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数字图像处理法确定林带疏透度随机误差研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
在分析以数字图像处理为测定法确定林带疏透度误差来源的基础上,对其中的随机误差进行研究,结果表明:林带整体疏透度的机误方差小于其冠部和干部的较大者;所研究的各类型林带各部位疏透度随机误差均遵从正态分布;林带整体疏透度随机误差的分布与树种和带内配置无关;北京杨、双阳快杨和其它类杂交杨的矩形或品字形配置林带各自冠部与干部疏透度机误方差之间无显著差异,而乡土杨林带干部的显著大于冠部的。本文还分别各类型林带的各部位确定了由林带疏透度测定值估计其总体实际值的随机误差限,并讨论了在测定林带疏透度过程中据该误差限计算样本量和划定测定范围的应用意义。最后总结提出:以增加测定同一林带不同样段像片数限定随机误差,通过模型计算订正疏透度测定值中的投影误差和影缩误差确定林带疏透度是建立完善的“数字图像处理法确定林带疏透度”新方法的可行途径。  相似文献   
A dynamic, architectural plant model simulating resource-dependent growth   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Physiological and architectural plant models have originally been developed for different purposes and therefore have little in common, thus making combined applications difficult. There is, however, an increasing demand for crop models that simulate the genetic and resource-dependent variability of plant geometry and architecture, because man is increasingly able to transform plant production systems through combined genetic and environmental engineering. MODEL: GREENLAB is presented, a mathematical plant model that simulates interactions between plant structure and function. Dual-scale automaton is used to simulate plant organogenesis from germination to maturity on the basis of organogenetic growth cycles that have constant thermal time. Plant fresh biomass production is computed from transpiration, assuming transpiration efficiency to be constant and atmospheric demand to be the driving force, under non-limiting water supply. The fresh biomass is then distributed among expanding organs according to their relative demand. Demand for organ growth is estimated from allometric relationships (e.g. leaf surface to weight ratios) and kinetics of potential growth rate for each organ type. These are obtained through parameter optimization against empirical, morphological data sets by running the model in inverted mode. Potential growth rates are then used as estimates of relative sink strength in the model. These and other 'hidden' plant parameters are calibrated using the non-linear, least-square method. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The model reproduced accurately the dynamics of plant growth, architecture and geometry of various annual and woody plants, enabling 3D visualization. It was also able to simulate the variability of leaf size on the plant and compensatory growth following pruning, as a result of internal competition for resources. The potential of the model's underlying concepts to predict the plant's phenotypic plasticity is discussed.  相似文献   
无量山种子植物区系科属的两种不同排序   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
地处滇中南的景东无量山地区迄今计种了植物207科,1026属,2540种,按照传统的种的绝对数目进行科属的排序可以得到一个较为完整的区系组成,但无法反映这些属在该地区系建成中的相对重要性,本文提出了区系存在度,即某一科(属)在该地再现的次级分类群与它的所有次级分类的比值,按之再去进行排列,可得到一个迥然有异的排序,按绝对种数排序的大科在第二种排序中很少进入,相反,一些东亚特有或有邻近地区共有的科的  相似文献   
The role of maintenance respiration in plant growth   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:20  
Abstract Plant growth is the balance of photosynthetic gains and respiratory losses, and it is therefore essential to consider respiration in analyses of plant productivity. The partitioning of dark respiratory losses into two functional components, a growth component and a maintenance component, has proved useful. The growth loss is that associated with synthesis of new biomass while the maintenance loss is that associated with maintenance of existing biomass. Experimental evidence indicates that the respiratory cost of maintenance in herbaceous plants is about equal to the cost of growth over a growing season, with daily maintenace expenditures less important in the small, rapidly growing plant but increasing in significance as plant size increases and the relative growth rate decreases. Because it is such a large fraction of the total carbon budget of a plant, any variations in maintenance requirements may result in significant alterations in productivity. In the present work the theoretical and empirical bases of maintenance respiration are described: magnitudes of maintenance expenditures are summarized; and applications to models of plant growth and productivity are discussed. It is concluded that the costs of maintenance should be included in analyses of plant growth.  相似文献   
近年来,在兔、大鼠、小鼠和犬等动物种属成功地建立了巴豆油、醋酸、感染与创伤诱导的痔疮动物模型,每种动物模型各有优缺点,应用合理的动物模型能更好地开展痔的实验和临床研究。随着治痔药物的深入研究,动物模型有很好发展和应用,本文综述了痔疮动物模型制作方法研究进展。  相似文献   
