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An integro-differential equation is proposed to model a general relapse phenomenon in infectious diseases including herpes. The basic reproduction number R(0) for the model is identified and the threshold property of R(0) established. For the case of a constant relapse period (giving a delay differential equation), this is achieved by conducting a linear stability analysis of the model, and employing the Lyapunov-Razumikhin technique and monotone dynamical systems theory for global results. Numerical simulations, with parameters relevant for herpes, are presented to complement the theoretical results, and no evidence of sustained oscillatory solutions is found.  相似文献   
We analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of the abstract differential equation u'(t)=Au(t)-F(u(t))u(t)+f. Our results are applicable to models of structured population dynamics in which the state space consists of population densities with respect to the structure variables. In the equation the linear term A corresponds to internal processes independent of crowding, the nonlinear logistic term F corresponds to the influence of crowding, and the source term f corresponds to external effects. We analyze three separate cases and show that for each case the solutions stabilize in a way governed by the linear term. We illustrate the results with examples of models of structured population dynamics -- a model for the proliferation of cell lines with telomere shortening, a model of proliferating and quiescent cell populations, and a model for the growth of tumour cord cell populations.  相似文献   
pK(a) calculations based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation have been widely used to study proteins and, more recently, DNA. However, much less attention has been paid to the calculation of pK(a) shifts in RNA. There is accumulating evidence that protonated nucleotides can stabilize RNA structure and participate in enzyme catalysis within ribozymes. Here, we calculate the pK(a) shifts of nucleotides in RNA structures using numerical solutions to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. We find that significant shifts are predicted for several nucleotides in two catalytic RNAs, the hairpin ribozyme and the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme, and that the shifts are likely to be related to their functions. We explore how different structural environments shift the pK(a)s of nucleotides from their solution values. RNA structures appear to use two basic strategies to shift pK(a)s: (a) the formation of compact structural motifs with structurally-conserved, electrostatic interactions; and (b) the arrangement of the phosphodiester backbone to focus negative electrostatic potential in specific regions.  相似文献   
We consider a system composed of a tubular sheet of early tumor cells, occupying the surface of a structure existing in the organism. We assume that the cells have a potential for proliferation in response to a growth factor. This model can be thought of as representing an early stage (pre-in situ) of tumor evolution. A biomedical example of such process might be the atypical adenomatous hyperplasia in the lung. Destabilization of the equilibrium in such system represents initial invasion of cancer. We are looking for a transition from a slightly perturbed equilibrium state to uncontrolled and irregular growth. We examine a mathematical model of a population of cells distributed over a linear or tubular structure. Growth of cells is regulated by a growth factor, which can diffuse over the structure. Aside from this, production of cells and of the growth factor is governed by a pair of ordinary differential equations. Equation for the cell number follows from an accepted model of cell cycle. Equation for the bounded receptor particle number follows from a time-continuous Markov process. We demonstrate existence of the solutions of the complete model, using the method of invariant rectangles. We find conditions under which diffusion causes destabilization of the spatially homogeneous steady state, leading to exponential growth and apparently chaotic spatial patterns, following a period of almost constancy. This phenomenon may serve as a mathematical explanation of "unexpected" rapid growth and invasion of temporarily stable structures composed of cancer cells.  相似文献   
We analyse an age-structured model of telomere loss in a proliferating cell population. The cell population is divided into telomere classes, which shorten each round of division. The model consists of a nonlinear system of partial differential equations for the telomere classes. We prove that if the highest telomere class is exempted from mortality, then all the classes stabilize to a nontrivial equilibrium dependent on the initial state of cells in the highest telomere class.  相似文献   
Quorum sensing is a bacterial mechanism used to synchronize the coordinated response of a microbial population. Because quorum sensing in Gram-negative bacteria depends on release and detection of a diffusible signaling molecule (autoinducer) among a multicellular group, it is considered a simple form of cell-cell communication for the purposes of mathematical analysis. Stochastic equation systems have provided a common approach to model biochemical or biophysical processes. Recently, the effect of noise to synchronize a specific homogeneous quorum sensing network was successfully modeled using a stochastic equation system with fixed parameters. The question remains of how to model quorum sensing networks in a general setting. To address this question, we first set a stochastic equation system as a general model for a heterogeneous quorum sensing network. Then, using two relevant biophysical characteristics of Gram-negative bacteria (the permeability of the cell membrane to the autoinducer and the symmetry of autoinducer diffusion) we construct the solution of the stochastic equation system at an abstract level. The solution indicates that stable synchronization of a quorum sensing network is robustly induced by an environment with a heterogenous distribution of extracellular and intracellular noise. The synchronization is independent of the initial state of the system and is solely the result of the connectivity of the cell network established through the effects of extracellular noise.  相似文献   
In this communication, based upon the deterministic Gompertz law of cell growth, a stochastic model in tumour growth is proposed. This model takes account of both cell fission and mortality too. The corresponding density function of the size of the tumour cells obeys a functional Fokker--Planck equation which can be solved analytically. It is found that the density function exhibits an interesting "multi-peak" structure generated by cell fission as time evolves. Within this framework the action of therapy is also examined by simply incorporating a therapy term into the deterministic cell growth term.  相似文献   
In the large amoeboid organism Physarum, biochemical oscillators are spatially distributed throughout the organism and their collective motion exhibits phase waves, which carry physiological signals. The basic nature of this wave behaviour is not well-understood because, to date, an important effect has been neglected, namely, the shuttle streaming of protoplasm which accompanies the biochemical rhythms. Here we study the effects of self-consistent flow on the wave behaviour of oscillatory reaction-diffusion models proposed for the Physarum plasmodium, by means of numerical simulation for the dispersion relation and weakly nonlinear analysis for derivation of the phase equation. We conclude that the flow term is able to increase the speed of phase waves (similar to elongation of wave length). We compare the theoretical consequences with real waves observed in the organism and also point out the physiological roles of these effects on control mechanisms of intracellular communication.  相似文献   
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