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The growth rate of an oceanic dinoflagellate, Ceratium teres Kofoid, was investigated in the Sargasso and Caribbean Seas from September 1989 to July 1990 using the cell cycle analysis method. Estimated growth rates ranged from 0.29 to 0.58 day?1 and were 1.5–7.2 times higher than generally accepted rates for oceanic dinoflagellates. The higher rates in this report were mainly due to an improvement in techniques that determine the duration of a terminal cell cycle phase in situ. The day-to-day variation in growth rates was surprisingly small, but, from long-term measurements, a weak correlation was found among temperature, daily irradiance, and seasonal growth rate. The calculated species-specific primary production ranged from 0.5 to 1.8 mg C·m?2·day?1, about 1% of the estimated total production. Ceratium teres may be an important carbon source at the base of the grazing food chain.  相似文献   
Synopsis Distribution of leptocephali ofConger in the Western North Atlantic Ocean was studied using specimens from our collections, specimens from other collections, and various existing collection records. The presence of leptocephali ofConger oceanicus andConger triporiceps < 30 mm long over deep water in the southwestern Sargasso Sea in autumn and winter implies a protracted spawning period there. The subtropical convergence zone, meandering east-west across the Sargasso Sea, is probably the northern limit of spawning of both species. Spawning may also occur close to the Bahamas and Antilles.C. triporiceps may spawn also in the Caribbean Sea judging by the capture of small leptocephali in the western Caribbean and of the more southerly continental distribution of its juveniles. The claim of Johannes Schmidt in 1931 that the EuropeanC. conger spawns across the North Atlantic into the western Sargasso Sea is probably incorrect, because leptocephali ofConger are rare in the eastern Sargasso Sea and becauseC. triporiceps, with myomere numbers overlapping those ofC. conger, was recently described in the western North Atlantic. With increasing size, leptocephali ofC. oceanicus and a portion ofC. triporiceps spread westward and northward in the Florida Current and Gulf Stream, but larger leptocephali especially ofC. triporiceps are found also in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Spawning ofC. oceanicus in the Sargasso Sea indicates that adults cross the Florida Current-Gulf Stream, and successful leptocephali cross the current in the opposite direction to colonize juvenile habitat on the continental shelf, a migratory pattern similar to that of the American eelAnguilla rostrata (Anguillidae).  相似文献   
Summary Despite extensive discussions during the last 20 years stromatolites are still used by many geologists as unequivocal indicators of very shallow-water conditions. We investigated four stratigraphic units from the Lower and Middle Jurassic of southern Germany (Posidonien-Schiefer, Amaltheen-Ton) and of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Adneter Kalk, Klauskalk), which were formerly interpreted as shallow marine sediments by some authors due to the occurrence of stromatolites. Our interpretations of the macro-, micro- and ultrafacies of these sediments are not compatible with shallow-water settings. We therefore propose a deep-marine, aphotic origin of these stromatolites. Former interpretations of the Posidonien-Schiefer as a shallow-water deposit are mainly based on the occurrence of stromatolites. We favour the model of a temporarily stagnant, deep, aphotic basin for these planktonrich sediments. Particles resembling ooids, but lying within mudstones cannot be taken as evidence for shallow agitated water. They either formed within the mud or are allochthonous. The deep-water setting of the red limestone of the Alpine Early and Middle Jurassic is indicated by a lack of platform-typical components like coated grains and phototrophic benthos and by shells of plankton and nekton forming a major part of the sediment. Stromatolites occur on the steep slope of a drowned Rhaetian reef with an estimated relief of 50–100 m and immediately below and within radiolarian limestones, deposited below the aragonite compensation depth (ACD). The aphotic stromatolites show some morphological differences to their shallow water counterparts. In all of our sections they occurred during intervals of reduced sedimentation. They form only thin horizons and probably grew very slowly. Mineralizations by Fe−Mn oxides and phosphate are very common. The presence of a microbial film is evident from binding of sedimentary particles, but the nature of the microbes is not known. Growth habits within