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Synopsis The life history characteristics of tule perch were compared within and among populations in three drainages with substantially different environmental conditions. Within populations there were, in general, substantial increases in brood size, size of young, brood weight, and gonadal-somatic index (GSI) with age and with size of female. In at least one population there was a trade-off between the number and size of young produced. However, in a lake where individual growth was very slow, brood weight, GSI, and other life history characters showed decreasing trends with age. Among populations in isolated drainages, female length at first reproduction and longevity varied directly and mean brood size varied inversely with environmental predictability. Morphological and geological evidence and some comparative litter characteristics suggest that life history differences among populations in isolated drainages are in part genetic.  相似文献   
The growth, duplication and fate of multikaryotic hyphae bearing true clamp connections, as derived from compatible matings of Schizophyllum commune, were studied by phase contrast microscopy. The nuclei (N) of multikaryotic apices maintained a near central position during hyphal growth. True clamp connection formation occurred with near synchronous mitosis followed by septal synthesis across the clamp neck and main hyphal axis. Nuclear progeny after mitosis in a hexakaryon included 6 N in the apex, 1 N in the clamp and 5 N in the penultimate cell; the solitary nucleus in the clamp later entered the penultimate cell. Similar events occurred for clamp connection formation and mitosis in the trikaryon, quadrikaryon or pentakaryon, whether in the apex or primary branches. Nuclear content of the multikaryotic apex (2 N through 10 N) had no apparent effect on the rate of individual hyphal growth. Reduction of the nuclear number in a trikaryon occurred by long-term entrappment of a solitary nucleus in the clamp and subsequent outgrowth of the dikaryotic penultimate cell. Occasionally, more than one nucleus became entrapped in the clamp cell. The ephemeral nature of the multikaryon was indicated by the fact that older cultures appeared to be exclusively dikaryotic hyphae at the colony periphery.  相似文献   
天山林区六种灌木生物量的建模及其器官分配的适应性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
仇瑶  常顺利  张毓涛  王文栋  何平  王慧杰  谢锦 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7842-7851
灌木全株生物量估算模型的构建仍存在一定困难,对灌木生物量在器官分配上所体现的适应性研究也不够充分。以天山林区6种常见灌木为研究对象,在天山的东段、中段、西段林区分别设置样地进行群落调查,由此以全株收获法取得6种常见灌木若干标准株的全株、根、枝、叶及各径级根的生物量,将D~2H(地径平方与高度的乘积)与V(冠幅面积与高度的乘积)分别选为估测模型的自变量,通过回归分析法建立了各种灌木全株生物量的最优估算模型,然后比较了此6种灌木全株生物量在营养器官上分配差异以及根系生物量在径级上的分配差异。结果表明:(1)天山林区6种常见灌木中,小檗(Berberis heteropoda Schrenk)、忍冬(Lonicera hispida Pall.ex Roem.et Schuet.)、栒子(Cotoneaster melanocarpus Lodd.)的全株生物量约为8.48—9.01 kg,蔷薇(Rosa spinosissima L.)、绣线菊(Spiraea hypericifolia L.)、方枝柏(Juniperus pseudosabina Fisch.et Mey.)的全株生物量约为2.71—3.20 kg;(2)蔷薇、绣线菊、栒子的全株生物量最优估测模型是以V为自变量的函数,小檗、忍冬、方枝柏的全株生物量最优估测模型是以D~2H为自变量的函数,各模型R~2值均在0.850以上,且在P0.05水平上达到显著,模型模拟结果达到了较高的准确度;(3)6种灌木全株生物量在根、枝上的分配比重差异不显著,仅在叶上的分配比重有差异(P0.05);根系生物量在径级上的分配均呈现随根系径级下降而减少的规律,6种灌木在径级大于2 mm根上的分配比重存在差异(P0.05,径级大于20 mm根为P0.01水平);(4)6种灌木全株生物量在营养器官上的分配差异以及根系生物量在径级上的分配差异均体现了各物种对其生境选择的适应策略。  相似文献   
江雨佳  王国英  莫路锋 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6246-6255
由于土壤碳通量的空间异质性很强,传统的随机抽样方法无法对区域土壤碳通量进行准确估算,而多点采样需耗费大量的人力及设备成本,因此确定适当的采样点数量及分布策略对于区域土壤碳通量的测算非常重要。提出一种基于湿度空间分布特征的小尺度土壤碳通量空间采样策略:首先利用无线传感网密集测量区域的土壤湿度,根据湿度数据的空间分布特征划分监测区域,通过Hammond Mc Cullagh方程计算各子区域内的最优采样点数量,最终确定整个监测区域的空间采样点部署策略。提出的方法考虑了各子区域间土壤碳通量空间分布的差异,使得采样点的部署位置与土壤碳通量的分布具有较好的相关性。研究结果证明:土壤碳通量部署策略能够获得比均匀部署策略、随机部署策略更高的区域土壤碳通量估算准确度。  相似文献   
Ongoing evolution of polyandry, and consequent extra‐pair reproduction in socially monogamous systems, is hypothesized to be facilitated by indirect selection stemming from cross‐sex genetic covariances with components of male fitness. Specifically, polyandry is hypothesized to create positive genetic covariance with male paternity success due to inevitable assortative reproduction, driving ongoing coevolution. However, it remains unclear whether such covariances could or do emerge within complex polyandrous systems. First, we illustrate that genetic covariances between female extra‐pair reproduction and male within‐pair paternity success might be constrained in socially monogamous systems where female and male additive genetic effects can have opposing impacts on the paternity of jointly reared offspring. Second, we demonstrate nonzero additive genetic variance in female liability for extra‐pair reproduction and male liability for within‐pair paternity success, modeled as direct and associative genetic effects on offspring paternity, respectively, in free‐living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The posterior mean additive genetic covariance between these liabilities was slightly positive, but the credible interval was wide and overlapped zero. Therefore, although substantial total additive genetic variance exists, the hypothesis that ongoing evolution of female extra‐pair reproduction is facilitated by genetic covariance with male within‐pair paternity success cannot yet be definitively supported or rejected either conceptually or empirically.  相似文献   
