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There is presently a debate concerning the number of phases in fluorescence induction and on the identification of the several possible heterogeneities in PS II centres. However, the usual methods of analysis present numerical problems, including a lack of robustness (robustness being defined as the ability to give the correct answer in the presence of distortions or artefacts). We present here the adaptation of the method of moments, which was developed for robustness, to the analysis of fluorescence induction. We were thus able to identify three phases in the fluorescence induction in the presence of DCMU. The slowest phase was attributed to the centres inactive in plastoquinone reduction by using duroquinone as electron acceptor. In order to compare fluorescence with and without DCMU, we introduced the rate of photochemistry, defined as the product of the area times the rate constant of an exponential. This quantity is invariant for a given centre no matter what the size of the electron acceptor pool is. The two fastest phases in the presence of DCMU were attributed to active centres because their rate of photochemistry was the same as that of the plastoquinone-reducing phases in the absence of DCMU. Because their reduction of plastoquinone showed different kinetics, these two types of active centres were either separated by more than 250 nm or were associated with discrete plastoquinone pools having restricted diffusion domains.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DMBQ 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone - MOPS 3-[N-Morpholino]propanesulphonic acid - PpBQ Phenyl-p-benzoquinone  相似文献   
Foci, nodules of cellular overgrowth, that appear after confluence are an in vitro characteristic of malignant transformation. A well-studied in vitro model of estrogen-dependent tumors is the MCF-7 cell line, derived from a pleural metastasis of a human breast adenocarcinoma. We report that cultivation of MCF-7 cells, using routine methods, results in extensive estrogen-stimulated postconfluent cell accumulation characterized by discrete three-dimensional arrays. Side view Nomarski optical sections revealed these to be principally multicellular foci with occasional domes and pseudoacinar vacuoles. This effect on MCF-7 cell growth occurs in media containing fetal bovine serum but not with calf serum or charcoal-dextran-treated fetal bovine serum unless supplemented with estrogens. Foci formation starts 5-6 days after confluence, and the number of foci generated is a function of the concentration of added estrogens. Foci formation is suppressed by the antiestrogens Tamoxifen and LY 156758. Addition of progesterone, testosterone, or dexamethasone had little or no effect, while various estrogens (ethinyl estradiol, diethylstilbestrol, and moxestrol) induced foci development. Clones derived from single cells of the initial MCF-7 population revealed a wide variance in estrogen-induced foci formation, demonstrating heterogeneity of this tumor cell line. The postconfluent cell growth of the estrogen receptor-deficient cell line, MDA-MB-231, contrasted with MCF-7 by developing an extensive multilayer morphology devoid of discrete structures. The tumorigenic potential of the MCF-7 cells used in our experiments was confirmed by their estrogen-dependent growth in immunosuppressed male BDF1 mice. These data suggest an estrogen receptor-based mechanism for the development of multicellular foci during postconfluent growth of MCF-7 cells. After confluence, foci, in contrast to the quiescent surrounding monolayer, retain proliferating cells. Focus formation, therefore, reflects the heterogeneous responsiveness of these cells to estrogens and should provide a model permitting in vitro comparisons between the progenitor cells of multicellular foci and the monolayer population.  相似文献   
Summary Cultured fibroblasts derived from normal human dermis show a consistent 62% inhibition of collagen synthesis by hydrocortisone, whereas cultures derived from keloids average only 30% inhibition and show a much larger strain to strain variation ranging from 75% inhibition to 49% stimulation. Examination of fibroblast clones indicates that this high variation among keloid strains is not due to differences in the proportion of normal and keloid cells in the mass culture populations. Small but significant differences in the effect of hydrocortisone on collagen deposition are also seen among these clonal populations, but are not related to the type of tissue from which cultures were derived. Two to three-fold differences among clones derived from a single individual were observed, possibly suggesting functional heterogeneity of dermal fibroblasts with regard to collagen metabolism under control conditions and in response to hydrocortisone. However, this variation among clones may simply reflect differences in clonal growth, inasmuch as both collagen synthesis and deposition, and the effect of hydrocortisone on these processes, are strongly affected by population density. This work was supported in part by PHS grants, CA-17229 from the National Cancer Institute and AG-02046 from the National Institute on Aging, DHHS; and by Grant RIM 78-17313 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Competition by Estrogens for Catecholamine Receptor Binding In Vitro   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract: We have examined the ability of various steroids to compete for high-affinity binding of 3H-labeled ligands to catecholamine receptors in membranes prepared from rat cerebral cortex, striatum, and anterior pituitary. Ligands employed were: [3H]WB4101, [3H]prazosin, [3H]yohimbine, and [3H]clonidine (alpha-noradrenergic); [3H]dihydroalprenolol (beta-noradrenergic); [3H]spiperone