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The rat CNS contains high levels of tyrosine-specific protein kinases that specifically phosphorylate the tyrosine-containing synthetic peptide poly(Glu80,Tyr20). The phosphorylation of this peptide is rapid and occurs with normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Using this peptide to assay for enzyme activity, we have measured the protein tyrosine kinase activity in homogenates from various regions of rat CNS. A marked regional distribution pattern was observed, with high activity present in cerebellum, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and pyriform cortex, and low activity in the pons/medulla and spinal cord. The distribution of protein tyrosine kinase activity was examined in various subcellular fractions of rat forebrain. The majority of the activity was associated with the particulate fractions, with enrichment in the crude microsomal (P3) and crude synaptic vesicle (LP2) fractions. Moreover, the subcellular distribution of pp60csrc, a well-characterized protein tyrosine kinase, was examined by immunoblot analysis using an affinity-purified antibody specific for pp60csrc. The subcellular distribution of pp60csrc paralleled the overall protein tyrosine kinase activity. In addition, using an antibody specific for phosphotyrosine, endogenous substrates for protein tyrosine kinases were demonstrated on immunoblots of homogenates from the various regions and the subcellular fractions. The immunoblots revealed numerous phosphotyrosine-containing proteins that were present in many of the CNS regions examined and were associated with specific subcellular fractions. The differences in tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity, and in phosphotyrosine-containing proteins, observed in various regional areas and subcellular fractions may reflect specific functional roles for protein tyrosine kinase activity in mammalian brain.  相似文献   
Summary Organotypic cultures, in defined medium, of pituitary primordia obtained from 15-day-old rat fetuses were performed in order to study the in vitro differentiation of melanotrophic cells. The morphological and ultrastructural features of the transplants resembled those of the gland developing in vivo. In situ hybridization on semi-thin sections, using a 35S-labelled oligonucleotide probe, revealed pro-opiomelanocortin-mRNA-containing cells on the first day of culture in the anterior lobe and after 2–3 days in the intermediate lobe. Immunoperoxidase labelling of adjacent sections showed that the same cells reacted with antibodies against -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), 3 and adrenocorticotropic hormone in both lobes. The pro-opiomelanocortin-mRNA-containing cells formed progressively conspicuous areas in the intermediate lobe, which was almost uniformly labelled after 6 days. In the anterior lobe, these cells remained scattered in small cell groups, and colloidal gold immunolabelling showed the progressive disappearance of MSH labelling from the secretory vesicles in cells exhibiting morphological features of adult corticotrophic cells. Both the MSH content of the explants and MSH release into the culture medium increased with time. Treatment with the dopamine agonist bromocriptine induced a strong dose-dependent decrease in MSH secretion, which was significant after 3 days in culture, indicating that dopamine D2 receptors are able to regulate hormonal release of melanotrophic cells at early stages. This system constitutes a suitable model for further studies of factors controlling cell differentiation and cellular interactions involved in histogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary In the rat, gastric histamine is stored predominantly in the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, which are located basally in the oxyntic mucosa. The functional significance of histamine in the ECL cells is a matter of speculation. In this study the effect of depletion of histamine on the properties and ultrastructure of the ECL cells was examined. Histamine synthesis was inhibited with -fluoromethylhistidine (3 mg·kg-1·h-1) given via osmotic minipumps over a period of 24 h. The treatment reduced the histidine decarboxylase activity (approximately 20% remaining) and histamine concentration (less than 20% remaining) in the oxyntic mucosa, as well as the intensity of histamine- and chromogranin A-immunostaining in the ECL cells, compared to control rats. The cytoplasmic (secretory) granules/vesicles were greatly reduced in number and size following -fluoromethylhistidine administration. The histamine immunostaining of the mast cells, which occurs at the mucosal surface and in the submucosa, appeared unaffected. We conclude that ECL cell histamine accounts for at least 80% of the total oxyntic mucosal histamine in the rat and that it represents a more mobile pool than mast cell histamine. The reduction in the number and size of the ECL cell granules/vesicles following histamine depletion is in accord with the idea that they represent the storage site for histamine.  相似文献   