the very distinct environments of red limestone and black shales show some common features, but also clear differences. The microproblematicumFrutexites Maslov is a very common component in deep-water stromatolites, but may also itself form small crusts or dendrolites. It occurs in two different forms. Opaque, slender forms with indistinct outlines probably grew within the weakly lithified sediment. Thicker, transparent forms with well defined outlines are found in cavities and probably also grew on the seafloor. Well preserved specimens display an internal fabric of radially arranged fibres of Fe−Mn oxides and calcite. It is suggested that calcite or aragonite were one original mineralogy ofFrutexites, which was later replaced by Fe−Mn oxides or phosphate. It is not certain whetherFrutexites is an organic, biomineralized structure or an inorganic mineralization, but the variable mineralogy and growth forms in different environments point to an organic origin. But even if organic, the occurrence in cryptic habitats and negative phototactic growth-directions make it clear thatFrutexites was not phototrophic.  相似文献   
Availability, uptake and turnover of glycerol in hypersaline environments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract A sensitive assay for glycerol and other polyols was developed, based on periodate oxidation to formaldehyde, followed by a colorimetric assay with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolone hydrazone. Apparent glycerol concentrations thus measured in saltern crystallizer ponds were around 20–36 μM, while in the Dead Sea, during a Dunaliella bloom, values were up to 27 μM. However, these values probably overestimate the glycerol concentrations present, as shown by labeled glycerol uptake experiments. Values of [K + Sn] (natural concentration + affinity constant) in saltern ponds were as low as 0.76–1.4 μM, with Vmax values of 193–303 nmol 1−1h−1, and turnover times between 2.6–7.2 h at 35°C. Similar measurements in the Dead Sea were: [K + Sn] 0.07–1.41 μM, Vmax values 160–426 nmol 1−1h−1, and turnover times in the range of 0.45–3.3 h.  相似文献   
In the archives of the State Institute of Fisheries Research a handwritten report of A. van der Werff on the wasting disease ofZostera marina L. in the Waddensea in 1932 and 1933 is kept. It contains an eye-witness account of the decline of the eelgrass beds. In 1932 the first attack of the disease took place in May and caused heavy devastation. Regeneration started soon, but a second attack at the end of August seemed to destroy the beds definitively. The next year was a year of struggle for the few poorly developed surviving plants. In 1938 the last surviving specimens were seen in the sublittoral.  相似文献   
Sediments of the southern Baltic Sea were analysed for content of steryl chlorin esters, the chlorin compounds discovered recently in the marine environment. The chlorin esters occur in the Baltic sediments in substantial amounts and form a considerable fraction of the total chlorin content. Among the physicochemical parameters studied the highest correlation with the steryl chlorins showed organic carbon content in sediments and the content of fraction of sediments smaller than 10 μm. A significant correlation was observed between the steryl chlorins content and other chlorins as chlorophylla, phaeophytina, pyrophaeophytina as well as with β-carotene, the distinctly less significant correlation was with phaeophorbidea. This indicates an other way of formation of the steryl chlorins from algae than zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   
Samples of suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected from the Humber Estuary had higher concentrations of particulate metals than SPM from Holderness coastal waters (U.K.). Characterised SPM from both sources was used in laboratory experiments involving the uptake of radiotracer109Cd,137Cs,54Mn and65Zn. Kinetic experiments, over five days, showed that the rate and extent of uptake was highly dependent on particle type, with109Cd,54Mn and65Zn being more reactive with Humber Estuary particles than those from Holderness and137Cs having the opposite trend. Adsorption experiments were also carried out on suspensions in which SPM from the Humber Estuary and Holderness coastal water were mixed in various proportions. These experiments revealed that Kd for65Zn increased linearly with the proportion of Humber SPM, Kd for137Cs decreased linearly with increase in Humber SPM and Kd for54Mn and109Cd displayed non-linear behaviour. The results of the study were used to develop an algorithm for predicting the partition coefficients in the Humber Plume based on the extent of particle mixing from the two source regions. The use of206/207Pb ratios in determining the extent of particle mixing is discussed, along with the application of the algorithm to the modelling of particulate trace metal behaviour in the Humber-Wash coastal zone.  相似文献   
