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Identifying the mechanisms underlying invasive plant establishment and native plant decline remains a central goal in ecology, particularly for biodiversity hotspots such as islands. We re‐analyzed a previously published meta‐dataset to test the prediction that neighbor effects are stronger on islands vs. continents because island plants are weaker competitors. Although we detected marginally stronger neighbor effects on islands than continents, this was due, at least in part, to stronger competition among native species. An absence of studies testing neighbor effects between native vs. invasive plants on islands prevents a rigorous test for competition effects on islands, highlighting an important knowledge gap.  相似文献   
Species interactions can shape the structure of natural communities. Such sets of interactions have been described as complex ecological networks, an example of which is the commensal network formed by epiphyte–phorophyte interactions. Vascular epiphytes germinate and grow on phorophytes (support trees), assuming a horizontal distribution (among the phorophyte species) and a vertical distribution (from the base of the tree trunk to the crown of phorophytes, i.e., through ecological zones). Here, we investigated the organization of these structural dimensions of the epiphyte–phorophyte network in a Brazilian tropical montane cloud forest. The analyzed network, comprising 66 epiphyte species and 22 phorophyte species, exhibited a nested structure with a low degree of specialization, a typical pattern for epiphyte–phorophyte networks in forests. The network was slightly modular, with 65% of the species common to three modules, and had vertical structure corresponding to the vertical organization of the phorophytes. The size (diameter at breast height) of phorophyte individuals influenced the network structure, possibly due to the increase in habitat area, the time available for colonization by epiphytes, and a greater number of microenvironments. We found that the distribution of the epiphyte species differed between the phorophyte ecological zones, with greater richness in the lower portions and greater abundance in the upper portions of the phorophytes. The results provide relevant guidance for future research on the characteristics and the vertical and horizontal organization of vascular epiphyte and phorophyte networks. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   
It is known that many social insects and arthropod predators and parasitoids can learn the association between a resource and volatile cues. Although there are various studies on the effect of experience in immature arthropods on behavior later in adult life, not much is known about the effects of such experiences on immature behavior. This was investigated here in the lacewing Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Whereas adults of this lacewing feed on plant‐provided food and honeydew, larvae are voracious polyphagous predators of several insect pests, and therefore important for biological control. Hence, studying the foraging behavior and the effects of learning in immatures of this species is important. We exposed immatures to the volatile methyl salicylate (MeSA), which was either associated with food or with the absence of food. Subsequently, their response to this volatile was tested in an olfactometer. Immatures that had experienced the association of MeSA with food were attracted to it and immatures that were exposed to MeSA during food deprivation were repelled. Subsequently, predator immatures that had experienced the association between MeSA and food were released on a plant without food and were found to use this volatile in locating patches with food. In contrast, larvae without such experience were found equally on food patches with and without the volatile. We conclude that these immature predators are capable of learning the association between volatiles and food, or the absence of food, and use this during foraging.  相似文献   
Drew A. Scott  Sara G. Baer 《Oikos》2019,128(8):1116-1122
The ‘environmental heterogeneity hypothesis’ (EHH) has been proposed as a mechanism that enables species coexistence through resource partitioning. In accordance with this hypothesis, plant diversity is predicted to increase with variability in resources, but there has been weak support for this hypothesis from experimental studies. The objectives of this research were to 1) characterize how resource availability and heterogeneity (coefficient of variation) change as plant communities develop using sequentially restored grasslands, 2) determine if resource heterogeneity relates to plant diversity (effective number of species, richness and evenness) and 3) reveal if the strength of resource heterogeneity–diversity relationships is different among levels of resource availability. We quantified means and coefficients of variation in soil nitrate and light availability in grasslands established on former agricultural lands for different times and their relationship to plant diversity using a geostatistically‐informed design. Nitrate availability decreased exponentially with restoration age, but no directional change in nitrate heterogeneity across the chronosequence occurred due to high resource variability in some