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Summary The Linnaean nameCryptozo?n proliferum Hall was proposed in 1883 for a previously undescribed life-form preserved in spectacular exposures of Cambrian limestones in New York State, USA. It is now recognised that these are exposures of stromatolitic microbialites, laminated organosedimentary structures formed from interaction between a benthic microbial community (BMC) and the environment. Microbialites are neither fossil organisms nor trace fossils. These complex structures are the products of dissipative, self-organising systems involving a BMC, the external environment and the accreting microbialite. Functionally analogous BMCs of different species compositions may build similar structures in similar environments in quite separate periods. The type exposures ofCryptozo?n proliferum show objects composed of complex, concentric rings, up to a metre in diameter, that have grown laterally without any restriction other than that provided by neighbouring structures. They are not the relicts of domes truncated by penecontemporaneous erosion or Pleistocene glaciation, but depositional forms in which upward growth was restricted. Analogous modern structures occur on a reef platform along the north east shore of hyposaline Lake Clifton, Western Australia. These are tabular thrombolitic microbialites that vary lakeward across the reef platform from low, compound structures to discrete, concentric structures up to 50 cm high. The Lake Clifton forms are, in turn, morphological analogues of microatolls found on coral reef platforms. Coral microatolls are coral colonies with flat, dead tops and living perimeters in which upward growth is constrained by the sea surface. In shallow water they form circular rims of laterally growing coral around a dead centre. In deeper water they form coral heads that develop flat tops on reaching sea level. It is concluded that both the tabular microbialites of Lake Clifton and the type exposures ofCryptozo?n proliferum are analogous to coral microatolls in both form and origin-structures that have been able to grow laterally, but in which upward growth is restricted by subaerial exposure. Similar microatoll microbialites have been described from other modern environments, including Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA and Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Ancient examples may include some of the “tufa” deposits of the Basal Purbeck Formation in Dorset, UK, as well as the coalesced domal bioherms of the Upper Cambrian Arrinthrunga Formation of the Georgina Basin, Central Australia, and the “washbowl” structures described from the B?tsfjord Formation of the Varanger Peninsula, north Norway. Progress towards a reliable interpretation of ancient microbialites depends on an understanding of modern environments in which analogous structures are forming. This study of microatolls has demonstrated that other sessile life forms may create colonial ecomorphs that, used cautiously, can serve as analogues for understanding the factors controlling the growth and form of microbialites. The surprising lack of pre-Pleistocene examples of microatolls recorded to date has simply been due to their lack of recognition in the geological record. They occur in sequences from the Proterozoic onwards, and provide powerful environmental indicators of ancient reef platforms on which biological growth was adjusted to contemporary sea level.  相似文献   
When fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) endosperms plus testa (endosperms), which had been isolated from 5-h-imbibed seeds, were incubated for at least 2 h under germination conditions, they leaked substances which, like exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), inhibited the production of fenugreek endosperm -galactosidase. However, unlike ABA, 8 h treatment with these inhibitors had no effect on fenugreek endosperms which had been isolated from 15-h-imbibed seeds and leached for 2 h. This indicated that either their inhibitory action was on processes which were related to the production of -galactosidase and had been completed by this time, or that there might be factors present which inactivate these inhibitors. It was also concluded that the action of the endosperm leachate could not be attributed to the presence of ABA. The activity of the leachate decreased when it originated from endosperms imbibed for periods longer than 25 h and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of extracts from these endosperms showed decreased contents of the leachable inhibitors as imbibition proceeded. From the seed leachate, which had a TLC pattern and inhibitory action similar to that of the endosperm, were isolated three substances which, when applied to endosperms, inhibited the production of -galactosidase activity. According to their chromatographic behaviour and their reaction with specific reagents, there are strong indications that these substances are saponins. These diffusible saponin-like substances were located in both endosperm and perisperm and their physiological role is discussed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - PEG polyethylenglycol - TLC thin-layer chromatography We wish to thank the Alexander S. Onasis Public Benefit Foundation for a grant to K.Z. and Dr. J.S.G. Reid (University of Stirling, Scotland) for a kind gift of fenugreek seeds.  相似文献   
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, an osmolyte of marine algae, is thought to be the major precursor of dimethyl sulfide, which plays a dominant role in biogenic sulfur emission. The marine sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfobacterium strain PM4 was found to degrade dimethylsulfoniopropionate to 3-S-methylmercaptopropionate. The oxidation of one of the methyl groups of dimethylsulfoniopropionate was coupled to the reduction of sulfate; this process is similar to the degradation betaine to dimethylglycine which was described earlier for the same strain. Desulfobacterium PM4 is the first example of an anaerobic marine bacterium that is able to demethylate dimethylsulfoniopropionate.Abbreviations DMSP dimethylsulfoniopropionate - DMS dimethyl sulfide - MMPA 3-S-methylmercaptopropionate  相似文献   
为挖掘微杆菌(Microbacterium sp.)XT11在黄原胶降解过程中起关键作用的功能基因,预测黄原胶降解通路,利用转录组测序技术对该菌株在不同碳源培养条件下的转录本进行测序,对差异基因进行功能富集分析。结果表明,菌株XT11以葡萄糖为对照组,以黄原胶为碳源时可获得上调差异基因213个。显著上调的基因主要富集在聚糖降解、淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径、ABC转运、苯丙氨酸代谢、丙酮酸代谢五个KEGG途径。碳水化合物活性酶(Carbohydrate-active enzymes, CAZymes)功能注释表明,位于同一基因簇上的4个CAZymes基因和黄原胶降解直接相关,其余的CAZymes基因具有潜在的黄原胶降解活性。此外,预测到磷酸转移酶系统(phosphotransferase system, PTS)和ABC转运途径(ABC transporters)参与了胞外黄原胶降解中间产物的跨膜转运。挖掘了菌株XT11中黄原胶降解过程中的功能基因,并阐述了菌株XT11的黄原胶降解通路。  相似文献   
Endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) is a stringent quality control mechanism through which misfolded, unassembled and some native proteins are targeted for degradation to maintain appropriate cellular and organelle homeostasis. Several in vitro and in vivo ERAD-related studies have provided mechanistic insights into ERAD pathway activation and its consequent events; however, a majority of these have investigated the effect of ERAD substrates and their consequent diseases affecting the degradation process. In this review, we present all reported human single-gene disorders caused by genetic variation in genes that encode ERAD components rather than their substrates. Additionally, after extensive literature survey, we present various genetically manipulated higher cellular and mammalian animal models that lack specific components involved in various stages of the ERAD pathway.  相似文献   
Changes in forest cover and draining of wetlands for agriculture appear to have caused changes in the aquatic ecosystem of the River Kyrönjoki by the 16th century. In the 19th century, a decline of salmonid fish populations was widely observed as a further sign of degradation. During the latter half of the present century intensified use of naturally acidic soils has resulted in increased acidic run-off. Deterioration of water quality has extended to the estuary, where it has caused large fish-kills and affected the reproductive success of coastal species. Degradation of the coastal ecosystem, first observed in the decline of salmonids and later as a more general decline of other coastal fish populations, can be linked to spatially restricted events. The loss of key river and estuarine habitats exerted an effect over the reproduction and abundance of species migrating throughout the system. This effect contributed to observed temporal and spatial discontinuities in the degradation history. Monitoring changes in critical habitats may prove to be an early indicator of changes in the health of estuarine and coastal aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
The dominant bacteriaPseudomonas sp. andArthrobacter sp. were isolated from the standing water of carbofuran-retreatedAzolla plot.Arthrobacter sp. hydrolysed carbofuran added to the mineral salts medium as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen while no degradation occurred withPseudomonas sp. Interestingly, when the medium containing carbofuran was inoculated with bothArthrobacter sp. andPseudomonas sp., a synergistic increase in its hydrolysis and subsequent release of CO2 from the side chain was noticed. This synergistic interaction was better expressed at 25° C than at 35° C. Likewise, related carbamates, carbaryl, bendiocarb and carbosulfan were more rapidly degraded in the combined presence of both bacterial isolates.  相似文献   
Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a powerful tool for remote detection of target organisms. However, obtaining quantitative and longitudinal information from eDNA data is challenging, requiring a deep understanding of eDNA ecology. Notably, if the various size components of eDNA decay at different rates, and we can separate them within a sample, their changing proportions could be used to obtain longitudinal dynamics information on targets. To test this possibility, we conducted an aquatic mesocosm experiment in which we separated fish-derived eDNA components using sequential filtration to evaluate the decay rate and changing proportion of various eDNA particle sizes over time. We then fit four alternative mathematical decay models to the data, building towards a predictive framework to interpret eDNA data from various particle sizes. We found that medium-sized particles (1–10 μm) decayed more slowly than other size classes (i.e., <1 and > 10 μm), and thus made up an increasing proportion of eDNA particles over time. We also observed distinct eDNA particle size distribution (PSD) between our Common carp and Rainbow trout samples, suggesting that target-specific assays are required to determine starting eDNA PSDs. Additionally, we found evidence that different sizes of eDNA particles do not decay independently, with particle size conversion replenishing smaller particles over time. Nonetheless, a parsimonious mathematical model where particle sizes decay independently best explained the data. Given these results, we suggest a framework to discern target distance and abundance with eDNA data by applying sequential filtration, which theoretically has both metabarcoding and single-target applications.  相似文献   
Vegetation of 127 sites on different aspects of dune-interdunes in the Indian Thar Desert was classified using TWINSPAN. TWINSPAN groupings of sites separated better vegetated dunes of the northeast form the poorly vegetated dunes of the northwest and the southwest. Of the different ordinations using noncentred, centred and centred and standardized principal component analysis, reciprocal averaging and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), the site and species classes in DCA correlated well with ten edaphic and ten vegetational attributes of each site. Strong correlation of vegetation groupings with soil texture, moisture holding capacity and low correlation with pH and electrical conductivity revealed the possible importance of soil physical properties in affecting vegetation composition.The 11 species classes in TWINSPAN were regrouped into 18 species classes in DCA, which separated highly frequent species from those of less and least frequent species. Based on dominance-diversity attributes, Calligonum polygonoides-Lasiurus sindicus was brought out as bioedaphic climax stage. Correlation of ordination scores in different site groupings with vegetational attributes showed specific trends: From the zero of x, y and z axes to their maximum, the ordination scores of grasses and browse species declined while score of spinous species increased. The sites near the origin of the x, y and z axes were therefore least degraded and those at or near the maximum of x, y & z axes were most disturbed as was confirmed by the dominance diversity trends. Thus trends of compositional and functional attributes of vegetation of sites in different groupings helped in inferring a site's degradation status.Abbreviations RIV Relative importance value - TWINSPAN Two Way Indicator Species Analysis - PCA Principal Component Analysis - RA Reciprocal Averaging - DCA Detrended Correspondence Analysis - EC Electrical Conductivity - WHC Water Holding Capacity - BD Beta Diversity - DC Dominance Concentration - WWS Windward slope of the dune - LWS Leeward slope of the dune - ID Interdune Nomenclature: Bhandari, (1990)  相似文献   
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