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Mammals living in more complex social groups typically have large brains for their body size and many researchers have proposed that the primary driver of the increase in brain size through primate and hominin evolution was the selection pressures associated with sociality. Many mammals, and especially primates, use flexible signals that show a high degree of voluntary control and these signals may play an important role in forming and maintaining social relationships between group members. However, the specific role that cognitive skills play in this complex communication, and how in turn this relates to sociality, is still unclear. The hypothesis for the communicative roots of complex sociality and cognition posits that cognitive demands behind the communication needed to form and maintain bonded social relationships in complex social settings drives the link between brain size and sociality. We review the evidence in support of this hypothesis and why key features of cognitively complex communication such as intentionality and referentiality should be more effective in forming and maintaining bonded relationships as compared with less cognitively complex communication. Exploring the link between cognition, communication and sociality provides insights into how increasing flexibility in communication can facilitate the emergence of social systems characterised by bonded social relationships, such as those found in non‐human primates and humans. To move the field forward and carry out both within‐ and among‐species comparisons, we advocate the use of social network analysis, which provides a novel way to describe and compare social structure. Using this approach can lead to a new, systematic way of examining social and communicative complexity across species, something that is lacking in current comparative studies of social structure.  相似文献   
The noise filter hypothesis predicts that species using higher sound frequencies should be more tolerant of noise pollution, because anthropogenic noise is more intense at low frequencies. Recent work analysed continental‐scale data on anthropogenic noise across the USA and found that passerine species inhabiting more noise‐polluted areas do not have higher peak song frequency but have more complex songs. However, this metric of song complexity is of ambiguous interpretation, because it can indicate either diverse syllables or a larger frequency bandwidth. In the latter case, the finding would support the noise filter hypothesis, because larger frequency bandwidths mean that more sound energy spreads to frequencies that are less masked by anthropogenic noise. We reanalysed how passerine song predicts exposure to noise using a more thorough dataset of acoustic song measurements, and showed that it is large frequency bandwidths, rather than diverse syllables, that predict the exposure of species to noise pollution. Given that larger bandwidths often encompass higher maximum frequencies, which are less masked by anthropogenic noise, our result suggests that tolerance to noise pollution might depend mostly on having the high‐frequency parts of song little masked by noise, thus preventing acoustic communication from going entirely unnoticed at long distances.  相似文献   
PurposeWe investigated the feasibility of robust optimization for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for liver cancer in comparison with planning target volume (PTV)-based optimized plans. Treatment plan quality, robustness, complexity, and accuracy of dose delivery were assessed.MethodsTen liver cancer patients were selected for this study. PTV-based optimized plans with an 8-mm PTV margin and robust optimized plans with an 8-mm setup uncertainty were generated. Plan perturbed doses were evaluated using a setup error of 8 mm in all directions from the isocenter. The dosimetric comparison parameters were clinical target volume (CTV) doses (D98%, D50%, and D2%), liver doses, and monitor unit (MU). Plan complexity was evaluated using the modulation complexity score for VMAT (MCSv).ResultsThere was no significant difference between the two optimizations with respect to CTV doses and MUs. Robust optimized plans had a higher liver dose than did PTV-based optimized plans. Plan perturbed dose evaluations showed that doses to the CTV for the robust optimized plans had small variations. Robust optimized plans were less complex than PTV-based optimized plans. Robust optimized plans had statistically significant fewer leaf position errors than did PTV-based optimized plans.ConclusionsComparison of treatment plan quality, robustness, and plan complexity of both optimizations showed that robust optimization could be feasibile for VMAT of liver cancer.  相似文献   
Litter decomposition, a fundamental process of nutrient cycling and energy flow in freshwater ecosystems, is driven by a diverse array of decomposers. As an important component of the heterotrophic food web, meiofauna can provide a trophic link between leaf‐associated microbes (i.e., bacteria and fungi)/plant detritus and macroinvertebrates, though their contribution to litter decomposition is not well understood. To investigate the role of different decomposer communities in litter decomposition, especially meiofauna, we compared the litter decomposition of three leaf species with different lignin to nitrogen ratios in litter bags with different mesh sizes (0.05, 0.25, and 2 mm) in a forested stream, in China for 78 days. The meiofauna significantly enhanced the decomposition of leaves of high‐and medium‐ quality, while decreasing (negative effect) or increasing (positive effect) the fungal biomass and diversity. Macrofauna and meiofauna together contributed to the decomposition of low‐quality leaf species. The presence of meiofauna and macrofauna triggered different aspects of the microbial community, with their effects on litter decomposition varying as a function of leaf quality. This study reveals that the meiofauna increased the trophic complexity and modulated their interactions with microbes, highlighting the important yet underestimated role of meiofauna in detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   
大多数无尾两栖类的配偶选择依赖声音通讯。为吸引雌性,雄性可通过增加音节数量或鸣声复杂性的方式提升鸣声吸引力。工作记忆是指在进行复杂认知活动时对过去短时间内接收到的信息进行处理和储存的一种记忆程序。目前,大多数无尾两栖类鸣声通讯研究侧重于揭示鸣声信号的功能,但关于工作记忆对雌性配偶选择的影响及其在复杂求偶信号进化过程中的作用的研究十分匮乏。本研究以锯腿原指树蛙(Kurixalus odontotarsus)为实验对象,利用趋声性实验测试雌性对不同复杂程度鸣声信号的工作记忆。雄性锯腿原指树蛙的鸣声主要包含A音节("呱"音)和B音节("啾"音),两类音节可以组成不同复杂程度的鸣声,如简单的广告鸣叫5A、复杂的组合鸣叫5A2B和5A5B。实验过程中为雌蛙播放不同复杂程度的鸣声刺激对(5A vs. 5A2B及5A vs. 5A5B),然后进行不同时长安静处理(0 s、5 s、10 s、15 s和30 s)。若安静处理后大部分雌蛙仍选择之前播放复杂鸣声的音箱,则认为此次安静处理时长在雌性对复杂鸣声的工作记忆范围内。实验数据通过广义估计方程(GEE)和精确二项分布检验进行统计分析。研究结果表明,相较于5A,雌性对组合鸣叫5A2B的工作记忆大约有15 s,对5A5B的工作记忆大约有10 s;而组间比较结果表明,雌性对于5A2B和5A5B的工作记忆没有显著性差异。因此,本研究认为复杂鸣声信号会通过工作记忆影响雌性的行为决策,且工作记忆对复杂鸣声信号进化的影响可能具有物种特异性。  相似文献   