Summary Magnocellular neurones in the supraoptic nuclei of normal Long Evans and homozygous Brattleboro rats were examined electron-microscopically after intracisternal injections of tunicamycin, puromycin, or brefeldin A. Moderate (50 g) or high (200 g) doses of tunicamycin caused the formation of electron-dense filamentous accretions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisterns of vasopressin neurones, but only the high dose of tunicamycin also caused accretions to form in the ER of some oxytocin neurones. Immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections from tunicamycin-treated rats revealed that, in about 5% of vasopressin neurones, the accretions could be immunogold-labelled for vasopressin and its associated neurophysin. However, in the majority of vasopressin neurones, the sections required trypsinisation before immunolabelling of the accretions could be detected. Small accretions in the ER of oxytocin neurones did not label for oxytocin or its neurophysin without prior trypsinisation, whereas larger accretions in other oxytocin cells could be labelled without prior trypsin treatment. Administration of puromycin resulted in the formation of small ER accretions in both vasopressin and oxytocin neurones. These accretions were immunolabelled with antisera, respectively, to vasopressin and oxytocin, but neurophysin-immunoreactivity was in most cases absent and was not revealed by treatment with trypsin, suggesting that neurophysin-immunoreactive epitopes were absent from truncated peptides forming the accretions. Brefeldin A caused dilatation of ER cisterns and disruption of the Golgi apparatus in both oxytocin and vasopressin neurones, but did not cause accretions to form in the ER.  相似文献   
Summary In a survey of sperm antigens in the rat, a new intra-acrosomal antigen was found using a monoclonal antibody MC41 raised against rat epididymal spermatozoa. The MC41 was immunoglobulin G1 and recognized spermatozoa from rat, mouse and hamster. Indirect immunofluorescence with MC41 specifically stained the crescent region of the anterior acrosome of the sperm head. Immuno-gold electron microscopy demonstrated that the antigen was localized within the acrosomal matrix. Immunoblot study showed that MC41 recognized a band of approximately 165000 dalton in the extract of rat sperm from the cauda epididymidis. Immunohistochemistry with MC41 demonstrated that the antigen was first detected in approximately step-2 spermatids, and distributed over the entire cytoplasmic region of spermatids from step 2 to early step 19. The head region became strongly stained in late step-19 spermatids and then in mature spermatozoa. Distinct immunostaining was not found in the developing acrosome of spermatids throughout spermiogenesis. These results suggest that the MC41 antigen is a unique intra-acrosomal antigen which is accumulated into the acrosome during the terminal step of spermiogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary The histochemical demonstration of alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and localization of smooth muscle myosin (SMM), F-actin, and desmin were carried out on frozen sections of testes and ovaries from 15-day-old fetal to newborn rats. The presence of immunocytochemically localized SMM and desmin was confirmed by Western blot analysis of proteins from isolated gonads. The development of smooth muscle cells was predominant in the testis. The first SMM-positive cells with an increasing intensity for F-actin and desmin appeared in the testicular tunica albuginea and around the testicular cords by the age of 16 days. A continuous layer of SMM- and F-actin-positive (but not uniformly desmin-positive) myoid cells was detected in the newborn testis. In the early gonads and in the newborn ovary, a majority of the interstitial cells expressed desmin, indicating that, in undifferentiated tissues, non-myogenic cells may also express desmin. During fetal development, male and female gonocytes showed a decrease in F-actin content but retained their high AP activity. In the cortex of the newborn rat ovary, the observed high AP activity and the presence of desmin may be associated with the postnatal histogenesis of the follicles. The presence of SMM-containing cells in the hilus of the ovary may be required for the demarcation of the ovary from the mesonephros by the constriction of the mesovarium. The occurrence of SMM-positive cells predominantly in male fetuses suggests that the development of the contractile cells in the fetal testis may be induced by testicular androgens.  相似文献   
Summary The circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid along the central canal and its access to the parenchyma of the spinal cord of the rat have been analyzed by injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the lateral ventricle. Peroxidase was found throughout the central canal 13 min after injection, suggesting a rapid circulation of cerebrospinal fluid along the central canal of the rat spinal cord. It was cleared from the central canal within 2 h, in contrast with the situation in the brain tissue, where it remained in the periventricular areas for 4 h. In the central canal, HRP bound to Reissner's fiber and the luminal surface of the ependymal cells; it penetrated through the intercellular space of the ependymal lining, reached the subependymal neuropil, the basement membrane of local capillaries, and appeared in the lumen of endothelial pinocytotic vesicles. Furthermore, it accumulated in the labyrinths of the basement membrane contacting the basolateral aspect of the ependymal cells. In ependymocytes, HRP was found in single pinocytotic vesicles. The blood vessels supplying the spinal cord were classified into two types. Type-A vessels penetrated the spinal cord laterally and dorsally and displayed the tracer along their external wall as far as the gray matter. Type-B vessels intruded into the spinal cord from the medial ventral sulcus and occupied the anterior commissure of the gray matter, approaching the central canal. They represented the only vessels marked by HRP along their course through the gray matter. HRP spread from the wall of type-B vessels, labeling the labyrinths, the intercellular space of the ependymal lining, and the lumen of the central canal. This suggests a communication between the central canal and the outer cerebrospinal fluid space, at the level of the medial ventral sulcus, via the intercellular spaces, the perivascular basement membrane and its labyrinthine extensions.  相似文献   
