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本文分析了温州蜜柑丰产园不同发育阶段的果实氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、铁、锰、锌、铜、硼的含量。矿质元素在果实中的动态变化规律与叶片中的变化规律显然不同。一是含量比叶片低;二是浓度的最高峰期出现比叶片早。果实发育前中期元素含量变化较复杂,9月以后趋向稳定。对可否以9月至10月上旬作为采果样时期以进行营养诊断作了讨论。  相似文献   
Two branches of a field-grown Chamaecy-paris obtusa tree were enclosed in chambers of an open gas exchange system for continuous CO2 exchange measurements. One branch was subjected to ambient air (CO2, 370 μmol mol–1) and the other was subjected to CO2-enriched air (800 μmol mol–1). The CO2 exchange rate of the branches, air temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density were recorded every 4 min by a computer during the two experimental periods of July 1994 to June 1995 (experiment 1) and April 1996 to August 1997 (experiment 2). The response of CO2 gas exchange rate to light changed with the seasonal temperature. The highest saturated rate of net photosynthesis on a leaf area basis was observed in May and October in both CO2 treatments when the mean daytime temperature was about 18–19°C. This temperature was almost equal to the yearly mean daytime temperature. Above and below this temperature, the saturated net photosynthesis rate decreased. The net photosynthesis rate was usually higher in the elevated CO2 treatment. The ratio of monthly net photosynthesis rate in elevated CO2 to that in ambient CO2 was linearly related to the monthly mean daytime temperature. This ratio increased by 3.3% for each 1°C increase in the monthly mean daytime temperature; the highest ratio of 1.8 occurred in August. When the ratio was 1.0, the temperature was about 5–6°C, which was close to the mean daytime temperature of the coldest month. Elevated CO2 increased per unit area net photosynthesis by 38.5% and 43.7% in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Received: 29 March 1999 / Accepted: 22 October 1999  相似文献   
Quantum dots (QDs) are fluorescent semiconductor nanoparticles with size-dependent emission spectra that can be excited by a broad choice of wavelengths. QDs have attracted a lot of interest for imaging, diagnostics, and therapy due to their bright, stable fluorescence. QDs can be conjugated to a variety of bio-active molecules for binding to bacteria and mammalian cells. QDs are also being widely investigated as cytotoxic agents for targeted killing of bacteria. The emergence of multiply-resistant bacterial strains is rapidly becoming a public health crisis, particularly in the case of Gram negative pathogens. Because of the well-known antimicrobial effect of certain nanomaterials, especially Ag, there are hundreds of studies examining the toxicity of nanoparticles to bacteria. Bacterial studies have been performed with other types of semiconductor nanoparticles as well, especially TiO(2), but also ZnO and others including CuO. Some comparisons of bacterial strains have been performed in these studies, usually comparing a Gram negative strain with a Gram positive. With all of these particles, mechanisms of toxicity are attributed to oxidation: either the photogeneration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the particles or the direct release of metal ions that can cause oxidative toxicity. Even with these materials, results of different studies vary greatly. In some studies the Gram positive test strain is reportedly more sensitive than the Gram negative; in others it is the opposite. These studies have been well reviewed. In all nanoparticle studies, particle composition, size, surface chemistry, sample aging/breakdown, and wavelength, power, and duration of light exposure can all dramatically affect the results. In addition, synthesis byproducts and solvents must be considered. High-throughput screening techniques are needed to be able to develop effective new nanomedicine agents. CdTe QDs have anti-microbial effects alone or in combination with antibiotics. In a previous study, we showed that coupling of antibiotics to CdTe can increase toxicity to bacteria but decrease toxicity to mammalian cells, due to decreased production of reactive oxygen species from the conjugates. Although it is unlikely that cadmium-containing compounds will be approved for use in humans, such preparations could be used for disinfection of surfaces or sterilization of water. In this protocol, we give a straightforward approach to solubilizing CdTe QDs with mercaptopropionic acid (MPA). The QDs are ready to use within an hour. We then demonstrate coupling to an antimicrobial agent. The second part of the protocol demonstrates a 96-well bacterial inhibition assay using the conjugated and unconjugated QDs. The optical density is read over many hours, permitting the effects of QD addition and light exposure to be evaluated immediately as well as after a recovery period. We also illustrate a colony count for quantifying bacterial survival.  相似文献   