and [3H]ADTN (dopaminergic). Only the 17β estrogens were effective and only binding of [3H]spiperone and [3H]ADTN in striatum and [3H]WB4101 and [3H]prazosin in cerebral cortex was reduced. Thus putative dopaminergic and alpha1-noradrenergic sites alone appear to recognize estrogens. A slight competitive effect on [3H]spiperone binding to anterior pituitary membranes was also observed. Among the 17β estrogens tested, the most effective in all cases was the catechol estrogen 2-hydroxyestradiol (2-OHE2). The ability of 2-OHE2 (IC50= 20–30 μM) to inhibit ligand binding to alpha1 receptors was comparable to that of norepinephrine (IC50= 10–20 μM), whereas for dopamine receptors in striatum and pituitary 2-OHE2 was an order of magnitude less effective than dopamine (IC30= 12 μM) in reducing binding of 3H ligands. Estradiol-17β and 2-hydroxyestrone were also able to inhibit binding, but the order of steroid potency was different for alpha1 and dopaminergic receptors. Progesterone, testosterone, and corticosterone were without effect in all cases. These results show that there is specificity of steroid interactions with catecholamine receptors in the brain, both in terms of steroid structure and receptor type. The possible relevance of these interactions to neuroendocrine function is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: Skeletal muscle cells of newborn rats, cultured in the absence of neuronal influence, were found to contain two types of cell surface acetylcholine receptors as demonstrated by isoelectric focusing. The isoelectric points of the two types of receptors were indistinguishable from those of junctional and extrajunctional types of receptors in mature animals. The cultured cells had two classes of intracellular α-bungarotoxin (αBT) binding components; one had the same sedimentation coefficient as that of surface receptors (9S), and the other had much smaller apparent molecular weights. Only a single major component was detected by isoelectric focusing analysis of the 9s intracellular aBT binding component, with a PI value close to that of the extra junctional receptor. These results suggest that the junctional and extrajunctional types of receptors may be synthesized through a common precursor.  相似文献   
Histochemical techniques have been employed to characterize enzymatic activity in the mesocoxal muscles of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Through our studies of the enzymes myosin-ATPase, NADH reductase, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), we were able to classify fibers within these muscles according to criteria established for muscle fibers of vertebrates. Many of the mesocoxal muscles possess two different and distinct populations of fibers, whereas the remaining muscles are homogeneous with respect to their constituent fibers. The data presented here indicate biochemical heterogeneity for muscles of differing structural and functional features and possible neurotrophic influences upon oxidative enzymes and myosin-ATPase isozymes.  相似文献   
三峡水库运行期间原生动物群落的时空异质性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑金秀  池仕运  李聃  汪红军  胡菊香 《生态学报》2015,35(11):3569-3579
于2010年10月—2011年6月三峡水库正常运行周期内对库区干流原生动物进行调查,研究其空间分布及水库周期排蓄期间的变化。共检测到原生动物99种,蓄水后纤毛虫有增多的趋势。水库运行的不同阶段优势种不同,大致演变为:砂壳纤毛虫(蓄水期)—非砂壳类纤毛虫(高位运行期间)—有壳肉足虫(低位运行期间)。不同水域优势种也存在差异,从上游到下游特征指示种变化为:有壳肉足虫(变动回水区)—纤毛虫(湖泊区)。结果表明,三峡水库原生动物的分布具有明显的时空异质性(P0.05),影响原生动物时空分布的主要因素有透明度、温度、电导率和叶绿素a。原生动物平均密度为952.19个/L,平均生物量为8.14μg/L。蓄水期上游现存量高于下游,低位运行期间则低于下游。原生动物Marglef和Shannonn-Weiver多样性指数平均值分别为3.78和2.18,1月份最低,6月份最高。蓄水175 m后上游变动回水区原生动物具有较高的丰度。水库冬蓄夏排的运行模式模糊了河流本身的季节变化,使原生动物的种类和现存量更多的受水库水动力学的影响,使水体理化因子和水文特征呈现明显的时空差异,最终形成原生动物种群的时空异质性分布。  相似文献   
Understanding the effect of ground types on foraging movements of ground‐dwelling arthropods is a key step to managing their spatial distribution as required for successful conservation biological control. Indeed, fine movements at the centimeter scale can strongly influence the foraging ability of pest predators. However, because radio frequency identification or harmonic tracking techniques are not yet suitable for small species and video tracking focuses on uniform and light backgrounds, foraging movements have rarely been studied in relation to ground types. We present a method to track a ground‐dwelling arthropod (the earwig Euborellia caraibea) at night, walking on two contrasted ground types: bare soil and soil partly covered with a stratum of banana plant residues allowing individuals to hide periodically. The tracking of individuals within these ground types was achieved by infrared light, tagging individuals, video treatments, and semi‐automatic cleaning of trajectories. We tested different procedures to obtain segments with identical durations to quantify speeds and sinuosities. These procedures were characterized by the junction time gap between trajectory fragments, the rediscretization time of trajectories, and whether or not to use interpolation to fill in missing points in the trajectories. Earwigs exhibited significantly slower and more sinuous movements on soil with banana plant residues than on bare soil. Long time gaps for trajectory junction, extended rediscretization times, and interpolation were complementary means to integrate concealed movements in the trajectories. The highest slowdown in plant residues was detected when the procedure could account for longer periods under the residues. These results suggest that earwigs spent a significant amount of time concealed by the residues. Additionally, the residues strongly decreased the earwigs'' movement. Since the technical solutions presented in this study are inexpensive, easy to set up, and replicate, they represent valuable contributions to the emerging field of video monitoring.  相似文献   
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