Summary An antiserum against conjugated histamine and two oligonucleotide probes that detect the mRNA encoding L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC) involved in histamine synthesis were used to study the appearance of histamine and its location in the kidneys of fetal, newborn and young postnatal rats and in the kidneys of pregnant rats. On embryonic days 16 and 18 (E16 and E18), some HA-immunoreactive (HA-ir) cells were found within the largest S-shaped bodies. Histamine was found to appear rapidly between the 18th and 20th embryonic days in the convoluted tubules of the kidneys. On postnatal day 0 (P0), the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts exhibited bright fluorescence, the intensity of which decreased quickly so that it was faint on day P4 and absent at later stages. In kidneys of pregnant rats HA-ir was found in the epithelium of both the Bowman's capsule, collecting ducts and in a few cells within the tubules. Nonuniform HA-ir was also detected within glomeruli. No evidence for the presence of L-histidine decarboxylase mRNA in kidneys of fetuses or pregnant rats was seen. It is concluded that distinct structures in the developing rat kidney contain histamine during a period around birth from day E20 to day P4. In the pregnant rat, the epithelium that is in direct contact with the urine flow is immunoreactive for histamine from day 16 to 20 of pregnancy. The results suggest that histamine is not synthesized locally in the kidneys but rather originates from other tissues.  相似文献   
Summary The endogenous tryptophan metabolite quinolinic acid elicits in rodent brain a pattern of neuronal degeneration which resembles that caused by L-glutamate. Its qualities as a neurotoxic agent raised the hypothesis that quinolinic acid might be involved in the pathogenesis of human neurodegenerative disorders. Kynurenic acid, another endogenous tryptophan metabolite and preferential N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist, has been shown to block quinolinic acid neurotoxicity. Here we report that microinjections of aminooxyacetic acid (AOAA), an inhibitor of kynurenine transaminase and of other pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes, into the rat striatum produce neuronal damage resembling that caused by quinolinic acid. AOAA-induced striatal lesions can be prevented by kynurenic acid and the selective NMDA antagonist 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid. These results suggest that AOAA produces excitotoxic lesions by depleting brain concentrations of kynurenic acid (inhibition of synthetic enzyme) or due to impairment of intracellular energy metabolism (depletion of cell energy resources). The concept of deficient neuroprotection due to metabolic defects might help to clarify the pathogenesis of human neurodegenerative disorders and to develop strategies that may be useful in their treatment.This work was supported by research grant from the Polish Academy of Sciences.These data have been communicated to the International Congress on Amino Acid Research held in Vienna in August 7–12, 1989.  相似文献   
Summary The adrenal medulla appears to exert a regulatory influence on adrenocortical steroidogenesis. We have therefore studied the morphology of rat, porcine and bovine adrenals in order to characterize the contact zones of adrenomedullary and adrenocortical tissues. The distribution of chromaffin cells located within the adrenal cortex and of cortical cells located within the adrenal medulla was investigated. Chromaffin cells were characterized by immunostaining for synaptophysin and chromogranin A, both being considered specific for neuroendocrine cells. Cortical cells were characterized by immunostaining for 17-hydroxylase, an enzyme of the steroid pathway. Cellular contacts of chromaffin cells and cortical cells were examined at the electron microscopical level. In rat and porcine adrenals, rays of chromaffin cells, small cell clusters and single chromaffin cells or small invaginations from the medulla could be detected in all three zones of the cortex. Chromaffin cells often spread in the subcapsular space of the zona glomerulosa. In porcine and bovine adrenals, 17-hydroxylase immunoreactive cells were localized within the medulla. Single cortical cells and small accumulations of cells were spread throughout this region. At the ultrastructural level, the chromaffin cells located within the cortex in pig and rat adrenals formed close cellular contacts with cortical cells in all three zones. Our morphological data provide evidence for a possible paracrine role of chromaffin cells; this may be important for the neuroregulation of the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   
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