Objectives: The goal of the current study is to determine whether the β-adrenoreceptor (β-AR) plays a role in the anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG). Material and methods: This has been investigated in CHO-K1 cells transfected with the human β1-, β2-, β3-AR and in ob/ob mice. Cyclic AMP assays were carried out along with binding studies. Ob/ob mice were treated with ZAG and glucose transportation and insulin were examined in the presence or absence of propranolol. Results: ZAG bound to the β3-AR with higher affinity (Kd 46 ± 1 nM) than the β2-AR (Kd 71 ± 3 nM) while there was no binding to the β1-AR, and this correlated with the increases in cyclic AMP in CHO-K1 cells transfected with the various β-AR and treated with ZAG. Treatment of ob/ob mice with ZAG increased protein expression of β3-AR in gastrocnemius muscle, and in white and brown adipose tissues, but had no effect on expression of β1- and β2-AR. A reduction of body weight was seen and urinary glucose excretion, increase in body temperature, reduction in maximal plasma glucose and insulin levels in the oral glucose tolerance test, and stimulation of glucose transport into skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, were completely attenuated by the non-specific β-AR antagonist propranolol. Conclusion: The results suggest that the effects of ZAG on body weight and insulin sensitivity in ob/ob mice are manifested through a β-3AR, or possibly a β2-AR.  相似文献   
The spectra of k-mer frequencies can reveal the structures and evolution of genome sequences. We confirmed that the trimodal spectrum of 8-mers in human genome sequences is distinguished only by CG2, CG1 and CG0 8-mer sets, containing 2,1 or 0 CpG, respectively. This phenomenon is called independent selection law. The three types of CG 8-mers were considered as different functional elements. We conjectured that (1) nucleosome binding motifs are mainly characterized by CG1 8-mers and (2) the core structural units of CpG island sequences are predominantly characterized by CG2 8-mers. To validate our conjectures, nucleosome occupied sequences and CGI sequences were extracted, then the sequence parameters were constructed through the information of the three CG 8-mer sets respectively. ROC analysis showed that CG1 8-mers are more preference in nucleosome occupied segments (AUC > 0.7) and CG2 8-mers are more preference in CGI sequences (AUC > 0.99). This validates our conjecture in principle.  相似文献   
Abstract We examined 11 non‐linear regression models to determine which of them best fitted curvilinear species accumulation curves based on pit‐trapping data for reptiles in a range of heterogeneous and homogenous sites in mesic, semi‐arid and arid regions of Western Australia. A well‐defined plateau in a species accumulation curve is required for any of the models accurately to estimate species richness. Two different measures of effort (pit‐trapping days and number of individuals caught) were used to determine if the measure of effort influenced the choice of the best model(s). We used species accumulation curves to predict species richness, determined the trapping effort required to catch a nominated percentage (e.g. 95%) of the predicted number of species in an area, and examined the relationship between species accumulation curves with diversity and rarity. Species richness, diversity and the proportion of rare species in a community influenced the shape of species accumulation curves. The Beta‐P model provided the best overall fit (highest r2) for heterogeneous and homogeneous sites. For heterogeneous sites, Hill, Rational, Clench, Exponential and Weibull models were the next best. For homogeneous habitats, Hill, Weibull and Chapman–Richards were the next best models. There was very little difference between Beta‐P and Hill