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1 In a glasshouse experiment we studied the effect of raised CO2 concentration (720 p.p.m.) on CH4 emission at natural boreal peat temperatures using intact cores of boreal peat with living vascular plants and Sphagnum mosses. After the end of the growing season half of the cores were kept unnaturally warm (17–20 °C). The potential for CH4 production and oxidation was measured at the end of the emission experiment.
2 The vascular cores ('Sedge') consisted of a moss layer with sedges, and the moss cores (' Sphagnum ') of Sphagnum mosses (some sedge seedlings were removed by cutting). Methane efflux was 6–12 times higher from the Sedge cores than from the Sphagnum cores. The release of CH 4 from Sedge cores increased with increasing temperature of the peat and decreased with decreasing temperature. Methane efflux from Sphagnum cores was quite stable independent of the peat temperatures.
3 In both Sedge and Sphagnum samples, CO2 treatment doubled the potential CH4 production but had no effect on the potential CH4 oxidation. A raised concentration of CO2 increased CH4 efflux weakly and only at the highest peat temperatures (17–20 °C).
4 The results suggest that in cool regions, such as boreal wetlands, temperature would restrict decomposition of the extra substrates probably derived from enhanced primary production of mire vegetation under raised CO2 concentrations, and would thus retard any consequent increase in CH4 emission.  相似文献   
湖泊氮素氧化及脱氮过程研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范俊楠  赵建伟  朱端卫 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4924-4931
自然界中氮的生物地球化学循环主要由微生物驱动,由固氮作用、硝化作用、反硝化作用和氨化作用来完成。过去数十年间,随着异养硝化、厌氧氨氧化和古菌氨氧化作用的发现,人们对环境中氮素循环认识逐步深入,提出了多种脱氮途径新假说。对湖泊生态系统中氮素的输入、输出及其在水体、沉积物和水土界面的迁移转化过程进行了概括,对湖泊生态系统中反硝化和厌氧氨氧化脱氮机理及脱氮效率的最新研究进展进行了探讨,并对以后的氮素循环研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
氨氧化古菌的生态学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
上百年来细菌一直被认为是地球氨氧化过程的主要驱动者,2005年海洋中分离到迄今唯一的非极端环境泉古菌,发现其氧化氨态氮获得能源生长,是氨氧化古菌。氨氧化古菌和细菌对地球氨氧化过程的相对贡献率,是目前全球氮循环研究最重要的微生物生态学问题之一。已有的证据表明古菌在海洋氨氧化过程中发挥了重要作用,细菌则是土壤氨氧化过程的主要驱动者。本文重点探讨了原位自然环境下氨氧化古菌的生态学研究进展。  相似文献   
苏北沿海不同土地利用方式土壤水溶性有机碳含量特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤水溶性有机碳(WSOC)是土壤碳循环最活跃的组成部分之一。土地利用方式的改变可能显著影响土壤有机碳的组成和结构,进而影响到大气与土壤间的碳交换。本研究以苏北沿海地区农田、杨农复合经营、杨树纯林以及草地等4种不同土地利用方式土壤为研究对象,采用TOC-VCPN总有机碳仪测定了4种不同土地方式下土壤WSOC含量的变化。分析了土壤WSOC与土壤总有机碳(TOC)、易氧化碳(ROC)及理化性质的相关关系。结果表明:WSOC和TOC、土壤全氮(TN)、ROC呈显著正相关,与碳氮比、pH、土壤容重呈显著负相关;WSOC的含量随土层的加深而减少,与总有机碳的变化特征一致,在各个土层,不同土地利用方式WSOC含量差异不显著;农田和草地的WSOC含量在0~10cm土层与10~25cm土层之间差异显著(P<0.05),杨农复合经营的WSOC含量在10~25cm土层与25~40cm土层之间差异显著(P<0.05),其他3种类型差异不显著。  相似文献   
New pathways for ammonia conversion in soil and aquatic systems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Ammonia conversion processes are essential for most soil and aquatic systems. Under natural conditions, the many possible reactions are difficult to analyze. For example, nitrification and denitrification have long been regarded as separate phenomena performed by different groups of bacteria in segregated areas of soils, sediments or aquatic systems sequentially in time. It has now been established that strict segregation in place and time of the two processes is not necessary and that both denitrifiers and nitrifiers have versatile metabolisms. However, the rates described for aerobic denitrifiers are very low compared to the rates observed under anoxic conditions. Also the rates of nitrifier denitrification are quite low, indicating that these conversions may not play an important role under natural conditions. In addition, these processes often result in the emission of quite large amounts of undesirable products, NO and N2O. Heterotrophic nitrification might be of relevance for systems, that contain a high carbon to nitrogen ratio. Recently, a novel process (Anammox) has been discovered in which ammonium serves as the electron donor for denitrification of nitrite into dinitrogen gas. 15N labeling studies showed that hydrazine and hydroxylamine were important intermediates in this process. Enrichment cultures on ammonium, nitrite and bicarbonate resulted in the dominance of one morphotypical microorganism. The growth rate of the cultures is extremely low (doubling time 11 days), but the affinity for ammonium and nitrite and the conversion rates (9.2 10–4 mol kg–1 s–1) are quite high. Some of the reported high nitrogen losses in soil and aquatic systems might be attributed to anaerobic ammonium oxidation. In addition, this conversion offers new opportunities for nitrogen removal, when it is combined with recently developed processes for partial nitrification.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the vanadate (V(v))-dependent oxidation of NADH was different in phosphate buffers and in phosphate-free media. In phosphate-free media (aqueous medium or HEPES buffer) the vanadyl (V(v)) generated by the direct V(v)-dependent oxidation of NADH formed a complex with V(v). In phosphate buffers V(v) autoxidized instead of forming a complex with V(v). The generated superoxide radical (O2) initiated, in turn, a high-rate free radical chain oxidation of NADH. Phosphate did not stimulate the V(v)-dependent NADH oxidation catalyzed by O2-generating systems. Monovanadate proved to be a stronger catalyzer of NADH oxidation as compared to polyvanadate.  相似文献   
