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We have previously shown that the secreted M. tuberculosis complex proteins CFP-10 and ESAT-6 form a tight, 1:1 complex, which may represent their functional form. In the work reported here a combination of yeast two-hybrid and biochemical analysis has been used to characterise complex formation between two other pairs of CFP-10/ESAT-6 family proteins (Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/Rv3020c) and to determine whether complexes can be formed between non-genome paired members of the family. The results clearly demonstrate that Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/3020c form tight complexes, as initially observed for CFP-10/ESAT-6. The closely related Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/Rv3020c proteins are also able to form non-genome paired complexes (Rv0287/Rv3019c and Rv0288/Rv3020c), but are not capable of binding to the more distantly related CFP-10/ESAT-6 proteins.  相似文献   
宽叶泽苔草居群内遗传多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
(武汉大学生命科学学院植物系统学与进化生物学研究室,武汉430072)摘要:采用RAPD分子标记对宽叶泽苔草(Caldesiagrandis)湖南浪畔湖居群30个家系共180个子代样品进行了居群内家系间以及家系内的遗传多样性分析。从100个随机引物中筛选出12个有效引物,共产生112条带,其中79条表现出多态性,占总条带数的70.5%。宽叶泽苔草各个家系多态位点百分率(PPB)在7.1%–40.2%之间。各个家系基因多样性范围在0.02–0.14之间(家系水平的基因多样性为0.10),Shannon指数的范围在0.04–0.21之间(家系水平的Shannon指数为0.18)。对宽叶泽苔草30个家系的AMOVA分析结果显示,家系间的基因分化系数Gst=0.231,即总的变异中有23.1%的变异存在于家系间,家系内的遗传变异占总遗传变异的76.9%,家系间和家系内变异均极显著(P<0.001)。采用UPGMA法对宽叶泽苔草30个家系180个子代进行聚类的结果表明:同一家系的子代个体并不能完全聚在一起。基于家系间的遗传分化系数Gst对宽叶泽苔草30个家系间的基因流进行估测,结果显示:Nm=0.83,表明宽叶泽苔草各个家系之间有较高的基因流。  相似文献   
以中油四号油桃(Prunus persica var. nectarina)为研究对象, 利用MEGA 6.0、MEME、GSDS和DNAMAN 6.0等软件对桃ERF家族数据进行生物信息学分析, 鉴定得到102个ERF转录因子家族基因, 并通过构建系统进化树将这102个基因分为10个子家族(I-X)。基因结构分析表明, 有81个基因不含内含子, 20个基因含有1个内含子, 有1个基因与其它成员差异较大, 含有5个内含子。保守元件分析表明, ERF家族包含20个保守元件, 其中Motif 1、Motif 2和Motif 4都属于AP2/ERF结构域, 同一个保守元件主要出现在同一个子家族中, 并且大部分保守元件的功能未知。VIII子家族基因的荧光定量PCR分析表明, 在桃叶芽处于不同的发育状态时, PpeERF068的表达量存在较大差异, 光照培养箱中培养的桃芽在萌发过程中各时期表达量变化趋势进一步表明该基因可能与叶芽萌发有关, 将其命名为PpeEBB1。该研究为进一步揭示PpeEBB1的分子机制奠定了基础, 并为桃树的栽培管理和熟期调控了提供理论指导。  相似文献   
With the world-wide increase of patients with renal failure, the development of functional renal replacement therapies have gained significant interest and novel technologies are rapidly evolving. Currently used renal replacement therapies insufficiently remove accumulating waste products, resulting in the uremic syndrome. A more preferred treatment option is kidney transplantation, but the shortage of donor organs and the increasing number of patients waiting for a transplant warrant the development of novel technologies. The bioartificial kidney (BAK) is such promising biotechnological approach to replace essential renal functions together with the active secretion of waste products. The development of the BAK requires a multidisciplinary approach and evolves at the intersection of regenerative medicine and renal replacement therapy. Here we provide a concise review embracing a compact historical overview of bioartificial kidney development and highlighting the current state-of-the-art, including implementation of living-membranes and the relevance of extracellular matrices. We focus further on the choice of relevant renal epithelial cell lines versus the use of stem cells and co-cultures that need to be implemented in a suitable device. Moreover, the future of the BAK in regenerative nephrology is discussed.  相似文献   
以模式植物拟南芥为材料,通过PCR和RT-PCR在DNA和RNA水平上筛选鉴定了DTX31基因对应的T-DNA插入突变体,对其表型变化进行了观察.通过半定量RT-PCR分析检测了DTX31基因在拟南芥不同器官及环境胁迫响应中的表达情况,结果发现:DTX31基因在根中表达最高,而在茎、叶、叶柄、花中的表达则较弱;盐和赤霉素使DTX31基因的表达迅速升高,盐胁迫2 h后的表达量达到最高峰,GA处理1 h时就达到最高峰,热激使DTX31基因的表达变化不明显.因此,推测该基因可能是盐和GA信号传导通路中的一个重要调控因子.  相似文献   
Isopeptidases are essential regulators of protein ubiquitination and sumoylation. However, only two families of SUMO isopeptidases are at present known. Here, we report an activity‐based search with the suicide inhibitor haemagglutinin (HA)‐SUMO‐vinylmethylester that led to the identification of a surprising new SUMO protease, ubiquitin‐specific protease‐like 1 (USPL1). Indeed, USPL1 neither binds nor cleaves ubiquitin, but is a potent SUMO isopeptidase both in vitro and in cells. C13orf22l—an essential but distant zebrafish homologue of USPL1—also acts on SUMO, indicating functional conservation. We have identified invariant USPL1 residues required for SUMO binding and cleavage. USPL1 is a low‐abundance protein that colocalizes with coilin in Cajal bodies. Its depletion does not affect global sumoylation, but causes striking coilin mislocalization and impairs cell proliferation, functions that are not dependent on USPL1 catalytic activity. Thus, USPL1 represents a third type of SUMO protease, with essential functions in Cajal body biology.  相似文献   
李兵  刘柳  单婷婷  郭顺星 《菌物学报》2021,40(6):1369-1379
蜜环菌是一种兼性腐生和寄生的真菌,通过降解伴栽基质并为药用植物(天麻)或菌物(猪苓)提供营养物质,而糖苷水解酶是这一过程的主要酶类.本研究从蜜环菌Armillaria mellea 541菌株转录数据库中共获得糖苷水解酶家族基因170个,分布于39个亚家族.进一步分析发现,这些家族基因编码的糖苷水解酶家族蛋白(glyc...  相似文献   
 We previously isolated three chitin synthase genes (chsA, chsB, and chsC) from Aspergillus nidulans. In the present work, we describe the isolation and characterization of another chitin synthase gene, named chsD, from A. nidulans. Its deduced amino acid sequence shows 56.7% and 55.9% amino acid identity, respectively, with Cal1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chs3 of Candida albicans. Disruption of chsD caused no defect in cell growth or morphology during the asexual cycle and caused no decrease in chitin content in hyphae. However, double disruption of chsA and chsD caused a remarkable decrease in the efficiency of conidia formation, while double disruption of chsC and chsD caused no defect. Thus it appears that chsA and chsD serve redundant functions in conidia formation.  相似文献   
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