models in fitting the data to accumulation curves, although the Hill model generally over‐estimated species richness. Most models worked equally well for both measures of trapping effort. Because the number of individuals caught was influenced by both pit‐trapping effort and the abundance of individuals, both measures of effort must be considered if species accumulation curves are to be used as a planning tool. Trapping effort to catch a nominated percentage of the total predicted species in homogeneous and heterogeneous habitats varied among sites, but even for only 75% of the predicted number of species it was generally much higher than the typical effort currently being used for terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys in Australia. It was not possible to provide a general indication of the effort required to predict species richness for a site, or to capture a nominated proportion of species at a site, because species accumulation curves are heavily influenced by the characteristics of particular sites.  相似文献   
岷江柏4个地理种群年龄结构动态比较分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对川西地区岷江柏(Cupressus chengiana S. Y. Hu)4个地理种群进行了调查,编制种群静态生命表并进行生存分析.结果表明,岷江柏4个地理种群的存活曲线都属于Deevey-Ⅲ型,死亡率与所对应的消失率变化趋势一致,并存在2个高峰.种群生存率均单调下降,累计死亡率单调上升,下降或上升的速度以理县种群最快,马尔康种群最慢;死亡率密度在幼苗期重合,并达到最大(0.05),但从幼苗级向幼树级过渡时迅速下降到0.01以下;种群的危险率曲线与其死亡率变化趋势一致,其中马尔康种群波动最小,小金种群波动最大.综合分析表明,岷江柏4个种群均有较强的自然更新能力,属增长型种群,但人为砍伐是其最重要的干扰因素.  相似文献   
濒危植物太白红杉种群年龄结构及其时间序列预测分析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
为了阐明太白红杉(Larix potaninii var.chinensis)种群的年龄结构和未来发展趋势,合理保护现有资源,在太白山地区调查了 29个样地(10 m×10m),对处于不同生境的 5个种群的年龄结构、静态生命表和时间序列预测进行了分析。种群年龄结构分析表明,各种群个体数量主要集中于Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ龄级(个体数量比重占68.64%),幼、老龄个体数量较少。受所处生境条件影响,不同种群年龄结构特点不同:海拔较低的种群(B)由于水热条件适宜,林内有林窗出现,幼龄级个体数相对丰富;而其他种群由于幼龄个体严重缺乏,衰退趋势明显。太白红杉不同种群生命表和存活曲线的分析表明,尽管所处的生境差异较大,但存活曲线基本属于Deevey Ⅲ型,种群偏离典型存活曲线的程度与幼苗缺乏程度有关,一般V-Ⅸ龄级死亡率较高。时间序列分析表明,在未来20、60、100和200年中,各太白红杉种群均会呈现老龄级株数先增加后减少的趋势,种群稳定性维持困难。太白红杉种群年龄结构和动态趋势与银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)等其他濒危植物比较,导致种群衰退的原因相似:在郁闭的林下种子萌芽和幼苗生长困难。应该利用太白红杉喜光、耐旱和中老年个体产种量丰富的特性,对现有太白红杉林分实行就地保护,合理抚育管理。低海拔地区,应适当间伐非目的树种  相似文献   
Although strip clear-cutting has a long history of use in the temperate zone, it was only recently introduced for timber extraction in tropical rain forests, where it is known as the Palcazú Forest Management System. In this system heterogeneous tropical forests are managed for native gap-dependent timber species by simulating gap dynamics through clear-cutting long, narrow strips every 40 years. As part of an assessment of the sustainability of this system, we evaluated the recovery of tree basal area, species richness, and composition after 15 years of regeneration on two strips (30 × 150 m) clear-cut in 1989 in Jenaro Herrera, Peru. Timber stocking and the effects of silvicultural thinning were assessed in both strips. The strips recovered 58–73% of their original basal area and 45–68% of their original tree species richness. Although both strips recovered more than 50% of their original composition, commercial species had lower basal areas and lower densities than in the forest before the clearing. Pioneer species with high basal areas remained dominant 15 years after the cutting. Silvicultural thinning in 1996 reduced the abundance of pioneer species in both strips, and increased the abundance of commercial species in one of the strips. Half of one strip was harvested by deferment-cut (only commercial trees >30 cm dbh and “other” species >5 cm dbh were cut); regeneration here had greater abundance of commercial species and lower abundance of pioneer species. The low stocking of commercial trees challenges the sustainability claims for this forest management system.  相似文献   
采用开顶式生长室(OTC)模拟增温对植被影响的研究方法, 研究了青藏高原东缘林线交错带糙皮桦(Betula utilis)光合特性对模拟增温的响应。结果表明: 与对照样地相比, OTC内日平均气温(1.2 m)在植物生长季中增加2.9 ℃, 5 cm土壤温度增加0.4 ℃。增温使糙皮桦幼苗叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)分别增加17.4%、21.4%和33.9%, 但对糙皮桦幼苗叶片的水分利用率(WUE)却没有明显影响, 而对糙皮桦的叶氮浓度却表现为显著的负效应。同时, 增温能显著增加糙皮桦幼苗的最大同化速率(Pnmax) (+19.6%)、暗呼吸速率(Rd) (+14.3%)、表观量子效率(AQY) (+7.9%), 但对其光补偿点(LCP)和光饱和点(LSP)却没有明显的影响。此外, 增温使糙皮桦幼苗叶片的最大羧化速率(Vcmax)和电子传递速率(J)分别增加了12.3%和11.7%, 而磷酸丙糖利用率(TPU)和CO2补偿点(CCP)对增温却并不敏感。该研究表明, 模拟增温对林线糙皮桦光合生理总体上表现为正效应, 这有可能帮助该物种对未来气候变化更快更好地适应。  相似文献   
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