The emission of the greenhouse gas CH4 from ricepaddies is strongly influenced by management practicessuch as the input of ammonium-based fertilisers. Weassessed the impact of different levels (200 and 400kgN.ha–1) of urea and (NH4)2HPO4on the microbial processes involved in production andconsumption of CH4 in rice field soil. We usedcompartmented microcosms which received fertilisertwice weekly. Potential CH4 production rates weresubstantially higher in the rice rhizosphere than inunrooted soil, but were not affected by fertilisation.However, CH4 emission was reduced by the additionof fertiliser and was negatively correlated with porewater NH 4 plus concentration, probably as theconsequence of elevated CH4 oxidation due tofertilisation. CH4 oxidation as well as numbersof methanotrophs was distinctly stimulated by theaddition of fertiliser and by the presence of the riceplant. Without fertiliser addition,nitrogen-limitation of the methanotrophs will restrictthe consumption of CH4. This may have a majorimpact on the global CH4 budget, asnitrogen-limiting conditions will be the normalsituation in the rice rhizosphere. Elevated potentialnitrifying activities and numbers were only detectedin microcosms fertilised with urea. However, asubstantial part of the nitrification potential in therhizosphere of rice was attributed to the activity ofmethanotrophs, as was demonstrated using theinhibitors CH3F and C2H2.  相似文献   
NAD+-linked primary and secondary alcohol dehydrogenase activity was detected in cell-free extracts of propane-grown Rhodococcus rhodochrous PNKb1. One enzyme was purified to homogeneity using a two-step procedure involving DEAE-cellulose and NAD-agarose chromatography and this exhibited both primary and secondary NAD+-linked alcohol dehydrogenase activity. The Mr of the enzyme was approximately 86,000 with subunits of Mr 42,000. The enzyme exhibited broad substrate specificity, oxidizing a range of short-chain primary and secondary alcohols (C2–C8) and representative cyclic and aromatic alcohols. The pH optimum was 10. At pH 6.5, in the presence of NADH, the enzyme catalysed the reduction of ketones to alcohols. The K m values for propan-1-ol, propan-2-ol and NAD were 12 mM, 18 mM and 0.057 mM respectively. The enzyme was inhibited by metal-complexing agents and iodoacetate. The properties of this enzyme were compared with similar enzymes in the current literature, and were found to be significantly different from those thus far described. It is likely that this enzyme plays a major role in the assimilation of propane by R. rhodochrous PNKb1.Abbreviations HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - DEAE diethyl amino ethyl - IEF isoelectrofocusing - NTG nitrosoguanidine - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - pI isoelectric point  相似文献   
Hydroxyl or peroxyl radicals and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) are known to cause the oxidation of lipoproteins. Here, we examined Cu2+-binding property of paraoxonase 1 (PON1), and antioxidant actions of peptides, resembling His residue-containing sequences in PON1, against oxidations by Cu2+, peroxyl radicals or HOCl. When Cu2+-binding property of PON1 was examined spectrophotometrically, the maximal Cu2+ binding was achieved at 1:1 molar ratio of PON1: Cu2+. Additionally, Cu2+-catalyzed oxidative inactivation of PON1 was prevented by Ca2+-depleted PON1 at 1:1 ratio, but not diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-modified PON1, suggesting the participation of His residue in Cu2+-binding. When His-containing peptides were examined for antioxidant actions, those with either His residue at N-terminal position 2 or 3, or His-Pro sequence at C-terminal remarkably prevented Cu2+-mediated low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and PON1 inactivation. Especially, FHKALY, FHKY or NHP efficiently prevented Cu2+-induced LDL oxidation (24 h), indicating a tight binding of Cu2+ by peptides. In support of this, the peptide/Cu2+ complexes exhibited a superoxide-scavenging activity. Separately, in oxidations by 2,2'-azobis-2-amidinopropane hydrochloride or HOCl, the presence of Tyrosine (Tyr) or Cysteine (Cys) residue markedly enhanced antioxidant action of His-containing peptides. These results indicate that His-containing peptides with Tys or Cys residues correspond to broad spectrum antioxidants in oxidation models employing Cu2+, 2,2'-azobis-2-amidinopropane hydrochloride (AAPH) or HOCl.  相似文献   
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