Lung‐cancer mortality (LCM) is elevated in underground miners who chronically inhaled the mutagenic, cytotoxic α‐decay products of radon gas. Epidemiologie studies of LCM rates vs. residential‐radon concentration levels are generally considered inconclusive. However, Cohen (Health Physics 68, 157–174, 1995) has hypothesized that data on LCM vs. residential radon concentrations at the U.S. county level are clearly inconsistent with a linear no‐threshold (LN) dose‐response model, and rather are consistent with threshold or hormesis model. Cohen's hypothesis has been criticized as “ecological fallacy,”; particularly because LN (but not threshold or hormesis) models are generally considered biologically plausible for agents like α radiation that damage DNA in linear proportion to dose. To assess the biological plausibility of Cohen's hypothesis, a preliminary study was made of whether a biologically realistic, cytodynamic 2‐stage (CD2) cancer model can provide a good, joint fit to Cohen's set of U.S. county data as well as to underground‐miner data. The CD2 model used adapts a widely applied, mechanistic, 2‐stage stochastic model of carcinogenesis to realistically account for interrelated cell killing and mutation (both assumed to have a LN dose‐response), cell turnover, and incomplete exposure of stem cells. A CD2 fit was obtained to combined summary data on LCM vs. radon‐exposure in white males in 1, 601 U.S. counties (from Cohen) and in white male Colorado Plateau (CP) uranium miners (from the National Research Council's “BEIRIV”; report). The CD2 fit is shown to: (i) be consistent with the combined data; (ii) have parameter values all consistent with biological data; and (iii) predict inverse dose‐rate‐effects data for CP and other radon‐exposed miners, despite the fact that optimization had not involved any of these dose‐rate data. The latter data were not predicted by a simplified CD2 model in which all stem cells were presumed to be exposed. It is concluded that this study provides preliminary evidence that Cohen's hypothesis is biologically plausible.  相似文献   
As approaches to ecological restoration become increasingly large scale and collaborative, there is a need to better understand social aspects of restoration and how they influence land management. In this article, we examine social perspectives that influence the determination of ecological reference conditions in restoration. Our analysis is based on in‐depth interviews with diverse stakeholders involved in collaborative restoration of fire‐adapted forest landscapes. We conducted interviews with 86 respondents from six forest collaboratives that are part of the U.S. Forest Service's Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program. Collaboratives use a variety of approaches to develop reference conditions, including historic, contemporary, and future scenarios. Historical conditions prior to European settlement (nineteenth century or “pre‐settlement” conditions), or prior to more recent grazing, logging, and exclusion of fire, were the predominant type of reference used in all sites. Stakeholders described benefits and limitations of reference conditions. Primary benefits include (1) providing a science‐based framework for bringing stakeholders together around a common vision; (2) gaining social understanding and acceptance of the underlying need for restoration; and (3) serving to neutralize otherwise value‐laden discussions about multiple, sometimes competing, resource objectives. Limitations stem from (1) concerns over social conflict when reference conditions are perceived to contradict other stakeholder values and interests, (2) differing interpretations of reference condition science, (3) inappropriate application or over‐generalization of reference information, and (4) limited relevance of historical references for current and future conditions in some ecosystems. At the same time, collaboratives are adopting innovative strategies to address conceptual and methodological limitations of reference conditions.  相似文献   
当前新现病毒性疾病的研究最大的"瓶颈"在于没有胜任动物模型。建立在非人灵长类动物基础上的模型,虽然可以部分复制人类疾病特征,但其经济性欠佳且与动物权益的保护有所冲突;而啮齿类动物对新现病毒的易感性往往较低,也不能很好地复制人类疾病。本文对营养、免疫及疾病易感性关系研究的进展进行文献回顾,以发现解决当前难题的线索。  相似文献   
Interpretation of light trap catches of moths is complicated by daily variation in weather that alters flight activity and numbers caught. Light trap efficiency is also modified by wind and fog, and daily weather may effect absolute abundance (numbers actually present). However, actograph experiments and other sampling methods suggest that changes in daily activity are large by comparison to changes in absolute abundance. Daily variation in weather (other than wind and fog) is therefore a form of sampling error in absolute abundance estimates. We investigated the extent of this sampling bias in 26 years of population dynamics from 133 moth species. In a subset of 20 noctuid and geometrid species, daily numbers caught were positively correlated with temperature in 14 species, and negatively correlated with rainfall in 11 species. The strength of correlations varied between species, making it difficult to standardize catches to constant conditions. We overcame this by establishing how weather variation changed with time and duration of the flight period. Species flying later in the summer and for shorter periods experienced more variable temperatures, making sampling error greater for these species. Of the 133 moth species, those with shorter flight periods had greater population variability and more showed significant temporal density dependence. However, these effects were weak, which is encouraging because it suggests that population analyses of light trap data largely reflect factors other than sampling error.  相似文献   
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