Growing research effort has shown that physical enrichment (PE) can improve fish welfare and research validity. However, the inclusion of PE does not always result in positive effects and conflicting findings have highlighted the many nuances involved. Effects are known to depend on species and life stage tested, but effects may also vary with differences in the specific items used as enrichment between and within studies. Reporting fine-scale characteristics of items used as enrichment in studies may help to reveal these factors. We conducted a survey of PE-focused studies published in the last 5 years to examine the current state of methodological reporting. The survey results suggest that some aspects of enrichment are not adequately detailed. For example, the amount and dimensions of objects used as enrichment were frequently omitted. Similarly, the ecological relevance, or other justification, for enrichment items was frequently not made explicit. Focusing on ecologically relevant aspects of PE and increasing the level of detail reported in studies may benefit future work and we propose a framework with the acronym DETAILS ( D imensions, E cological rationale, T iming of enrichment, A mount, I nputs, L ighting and S ocial environment). We outline the potential importance of each of the elements of this framework with the hope it may aid in the level of reporting and standardization across studies, ultimately aiding the search for more beneficial types of PE and the development of our understanding and ability to improve the welfare of captive fish and promote more biologically relevant behaviour.  相似文献   
Although evolutionary theory predicts an association between the evolution of elaborate ornamentation and speciation, empirical evidence for links between speciation and ornament evolution has been mixed. In birds, the evolution of increasingly complex and colorful plumage may promote speciation by introducing prezygotic mating barriers. However, overall changes in color complexity, including both increases and decreases, may also promote speciation by altering the sexual signals that mediate reproductive choices. Here, we examine the relationship between complex plumage and speciation rates in the largest family of songbirds, the tanagers (Thraupidae). First, we test whether species with more complex plumage coloration are associated with higher speciation rates and find no correlation. We then test whether rates of male or female plumage color complexity evolution are correlated with speciation rates. We find that elevated rates of plumage complexity evolution are associated with higher speciation rates, regardless of sex and whether species are evolving more complex or less complex ornamentation. These results extend to whole-plumage color complexity and regions important in signaling (crown and throat) but not nonsignaling regions (back and wingtip). Our results suggest that the extent of change in plumage traits, rather than overall values of plumage complexity, may play a role in speciation.  相似文献   
Acquisition of scientific reasoning is one of the big challenges in education. A popular educational strategy advocated for acquiring deep knowledge is inquiry-based learning, which is driven by emerging ‘good questions’. This study will address the question: ‘Which design features allow learners to refine questions while preserving student ownership of the inquiry process?’ This design-based research has been conducted over several years with advanced high-school biology classes. The results confirm the central role of question elaboration as an interactive process that leads from vague to complex and adequate. To make this happen, the inquiry process must extend over a long time, learners and teachers should share a knowledge improvement goal, and text produced by students should be structured by question–answer pairs addressing a single concept using authentic resources. Further features are discussion with peers, teacher feedback with respect to answer elaboration and conceptual differentiation, and finally, teacher guidance that should fade out in successive inquiry cycles to ensure student responsibility.  相似文献   
A structural class in the MemGen classification of membrane proteins is a set of evolutionary related proteins sharing a similar global fold. A structural class contains both closely related pairs of proteins for which homology is clear from sequence comparison and very distantly related pairs, for which it is not possible to establish homology based on sequence similarity alone. In the latter case the evolutionary link is based on hydropathy profile analysis. Here, we use these evolutionary related sets of proteins to analyze the relationship between E-values in BLAST searches, sequence similarities in multiple sequence alignments and structural similarities in hydropathy profile analyses. Two structural classes of secondary transporters termed ST[3], which includes the Ion Transporter (IT) superfamily and ST[4], which includes the DAACS family (TC# 2.A.23) were extracted from the NCBI protein database. ST[3] contains 2051 unique sequences distributed over 32 families and 59 subfamilies. ST[4] is a smaller class containing 399 unique sequences distributed over 2 families and 7 subfamilies. One subfamily in ST[4] contains a new class of binding protein dependent secondary transporters. Comparison of the averaged hydropathy profiles of the subfamilies in ST[3] and ST[4] revealed that the two classes represent different folds. Divergence of the sequences in ST[4] is much smaller than observed in ST[3], suggesting different constraints on the proteins during evolution. Analysis of the correlation between the evolutionary relationship of pairs of proteins in a class and the BLAST E-value revealed that: (i) the BLAST algorithm is unable to pick up the majority of the links between proteins in structural class ST[3], (ii) ‘low complexity filtering’ and ‘composition based statistics’ improve the specificity, but strongly reduce the sensitivity of BLAST searches for distantly related proteins, indicating that these filters are too stringent for the proteins analyzed, and (iii) the E-value cut-off, which may be used to evaluate evolutionary significance of a hit in a BLAST search is very different for the two structural classes of membrane proteins.  相似文献   
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