Abstract. Natural regeneration of Pinus resinosa (red pine) seedlings around mature trees was studied in burned and unburned stands. Growth inhibitory effects of the forest organic matter on red pine seedlings was tested by a stair-step experiment using leachate of forest soil monoliths and also by a seed germination bio-assay using forest floor substrates. To test if higher burning temperatures can remove the allelopathic effects of red pine-Kalmia organic matter, a laboratory bio-assay was conducted by germinating red pine seeds on the organic matter burned at 200, 400, 600 and 800°C. Deposition of dry needles and a thick duff layer under red pine stands affected seedling establishment. Red pine seedling establishment increased with the decreasing thickness of duff layer away from the stump of the seed-bearing trees. Wildfire helped in removing the duff layer and increased seedling establishment. A high fuel load within a 0 - 1 m radius around the tree stump caused a deep burn of the organic matter including part of the soil seed reserve. On a burned-over surface, more seedlings established in a band between 1 and 2 m around the stump than inside and outside the band. Primary root growth of red pine was severely inhibited when the seedlings were grown in unburned forest floor organic matter where Kalmia was the principal understory species. Water leachate of a Pinus resinosa-Kalmia soil monolith was inhibitory to red pine seedling growth. In greenhouse conditions, the seedlings grew well in burned-over soil from a Pinus resinosa stand. Burned organic matter from a red pine forest showed an increase in pH with a burning temperature of 600°C. Primary root growth of red pine seedlings was similarly increased with increasing temperature up to 600°C; at higher temperatures the root length of seedlings did not increase any further.  相似文献   
While investigating dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments of the Gulfs of Naples and Salerno (Mediterranean Sea), we found a new calcareous resting cyst. This cyst has a round to oval body surrounded by a thick mineral layer, which gives it the shape of a Napoleon hat, with a flat, oval face bearing the archeopyle and a convex keel on the opposite side. The cyst shape is variable in both natural samples and clonal cultures. The organic membrane underlying the calcareous covering is resistant to acetolysis, thus demonstrating the presence of sporopolleninlike material. The cyst germinated into a motile stage having the same morphological features and thecal plate pattern as Peridinium tyrrhenicum Balech. We believe the validity of the genus Pentapharsodinium Indelicato & Loeblich should be accepted. Based on the comparative examination of the species we collected and of a similar species, Pentapharsodinium trachodium Indelicato & Loeblich, we propose Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum as a new combination for Peridinium tyrrhenicum. The genus Pentapharsodinium also includes P. dalei Indelicato & Loeblich (= Peridinium faeroense Dale), which produces spiny, organic-walled cysts. The presence of species forming calcareous cysts and species producing noncalcareous cysts in the same genus raises questions about maintaining the family Calciodinellaceae. This family should only include calcareous cyst-forming peridinioids, in order to maintain a unified system of classification of fossil and recent dinoflagellates.  相似文献   
Conservation of salt lakes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
W. D. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1993,267(1-3):291-306
Salt lakes have a variety of important uses and values, including especially both economic and scientific ones. These uses and values have been and are increasingly subject to degradation from a variety of impacts: diversion of inflows, pollution, agricultural practices, and introduction of exotic species are among the more important. Recognition of these impacts upon salt lakes has led to some international and national measures for their conservation, but considerably more effort in this direction is needed. Against this background, Mono Lake, California, USA, and the Aral Sea, central Asia, are discussed as two localities which bring into sharp focus the various matters discussed in the paper. Finally, attention is drawn to the need to conserve the Akrotiri Salt Lake, Cyprus.  相似文献   
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