Reproductive success is associated with age in many taxa, increasing in early life followed by reproductive senescence. In socially monogamous but genetically polygamous species, this generates the interesting possibility of differential trajectories of within‐pair and extra‐pair siring success with age in males. We investigate these relationships simultaneously using within‐individual analyses with 13 years of data from an insular house sparrow (Passer domesticus) population. As expected, we found that both within‐ and extra‐pair paternity success increased with age, followed by a senescence‐like decline. However, the age trajectories of within‐ and extra‐pair paternity successes differed significantly, with the extra‐pair paternity success increasing faster, although not significantly, in early life, and showing a delayed decline by 1.5 years on average later in life compared to within‐pair paternity success. These different trajectories indicate that the two alternative mating tactics should have age‐dependent pay‐offs. Males may partition their reproductive effort between within‐ and extra‐pair matings depending on their current age to reap the maximal combined benefit from both strategies. The interplay between these mating strategies and age‐specific mortality may explain the variation in rates of extra‐pair paternity observed within and between species.  相似文献   
中国的野生东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)数量已降到了极低的状态,及时开展有关东北虎及其猎物资源野外调查,对了解东北虎生存现状和制定保护策略都具有重大意义.吉林珲春东北虎国家级自然保护区是我国现存东北虎活动最频繁的地区之一,为了解该保护区的东北虎及其猎物资源状况,2009~2010年冬季,采用样...  相似文献   
甘薯分子遗传图谱的建立对甘薯分子育种技术体系的拓展和应用具有重要意义。当前,对甘薯分子遗传图谱的研究虽然取得一定的进展,但存在着很多技术瓶颈,如作图策略应用和优化等。总结了甘薯经典和分子遗传研究进展,剖析了甘薯分子遗传图谱作图的3种方法与策略;探讨和提出了提高甘薯作图效率和质量的途径主要是:优化作图群体质量、克服偏分离、整合多群体间遗传连锁图谱和选择合适的分子标记类型;并指出染色体关联在遗传作图中的重要性,提出甘薯分子育种领域亟待加强的方面,以期为今后甘薯精密分子图谱的建立及基于分子图谱的甘薯分子育种提供新的思路。  相似文献   
Questions: How does disturbance and successional age influence richness, size and composition of the soil seed bank? What is the potential contribution of the soil seed bank to the plant community composition on sites differing in their successional age or disturbance intensity? Location: Experimental Botanical Garden of Göttingen University, central Germany. Methods: Above‐ground vegetation and soil seed bank were studied on formerly arable fields in a 36‐year‐old permanent plot study with five disturbance intensities, ranging from yearly ploughing via mowing to long‐term uninterrupted succession. We compared species compositions, seed densities and functional features of the seed bank and above‐ground vegetation by using several methods in parallel. Results: The seed bank was mainly composed of early successional species typical of strongly disturbed habitats. The difference between seed bank composition and above‐ground vegetation decreased with increasing disturbance intensity. The species of greatest quantitative importance in the seed bank was the non‐native forb Solidago canadensis. Conclusions: The ability of a plant community to regenerate from the soil seed bank dramatically decreases with increasing time since abandonment (successional age) and with decreasing disturbance intensity. The present study underlines that plant species typical of grasslands and woodlands are limited by dispersal capacity, owing to low capacity for accumulation of seeds in the soil and the fact that most species do not build up persistent seed banks. Rare and target species were almost absent from the seed bank and will, after local elimination, depend on reintroduction for continuation of their presence.  相似文献   
Birds exhibit a range of wintering behaviour from strictly migrant to strictly resident species. In partially migrating ones, some birds overwinter within their breeding region (resident birds) while others, although breeding in the same area, winter far away (migrant birds). Accordingly, choosing a wintering region is a key stage in the annual life cycle of birds, notably for inexperienced first‐year individuals. The present study aimed to investigate this issue, and more specifically to study the distribution pattern during winter and factors influencing the wintering behaviour of first‐year pied avocets Recurvirostra avosetta. Based on a 10‐yr ringing study carried out on five of the major French breeding colonies distributed along the Atlantic coast, we showed the coexistence of different wintering tactics. The resident tactic was predominant (approximately 86% of the 575 birds re‐sighted), while the other birds adopted migration. Among resident individuals, two different tactics occurred: 43% of birds overwintered within their natal colony, whereas the others wintered in another site located at relatively close proximity along the French Atlantic coast. Hatching date was a consistent predictor of all wintering tactics. More specifically, the probability of migrating was the highest for early‐hatched birds, and for resident ones, the probability of wintering within their natal colony rather than in another French site was the highest for both median‐ and late‐hatched individuals. In addition, a colony effect was demonstrated for resident birds. Several biological interpretations, including social system, variations in both individual body condition and habitat quality, were put forward to explain these correlates.  相似文献   
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