restorations. Light availability also decreased exponentially across the chronosequence, but there was no directional change in light heterogeneity. Nitrate heterogeneity was positively correlated with both plant richness and plant effective number of species at high levels of nitrate availability. However, no nitrate heterogeneity correlation was detected at low levels of nitrate availability. Light heterogeneity was positively correlated with plant effective number of species at low levels of light availability. However, no light heterogeneity correlation was detected at high levels of light availability. Plant evenness was not correlated with resource heterogeneity at any resource availability level. These results support the positive heterogeneity–diversity relationship predicted by EHH, and uniquely that this relationship develops within a decade of plant community development, but can be obscured by resource availability.  相似文献   
Global demand to increase food production and simultaneously reduce synthetic nitrogen fertilizer inputs in agriculture are underpinning the need to intensify the use of legume crops. The symbiotic relationship that legume plants establish with nitrogen‐fixing rhizobia bacteria is central to their advantage. This plant–microbe interaction results in newly developed root organs, called nodules, where the rhizobia convert atmospheric nitrogen gas into forms of nitrogen the plant can use. However, the process of developing and maintaining nodules is resource intensive; hence, the plant tightly controls the number of nodules forming. A variety of molecular mechanisms are used to regulate nodule numbers under both favourable and stressful growing conditions, enabling the plant to conserve resources and optimize development in response to a range of circumstances. Using genetic and genomic approaches, many components acting in the regulation of nodulation have now been identified. Discovering and functionally characterizing these components can provide genetic targets and polymorphic markers that aid in the selection of superior legume cultivars and rhizobia strains that benefit agricultural sustainability and food security. This review addresses recent findings in nodulation control, presents detailed models of the molecular mechanisms driving these processes, and identifies gaps in these processes that are not yet fully explained.  相似文献   
Conifers possess chemical and anatomical defences against tree‐killing bark beetles that feed in their phloem. Resins accumulating at attack sites can delay and entomb beetles while toxins reach lethal levels. Trees with high concentrations of metabolites active against bark beetle‐microbial complexes, and more extensive resin ducts, achieve greater survival. It is unknown if and how conifers integrate chemical and anatomical components of defence or how these capabilities vary with historical exposure. We compared linkages between phloem chemistry and tree ring anatomy of two mountain pine beetle hosts. Lodgepole pine, a mid‐elevation species, has had extensive, continual contact with this herbivore, whereas high‐elevation whitebark pines have historically had intermittent exposure that is increasing with warming climate. Lodgepole pine had more and larger resin ducts. In both species, anatomical defences were positively related to tree growth and nutrients. Within‐tree constitutive and induced concentrations of compounds bioactive against bark beetles and symbionts were largely unrelated to resin duct abundance and size. Fewer anatomical defences in the semi‐naïve compared with the continually exposed host concurs with directional differences in chemical defences. Partially uncoupling chemical and morphological antiherbivore traits may enable trees to confront beetles with more diverse defence permutations that interact to resist attack.  相似文献   
Plants balance the allocation of resources between growth and defence to optimize fitness in a competitive environment. Perception of neighbour‐detection cues, such as a low ratio of red to far‐red (R:FR) radiation, activates a suite of shade‐avoidance responses that include stem elongation and upward leaf movement, whilst simultaneously downregulating defence. This downregulation is hypothesized to benefit the plant either by mediating the growth‐defence balance in favour of growth in high plant densities or, alternatively, by mediating defence of individual leaves such that those most photosynthetically productive are best protected. To test these hypotheses, we used a 3D functional–structural plant model of Brassica nigra that mechanistically simulates the interactions between plant architecture, herbivory, and the light environment. Our results show that plant‐level defence expression is a strong determinant of plant fitness and that leaf‐level defence mediation by R:FR can provide a fitness benefit in high densities. However, optimal plant‐level defence expression does not decrease monotonically with plant density, indicating that R:FR mediation of defence alone is not enough to optimize defence between densities. Therefore, assessing the ecological significance of R:FR‐mediated defence is paramount to better understand the evolution of this physiological linkage and its implications for crop breeding.  相似文献   
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