fragment in bromodomain inhibition. In this paper, we report the elaboration of N-methylpyrrolidone as a potential lead in fragment-based drug design. Firstly, N-methylpyrrolidone was functionalised to provide points for chemical elaboration. Then, the moiety was incorporated into analogues of the reported bromodomain inhibitor, Olinone. X-ray crystallography revealed that the modified analogues showed comparable binding affinity and structural mimicry to Olinone in the bromodomain binding site.  相似文献   
Control of leafrollers using Insect Growth Regulators with juvenile-hormone acitivity (IGR) is a major issue in research on Integrated Pest Management in apple orchards. The IGR is applied at the time of emergence of the last-larval instar of leafrollers, thus causing a disturbance of metamorphosis.Simulation models on the development of Pandemis heparana (Denn. et Schiff.) and Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R.) were developed, partly on the basis of experiments, partly on data from literature, to predict the time of emergence of the various stages, particularly of the last-larval instar and the pupa. The models use the state-variable approach, and include only temperature as a driving variable.Simulated curves of emergence of last-instar larvae, pupae and moths corresponded well with observations on field-collected larvae, reared to adult stage in an outdoor insectary. The curves of pheromone trap catches showed a delay relative to the calculated and observed curves for the eclosion of pupae.To investigate whether the time of IGR application could be related to a temperature sum, the relation between emergence curves of last-instar larvae and temperature sums was studied for several years. For this purpose simulated curves were used, because observations on emergence of last-instar covered only a few years.
Résumé Le contrôle des Tordeuses par les régulateurs de croissance d'Insectes (IGR), à activité d'hormone juvénile, est un progrès majeur dans la recherche pour la lutte intégrée contre les ennemis des vergers de pommiers.L'IGR appliqué lors de l'apparition du dernier stade larvaire des Tordeuses, perturbe ainsi la métamorphose ultérieure. Afin de prévoir le moment d'apparition des différents stades, et plus particulièrement du dernier stade larvaire, des modèles de simulation du développement de Pandemis heparana (Denn. et Schiff.) et Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R.) ont été élaborés à partir d'expériences et en se basant sur des résultats de la littérature.Le modèle est basé sur l'examen de la variable d'état, la température étant la variable discriminante suivie.Les courbes simulées d'apparition des larves de dernier stade, des nymphes et des papillons correspondent aux observations faites sur les larves récoltées dans la nature et élevées jusqu'au stade adulte dans un insectarium en plein air.Le taux de capture dans les pièges à phéromone présente un retard par rapport aux courbes calculées et observées pour l'éclosion des nymphes. Différentes causes peuvent être attribuées à cette différence, mais l'influence d'aucune d'elles n'a été étudiée.Afin de déterminer si le moment de l'application d'IGR peut être lié à une somme de températures, les courbes d'apparition des larves de dernier stade ont été étudiées en relation avec les sommes de températures portant sur plusieurs années. Les observations concernant l'apparition des larves de dernier stade ne couvrant que 2 années, des courbes simulées ont été utilisées à cet effet. L'emploid de la relation liant le moment de l'apparition à la somme des températures permet de n'avoir à calculer que les sommes de températures pour déterminer le moment opportun de l'application des IGR.
Functional human hepatocytes are one of the most significant tools for studying drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion/toxicity (ADME/Tox), especially for applications in preclinical drug development (Sahi et al., 2010; Godoy et al., 2013). They provide the closest in vitro model to the human liver and the only model that mimics the drug metabolic profiles found in vivo. However, these cells lose their metabolic function rapidly and dramatically during the in vitro culture process, which largely hinders their wider application in drug development (Sahi et al., 2010; Godoy et al., 2013). To overcome this obstacle, it is important to regulate the activities of key genes which are responsible for the detoxification metabolic function of human hepatocytes.  相似文献   
We have assigned 1H, 15N and 13C resonances of the RGS domain from the human RGS14 protein, a multi-domain member of the RGS (Regulators of G-protein signalling) family of proteins, important in the down-regulation of specific G-protein signalling pathways.  相似文献   
DEP domain containing mTOR-interacting protein (DEPTOR) plays pivotal roles in regulating metabolism, growth, autophagy and apoptosis by functions as an endogenous inhibitor of mTOR signaling pathway. Activated by phosphatidic acid, a second messenger in mTOR signaling, DEPTOR dissociates from mTORC1 complex with unknown mechanism. Here, we present a 1.5 Å resolution crystal structure, which shows that the N-terminal two tandem DEP domains of hDEPTOR fold into a dumbbell-shaped structure, protruding the characteristic β-hairpin arms of DEP domains on each side. An 18 amino acids DDEX motif at the end of DEP2 interacts with DEP1 and stabilizes the structure. Biochemical studies showed that the tandem DEP domains directly interact with phosphatidic acid using two distinct positively charged patches. These results provide insights into mTOR activation upon phosphatidic acid stimulation.  相似文献   
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